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学习的英语作文 篇一


Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so we should spend time practicing using English. Besides, we should listen to the teacher carefully,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and recite them and attend English debbates and speech contests. Whats more, be patient and confident. Dont be shy and dont be afraid of making mistakes. We must understand that mistakes are unavoidable. So be patient with your mistakes and try to awoid them other time. I believe" practice makes perfect"。 If we study hard, we will learn English well.

学习的英语作文 篇二

How to Learn English Effectively?

There is no doubt that learning English is vital for us. On the one hand, English has become an international language that people can communicate with each other in many countries. On the other hand, if we learn English well, we could get more chance of success.

However, it is well-known that there are many methods for us to learn English well. There are some tips. First, we can study in a group to improve learning efficiency. Second, we could listen to English songs and watch English movies; this way is very suitable for student to improve their listening and speaking abilities. Third, I have believed that a great deal of practice can strengthen language knowledge.

In a word, it is natural for us to learn English well by making efforts. If we didnt work hard, we would never do well in learning English.

学习的英语作文 篇三

Learning how to learn is one of the hot topics in education at the order to understand its importance,it is vital to understand the following two points.

First,we should not follow other studentsway of is known to all that most students do not learn in the same way,they have their own ways to have heard from other excellent students,they introduce their way of learning,while for ourselves,we should adjust our methods according to theirs,but not follow them in all.

Whats more,many students do not take an interest in the process of learning and expect that by simply going to a lecture,for example,they will automatically study the subject matter.

It is impossible for them to learn better,they should work students master how to learn,they will have a better chance to acquire knowledge.

学习的英语作文 篇四

I personally think that English is difficult to learn English,I love english.I have been learning English is very serious.Although my English is not the best,but I will try todo it better.

I remember once,my English homework unfinished remember words one morning,I get up early to recite words,although I was very tired but English is a cumulative process.My English is so serious about.

This is my study of English style!

学习的英语作文 篇五

The English language has become an international language because it is used by people in the most countries in the world now.

In the open times, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must English because most of them speak and write in English, English is one of the working languages at international meetings, Today, most of valuable books are written inEnglish, If you know mush English, you will read newspapers and magazines in English and learn a lot of knowledge about interaction better. You also can do What you should do for the world peace.

English is very important to us, but many students dont know why ;hey should learn it. I hope that all the students should pay more attention to English study and use it freely.

努力学习的英语作文 篇六

Work hard With the development of society, more and more intense competition. Therefore, we must constantly upgrade themselves to adapt to social development. Therefore we need to work hard. First, we must acquire more knowledge. There is no doubt that knowledge is the foundation, especially in this modern society. Secondly, we must exercise our capabilities, for example, ability to communicate with people, teamwork ability. Because the capability is a guarantee of success. Finally, confidence is also very important. If there is no self-confidence, you will achieve nothing. We will be ready towards our dream to work hard to write my own colorful life.



努力学习的英语作文 篇七

Diligence is the key to be useful. "Are frequently compensated with good training, a hard points to", only diligent, can get good grades.

Hua luogeng is due to the diligence, to become a famous mathematician.

Hua luogeng in jintan county, home is very poor in childhood, dropping out of school at home, very early to help his father miscellaneous shop for a living, but he never give up the pursuit of mathematics. At eight o 'clock every night, go home after good accounts, to study their favorite mathematics, often study late into the night. In this way, day after day, year after year's efforts, hua luogeng finally got a chance to, when in tsinghua university math department assistant, he is very cherish the hard-won learning opportunities, he like a duck to water, swam in the sea of mathematics every day, give yourself only five or six hours of sleep time, it is really hard to believe. Hua luogeng even developed after lights out, also can the habit of reading. He, of course, there is no specific function, is just a kind of logical thinking activity of the mind. Under the lamp, he took a book and look at the topic to think for a moment, and turning in bed, close the meditation, start, to solve the problem in your mind run into difficulties, then turn off the bed, open the book for a while. In this way, a book can see ten days, he you can finish it 2 days, otherwise can't sleep. Hua luogeng who is considered the unusual assistant. After studying so hard to learn, later, became a famous mathematician.

We learn from hua luogeng, in the later study, should be hard work, hard work, so as to achieve good results.



华罗庚出生于江苏金坛县,小时候家里很清贫,很早就辍学在家,帮父亲打理杂铺为生,但他从没有放弃对数学的追求。每天晚上八点,回家算好帐目后,才能钻研自己喜欢的数学,常常学习到深夜。就这样,日复一日,年复一年的努力,华罗庚终于得到机会,在清华大学当数学系助理员,他非常珍惜来之不易的学习机会,他如鱼得水,每天都游弋在数学的海洋里,只给自己留下五、六个小时睡眠时间,说起来真是让人难以相信。华罗庚甚至养成了熄灯之后,也能看书的习惯。他当然没有什么特 不器文库 异功能,只是头脑中的一种逻辑思维活动。他在灯下拿来一本书,看着题目思考一会儿,然后熄灯躺在床上,闭目静思,开始在头脑中做题,碰到难处,再翻身下床,打开书看一会儿。就这样,一本能看十天的书,他二天就能看完,要不然睡不着觉。华罗庚被人们看成不寻常的助理员。也就是经过这样勤奋学习再学习,后来,成为了著名的数学家。


努力学习的英语作文 篇八

Nowadays, with the development of technology, people can do a lot of things through computers. Some people can work at home because they can manipulate the business by Internet. In the developed countries, a new form of study has been carried out, many young people choose to study online.


On the one hand, studying online can save people a lot of time. For some people, the school is so far away from their home, it takes a long time to go to school. If they study online, they don’t need to spend the time on the road, they just click on the button and then the knowledge is presented.


On the other hand, studying online also saves a lot of money. Without the large spend on the education and the fees on other sides, many families struggle to pay for their children’s educational cost. Studying online costs little, even for free. It provides a good way for some people who want to learn knowledge while without enough money.
