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雅思高分写作范文模板 篇一


Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment. While we admit that preparation for employment is an important function of education, it is not the only one. We should see this issue with an all-sided view. In the perspective of society, education is for improvement. Students make use of what they have learned to create new theories and tools. This is the way in which our human society develops. And also, through education, government can teach people how to be appropriate citizens, thus in this way, people’s moralities and behaviors are constrained in a value system and the social stability can be maintained.

In the perspective of individuals, education can enrich personal lives. Through education, we can explore different cultures and customs. Thus in this way education can open our eyes and broaden our mind. And education can also meet interests of each student.

While of course, all the functions mentioned above have one common prerequisite: one can make a living in the first place. For this society is practical, many university students have studied for four years, but their ability to deal with practical things is too low to be acceptable. So education should provide the basic general knowledge to university students, so that they can be get employed and make a living. And if a nation wants to develop and to compete with other nations, it needs skilled workers to support economic development and to maintain the people creative, which can only be achieved through education.

So it has some sense to realize that students’ preparation for employment is the function of education, but it has far more function which should not be neglected. (280 words)

雅思高分写作范文模板 篇二

Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define?What factors are important in achieving happiness?

Happiness is very difficult to define, because it means so many different things to different people. While some people link happiness to wealth and material success,others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. Yet others think that spiritual paths, rather than either the material world or relationships with people, are the only way to true happiness.

Because people interpret happiness for themselves in so many different ways, it is difficult to give any definition that is true for everyone. However, if there are different kinds of happiness for different individuals then the first step in achieving it would be to have a degree of self-knowledge. A person needs to know who he or she is before being able to know what it is that makes him or her happy.

Of course, factors such as loving relationship, good health, the skills to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness too. But this does not mean that people without these conditions cannot be happy.

Overall, I think an ability to keep clear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in achieving happiness. By that I mean an ability to have a clear sense of what is important in our lives (the welfare of our families, the quality of our relationships, making other people happy, etc.) and what is not (a problem at work,getting annoyed about trivial things, etc.).

Like self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these are the two factors that may be the most important for achieving happiness.


雅思范文模板 篇三

题目:You can get up-to-date news from radio, television and Internet. Which one you think is the best to know about news.


Nowadays, there are all kinds of channels to get news, such as radio, television, newspaper and internet. In my opinion, internet is the best among these.

Since its invention, the Internet has been keeping booming as a prospective industry. Not only because it is a combination of texts, audios and videos, but also due to its convinience. It has threatened the domination of spreading news of the traditional media, and, I would say, is about to take control.

We can find what we want on internet such as latest news, books, songs, movies and so on. With radio, we can merely hear. Compared with newspaper, radio and television can provide the lastest information. For instance, it was immediately availalbe of the breaking news of the Americans’ attacking on Iraq, as well as that the Twin Towers of New York were destroyed on September 11, 2001. However, we just cannot carry television.

Internet is a convinient way of getting information, as long as your mobile phone is connected or you possess a laptop. When I am on a vehicle, I usually have my cellphone connected to internet, then browse what happend in the past few hours, or begin a conversation with my friends. Reading newspaper is also a good way to kill time, but for me, a youngster, it is not so modern as “surfing online while being transported”。

The traditional media will never disappear, though internet has taken a big advantage in the competition. And definitely, there is still a long way for internet to go. Anyway, internet benefits me the most, and I highly appreciate it.

雅思范文模板 篇四





5、一定要有一个清晰的整体架构。 (一个合适的模板就可以解决这个问题)


7、要使用this, those, it 等代词,用来减少文章的冗余、重复。允许指代不清晰或不恰当的情况出现。






雅思范文模板 篇五


雅思范文模板 篇六

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment, others think it has other functions. Discuss and say what the other functions are?

You should write at least 250 words.

You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment. While we admit that preparation for employment is an important function of education, it is not the only one. We should see this issue with an all-sided view. In the perspective of society, education is for improvement. Students make use of what they have learned to create new theories and tools. This is the way in which our human society develops. And also, through education, government can teach people how to be appropriate citizens, thus in this way, people’s moralities and behaviors are constrained in a value system and the social stability can be maintained.

In the perspective of individuals, education can enrich personal lives. Through education, we can explore different cultures and customs. Thus in this way education can open our eyes and broaden our mind. And education can also meet interests of each student.

