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初二英语上册期中知识点 篇一

1. clothes, cloth, clothing

clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数, cloth指布,为不可数名词 clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of

2. incident, accident

incident指小事件, accident指不幸的事故He was killed in the accident.

3. amount, number

amount后接不可数名词, number后接可数名词 a number of students

4. family, house, home

home 家,包括住处和家人,house房子,住宅,family家庭成员。 My family is a happy one.

5. sound, voice, noise

sound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside.

6. photo, picture, drawing

photo用照相机拍摄的照片,picture可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing画的画 Let's go and see a good picture.

7. vocabulary, word

vocabulary词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,word具体的单词He has a large vocabulary.

8. population, people

population人口,人数,people具体的人 China has a large population.

9. weather, climate

weather一天内具体的天气状况,climate长期的气候状况 The climate here is not good for you.

10. road, street, path, way


take this road; in the street, show me the way to the museum.

八年级上册英语知识点总结 篇二




● What do you usually doon weekends? I sometimes go to the beach.

● How often do you eatvegetables? Every day

● Most students dohomework every day.


● always, usually, often, sometimes , hardly , ever, never.

● how often, once, twice , three times a week , every day.


1. go to the movies去看电影

2. look after = take care of照顾

3. surf the internet上网

4. healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式

5. go skate boarding去滑板

6. keep healthy=stay healthy保持健康

7. exercise=take(much)exercise=do sports锻炼

8. eating habits饮食习惯

9. take more exercise做更多的运动

10. the same as与什么相同

11. be different from不同

12. once a month一月一次

13. twice a week一周两次

14. make a difference to对什么有影响

15. how often多久一次

16. although = though虽然

17. most of the students=moststudents

18. shop=go shopping=do some shopping购物

19. as for至于

20. activity survey活动调查

21. do homework做家庭作业

22. do housework做家务事

23. eat less meat吃更少的肉

24. junk food垃圾食物

25. be good for对什么有益

26. be bad for对什么有害

27. want to do sth想做某事

28. want sb to do sth想某人做某事

29. try to do sth尽量做某事

30. come home from school放学回家

31. of course = certainly = sure当然

32. get good grades取得好成绩

33. someadvice

34. hardly=not nearly / almost not几乎不

35. keep/be in good health保持健康

36.be stressed out紧张的,有压力的

37. take a vacation去度假



1. How oftendo you exercise?你(你们)多久锻炼一次身体?

How often +助动词do(does或did)+主语+ do sth.?疑问词howoften是问频率(多久一次),(在这里助动词do(does或did)是起帮助构成疑问的作用)与一般现在时或一般过去时连用,回答一般是用表示频率的副词,如:once,twice, three times…, sometimes, often, quite, often, never, every day, once aweek , twice a month , three times a month , three or four times a month等。


“How often do you go to the factory?” “Twice a week. ”


“How often do they have a dancing party?” “Usually, onceevery other week.”


“How often does he go shopping?” “He goes shopping once amonth.”

2. “What do you usuallydo on weekends?” “ I usually play soccer.”




What do you usually do on weekends? I often go tothe movies.

What does she usually do on weekends? She sometimesgo hiking.

3. “What’s your favoriteprogram?” “It’s Animal World.”

=What program do youlike best?


4. As for homework ,most students do homework every day .

as for...意思是“至于;关于”,常用于句首作状语,其后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式(即动名词)。如:Asfor him,I never want to see him here.至于他,我永远不希望在这里见到。

As for the story,you'd better not believe it.关于那故事,你最好不要相信。

翻译:至于我自己,我现在不想去。 (Asfor myself, I don’t want to go now. )

至于那个人,我什么都不知道。(Asfor the man, I know nothing about him.)

5. Mom wants me to getup at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her .

want to do sth.意思是“想要做某事”;

want sb. to do sth.意思是“想要某人做某事”。如:

Do you want to go to themovies with me?你想和我一起去看电影吗?

The teacher doesn't wantus to eat hamburgers.老师不想让我们吃汉堡包。

6. She says it’s good formy health.

be good for...表示“对……有益(有好处)”;其反义为:bebad for...。(这里for是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词)

如:It's good for us to domore reading.多读书对我们有好处。

Reading in bed is badfor your eyes.在床上读书对你的眼睛有害。

7. How many hours do yousleep every night?

8. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school .

9. My eating habits arepretty good .这里pretty相当于very 。

10. I try to eat a lotof vegetables , usually ten to eleven times a week .

try to do sth.表示“尽力做某事”,不包含是否成功的意思而trydoing sth.表示“(用某一办法)试着去做某事”。

如: You’d better trydoing the experiment in another way.


