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七年级下册英语教案 篇一


本单元以家庭为话题,以家庭介绍为任务学习That’s my sister. These are my brothers. Who is she?等句型的使用。要求学生能够做到:






另外,由于计划生育政策的施行,同学们的兄弟姐妹少了,这对于brother, sister的概念的表达可能有些不利。但是,中国是一个注重家庭的国家,本单元的学习会让学生了解不同国家的家庭结构间的不同。同时由于班级内可能有来自单亲家庭的同学,在授课时要注意保护学生,不要伤及学生的自尊,同时要注意培养学生的移情能力。




Period 1 (A1, 3a, B3)

I. Teaching Objectives

1. Knowledge Objectives:

(1) Expressions: sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family, those, who, oh, these, those, they.

(uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, nephew, here, photo )

(2) Structure: That’s my family. Those are my parents. Who’s she? She’s my sister. Oh, and these are my brothers.

3) Grammar: The plural forms of the demonstrative pronouns.

2. Ability Objectives:

(1) Learn how to introduce the family.

(2) Get Ss to know the names of the various members of a family.

3. Moral Objectives: Father and mother, I love you!

II. Teaching Importance(focus)

(1) Learn how to introduce the family.

(2) Get Ss to know the names of the various members of a family.

(3) Get Ss to know the differences between this/that is and these/those are.

(4) Get Ss to know who questions

III. Teaching Difficulties

1. 因为单复数的问题,学生对this与these,that与those的转换可能会弄错,

2. 在拼写时,学生习惯把mother写成monther。

3. grandmother,grandfather中d不发音。

Ⅳ. Teaching Aids

A recorder, multi-media

Ⅴ. Teaching Procedure:

Step l:Lead in

Enjoy an English song called the Finger Family, do daily greetings as usual.

Step 2: Pre-task

1. T: Today I’ll introduce a new friend.

Then show a picture of a boy to teacher new words about family members.

2. Work on 1a, match the words.

3. Listening practice: Do A 1b, first listen and circle the words, then imitate.

4. Look at the picture on SB P7, ask and answer in pairs.

Step 3:While-task

Photo show. 1.T ask and S answer

2. Ss ask and answer in pairs. Then Do A3a

3. Make a short passage about the photo. Then Do B 2b.

step 4:Post-task

Draw a photo of family and write about it, then share with friends.

Step 4. Sum up

Do exercises in class and check the answers


1.完成2号本P14-15 第一课时

2. 预习Unit 2 第二课时

3. 完成 Self check 2

4. 常规听读,听写作业

Layout of Bb

Unit 2 This is my sister. Period 1

sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family, those, who, oh, these, those, they.

That’s my family.

Those are my parents.

Who’s she?

She’s my sister.

Oh, and these are my brothers.


Period 2 (A2)

I. Teaching Objectives

1. Knowledge Objectives:

(1) Expressions: well, have, day, bye, goodbye

(2) Structure: Have a good! Thanks! You, too. Bye!

— Nice to meet you. — Nice to meet you, too

(3) Grammar: Yes or No questions.

2. Ability Objectives:

(1) Identifying people and the relationship.

(2) Find out the correct relationship.

初一下册英语教学设计 篇二


课开始,播放了两个视频,第一个视频可以起到复习section A部分的作用,第二个视频是我找本班两个学生录制的,是为了导入本节课的话题,由家规到校规,过渡很自然。而且通过视频,特别是本班学生的视频,更能激发学生的学习兴趣,拉近了课堂的距离。









七年级下册英语教案 篇三


在本 m.xiezuowen.net 节课结束时,学生将能够了解教室环境中物品的名称并在口语中正确使用My name is… Nice to meet you.等句型简单介绍自己,了解他人的姓名信息,进一步了解新同学;学生将能够了解单元任务的具体要求,并完成自己和小组内成员的姓名部分。


1. 学生将能够准确读出教室日常用品的名称并根据图片提示正确拼写。

2. 学生将能够在口语中使用Good morning,hello, hi,nice to meet you 向他人打招呼,正确使用句型My name is Gina. What’s your name? 简单介绍自己的姓名并询问同学的姓名。

3. 学生将能够初步了解形容词性物主代词my your, his, her的`用法。

4. 学生将能够制作班级同学中英文名字记录表中的一部分。


采用自主学习、小组合作探究学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片等来展开课堂教学、 Pair work 问答式的口语交际活动,进行 “打招呼和简单自我介绍” 的课堂教学和练习。本单元的教学法建议:词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pair work 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式。




1. 能够介绍自己的姓名:My name is …I’m…

2. 能够简单问候初识的朋友:Hello!/Hi! Good morning! Nice to meet you!