While of course, all the functions mentioned above have one common prerequisite: one can make a living in the first place. For this society is practical, many university students have studied for four years, but their ability to deal with practical things is too low to be acceptable. So education should provide the basic general knowledge to university students, so that they can be get employed and make a living. And if a nation wants to develop and to compete with other nations, it needs skilled workers to support economic development and to maintain the people creative, which can only be achieved through education.

So it has some sense to realize that students’ preparation for employment is the function of education, but it has far more function which should not be neglected. (280 words)


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on both students and teachers. Some people say they do a good job in the evaluation of the students’ performance. What is your opinion?

You should write at least 250 words

You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

From elementary schools to universities, students have to take many examinations. They even regard examinations as an indispensable part of their life. In most schools and colleges, examinations are used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in a subject. However, although they do the job efficiently, their side effects are also enormous.

Examinations are unable to evaluate one’s true ability. They can only test memory or the skill of working rapidly under pressure. Sometimes the future of a candidate may be decided in a single examination. How can one do his best when he is under the extreme pressure? In other words, it does not mean that all of those who get high scores on examinations possess creativity in dealing with various problems. There are many stories that examinations failures turn out to be great scientists or successful entrepreneurs.

Another effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. Students tend to lay emphasis on the content which will be tested. They are encouraged to memorize rather than to think. Moreover, examinations induce cramming during the exam week. However after the examination, most children forget nearly all the information and facts they stuff into their heads.

Examinations lower the standards of teaching as well. They deprive teachers of all freedom. Since teachers themselves are often judged by examination results, they have to train students in exam techniques instead of teaching their subjects. Furthermore, students are required to learn only what teachers tell them.

In conclusion, even though examinations have been used in the past, they should no longer be used as the only means of evaluation. They cannot assess a student’s performance in learning and they also have negative impacts on both students and teachers. (290 words)

雅思范文模板 篇七

Topic: Your neigbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your house/flat.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: Explain the reasons for the noise Apologise Describe what action you will take


Dear James,

I was very shocked to get your letter saying that the noise from my flat has been spoiling your evenings and causing you some distress. I am really, really sorry about that. I had no idea that you would be able to hear so much, so I hope you will accept my apologies.

As you may have guessed, I am trying to refit my kitchen in the evenings when I get home from work. Unfortunately it is all taking longer than expected and I have been having problems with getting things to fit properly. This has meant a lot of banging and hammering.

As the kitchen is still not finished, I have decided to call in a professional builder who will finish the work in the next day or two. He will work only during daytime hours, so you won’t be disturbed in the evenings again, I promise.

Sorry to have caused these problems.


雅思高分写作范文模板 篇八

In this time and age, it is conceivable that children bear heavy pressure from education, social life and commercial respect. This tendency involves several factors and I would elaborate on them as follows.

The most rooted one lies in the fiercer competition in the society. It is ubiquitous that the modern world is a one replete with competition. In an attempt to survive and attain success in future life, children are required to be accustomed to competing with peers in various situations, ranging from academic performance to personal skills. Besides, most parents place higher expectation on their children, urging them to study harder and diminishing their time on entertainment. Obviously, under such circumstance, excessive stress is imposed on children.

Another factor is that children should follow certain rules to be acceptable by others. Although sometimes they do not quite approve of perspectives or values of peers, they are not allowed to behave aggressively and even conceal their true feeling to maintain a stable and close friendship. In regard to the culprit of commercial pressure, intensive advertising campaigns should be blamed for. Toys and snacks are depicted attractive and tasty in TV commercials; consequently, it is difficult for children to resist the temptation and they tend to require parents to purchase those products. However, the fact is that the result is often contrary to their expectations.

In order to relieve children from high pressure, several effective measures are supposed to be adopted. First and foremost, children themselves had better to adjust their attitude towards exams or competition in schools. To be specific, composure and optimism are essential elements they should be equipped with when encountering challenges. In addition, parents’ encouragement and guidance rather than undue requirements serve the better purpose. Furthermore, government should play a regulatory role in advertising aimed at children, applying the power to censoring the content of commercials.

In conclusion, although it is regarded as a normal phenomenon in the wake of social development, children who are continuously under pressure are likely to suffer from mental diseases. Therefore, children, parents as well as the authority should make concerted efforts to address this issue.

雅思范文模板 篇九

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on both students and teachers. Some people say they do a good job in the evaluation of the students’ performance. What is your opinion?

