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英语读书笔记 篇一


Hello,everyone.I am so glad to stand here.First of all,I will introduce myself.My name is.。.,I am.。.years old this year.I have many hobbies,such as:reading.dancing.writing and so on.Also I like English very much.I think English is very useful for us,because many many people in the world can speak English,if I learn it well,I can talk with them and make friends with them.Besides these,I also like doing some exercises.Doing exercises can make us healthier.Health is so important for us,we can not doing anything without a good health.

So,we can do exercises togher in the future.I also like help others,when you are in trouble,I will do anything that I can.Of course,I hope you my classmates can help me too.At the last,I wish we can become good friends and everybody can get a good result at the end !

英语读书笔记 篇二

"Jane eyre" this a masterpiece of world literature treasure house, was I found recently. I carefully read. "Jane love" Britain is the author of charlotte. Bronte, she was born in a mountain town of Thornton, Yorkshire, England, is the village priest Patrick. Bronte's third child. Charlotte in August 1847, written in the novel "Jane love"。 Jane eyre main story to tell the story of the little girl Jane grew up from the girl. Jane eyre from childhood, no parents, adopted by kissing my uncle. Jane eyre died uncle, aunt, all the bullying. Later, Jane eyre was sent to an orphanage, living in there for eight years. And then, Jane went to a governess, finally married to Mr. Rochester.

I like the fifth chapter: to longwood (lowood orphanage)。 At the time, JianGang to the orphanage, she experienced a very hard day. The orphanage children a week can eat no more than two bread and cheese and coffee, and they eat the burned out of porridge't reply, up to very late every day in the morning to wait until the water washing a face, the teacher is very strict, do something wrong will be standing in the hall, but things have one teacher, miss Tan Bo son has broken some rules, let the students live a better life.

Jane eyre's misfortune makes me feel: it was a wonderful life now, we should cherish the life now. Setbacks are not strong.

英语读书笔记 篇三

One day, Charley bought a hot dog in a snack bar after school.

Suddenly, he stopped and raised his head high. He kept looking at the sky. It lasted two minutes.

A woman passed by. She saw Charley looking at the sky and she stopped and also looked at the sky.

The sky was blue. There were some white clouds. Charley still looked at the sky and didn’t move a bit. The woman also went on looking at the sky.

Mary passers-by stopped. They looked at the sky, too.

After a while, charley lowered his head. He laughed and asked. “What are you looking for in the sky?”

The woman said: “why are you looking at the sky?”

“I didn’t look at the sky.” Charley pointed to his nose, “My nose was bleeding.”

英语读书笔记 篇四

商务英语口语实训已经结束了,通过为期两周的学习,我受益匪浅,口语能力得到了一定的提高,同时还学到了许多英语知识。 本实训旨在使学生更加重视英语口语训练并掌握口语表达的有效技巧,使学生进一步强化英语口语能力以适应职业的需要,从而培养较强的商务英语口语实际交际能力。通过本实训,介绍几种有效提高听力和口语的学习方法,力图克服学生开口难的畏惧心理,最终为学生提高商务英语的应用能力、增强商务环境下的英语口头沟通能力提供具有建设性的语言学习启示,从而建立起具有持续性的语言学习能力。

本次商务英语口语实训主要学习了国际音标和情景剧练习。通过这两大部分的训练,培养了我们用英语朗读各种题材书面材料的能力,培养我们在没有文字凭借的情况下用英语表达自己的观点的能力,清楚而逻辑的论证自己的观点的能力,培养在特定的商务情境下不借助文字辅助资料进行连贯而得体的交谈的能力。 实训要求我们认真参与、刻苦训练,在准备阶段能运用各种工具解决所遇到的问题,必要时能进行成功地团结合作,在检查中能自如发挥,独立完成所要求的任务。