3. 能够正确使用形容词性物主代词my your, his, her


词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pair work 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和role-play的方式;


七年级下册英语教案 篇四












1、预习课本P23 Part 1 ,复习书上的六个音标

2、预习课本P23 Part 2 ,分别找出Jane 和 Huang Hua 的个人信息

3、预习P23 Part 3 ,根据所给信息把空补充完整

4、背诵课本P24 Part 4a 4b

(三)问题导学 再看课本P22 Part 2 ,回答问题。

Where is Jane from ?__________________________

How old is she ?___________________________

What class is she in ? _____________________

Where is Huang Hua from ? _______________

What’s his English name ? _____________________

Are they in the same class ? ______________



1、They are not in the same class ,but they good friends.


解析:same 意思是“相同的”,前面一定要用定冠词“the”,后面接单数名词。

but 意为“但是,可是”,起转折作用。

eg : We are in the same school ,but in different classes . 我们在同一个学校,但是在不同的'班级。



1、---How old ________ you ?

2、----I ________ ten .

3、---What _____ this ? -

4、---It _________ a pen .

5、----Who ________ that ?

----She _________ Lucy .

6、---What _________ these ?

----They ________ schoolbags .

7、---__________ this a pen ?

----Yes , it _________ .


1.What’s that _______ Chinese ?

A、 on B、 in C、 with

2.Is he ____________ English boy ?

A、 a B、 an C、 the

3、These are my _____________.

A、 book B、 pens C、a friend

4、---Is this your eraser ? ----Yes ,____________.

A、it is B、this is C、 it’s

5、 They are not ________ the same class ,but they

are good friends .

A、in B、 on C、from


(一) 根据句意和首字母提示填空

1.They are in the s________ class .

2、--How o________ is she ? ---She is 15.

3.Li Ming and Wang Fei are good f___________.

4、I’m in a h_________ school .

5、Is your p__________ number 3264-7853 ?

(二) 选择填空

1、______ is Zhou Lan ._________ phone number is 1358429764.

A、Her , her B、She , her C、She , She

2、What grade ______ your brother in ?

A、is B、 am C、are

3、---Is that a car ? ---No ,____________

A、that isn’t B、that is C、 it isn’t

4、Nine and eleven is __________.

A、thirteen B、fifteen C、twenty

5、_________ are good friends .

A、you ,he and I B、I ,you and he C、you and he ,I This is an English boy(男孩). His name is Jim. He is twelve. He is in my school. He and I are in the same grade. I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven, but he is in Class Four. I’m his good friend. He is my good friend, too. 根据短文内容, 补全对话。

A: Excuse me, what’s his name?

B: His name is Jim.

A: 6. ______________________________

B: Yes. J-I-M, Jim.

A: Where is he from?

B: 7. ______________________________

A: How old is he?

B: 8. ______________________________

A: Is he in your school?

B: 9. ______________________________

A: Is he in Class Three, Grade Seven?

B: 10. ______________________________

He is in Class Four, but he and I are good friends.

A: Thank you.

汉译英:1.布朗是他的姓氏。 Brown is his ____ ____.


Is that ____ ____.


They are ____ ____.


Let ____ ____ you.

15.给你。 ____ ____ are.

(五) 作业:请写一份自我介绍,内容包括姓名、年龄、国籍、班级、学校、电话号码。

初一下册英语教学设计 篇五

Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?


本单元的中心话题是pen pals。主要语言功能项目是talk about countries, cities and languages。语法结构为 Where…from; Where…live and what

language…speak。先以Activity1复习语言与国家的配对练习入手,Activity2a, 2b一个综合的听力训练来展示学生的听力能力,并以听力内容为基础,通过Activity2c中假设的两人对话操练来培养学生的交流能力,同时也引导学生多沟通与多交流。Activity3a是一篇email形式的阅读文章,并有相关问题由学生在阅读后进行回答Activity3b 是根据提供的信息进行填空的写作练习,Activity3c是一篇模仿写作,让学生给自己的笔友写一封关于本人信息的email。我在各课时教学中设计各种各样的小活动,通过Discussion,Classifying,Guessing等不同方式让学生掌握本单元的知识点,用学会的知识与外国的笔友自如的交谈是学习本单元的目的。



a. 重点词汇:

Countries: Canada, China, France, Japan, the United States, Singapore,

Australia,The United Kingdom, Paris.

Cities: Sydney, New York, Toronto, Toyo, London

Languages: English, French, Japanese, Chinese.

b. 重点句型: -Where…from? -She‘s/He‘s from…

-Where does…live?-She/He lives in …

-What language does she /he speak? -She/He speaks ….


a. 培养学生在文段中寻找信息的能力;

b. 学会用英文给笔友写回信,简单介绍个人情况;

c. 通过有效地小组合作,培养学生合作能力及团队精神。

d. 在连惯的听说读写活动中,训练学生的逻辑思维,快速反应能力和实践能力 ,







重点: 1. 谈论国籍、民族及其语言。

2. 询问并回答人们的住处。

难点: 1. 含from的where引导的特殊疑问句及其回答

2. 含live的where引导的特殊疑问句及其回答



Period 1 Section A 1a—2d

Period 2 Section A 3a—Section B2c

Period 3 Section B 3a---3c

Period 4 Summing up Section A and B and the grammar.