11. My healthy lifestylehelps me get good grades.

help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事

12. Good food andexercise help me to study better.


13. Is her lifestyle thesame as yours or different?

=Is her lifestyle thesame as your lifestyle or is her lifestyle different from yours? be the same as… / be different from …

14. What sports do youplay ?

15. A lot of vegetableshelp you to keep in good health .

keep in good health =keep healthy = stay healthy

16. You must try to eatless meat .

try to do sth.表示“尽力做某事”,不包含是否成功的意思,less是little的比较级

17. That soundsinteresting.

八年级上册英语知识点总结 篇三

on vacation 去度假

stay at home 待在家

quiet a few 很多

most of 大多数

decide to do 决定做某事

feel like 感受到

hardly ever几乎从不

stay up late 熬夜

close to 接近

so far 到目前为止

want to do 想要做某事

keep on doing 继续做某事

make sure 确保

pour...into, 把……倒入……

mix...up... 混合起来

change...into... 把……变成……

be glad to 很高兴

prepare for 为。做准备

hear from sb. 收到某人的来信

have enough time to do有足够时间去做

e afraid to do 害怕去做

in the end 最后

初二英语上册期末知识点 篇四

1. 词形转换

(1) adj. + ly → adv.

loud → loudly soft → softly quiet → quietly

clear → clearly angry → angrily easy → easily


fall → fell break → broke lose →lost throw → threw feel → felt


ill (同义词)sick (名词)illness





important(比较级) more important


9.invent(名词)invention; inventor




feel (名词)feeling


初二上册英语知识点 篇五

一、 v+ do

1. Let sb do sth 让某人做某事

Let sb not do sth 让某人不做某事

2.why not do sth = why don’t you do sth 做什么怎么样 为什么不做?

Why not put on a raincoat, its raining outside. 外面在下雨,为什么不穿个雨衣呢?

3. Make sb do sth 使某人做某事

I will do my best to make my dream come true. 我会尽我所能去使我的梦想实现。

Make sb + adj 使某人………..

The story makes us happy。

二、v+ doing

1. practice doing sth 练习做某事 our English teacher told us to practice speaking English

every day。英语老师叫我们每天练习说英语。

2. finish doing sth 完成做某事 my mum asks me to finishing cleaning up my room before

she come from work。 妈妈要求我在她下班回来之前打扫干净我的房间。

3. Enjoy doing sth 享受做某事

The boys are enjoying playing basketball 孩子们正在操场上享受打篮球。

4. stand doing sth 忍受做某事她不能忍受欺骗他人

5. mind doing sth 介意做某事? 你介意开门吗?

6. keep doing sth. 继续做某事

She will keep fighting in this new semester. 在新学期,她将继续努力奋斗

7. miss 想念 I miss you very much

Miss sth 错过………….he got up late this morning,so he missed the bus

Miss doing sth 错过做某事。He missed having the class,because he got up late。

8. Sb spend time with sb 与某人共度时间

I spend the weekend with my grandparents。

Sb spend (time/ money) 某人在某事花费时间,金钱

Sb spend (time/money)(in)doing sth 某人花费时间、金钱做某事 (人作主语)

I spent two hours (in)reading the novel last night.

It takes sb (time/ money) 某事花费某人多少时间,金钱 (it 作主语)

It took me two hours to read the novel last night。

Sb pay sth money= pay money for sth 为………..付多少钱。 (人作主语)

I paid ten dollars for that book

Sth cost sb money 某物花费某人多少钱 (物作主语)

That book cost me ten dollars。

9.succeed in doing sth 成功做某事

He succeeds in giving up the smoking 他成功地戒了烟。

八年级上册英语知识点总结 篇六







由“动词+后缀-ing/-ed”构成的形容词,在词前加more构成比较级。如:interesting-more interesting,bored-more bored。

由“形容词+后缀-ly”构成的副词,在该副词前加more构成比较级。如:slowly-more slowly,happily- more happily。

八年级上册英语知识点总结 篇七



2.否定形式:主语+didn't +谓语动词原形+其它。

3.一般疑问句:①Did+主语+谓语动词原形+其它? ②Was/Were+主语+表语?

4.特殊疑问句:疑问词+ did+主语+动词原形+其它?




否定句很简单,didn't 站动原前,其它部分不要变。




八年级上册英语知识点总结 篇八




eg. You should wait a little more.


--- I have a very bad cold.我感冒很厉害。

--- You should lie down and have a rest.你应该躺下,多喝水。

2maybe与may be


Maybe he can answer the question.   也许他能回答那个问题。

He maybe is from the USA, too.    他可能也来自美国。

2.may be中的may为情态动词,译为“可能是。”。如:

He may be from the USA, too.    他可能也来自美国。

She may be our English teacher.   她可能是我们的英语老师

3too many,too much与much too

1.too many意为“太多”,用于修饰可数名词的复数。如:

There are too many students in our class.  我们班上有太多的学生。

2.too much意为“太多”,用于修饰不可数名词。如:

We have too much work to do.    我们有太多的工作要做。

3.much too表示“太”,用来修饰形容词或副词。如:

The box is much too heavy, so I can't carry it.


