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load英语例句库 篇一

1.The bagged propellent charges are loaded separately.至于炮弹的装药则是与弹头分开装填的。)

2.The barge was loaded up with coal.那艘驳船装上了煤。

3.Don't talk such a load of garbage!别说那么多废话!

4.They groaned under the load of taxes.他们在赋税的重压下受折磨。

5.That book is a load of rubbish.那本书尽是些污言秽语。

6.The psychoanalyst specialized in asking loaded questions.擅长提出意味深长的问题的心理分析学家

7.The back is shaped to the load.背脊生来就是负重的。

8.His shoulders can bear a heavy load.他的肩膀能挑重担。

9.The plane can carry a ten-ton load.飞机能载重十吨。

10.He unburdened a horse of its load.他卸下马背上的货物。

11.The camera has a full load of film.这架照相机装有一整卷胶卷

12.The truck was carrying a load of bananas.这辆卡车装着一车香蕉。

13.The soldiers loaded and discharged with great rapidity.士兵们迅速装子弹发射。

14.The people groaned under the load of taxes.人们在赋税的重压下受折磨。

15.This freight must be carefully handled when loading.这些货物在装载时必须小心轻放。

16.We ironed the entire load of clothes together.我们一起熨了这一堆衣服

17.I thought it was a load of cobblers.我想那只是一大堆废话。

18.The lopsided load on the lorry looked dangerous.货车上倾斜的货物,看样子很危险。

19.Elaine was loaded down with bags full of shopping.伊莱恩被买来的一包包东西压得几乎要垮了。

20.Don't worry about the heavy load, it's chained down.别担心装载量大, 它已经用链子拴住了。

load的意思 篇二

n. 负荷,负担,装载,工作量

vt. 使担负,装填,把…装入或装上,装满,堆积

vi. 加载,装载,装货

变形:过去式: loaded; 现在分词:loading; 过去分词:loaded;

load词组 | 习惯用语 篇三

dynamic load 动载荷,动力载荷

heavy load 重负载

static load 静负载

load capacity 负载能力,载重能力

load balancing [计]负载平衡

load distribution 载荷分布;负载分配

load test 负荷试验;加载试验

work load 工作负载

load bearing 承载;承重

wind load 风力载荷

axial load 轴向载荷;轴向负荷;轴向荷载

load balance 负载平衡

impact load 冲击荷载;冲击负载

a load of 大量;许多

load transfer [计]负载转换

heat load 热负荷

peak load [经]最大负载

critical load 临界负载

full load 满载;全负荷

vertical load 垂直荷载;垂直加载

load用法 篇四






A plane can carry only so much load after all.一架飞机终归只能承载那么多的负荷。

The load is too heavy and the supports buckle .负荷过重,支柱坍下来。

She will not shove the heavy load onto others.她不愿意把重担推给别人。




We must use mechanical hoisting to load the goods.我们必须用起重机来装载货物。

Be careful, that gun's loaded.小心,那枪是上了膛的。

Load your rifles and fire at will.把枪装上子弹,这样就可以随意射击了。


1、His people came up with a load of emb(www.kaoyantv.com)arrassing information.


2、I've never heard such a load of tripe in all my life.


3、An efficient bulb may lighten the load of power stations.
