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学好英语b级的十个阶段 篇一


It always starts like this… Whether you did it for fun or necessity, you probably struck out on this path with good intentions, high motivation and a spectacular fireworks show of new insights. A good start is half the battle!



Then comes the brief period in which it seems like your entire existence revolves around the effort to penetrate this new language and culture. I don’t know if that’s ever happened to you, but it’s always that way for me. When I learned French, everything I did had to shimmer with Parisian elegance.



After the manic phase is over, the time comes for the actual language learning to begin. And it’s exactly at this point that the first setbacks emerge. You’ll first be overcome with a feeling of sheer panic… because nothing you learn seems to stay in your memory. The words seem so different than anything familiar to you and you can’t make any connection between them. Not to mention the many verb forms. It’s at this stage that you’ll feel the temptation to simply disappear and leave it all behind.



We all know that the key to fast progress when learning a language is practice – preferably with a native speaker. Sounds easy. But putting this knowledge into practice is something totally different. In truth we’re all incurably shy, and it’s hard for us to get past ourselves and show our vulnerable sides. The secret is to always ask yourself, “What could happen if I make a mistake?” The answer: nothing terrible!


5、Lack of Understanding缺乏理解

It usually goes something like this: you’ve finally found the courage to jump in the deep end. You’ve rehearsed everything you want to say over and over in your head and even practiced in front of the mirror so you look as cool as possible when you say it. You finally get the opportunity to use your knowledge on the lady at the register, on a passerby or on the waiter at the restaurant. You already imagine emerging from your conversation bursting with pride. But what happens instead? After listening to your well-thought-out sentence with a big 《www.huabuqi.com》smile, your conversation partner answers and… you don’t understand a thing!



Now comes a truly critical phase. “How can it be?” you ask yourself sadly. “I’ve been learning this language for months and don’t understand a thing when someone speaks to me. I have absolutely no talent for languages. That’s it! I’m done!”



And then something magical happens. It happens unexpectedly when you’ve given up all hope: suddenly you understand! Everything seems to be in order and you no longer have thoughts of trying to escape when asking a random stranger something on the street. Off you go! It’s all downhill from here!



At this point you’re suddenly sociable and your shyness is all but gone. You talk and talk and aren’t afraid of anything. Isn’t it great? Just don’t let go of the reins now, because there always lurks the danger of…



You feel so safe that no one and nothing can stop you. And it’s exactly at this point that the most embarrassing – but also funniest – things happen. A falsely-used word, one verb in the place of another, a saying that actually doesn’t exist in that language. But have no fear: you learn from your mistakes, and this is how you progress along the way.



It’s done: the new language doesn’t hold any more secrets from you. You understand everything and can speak without difficulty. You can even laugh at the mistakes that just a short time ago were so frustrating. Great job! As we said earlier, the most important thing is to keep at it!


大学英语b级考试试题 篇二


1、He ______ in the army for ten years, and he retired last year.

A) has served

B) had served

C) served

D) had been serving

2、I don t think this room will be big enough to ______ all the guests.

A) contain

B) hold

C) keep

D) swallow

3、An iron and steel works, with several satellite factories, ______ in that city now.

A) is built

B) is being built

C) were built

D) are being built

4、Hospital doctors don t go out very often as the work takes ______ their time.

A) away

B) over

C) in

D) up

5、The teacher doesnt permit ______ in class.

A) smoke

B) smokes

C) to have a smoke

D) smoking


6、What a (self) ______ girl you are; let the other children share your toys.

7、A few simple (modify) ______ to this work would greatly improve it.

8、I ve been reading a mystery story. Many (mystery) ______ events took place in it.

9、He looks rather (elder) ______ with grey hair.

10、By the end of 20xx, she (be) ______ in Beijing for 4 years.


Thus far, there is little evidence to suggest that technology will reduce inequality; indeed it may only intensify inequality. Technology is costly and it is generally impossible to introduce advances to everyone at the same time. So who gets this access first? As we travel further and further along the electronic frontier through advances such as telecommuting (在家办公) and the Intemet, the poor may be isolated from mainstream society in an “information ghetto (贫民窟) ”。

Drawing on a survey, the Census Bureau (国家调查局) estimated that only 6.8 percent of households earning less than $ 10,000 had home computers, compared to 61.7 percent of those with incomes of $ 75,000 or more. This issue goes beyond individual interest or lack of interest in computers.

The technological advances of the present and future may not be equally beneficial to men and women. Many studies have shown that computer games, which serve as an important means of early socialization to computers, typically involve sports or skills associated with the traditional male role. As a result computers camps have become mainly male settings.

