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清明节的英语作文 篇一


On the eve of Tomb Sweeping Day, my parents took me to my hometown to sweep the grave. Stepping on the thorns on the mountain road, we came to the grave of our grandparents. In the face of our deceased predecessors, we all stood in awe and bowed deeply to their graves. My father handed me a lighted incense and looked at the rising smoke. The sounds and smiles of my grandparents seemed to appear in front of me. I was very sad to recall their love for me.

Next, we burned a lot of paper money for them, all of which are "hundred yuan bills". We sincerely hope that they can live carefree in another world! Finally, my father took out the prepared firecrackers and began to set them off. In the crackling sound of firecrackers, I silently made a wish: I hope my grandparents will bless my academic progress and the safety and happiness of my family!

On our way down the mountain, we took a shortcut and saw several tombs along the way. Closer look, there is a five pointed star on some tombstones, but the color has faded. Later I learned that it was a martyr who died for his country. My father told me: "our happy life today is what these martyrs bought with their lives. We should remember them forever.". My heart was very excited, and the azaleas all over the mountain seemed to understand my mind. At this time, they opened more brightly. Mother said, "azalea is also called Qingming flower. It blooms during Qingming Festival to appease the dead.".

So I picked some and put them in front of the tomb. May the martyrs rest in peace! Every year there is Qingming Festival, and every year there are different worries. We can't forget the kindness of our ancestors. We must study hard and create a better future!