学习的第一大部分是国际音标。标准英语中共有48个音标,其中20个为元音音标,28个辅音音标。发音时声带振动且气流在通路上不受发音器官阻挡的是元音。发音时气流在通路上受到发音器官阻挡的是辅音。老师首先讲解了基础音标的读法,通过重新学习语音音标,让我对音标有了新的认识,发现了我以前在读音标时存在许多错误。对于口语中常出现的惯例性的特定读法,老师也给与我们及时的改正。让我们的英语口语更流畅,更标准。 在学习了基本音标的基础上,有根据这些音标列举出常见的单词、短语、例句,让我们能更好的消化这一读音,让我们的发音更标准。 通过音标的学习让我认识到准确的学习音标为我的英语口语发音打下了良好的基础,成为我学习英语的优势。通过英语音标记单词是快速记背单词的最有效的一种方法。如果熟练掌握了英语音标发音的规律,就能很好的背下单词。通过基础语音训练让我确信它确实带给我很大的改变,可以培养我的语感。而英语学习的最高境界就是语感的形成。这不仅让我们的口语变得更流畅、标准,也会在我们的英语笔试考试中起到极其重要的作用。


在面试时应做的准备工作,包括:面试前、面试中、面试后。 通过面试的口语对话练习,让我了解到面试时的常用语。通过把学到的英语知识运用到实际中,锻炼了我们的口语能力。同时面试也是我们步入社会的第一步,对我们的将来起着极其重要的作用。第二章《reception and visit》学习的内容主要是如何向外宾致欢迎词,如何与外商进行对话,以及与外商讨论公司合作的有关事宜。 通过学习这一部分的知识,使客人更好地了解我们的公司,相信我们的公司,才能更好的进行交流合作。第三章《meeting and organization》学习的主要内容是组织会议的流程,包括会议的开始,回顾过去,陈述会议目标,重申会议重点,提醒大家注意时间,评论与反馈,结束会议等等。第四章《negotiation》主要讲的是谈判的一些技巧,比如如何开始谈判,如何理解和赞同对方或反对和不赞同对方,如何进行讨价还价,如何结束谈判等等。第五章《marketing and sales》市场销售是对外贸易也是商务活动中重要组成部分,其中包括市场调查、产品介绍、销售产品、售后服务等方面。只有进行良好的市场调查才能更好的销售商品。

确的介绍产品,并安排正确的销售手段、提供最好的售后服务。只有做好这些,才能销售好商品。第六章《advertising and public relations》主要讲了公司怎样去做一些广告宣传,比如如何确定广告的目标和战略,如何制定广告的预算,如何设计广告的信息及如何处理公关关系等等。第七章《business telephone》主要讲的是当你不能亲自前往时,电话可以帮助你实现预定宾馆房间、进行商务预约、寻求商品信息、上午留言等方面的要求。,这样既可以节约时间,又可以不影响到商务活动。同时也学习了如何根据传真的信息进行电话通话,如何在与外国客户的交谈中获取更多的信息。第八章《business dinner》这一课主要学习的是餐桌上如何点餐以及正确的餐桌礼仪。 良好的餐桌礼仪能够给我们的顾客留下良好的印象,获得更多的青睐。给我们带来无限的商机。第九章《business presentation》在进行产品介绍前要通过三步选好自己的主题。一是确定为什么要选择这件商品,既要容易表达也要有足够的特点。二是要明确听众是什么类型。如果是同行,就要提供更多的信息。如果只是顾客,就要提出吸引他们的地方。三是明确听众知道些什么关于产品的知识,想知道些什么。通过这些过程,一定可以做出吸引人眼球的产品介绍会。



英语读书笔记 篇五

The Yu Hui of the morning is reddish half a day. I rely on the big tree, and the fine chews will be in the text. I cant help but be pensive ... childhood - a short and beautiful dream, it should be the most magnificent in life. A period of time, let people feel, nostalgia. However, in the pen, the people of different times, different nationalities, and different families have a different childhood life. To people showed the unfortunateness and pain of the world, the owner of the "childhood", the owner of Ai Lisha is full of sourness of the world: the parents have left him, and the grandfather is filled with hatred and cruel ... forced him. Even, step into the society,

struggling in the bitter sea of u200bu200blife. After reading this book, I didnt think that Ai Lushas childhood is also a tragedy, but it is not exempted. It is this time, the wind and rain rains, I will have a firm foundation for him to success, causing his life. Like a strong bitter coffee, although it is, there is no shortage of silk. Indeed, the long river, the time is short, the painful days are very long, but a talented wind and rain baptism, a routing along the mountain trek, there is more courage to give us, a gain. Looking at the mirror, you have already stayed away from the childs real years, but it is no longer the old piety of the old, but the past is simple, the past laughs, the past cute, past, fine aftertaste, only feel That kind of kind, although it is plain-boiled, but overflows unlimited growth years, I dont have it. I cant finish, I constitute a charming childhood. In the past, it is always beautiful.