Like money, food, and other resources, technology is unevenly distributed within societies and throughout the world. The technology gap is widening rather than narrowing. Although nations are exchanging technical data more freely than before, critical technology transfer is often kept back. The technology exported to developing countries may be poorly suited to the conditions of their economies and workplaces.

11、According to the writer, “information ghetto” is caused by ______.

A.the strict control of information

B.the rapid technological advances

C.the complete isolation of the poor

D.the existence of mainstream society

12、The data the Census Bureau collected indicates that ______.

A.technology has widened the gap between the rich and the poor

B.individual interest in computers might be a significant reason

C.the survey has covered more than enough investigation samples

D.the estimation by the Census Bureau is subject to correction

13、According to the writer, one supposed function of computer games is ______.

A.to divide social roles between boys and girls

B.to build up settings for sports or other male skills

C.to make the public get familiar with the computer

D.to intensify the inequality between men and women

14、It seems that critical technology is often ______.

A.unavailable to the importing countries

B.unavailable to the exporting countries

C.not suitable to the developing countries

D.keeping back the exporting countries economy

15、The writer s attitude towards the development of technology is ______.



C.exciting and praising

D.concerned and critical

英语b级作文 篇三



1. 广告在生活中的作用 2. 广告的负面影响 3. 对待广告应采取什么态度 Sample:

Information is spreading rapidly in today’s society. Taking a look around, you'll find advertisements appearing everywhere. They give us the latest news of sales and much information about goods. For a company or a factory, advertising may be the most effective means to let their products known. Meanwhile, advertisements can guide the customers. They may help us a lot before we make a choice.

But sometimes, you may be misled to an unwise decision by advertisements. They exaggerate advantages that the goods may not have at all. Some credulous customers will regret having bought something of no use or of poor quality, only due to the tempting pictures and words. It is a waste of money. As a result, more and more people begin to lose their trust. The original effect of advertisements dies away.

As we know, everything has two sides. Advertisements have no exceptions. Actually advertisements help us a great deal. But at the same time, the wrong use of them brings us loand trouble. So if all of us try our best to make good use of advertisements, we are sure that they will benefit us a lot and contribute much to the development of our society.

The World Is Becoming Smaller and Smaller――世界变得越来越小



2.什么原因导致世界变得越来越小 Sample:

It’s said that our world is like a village. That is to say that nowadays one can easily get in touch with other people all around the world. By plane, you can appear in other hemispheres within hours; through television you can be informed vividly and timely about all events inside and outside your country. It's no longer a dream to see and talk to a person on the other side of the world. Therefore, the world seems to become smaller.

What makes possible communications throughout the world? First, the invention of modern means of transportation contributes a lot to human activities in the world. Secondly, the application of satellite technology, which is thought of as the most significant breakthrough in human history, helps to convey signals of television and radio from one place to another. Finally, the change is also partly due to modem civilization brought about by modern industry, which has produced televisions, computers and many other useful machines.



1.电视在曰常生活中的重要地位 2.电视的优点 3.电视的弊端 Sample:

Obviously, the preis an important means of communication and is still a popular form of communicating news. People read newspa-pe-rs everywhere, in the office, at home, on the train, even in the toilet and so on. Nevertheless, the coming of TV gives a shock to the world. Suddenly, it changes many things in people's daily life.

Nowadays TV is so popular that nearly every family has got a TV set in cities. People can watch and hear TV programs at the same time. TV programs are full of variety and viewers can enjoy news reports, plays, films, musical performances, sports, andinterviews with prominent people and many other items. So TV attracts many people from the cinema, the radio and newspa-pe-rs.

On the other hand, people can time and again hear criticism of TV programs. It has got too much violence and gunplay, which affects young people and even children. Watching too much TV will make people exhausted, lazy and stupid, and also waste a lot of valuable time

英语b级历年真题参考 篇四

The United States boasts substantial energy resources. Federal lands provide a good deal of U.S. energy production; the U.S. Department of the Interior manages federal energy leasing, both on land and on the offshore Outer Continental Shelf. Production from these sources amounts to nearly 30 percent of total annual U.S. energy production.

In , 32 percent of U.S. oil, 35 percent of natural gas, and 37 percent of coal were produced from federal lands, representing 20,000 producing oil and gas leases and 135 producing coal leases. Federal lands are also estimated to contain approximately 68 percent of all undiscovered U.S. oil reserves and 74 percent of undiscovered natural gas.