The First Period

Teaching aims:

1.Learn to express the main countries and cities.

2.Know something about the countries.

3.Master where- sentence structure.

Key points:

1. Words: pen pal, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, the United states, Singapore,

the United Kingdom, country, Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto,

Tokyo world

2.Sentences: -Where is your pen pal from? -He‘s from Australia.

-Where does he live? - He lives in Paris

-Where is John‘s pen pal from ?

Teaching aids:

Some cards with cities and countries.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1.Lead—in (1a&2a)

First greet the students. Then teacher begins the topic with the Spring Festival. Do you have a nice Spring Festival? Do you go to many places? I do. Then use the fresh pictures through computer to (来自 书 业网)teach the students names of countries, cities. Divide the students into groups, then show the flags and pictures, let them guess the names of countries and cites. At last finish 2a on page2. 通过这个环节,教师完成本单元的新单词的导入,通过提供给学生每个国家的地图,让学生猜出国家名称及相应的城市,学生能有意识的记忆国家及城市的名称,并为整节课任务的完成奠定最基本的词汇基础。在看图片时学生能够做到精神集中,并能激发学生的学习兴趣。


①Teacher says: I goes to many places during the Spring Festival, so I have many pen pals from different countries. One of my pen pals is Sandy. She is from the UK. She lives in London. Ask the students: Do you have a pen pal? Some say yes, some say no. Then go on with ―Where is she/he from?‖ and ―Where does she/he live? Ask some students to stand up and practice with teacher.

②With these sentence structures, ask students to practice them in pairs.

③Make a Survey to understand your classmates better.

上面这些句型的操练都是为了最后一个任务作铺垫。操练的过程中可以及时纠正学生的错误。然后让学生填写调查表,了解全班同学的笔友分别来自哪个国家以及居住在哪个城市,同时让学生认识和了解一些国家和城市相关地理文化知识,拓展学生的视野, 激发他们的兴趣。在完成任务的过程中运用where…from和where…live引导的特殊疑问句, 综合运用目标语言, 询问并回答人们的国籍和住处。

Step3.Listening comprehension(1b,2b&2c)

After practice, do a lot of listening exercises. Finish 1b on page 1 and 2b & 2c on page 2.在口头练习的基础上,在他们熟练掌握本课时句型以后再做这些听力应该是不难了,这样可以增加他们学习英语的信心。并且这些听力材料的设计也是层层递进,由易到难,充分考虑到了学生的层次,起到了很好的巩固作用。 Step4.Homework

Revise Section A1a—2d

Make a similar dialogue about pen pals

The Second Period

Teaching aims:

1. Go on to learn the countries and cities.

2. Master where- sentence structure.

3. Learn the new sentence structure: -What language does she/he speak ?

- He/She speaks…

Key points:

1. Words: language, Japanese, French, in English.

2. Sentences: -What language do they speak?

-What language does she /he speak ?

-She/He speaks ……

Teaching aids:

Some cards with cities and countries.

Teaching procedures:

(Brain Storm)

Use fresh maps of some countries, let the students say the names of these countries as quickly as possible.用这样一个小小的游戏,既复习了上一课时的单词又活跃了课堂的气氛,也为这一节课新知识的教授作好了衔接。使新课的导入自然又轻松。

Step2.Lead—in (3a&SectionB1)

The teacher says we have known the names of these countries, but do you know what languages do people speak in these countries? Let‘s look at the map and guess. Then do a matching exercise to consolidate the knowledge. At last do 3a and sectionA1.通过一系列的活动,让学生知道那个国家讲什么语言,学会说这些语言的单词,为下面的任务做准备。

Step3.Listening comprehension (SectionB2a&2b)

Do some listening exercise to review what we learned before.通过这个听力练习,巩固前面所学的知识,也为下一步的学习举了一个范例,相当于一小步导入。

1My pen pal is . She is from speaks has .

2.Teacher shows the information of pen pals from different countries to students and asks them to choose their favorite pen pals, then Ss introduce their own pen pals.

The structures::My pen pal's name is... He/she is from.... He/She lives in... He/She speaks…. He/She likes….

3.Discuss with your deskmate.

4.Make a survey about the information about other students' pen pals, including their names, ages, nationalities, countries, cities, languages.

初一年级英语作文 篇六


Students need enough sports and activities to do physical exercises and relax, but in some schools they are not given enough time to do outside activities. Its harmful for students growth. Teachers ask students to spend most of their time on studies. But when they feel tired and bored, students cant concentrate on studies. They are in bad health.

Its necessary to give students enough time to do outside activities. After good relaxation and rest, studens will work harder.

Pay attention to students health and growth.