八年级上册英语知识点总结 篇九


一。 一般将来时:一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。常常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow(明天), next+时间,;in the future(将来),later on等。

1. 构成:be going to/will+动词原形。第一人称也可用shall+动词原形。

2.特殊用法:(1)be going to 后接动词go/come/leave/fly(坐飞机)时,通常直接改用其进行时态:

E.g: Where is he going to go? / Where is he going? 他打算到哪里去?

(2)若表示有迹象表明要发生某事,只用 be going to,不用 will:

E.g: Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain. 看那些乌云,要下雨了。


1. Mr. King ___________________ (leave) for Beijing tomorrow.

2. I ________________ (visit) Cuba _______________ next Sunday.

3. Look at the sky(天空)! The sun _____________ (shine) brightly.

4. They _________________________ (be) a dancer in the future.

二。 感官性动词(如see/watch/hear/feel/listen to等)后面后接sb. do sth.或者sb. doing sth.分别表示全过程和正在进行。句中有频率词时,以上的词常跟动词原形。有when从句,常用动词ing.

I heard someone knocking at the door when I fell asleep. (正进行)

I heard someone knock at the door three times. (听的是全过程)

I often watch my classmates play volleyball after school. (频率词)


1. I saw him ___________ (fly) a kite just now.

2. He heard me _____________ (sing) a song when he entered the house.

3. We often watch them _____________ (play) soccer.

三。 动词作主语,常用ing形式。若位于句首表祈使句,动词用原形。

1. ____________ (keep) hair dirty is bad for us.

2. ____________ (listen) to me, please.

3. ____________ (stay) up late isn’t good for us.

4. ____________ (smoke) too much may cause cancer.

5. ____________ (keep) the room clean.


1. cheer sb. on意思是________________, 跟代词放_______________.

2. prefer的句型:

(1)prefer A to B

(2) prefer doing A to doing B.

(3)prefer to do A rather than do B.


(1). I like English better.(同义句)

(2). She likes P.E. But she likes math better.(合成一句) She _______ math ________ P.E.

(3). I prefer ___________ (skate) to _________ (row).

(4). Maria prefers ______________ (cycle) rather than ____________ (ski).

3. 长大成人_________________

4. one of的用法。

(1) One of my _______________ (teammate) ___________ (come) from Canada.

(2) One of the _______________ (student) ___________ (be) Lily.

5. be the +序数词+(名词)to do sth.

(1)He is the second one _____________ (help) me.

(2This is the last chance ____________ (win) the game.

6. be sure +(that) 从句/ be sure to do sth.

(1) We are sure _____________ (buy) the house.

(2) He is sure that he can get the ball.(同义句)He is sure _______ ________ the ball.

7. make的句型

(1)make sb. do sth.使某人做某事

E.g: I made you __________ (wait) so long.

(2) make或keep sb/sth+adj.(形容词)

E.g: Doing exercise makes me strong.


1. He makes me _________ (stand) all the time.

2. I make you _________ (angry)

8. keep (sb.) doing sth.使某人一直做某事

E.g: (1) You kept me _____________ (wait) so long.

(2) He keeps me _________ (stand) all the time.

(3) Doing exercise keeps you _________ (strong)

(4) We should keep ________ (try).

9. It’s too bad that he will go=It’s _______ _______ that he will go.

10. mind 的句型及回答。(P10)

(1) Would you mind ________ (put) the bike somewhere else?

(2) Do you mind my _________ (close) the window?

(3)I mind you ________ (smoke) here.

11. It’s /That’s very kind/nice of you的意思是_______________________________.

12. What do you mean by __________ (say) that?

13. 生某人的'气________________________ 27. 代表、象征________________

14. 尽某人最大努力做某事_____________________ 15. 对某人大喊 ___________________

16. 整理床铺_______________________ 17. 设法完成某事_____________________

18. 立刻,马上________________________________________________________

19.把音量调低_____________________ 20. 一个5岁的男孩_____________________

21. 跳高_________________________ 22. 跳远__________________________

23. 把时间约定在……_____________________ 24.(过去或将来的)某一天____________

25. 开心地做某事________________________________26. 不擅长…… _________________


(1). We had fun ____________ (play) the games.

(2). I managed ___________ (finish) the work.

(3). Let’s make it __________ 8:00 a.m (a/an/不填)

(4). He isn’t good at swimming.(同义句) He _______ _______ _______ swimming.

28. 生病的表达法(P25)

(1)He had a bad cold.(对划线部分提问)

(2)Mike has sore eyes. (对划线部分提问)

(3) He had a fever.(回答)

29. “许多”的表达方式:

30. “想要做某事”的表达方式:


(1). I felt like ____________ (eat) something.