Whether it is fortunate to be unfortunate, after all, it has become part of our life. It is important to collect every happiness. , Create a fruitful fruit for the earth, apply a gorgeous lotion for the blue sky.

英语读书笔记 篇六

Journey to the west is one of the four famous works in China, written by Wu Chengen of the Ming Dynasty. The characters inside are vividly portrayed. Monkey king hates evil like a foe. He is honest, so he listens to flattery, also known as sun walker. So he is clever, greedy, lecherous and a little selfish. He was originally the marshal of the canopy in the sky. Needless to say, of course, he is the pig eight precepts that people see people flash flowers and flowers fade. The Dharma name is pig Wuneng. He is honest, hardworking and dedicated to helping the master get the Sutra as soon as possible. He is monk Sha, also known as Sha Wujing. I am sad, kind, fearless of difficulties and dangers, and a little regardless of right and wrong. That is their master monk Tang.

This mythological novel almost tells all kinds of demons and ghosts to eat Tang Monks meat for immortality. Their teachers and disciples suffered all kinds of hardships. Under the protection of Monkey King and pig Bajie sand monk, they finally saved themselves from danger. What impresses me most is three dozen Baigujing. For the first time, the Baigujing turned into a girl and pretended to give something to Tang monk. In fact, he wanted to eat Tang monk. He was seen through by Sun Wukong and ran away; Besides, Bai Gujing didnt eat the Tang monk. She didnt give up and became an old lady again. She pretended to be poor and won the sympathy of the Tang monk. As a result, she was seen through by the monkey king and ran away again; Bai Gujing still refused to give up and became an old man again. He told Tang Seng that his daughter and wife were missing and came out to find him. The kind Tang Seng believed him again and took him in. When Baigujing just wanted to eat the Tang monk, he was beaten to death by the monkey king and turned into a white bone.

In order to obtain the Sutra, they worked hard all the way through mountains and rivers to subdue demons and subdue demons. After 91 difficulties, they finally achieved good results. Tang monk, Sun Wukong, pig Bajie, sand monk and white dragon horse were granted the titles of Tathagata Buddha respectively.

英语读书笔记 篇七

This winter vacation, I read a book called wild windmill. I was deeply moved. There were bend bridge adopted by Liu Si, clever red fan, Granny Yinqiao who likes to help cry, ah Chu who likes to play tricks and bully everyone. Later, Niu Niu, who learned how to swim, was put in prison to help people, but was regarded as a cheaters Bay. Ya Jie, whose parents and younger brother died, and her father were one Green dog cutting grass... So many stories, eyes full of tears.

In this book, everyone has a quality, everyone has a quality, that is love.

英语读书笔记 篇八

Nick is a good surfer.He wants to go to Australia for three months.But his parents don’t like his plan.They want Nick to go to college.But Nick still tries his best to make his parents agree.Because he wants to join an important surfing competition there.Later Nick join another surfing competition,and he win the first price——a thousand pounds!Then his father agrees with Nick’s plan,and affords his plane ticket!

英语读书笔记 篇九

After a few days of rain, let me read the book "grass house"。 He mainly wrote about the boys six years of elementary school in yau ma tei. Over the course of six years, he has gone through many seemingly ordinary but tear-jerking stories. In the book, the protagonist, mulberry, makes a lot of strange things, such as: making nets into nets; In the summer, running around in a cotton-padded jacket, etc. It makes him laugh. It also reflects the innocence and purity of mulberry. Grandma qin, because the school was built to open her home, so she and the school, often do something against the school. It is this kind of old and old, after the influence of mulberry and so on, also changed. And saved the drowning child. Unfortunately, he lost his name when saving a pumpkin. Its not easy being an old man.

The fun and unforgettable experience of mulberrys childhood in "the house of grass" makes me feel how precious the true love between people is in todays society.