Revenues from federal oil, gas, and coal leasing provide significant returns to U.S. taxpayers as well as State governments. In , for example, $553 million in oil and gas revenues were paid to the U.S. Treasury, and non-Indian coal leases accounted for over $304 million in revenues, of which 50 percent were paid to State governments. Public lands also play a critical role in energy delivery. Each year, federal land managers authorize rights of way for transmission lines, rail systems, pipelines, and other facilities related to energy production and use.

Alternative energy production from federal lands lags behind conventional energy production, though the amount is still significant. For example, federal geothermal resources produce about 7.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, 47 percent of all electricity generated from U.S. geothermal energy. There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone, producing electricity for about 300,000 people. Federal hydropower facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced in the United States.

Because of the growing U.S. thirst for energy and increasing public unease with dependence on foreign oil sources, pressure on the public lands to meet U.S. energy demands is intensifying. Public lands are available for energy development only after they have been evaluated through the land use planning process. If development of energy resources conflicts with management or use of other resources, development restrictions or impact mitigation measures may be imposed, or mineral production may be banned altogether.

31.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Public lands are one of the main sources of revenues.

B.Public lands should be developed to ease energy shortage.

C.Public lands play an important role in energy production.

D.Public lands store huge energy resources for further development..

32.Which of the following statements is true of public lands in the U.S.?

A.Half of U.S. energy is produced there.

B.Most of coal was produced from there in 2000.

C.Most energy resources are reserved there.

D.The majority of undiscovered natural gas is stored there.

resources, wind turbines, and hydropower facilities in Paragraph 4 are cited as examples to illustrate that

A.alternative energy production is no less than conventional energy production.

B.they are the most typical conventional energy resources from public lands.

C.geothermal resources are more important than the other two.

D.the amount of alternative energy production from public lands is huge.

34.There is a mounting pressure on public lands to satisfy US energy demands because

A.many Americans are unhappy with energy development in foreign countries.

B.the US is demanding more and more energy.

C.quite a few public lands are banned for energy development.

D.many Americans think public lands are being abused.

35.Public lands can be used for energy development when

A.they go through the land use planning process.

B.energy development restrictions are effective.

C.federal land managers grant permissions.

D.there is enough federal budget.

英语b级句子 篇五

1:to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

2:it’s never too late to mend.(过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。)

3:sometimes u need to look back, otherwise u will never know what u have lost in the way of forever searching.偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。

4:fashion, is a kind of aesthetic view. brother is a punk, you satisfied时尚,就是一种审美观。哥就朋克,你不服吗?

5:And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。

6:i need him like i need the air to breathe.我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。

7:i miss you so much already and i haven’t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

8:within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again.有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

9:hip-hop, cowboy wind, and the wind wind wind, occupation, fur, all-match, hippie, ladies fashion, korean, japanese, what is it fashion is the urban special logo, is a city in the vast city of special psychological needs.嘻哈风、牛仔风、欧美风、职业风、皮草风、百搭、嘻皮、淑女、韩流、哈日,时尚到底是什么?时尚其实是都市特殊的标志,是都市人在纷繁芜杂的城市中特殊的心理需要。

10:Get one's feet wet. 与中文里的“涉足”或“下海”,寓意相同,表示初尝某事。I am going to try dancing for the very first time. Just to get my feet wet.

11:the body has no colourful feng sf wing, mind acts upon mind 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通

12:i need him like i need the air to breathe.我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。

13:when a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.朋友的要求不要拖。

14:the light that plays, like a naked child, among the green leaves happily knows not that man can lie. 光明如一个裸体的孩子,快快活活地在绿叶当中游戏,它不知道人是会欺

15:become a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone nes and hoping that person knows who you are.做一个更好的人,确信在遇见一个新的人之前知道自己是谁,也希望那个人知道你是谁。

16:how tranquil! how quiet! what silvery moonlight! where are you, my dearwhen can we sit together by the window enjoying this quiet, tranquil evening 今夜月色如银,多么安谧,多么宁静?亲爱的,你在哪里?何时才能和你共剪西窗烛,欣赏这静夜恬适的美景?

17:keep it up! 坚持下去!

18:it’s great to be great , but it’s greater to be human. ---w. rogers 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 -- 马丁 · 路德 · 金

19:i have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。

20:pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦就是快乐。

21:We, the rustling leaves, have a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent? I am a mere flower.我们萧萧的树叶都有声响回答那风和雨。你是谁呢,那样的沉默着?我不过是一朵花。

22:I hasten to congratulate you on the coming of your birthday. May gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your way.我急切地祝贺你生日的到来,愿你时时刻刻都充满欣喜,照亮前程。

23:teaching me the meaning of love 教导我爱的意义是什么

24:in the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair. 哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。

25:if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

26:if you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain. 离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。

27:With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year. 致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。

28:尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet!