关于清明节的英语介绍 篇二

1) 满眼游丝兼落絮,红杏开时,一霎清明雨。____冯延巳《鹊踏枝·清明》

2) 无花无酒过清明,兴味萧然似野僧。____王禹偁《清明》

3) 听风听雨过清明。愁草瘗花铭。____吴文英《风入松·听风听雨过清明》

4) 清明又近也,却天涯为客。____曹组《忆少年·年时酒伴》

5) 清明时节出郊原,寂寂山城柳映门。____杨徽之《寒食寄郑起侍郎》

6) 庭轩寂寞近清明,残花中酒,又是去年病。____张先《青门引·春思》

7) 一郡官闲唯副使,一年冷节是清明。____王禹偁《清明日独酌》

8) 中庭月色正清明,无数杨花过无影。____张先《木兰花·乙卯吴兴寒食》

9) 梨花风起正清明,游子寻春半出城。____吴惟信《苏堤清明即事》

10) 野棠花落,又匆匆过了,清明时节。____辛弃疾《念奴娇·书东流村壁》

11) 万条千缕绿相迎。舞烟眠雨过清明。____晏几道《浣溪沙·二月和风到碧城》

12) 残杏枝头花几许。啼红正恨清明雨。____赵令畤《蝶恋花·欲减罗衣寒未去》

13) 拆桐花烂漫,乍疏雨、洗清明。____柳永《木兰花慢·拆桐花烂漫》

14) 好风胧月清明夜,碧砌红轩刺史家。____白居易《清明夜》

15) 乌啼鹊噪昏乔木,清明寒食谁家哭。____白居易《寒食野望吟》

16) 几多情,无处说,落花飞絮清明节。____魏承班《渔歌子·柳如眉》

17) 燕归花谢,早因循、又过清明。____纳兰性德《红窗月·燕归花谢》

18) 清明过了,不堪回首,云锁朱楼。____朱淑真《眼儿媚·风日迟迟弄轻柔》

19) 时霎清明,载花不过西园路。____吴文英《点绛唇·时霎清明》

20) 拆桐花烂熳,乍疏雨、洗清明。____柳永《木兰花慢·拆桐花烂熳》

21) 试上吴门窥郡郭,清明几处有新烟。____张继《闾门即事》

22) 清明天气。永日愁如醉。____杜安世《鹤冲天·清明天气》

23) 才过清明,渐觉伤春暮。____李冠《蝶恋花·春暮》

24) 帝里重清明,人心自愁思。____孟浩然《清明即事》

25) 白下有山皆绕郭,清明无客不思家。____高启《清明呈馆中诸公》

26) 东风惆怅欲清明,公子桥边沉醉。____张泌《满宫花·花正芳》

27) 况是清明好天气,不妨游衍莫忘归。____程颢《郊行即事》

28) 清明节,雨晴天,得意正当年。____薛昭蕴《喜迁莺·清明节》

29) 算韶华,又因循过了,清明时候。____王雱《倦寻芳慢·露晞向晚》

30) 内官初赐清明火,上相闲分白打钱。____韦庄《长安清明》

清明节的英语作文 篇三

QingMing festival is a day for us to make prayers to our ancestors. We used to make simple prayers by praying with simple cooked food and joss papers. However, over the years, quick thinking business men had come up with new ideas saying the spirits in the nether word also had upgraded, As such praying materials had also came with Iphone 5, Samsung note 3, Boeing 777, BMW cars, LV handbags, Channel perfumes. Ha, some people even think of burning a concubine for their grandfather.

我们过去用简单的熟食和纸钱做简单的祈祷。然而,多年来,思维敏捷的商人们想出了新的想法,称“阴”字中的灵魂也在升级,比如Iphone 5、三星note 3、波音777、宝马汽车、LV手袋和香奈儿香水也有这种祈祷材料。哈,有些人甚至想为自己的。祖父烧个妃子。

清明节英语作文 篇四

Another year is Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as grave sweeping day, which is the day when we pay tribute to our dead relatives and go to their graves.

Today, I got up very early because I was going to the countryside to go to my grandfather's grave. My grandfather's grave was in a county next to us. It took about an hour to take the bus. It shook all the way and arrived unconsciously. As soon as I got off the bus, wow! There are so many people! The county and the countryside got together today. We first went to the street to buy some small paper works and went up the mountain. It is said that there was a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival. This year's Qingming Festival is different. It's sunny. We can see the ancestral tombs on the mountain all the way. We first went to Grandpa's grave. According to our custom here, we should first remove the weeds next to the grave, and then carry out the ancestor worship ceremony, This year, the government stipulated that incense burning paper could not be lit on the mountain to avoid fire, so we just pressed some paper money on the grave symbolically, and surrounded the grave with YINGSHANHONG picked by ourselves.

After sweeping grandpa's grave, we have to sweep grandpa's grave again. After crossing a mountain, we arrive. Grandpa died of illness, so he is very young. On Grandpa's grave, grandma remembered many of Grandpa's past events and cried loudly. We all felt the same sadness when we pressed her down the mountain.

The one-day tomb sweeping activity ended in this way. Although it was difficult to climb the mountain, I finished the activity smoothly with the team. I like Tomb Sweeping Day.

清明节英语作文 篇五

It's very hot this afternoon. At one o'clock, my brother and I each grabbed a bag of paper flowers. My father took paper money and food. The three of us went up the mountain first. My mother and aunt were going to visit the tomb on the mountain later.

There are two roads in front of us. We still chose the previous road. My mother and aunt rushed from behind for fear of being too late. The stones were uneven and the branches blocked everyone's way. I almost fell.

Relatives came to the grave of great grandfather, and they began to pull weeds together. After a while, the grave of great grandfather The tombstone is clean. At this time, paper flowers will come in handy. I thought to myself. My brother and I held paper lace and stuck it on it with double-sided tape. The colors of paper flowers are very diverse, including bright red, blue like the sea, and yellow like corn.。. The appearance of paper flowers is even more diverse. We all planted some incense in the soil and then worshipped. Suddenly, with a "bang", many small papers floated down from the sky, and the sound of firecrackers spread all over the whole mountain. We also went to sweep the grave of our great grandmother and burned all the paper money.

清明节的英语作文 篇六

As we all know, April 5 is Tomb Sweeping Day. Yes, today is Tomb Sweeping Day.

Grandpa and I went to the cemetery to sweep the grave (www.huabuqi.com)for grandma and grandpa first. We first pull out the grass on the tomb, and then some tender willow branches on the tomb; Then burn the paper money. After finishing it, Grandpa asked me to kowtow three heads to grandma and grandpa. I wondered, "why do you have to knock three heads?" Grandpa couldn't answer, so he said, "go back and check the computer yourself!"