(2). Kangkang would like __________ (make) a plan.

(3). Do you want ___________ (have) a good sleep?

(4). Jane wants to buy a coat.(同义句转换)

31. 祈使句,and/or+从句。

Listen to the music, and you ___________ (feel) better.

32. 叫某人做某事:

(1) He told me __________ (drink) plenty of water.

(2) I asked him __________ (take) some medicine.

(3) Miss Yang told me____________ (not stay) up late.

33. My _________ (tooth) hurt.

34. 照顾

I took good care of my baby.(同义句)

35. 请假______________________ 36. 请三天假___________________________

37. nothing serious

Is there __________ ?

A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything

38. 劝告别人用______________________ 和____________________________.

39. 为……担心_______________________

初二英语上册知识点归纳 篇十


一、 have fun doing sth.

【句型介绍】 意为\"做某事有乐趣\",其中have fun 相当于enjoy oneself,表示过得愉快。

1. 英语中的集体名词,如family, class, team等作主语时,若作为一个整体看,其后的谓语动词用单数;若强调其组成成员,谓语动词用复数。如:

My family is a happy one. 我家是个幸福的家庭。

My family are all watching TV. 我们全家人都在看电视。

2. 在比较级中,要注意than后面人称代词的格。


He runs faster than I / me. 他跑得比我快。

They get to school earlier than we / us every day. 他们每天都比我们到校早。


I like you more than he. (=I like you more than he likes you.) 我比他更喜欢你。

I like you more than him. (=I like you more than I like him.) 你和他相比,我更喜欢你。

3. 不定式作定语时,应放在被修饰词的后面,一般指一个还没有发生的动作。如:

Do you have anything to say about this? 有关这件事你有没有什么要说的?

4. 在比较句型中,than后面的谓语动词常常省略。也可以用相应的助动词来代替与前面相同的谓语动词,以避免重复。如:

Tom does better at the lessons than I (do). 汤姆功课比我好。

She ate less than I (did) for breakfast. 她早饭吃得比我少。

5. You\'d better ... 是You had better ... 的缩写形式。 had better 为固定短语,意为\"最好。\",后接动词原形,常用来提出建议或劝告,其否定形式是\"had better not + 动词原形\"。如:

You\'d better not stay there too long. 你最好别在那里呆得太久。

We had fun playing computer games. 我们玩电脑游戏很愉快。

【句式比较】 have a good / nice / wonderful time doing sth. 做某事有乐趣

Did you have a good / nice / wonderful time visiting that country? 访问那个国家你们快乐吗?

【特别提醒】 句中fun为不可数名词,表乐趣,前面不能加不定冠词。

二、 But I don\'t know what to do.

【句型介绍】 疑问词 + 不定式可作主语、宾语或表语。

I don\'t know how to get her help. 我不知道怎样才能得到她的帮助。

Where to buy this kind of seed is unknown to me. 我不知道去哪儿购买这种种子。

My question is when to leave for Tokyo. 我的问题是什么时候去东京。

【句式比较】 疑问词 + 不定式可转换成连词(原疑问词)引导的主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句。

I don\'t know where we can find her. 我不知道在哪儿能找到她。

How she will go there is still a secret. 她怎么去那里还是一个谜。

Her question is how she can pass the exam. 她的问题是她怎样才能通过这次考试。

【特别提醒】 疑问词 + 不定式转换成宾语从句时应用陈述语序。

三、 This is ... speaking.

【句型介绍】 该句为打电话用语,用来进行自我介绍,This代表我,speaking可以省去。

Hello! This is Tom (speaking). 你好,我是汤姆。

【句式比较】 Who is that (speaking)? 你是谁?that用来询问对方是谁,speaking可以省去。 Is that ... (speaking)? 你是。吗?that也用来询问对方是谁, speaking也可以省去。

This is Mary (speaking). Who is that (speaking)? 我是玛丽,你是谁?

Is that Jane (speaking)? 你是詹妮吗?

【特别提醒】 this不能换成I, that不能换成you。

四、 hear sb. / sth. doing

【句型介绍】 意为\"听见某人 / 物正在做。\",句中doing为现在分词作宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行,强调一个过程。

Just then I heard someone crying \"Help! Help!\" 就在那时,我听见有人在喊\"救命啊!救命!\"

【句式比较】 hear sb. / sth. do sth. 听见某人 / 物做某事,句中do为不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,表动作已经结束,强调一个结果。

I heard him sing three songs. 我听见他唱了三首歌。

hear sb. / sth. done听见某人 / 物被。,done为动词的过去分词作宾语补足语,强调被动。

Do you often hear this song sung by him? 你经常听见他唱这首歌吗?

【特别提醒】 在这些句型中的hear可换成see, feel, watch等感官动词。