29:My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master. Let me but listen.神呀,我的那些愿望真是愚傻呀,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫着呢。让我只是静听着吧。

30:sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees.忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。

31:this valentine is for the girl who stole my heart.这份情人节礼物,是送给那位偷去我的心的女孩。

32:never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。


34:one is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone. 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。

35:easy as pie = very easy = piece of cake 很容易


36:the heart of woman is a glass holding water. it is full but seems to have nothing inside.女人心是只盛水的玻璃瓶,明明已经装的满满的,却又好像什么都没有。

the woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests. autumn’s mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already, touched with gold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father.

37:most of the time, our rich pocket, but poor head; we have a dream, but the lack of thought.很多时候,我们富了口袋,但穷了脑袋;我们有梦想,但缺少了思想。

38:Is there a telephone nearby?请问附近有没有电话?

39:Do you have anything to declare?你有东西要申报关税吗?

40:you don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her. 你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。

41:love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow when the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere friend is who can give you strength at last.爱情是灯,友情是影 子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。

42:the hardest part is being away from you…the best part will be when we’re together again. missing you, with all my heart.最难莫过离你而去,最好莫过重新欢聚。全心想你。

43:no words are necessary between two loving hearts. 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

44:I got the tip straight from the horse's mouth. 这个消息是千真万确的(tip指消息)!

45:i never wanted to be your whole life. just your favorite part. 我从来就没想过要成为你的全部。我只想做你最喜爱的那一个部分。

46:good love makes u see the whole world from one person while bad love makes u abandon the whole world for one person.好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。

47:悠悠我思,岁月飘忽。时间虽能改变许多东西,我对你的怀念 却恒久不变! i miss you very much in these year.time can change a lot of things except for my memory of you never change.

48:just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to,doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

49:to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

50:i miss you so much already and i haven’t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

英语b级考试有什么技巧 篇六










― What can I do for you?

― ____________________.

A. I want a kilo of apples  B. You can go your own way

C. Thanks      D. Excuse me. I'm busy

这题的答案是 A. I want a kilo of apples

为什么是A呢?对话的第一句是 What can I do for you ? 这是一句典型的“服务行业”用语,在不同的情景中可以理解为不同的意思:



这里的四个选项中B C D选项即不是希望对方为自己作什么,也不是要买什么。只有A的回答是“要买一公斤苹果。”只有A与所给的问题组成了一段意思合理,又符合逻辑的对话。所以A是正确答案


― Do you mind telling me where you're from?

― _____________________.

A. Certainly. I'm from London.   B. Sure. I was born in London.

C. Not really, you can do it.     D. Certainly not. I'm form London.

Do you mind ? 句型,回答时:

如果是肯定的如,yes, certainly 那就是我在意,请你不要做什么

如果自己不在意,回答应该是: No, not at all.

这道题的干扰因素是:A B D 都回答了 I'm from London. 或 I was born in London. 它们都回答了 Where are you from? 这个提问。这说明这三个回答前面的用语是正确与否的关键。A B 一个用了 Certainly 一个用了 Sure 。肯定的回答,它违反了英语回答 Do you mind? 这类问题的习惯。只有 Certainly not. I'm from London. 是正确答案


― Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?

― _____________________.

A. Yes, you may borrow.    B. Yes, go on.

C. Yes, help yourself.    D. It doesn't matter.



A. you may borrow. 你可以借。

B. go on 请继续。继续什么呢?不清楚。D.It doesn't matter. 没关系。这个回答好象对方作错了什么事。

C. Yes, help yourself. 自己动手(等于说:拿吧)所以C是正确答案。





这里特别提醒大家注意:我们是在说英语,不是用英语的句型套用汉语的习惯。比如在中国,当人们夸奖我们英语讲得不错的时候,我们会很谦虚地回答:“讲得不好,还得好好学习。”但是,这个回答不同于西方文化中的习惯。在英语里,我们就会回答:“Thank you.”表示感谢。在交际用语中,考生应该选择符合西方文化的语言,特别注意 Thank you和Sorry 的使用。



a. 问候与应答   b. 介绍   c. 告别

d. 感谢与应答   e. 请求帮助与应答   f. 提供帮助与应答

g. 祝愿与应答   h. 道歉与应答  i. 邀请与应答

j. 时间与日期   k. 表示个人意见   l. 表示个人心情和态度


a. 约会   b. 打电话   c. 问路

d. 问讯事物   e. 天气   f. 交通

g. 购物   h. 就餐   i. 旅游

j. 健康   k. 学校生活  l. 家庭生活