When we came back, we ate some cold food. What I don't understand is to ask, "why do you eat cold food during the Qingming Festival? "Grandma told me about the origin of cold food:" in the spring and Autumn period, there was a virtuous Minister of Duke Wen of Jin called Jie Zitui. After Duke Wen of Jin became king, he lived in seclusion in the mountains. On the day before the Qingming Festival, Duke Wen of Jin sent someone to set fire to the mountains to force Jie Zitui out of the mountains to become an official. Jie Zitui was unwilling to go down the mountain to be an official. As a result, he was burned to death in the mountains. Duke Wen of Jin regretted it, so on the next day (Qingming Festival) Ordered that fireworks be banned throughout the country, and only cold food is allowed. After that, it has formed the custom of eating cold food on the Qingming Festival. " I couldn't help exclaiming: "there's such a story!"

What a harvest today!





清明节英语作文带翻译 篇七

Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.


Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. It is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day. Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.


清明节英语作文 篇八

China has a long history of more than 5,000 years, so the variety of culture has been preserved. These meaningful cultures are treated as our national treasure. In order to remember them, the government has named the official holiday. Tomb-sweeping Day is one of the meaningful festivals. People have days’ off every year and the families will get together, sweeping their ancestors’ tombs.

People believe that they do this can bring good luck, because their ancestors will bless them. Some people question the meaning of this festival, because they think people are superstitious. As for me, I think this day teaches people to in honor of their ancestors and respect the culture. It is not something about superstition, but about showing respect to the culture. We need to pass on our culture from generations, or we will lose our national treasure.

关于清明节的英语作文 篇九

Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. Our school has a three-day holiday. After lunch, I asked my grandmother, "grandma, did we sweep the grave?" "No!" Grandma answered. "We're ready to go next."

I can't wait to go with my family to sweep the grave. On the way, I suddenly had a question, "why do you want to sweep the tomb during the Qingming Festival?" So I asked my father. My father talked endlessly: "Qingming is the first solar term in March of the lunar calendar. It is the time when spring returns and the sky is clear." The father paused and then said, "the custom of Tomb Sweeping on Tomb Sweeping Day began after the Qin and Han Dynasties. On the one hand, he missed his dead relatives, on the other hand, he offered sacrifices to his ancestors, hoping that their ancestors would bless the happiness and health of future generations."

When I saw people coming and going to visit tombs and help the old and the young, I couldn't help but think of Zhang Zeduan's picture of the river during the Qingming Festival in the Song Dynasty. It's really "rainy in Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls"。

清明节英语作文 篇十

There are many traditional festivals in China, among which the Qingming Festival is my favorite. Because Qingming Festival is the growing season of all things. At this time, I can go out for an outing and fly kites. More importantly, I can also help grandma make green dumplings and taste delicious green dumplings.

That day, my grandmother and I went to the river to pick wormwood. Grandma reminded me: "wormwood should be picked from the top, which is relatively tender!" I picked up a wormwood and gently folded it, and the wormwood went into the bag. After picking a large bag of wormwood, I brought an iron basin to wash the newly picked wormwood, and then my grandmother and I beat the wormwood with a rolling pin. "Dong Dong Dong.。." beat ah, beat ah, the wormwood flowed out of the green grass juice. After hammering, we threw away the wormwood residue and kept the wormwood juice for standby.

Start mixing dough! I pour butter, milk, eggs and high gluten flour into an iron bowl and mix well. Then I mix the prepared wormwood juice into the mixed dough and knead and press it with my hands until the dough looks smooth. Grandma pulled the big dough into small ones and rubbed them into round ones. Grandma has already prepared all kinds of fillings: bean paste, jujube paste and pickles.。. I first knead the dough into a bowl, then put in the fillings I like, and then close the "bowl" of the dough like Grandma. Ha ha, so the Youth League can do well. When all the green balls were wrapped, grandma put the finished green balls on the Ruo leaves and steamed them in the steamer. After waiting for more than 20 minutes, the fragrant green ball came out of the pot.

It is because of this delicious qingtuan that I have a special love for Qingming Festival.