You should write at least 250 words

You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

From elementary schools to universities, students have to take many examinations. They even regard examinations as an indispensable part of their life. In most schools and colleges, examinations are used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in a subject. However, although they do the job efficiently, their side effects are also enormous.

Examinations are unable to evaluate one’s true ability. They can only test memory or the skill of working rapidly under pressure. Sometimes the future of a candidate may be decided in a single examination. How can one do his best when he is under the extreme pressure? In other words, it does not mean that all of those who get high scores on examinations possess creativity in dealing with various problems. There are many stories that examinations failures turn out to be great scientists or successful entrepreneurs.

Another effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. Students tend to lay emphasis on the content which will be tested. They are encouraged to memorize rather than to think. Moreover, examinations induce cramming during the exam week. However after the examination, most children forget nearly all the information and facts they stuff into their heads.

Examinations lower the standards of teaching as well. They deprive teachers of all freedom. Since teachers themselves are often judged by examination results, they have to train students in exam techniques instead of teaching their subjects. Furthermore, students are required to learn only what teachers tell them.

In conclusion, even though examinations have been used in the past, they should no longer be used as the only means of evaluation. They cannot assess a student’s performance in learning and they also have negative impacts on both students and teachers. (290 words)

雅思写作高分范文:education only for employment?

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment, others think it has other functions. Discuss and say what the other functions are?

You should write at least 250 words.

You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment. While we admit that preparation for employment is an important function of education, it is not the only one. We should see this issue with an all-sided view. In the perspective of society, education is for improvement. Students make use of what they have learned to create new theories and tools. This is the way in which our human society develops. And also, through education, government can teach people how to be appropriate citizens, thus in this way, people’s moralities and behaviors are constrained in a value system and the social stability can be maintained.

In the perspective of individuals, education can enrich personal lives. Through education, we can explore different cultures and customs. Thus in this way education can open our eyes and broaden our mind. And education can also meet interests of each student.

While of course, all the functions mentioned above have one common prerequisite: one can make a living in the first place. For this society is practical, many university students have studied for four years, but their ability to deal with practical things is too low to be acceptable. So education should provide the basic general knowledge to university students, so that they can be get employed and make a living. And if a nation wants to develop and to compete with other nations, it needs skilled workers to support economic development and to maintain the people creative, which can only be achieved through education.

So it has some sense to realize that students’ preparation for employment is the function of education, but it has far more function which should not be neglected. (280 words)

雅思范文模板 篇十

The chart below shows the results of a survey of people who visited four types of tourist attraction in Britain in the year 1999.


The pie chart compares figures for visitors to four categories of tourist attraction and to five different theme parks in Britain in 1999.

It is clear that theme parks and museums / galleries were the two most popular types of tourist attraction in that year. Blackpool Pleasure Beach received by far the highest proportion of visitors in the theme park sector.

Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 38% of the surveyed visitors went to a theme park, and 37% of them went to a museum or gallery. By contrast, historic houses and monuments were visited by only 16% of the sample, while wildlife parks and zoos were the least popular of the four types of tourist attraction, with only 9% of visitors.

In the theme park sector, almost half of the people surveyed (47%) had been to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Alton Towers was the second most popular amusement park, with 17% of the sample, followed by Pleasureland in Southport, with 16%. Finally, Chessington World of Adventures and Legoland Windsor had each welcomed 10% of the surveyed visitors.

(181 words, band 9)

雅思范文模板 篇十一

The pie charts below show how dangerous waste products are dealt with in three countries.


The charts compare Korea, Sweden and the UK in terms of the methods used in each country to dispose of harmful waste.

It is clear that in both the UK and Sweden, the majority of dangerous waste products are buried underground. By contrast, most hazardous materials in the Republic of Korea are recycled.

Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 82% of the UK’s dangerous waste is put into landfill sites. This disposal technique is used for 55% of the harmful waste in Sweden and only 22% of similar waste in Korea. The latter)高考家长帮○www.kaoyantv.com( country recycles 69% of hazardous materials, which is far more than the other two nations.

While 25% of Sweden's dangerous waste is recycled, the UK does not recycle at all. Instead, it dumps waste at sea or treats it chemically. These two methods are not employed in Korea or Sweden, which favour incineration for 9% and 20% of dangerous waste respectively.(159)