英语读书笔记 篇十

This years Spring Festival, I read" the old man and the sea", is a famous American writer Hemingway wrote. I admire the old fisherman in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremittingly spirit, could succeed.

This novel is a description of a nearly sixty years old, alone in fishing, caught a big fish, but can not draw. The old fisherman and fish deal after several days, they find it is a big Malin fish over several times their own boats, while knowing that it is difficult to win, does not give up yet.

英语原著读书笔记 篇十一

Abstract The Old Man and the Sea tells the frustrated experience that the old fisherman fishes in the course. The theme is deep, and it is a song of praise of heroism.

“But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated” has been the classic saying and the old man also has been the most typical and the most representative of the Hemingway’s “tough guy”。 When Hemingway talked about the successful factors later, the little boy was mentioned in the same breath with the old man.

This paper starts with the details and it is divided into two main parts to discuss the indispensable roles of the little boy in the novel. It is him who helps to perform the theme of “grace under pressure”: during 40 days, the old man with the little boy went to fish but without taking a fish, when his situation was getting worse step by step, the little boy’s leaving was the heavy pressure that achieved the extreme stern for certain. However , it was so “heavy pressure” that his manner was graceful when the old man faced afterwards defeat and his optimistic, generous life attitude was worthy tasting by people carefully; it is him who plays the role of leading, inspiring to the readers, and increasing the appeal of the work, enriching the content of the work: although the little boy appears only at the beginning and the ending in the novel, there is nothing in his inner state but the old man, so his attitude and emotions towards the old man affects the readers’ emotions for the old m an quietly and gradually. And it is unavoidable that his inner feeling leads and impacts the readers’ emotions.

Key words: roles; the little boy; the old man; grace under pressure; The Old Man and the Sea.

英语原著读书笔记 篇十二

In the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign novels, "the count of monte cristo" is the most popular novels. Recently, I read the novel, follow host to experience his joys and sorrows. "The count of monte cristo" is mainly about the 19th century a man named Edmund was the chief officer of the tang dynasty when the captain, was between 2 of the er and lovers brother phil south frame, at he and his partners wedding was grasp to go to trial, and as a result of jobbery villefort took over this case, the tang dynasty, was sentenced to more than 10 years of imprisonment. Prisoners in prison, he met a priest, in talking to the priests, he won the rebirth, and have the wisdom and wealth. After prison, he was renamed the sailor first mountain, return those who have mercy on him, and then changed its name to the count of monte cristo began his revenge plan. In the way of revenge, in the end, all the sinners were punished.

The author through the novel "the count of monte cristo" reveals to us the dark side of the society at that time. The novel also reflects the peoples. For money, for fame, villefort couple even made the humanity behavior, m. DE villefort to fame, the future do not hesitate to go against his own father, for the money, he by this identity "judge" how many people dont know wronged; As Mrs Villeforts money worship, made her to kill her loved ones in order to obtain a heritage.

And this, is not straight also reminds us that we live in "you can do nothing without money" s people, walking in the society, life, to be placed in front of a beacon, self, and "the silt but not imbrued, turbidity qing lian without demon" quality.

英语读书笔记 篇十三

Didn't see the animation for a time, the only reason is that there is no better animation masterpiece can appeal to me, but this "despicable me" look tonight let me not stop laughing, I haven't felt it, seems to be the film, the film of that original moved been thinking over, replaced, although still have deep feelings of the movie, but has become less pure, or should I say is too pure.

Despicable me "in the first half《www.huabuqi.com》 of the imagination really let me be startled at various all sorts of strange things, the invention of Pyramid as well as the moon, stealing ideas and so on, but it does not keep this advantage, at the back we can obviously feel it in imagination too, repeated design makes the second half, monotonous.

But it is stubbornly find narrative logic in general make trouble out of nothing rigorous from cartoon, so "despicable me" still can not stop me every 3 minutes in the heart for this movie exclamation "too cool"。

For the film, but also for their development in the future hope, hope they later animation can do better, to create their own piece of heaven.




英语读书笔记 篇十四

Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince.This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth.Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose.

So he leaves there and travels into space.He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox.The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet.This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot.

I like little price adventures.He teaches me to be honest and love others.All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood.