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2018年专四原文及范文 第1篇









2018年专四原文及范文 第2篇

Students' mental health has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Indeed, it is widely accepted that it has gained growing popularity among persons in all walks of life. There is a general discussion today about the issue of disorder in brains.

Obviously, it is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent problems. Authorities in universities play a critical role in the situation. To begin with, schools, such as colleges or universities, can provide chances for the young men to ease their attention. What's more, some are physically strong, but psychological problems are able to bring potential threats. Teaches may have a chance to find them in advance. Besides, specialists in this field are to be required to make full preparation for cases in time. Facing the crisis, experts can deal with it in a professional way, which means they have more or better opportunities to save us than others. (学校)

From the factors mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that we can free ourselves from mental illness by taking certain precautions. For example, if you have pains or puzzles in mind, finding a friend to express these is a good way to release pressure. Certainly, there is little doubt that further attention will be paid to the issue.

2018年专四原文及范文 第3篇

W: Good evening listeners, this is BBC. Today, we are very delighted to have invited James Dobbins, US special representative for Afghanistan, to tell us the electoral process in Afghanistan currently. Well, James, how are you reading what's happening in Afghanistan at the moment?


M: We're concerned about the trend in events. We have been concerned for some time that the electoral process hasn't been moving forward smoothly. We believe there needs to be a powerful and transparent audit of potentially dishonest ballots and we're sorry that hasn't moved forward quickly and substantially enough. We regret the preliminary announcement of results that was made yesterday. We think that was premature given that there are still a number of ballots that need to be examined and there's not yet a clear agreement on how best to do so. We do believe that...


W: Forgive me for interrupting, James. Can I ask you why you think that announcement was made yesterday?


M: I think it was made because the electoral institutions had previously set that date and they held to it despite advice to the contrary from the UN, from the United States, and from other voices within Afghanistan, and we think that was unfortunate.


W: Is there another reason that could be slightly more favorable, that is, they wanted to prepare the ground because if they just came out with one final result at the end of all this then it can be pretty likely that the loser, whoever it was going to be, was going to complain because they think it is unfair?


M: I think it's our view that they didn't have a basis for preparing the ground because there's such a large number of votes that still need to be examined and that therefore any preliminary result might be more misleading than preparing the ground.


W: In terms now of where this goes, we've already heard some very strong, very emotional language from the camp of the man who appears to be on the losing side of all this, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah. What have you been saying to him in order to try and calm those feelings?


M: Well, we have heard talk about establishing a parallel presidency. We made clear that the United States and its partners are not in a position to support a divided Afghanistan. That any effort to establish a parallel presidency would make it impossible for the United States and its partners to continue their financial, economic and military support, and that the consequences for the country would be potentially quite terrible. Clearly, this is not something the Afghan population wants. It's not something they were voting for. And it's not something that they expect to happen, but it could be the consequences of an ill-considered action.


This is the end of Part One of the interview.


Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.


1. Which aspect of the election event is the interviewee most concerned about?


2. Why was the announcement made yesterday, according to the interviewee?


3. According to the BBC interviewer, why did the electoral institutions want to prepare the ground?


4. What did the interviewee think of the BBC's reason of preparing the ground?


5. What is the interviewee's attitude towards establishing a parallel presidency?


2018年专四原文及范文 第4篇


1. seven

2. sounds

3. cognitive

4. a sound changes

5. six-month-old

6. discriminate the

7. their first birthda

8. totally equivalen

9. incredible differe

10. taking statistics


Conversation One

1. According to the man, what is a British characteristic?

答案:C. The British are unable to speak a foreign language.

2. What is the second most-spoken language in the UK?

答案:B. Polish.

3. Why was the 1,000 Words Campaign launched?

答案:A. To help improve international trade.

to the man, which is not considered an advantage of learning a foreign language?

答案:D. It makes you work hard.

5. What’s the most probable relationship between the man and the woman?

答案:B. Schoolmates.

Conversation Two

6. According to Alice, what is a phobia?

答案:A. An unreasonable fear.

7. What are the chances of getting knocked off one’s bicycle and killed in a one-mile journey?

答案:C. One in fourteen million.

8. What kind of event do people tend to worry about?

答案:B. Catastrophic events.

9. Which may involve a chronic risk?

答案:D. Smoking cigarettes.

10. Why do some people enjoy risks?

答案:A. They get pleasure from risks.


The Linguistic Gift of Babies


Good morning, everyone. In today's lecture, I'm going to talk about something you can't see. That is, what's going on in the little brain of a baby.


For example, how babies learn a language.


It is always a question people show great interest in.


Babies and children are geniuses until they turn seven, and then there's a systematic decline.


Work in my lab is focused on the first critical period in development, and that is the period in which babies try to master which sounds are used in their language.


We think, by studying how the sounds are learned, we'll have a model for the rest of language, and perhaps for critical periods that may exist in childhood for social, emotional and cognitive development.


So we've been studying the babies by conducting an experiment.


During our experiment, the baby, usually a six-monther, sits on a parent's lap, and we train them to turn their heads when a sound changes—like from _ah_ to _ee_.


If they do so at the appropriate time, the black box lights up and a panda bear pounds a drum. What have we learned?


Well, babies all over the world are what I like to describe as _citizens of the world_.


They can discriminate all the sounds of all languages, no matter what country we're testing and what language we're using, and that's remarkable because you know, I can't do that.


We're culture-bound listeners.


We can discriminate the sounds of our own language, but not those of foreign languages.


So the question arises: When do those citizens of the world turn into the language-bound listeners that we are?


And the answer: before their first birthdays.


What you see here is performance on that head-turn task for babies tested in Tokyo and the United States, here in Seattle, as they listened to the _ra_ and _la_ — sounds important to English, but not to Japanese.


So at six to eight months, the babies are totally equivalent.


Two months later, something, something incredible occurs.


The babies in the United States are getting a lot better while babies in Japan are getting a lot worse.


So the question is: What's happening during this critical two-month period?


We know this is the critical period for sound development, but what's going on up there?


Maybe there are two things going on.


The first is that the babies are listening intently to us, and they're taking statistics as they listen to us talk—they're taking statistics.


That is to say, the two babies listen to their own mother speaking motherese—the universal language we use when we talk to kids.


During the production of speech, when babies listen, what they're doing is taking statistics, that is, sound distribution on the language that they hear.


And those sound distributions grow and babies absorb more.


And what we've learned is that babies are sensitive to the statistics, and the statistics of Japanese and English are very, very different.


I mean, the sound distribution of both languages is different.


So babies absorb the statistics of the language and it changes their brains;


it changes them from the citizens of the world to the culture-bound listeners that we are because we as adults are no longer absorbing those statistics.


In this case, of course, we're arguing that the learning of language material may slow down when our distribution stabilizes.


OK. Today, we just talked about a recent project on babies' language development.


In our next lecture, we will concentrate on bilingual people, how bilinguals keep two sets of statistics in mind at once.

Conversation Two


Questions 6 to 10 are based on Conversation Two.


W: Hello, and welcome to today's program. I'm Alice.


M: And I'm Jack. Hello.


W: Hello, Jack. You're off on holiday

tomorrow, aren't you?


M: I am and you know, and I'm dreading it. I hate flying!


W: Do you? I didn't know you had a phobia— and that means a strong and

unreasonable fearof something.


M: Well, I don't think this is a phobia

because it isn't unreasonable. Flying

thousands of feet upin the sky, you know,

that's not safe!


W: Flying is safer than you think, Jack. It's much riskier to drive or cycle to work. And, actually, risk taking is the subject of today's show!


Risk means the chances of something bad happening. For example, did you know that your chance of being knocked off your bicycle and killed during a onemile journey is the

same as your chances of winning the lottery?


M: I didn't know that.


W: Can you guess what are the chances of either of these two things happening?


M: I have no idea. One in a million?


W: No, it's one in 14 million. You are as likely to win the national lottery from a single ticket asyou are to be knocked off your bicycle and killed during a one-mile journey.


M: But why are we bad at assessing risk?


W: People typically fear anything which is small probability but it's extremely

catastrophicifit were to happen…


Recently we have another increase in these birds' virus outbreaks. People read about that.


And they may pay a lot of attention to that in the news but they may forget to get their flu shot.


M: That's right. We tend to worry about big or catastrophic events such as catching bird flu ordying in a plane crash because we reacte

motionally to them.


W: Yeah. Catastrophic events feel like very real threats, while we tend to forget about thesmall but chronic risks that become more likely over time.


M: We do. So for example, what if there was a cigarette that killed you as soon as you smokedit?


Nobody would do that, would they?


W: No, they wouldn't.


M: But plenty of people are happy to smoke for years, and put off worrying about the healthrisksfor the future.


W: Yes, that's a good point, Jack! People feel they are in control of risks that stretch overtime. You know, they think,_I could stop tomorrow_ or _I could smoke less_.


But what about people who really enjoy

taking big risks— those thrill seekers out there?


M: People who enjoy extreme sports actually seek out danger— it gives them extremepleasure!


If the risk is really high, it means that the pleasure needs to be equally high, or hopefully evenhigher...


W: You're right.



11. C. is believed to have been

12. D. has been maintaining

13. B. otherwise

14. C. hazy blue Virginia

15. A. the evil

16. D. are of war

17. A. its most basic

18. C. to reveal an undesirable consequence

19. B. Jim turned to speak to the person standing behind him.

20. A. a hypothesis

21. C. trial

22. B. Arguably

23. C. offset

24. D. recollection

25. B. constitutes

26. D. extra

27. A. filed

28. D. wreck

29. C. countless

30. D. maritime


31. M. unknown

32. B. automatically

33. F. kind

34. I. one

35. C. couple

36. N. virtue

37. E. indebtedness

38. D. goes

39. O. widespread

40. L. subscribe



41. D. successful competition is essential in American society

42. B. Cause and effect.

43. C. Sarcastic.

44. A. They would enjoy a much larger readership.

45. D. Awards ceremonies are held for all sorts of reasons.

46. C. source of funding

47. B. promote market rather than achievements

48. C. Her sister Josephine told her.

49. B. sat in an armchair all the time

50. A. She was indifferent now.


51. Individual freedom.

52. Some awards aren’t rewards for real achievements.

53. Some awards for sports fail to achieve positive social effects.

54. Her mood changed from distress to excitement and joy.

55. The real cause was her extreme disappointment.

2018年专四原文及范文 第5篇

The reason the chimpanzees don't do that is that they lack what psychologists and anthropologists call social learning.


That is, they seem to lack the ability to learn from others by copying or imitating or simply watching.


As a result, they can't improve on others' ideas, learn from others' mistakes, or even benefit from others' wisdom.


And so they just do the same thing over and over and over again.


In fact, we could go away for a million years and come back and these chimpanzees would be doing the same thing with the same rocks to crack open the nuts.


Okay, so what this tells us is that, contrary to the old saying, _monkey see, monkey do,_ the surprise really is that all of the other animals really cannot do that -- at least not very much.


But by comparison, we humans can learn.


We can learn by watching other people and copying or imitating what they can do.


We can then choose, from among a range of options available, the best one.


We can benefit from others' ideas. We can build on their wisdom.


And as a result, our ideas do accumulate, and our technology progresses.


And this cumulative cultural adaptation, as anthropologists call this accumulation of ideas, is responsible for everything around you in your bustling and teeming everyday life.


I mean the world has changed out of all proportion to what we would recognize even 1,000 or 2,000 years ago.


And all of this is because of cumulative cultural adaptation.


For instance, the chairs you're sitting in today, the lights in this lecture hall, my microphone, the iPads and the smart phones that you carry around with you -- all are a result of cumulative cultural adaptation.


But, our acquisition of social learning would create an evolutionary dilemma, and the solution to the dilemma, it's fair to say, would determine not only the future course of our psychology, but the future course of the entire world.


And most importantly for this, it'll tell us why we have language.


And the reason that dilemma arose is, it turns out, that social learning is visual theft.


What I mean is, if I can learn by watching you, I can steal your best ideas, and I can benefit from your efforts, without having to put in the same time and energy that you did into developing them.


Social learning really is visual theft.


2018年专四原文及范文 第6篇

W: Let me turn it on to the man who may end up the winner, Mr. Ashraf Ghani. What pressure, if any, are you trying to bring on him to ensure that whatever happens he tried to include Abdullah Abdullah, or Abdullah Abdullah's people in any future government?

女:现在聊聊最终可能获胜的那个人,阿什拉夫·加尼先生。如果要施压,你会给他施加什么样的压力,以确保无论发生什么,他都尽量让阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜拉(Abdullah Abdullah)或阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜拉(Abdullah Abdullah)的人加入未来的政府?

M: We're not making any assumptions about who might be the winner or who might be the loser, and we think it's premature for anybody to be doing so. We've made clear to both candidates that two things need to happen. First of all, there needs to be a robust and transparent process for determining the winner, and there's still a good deal of work to be done there. And secondly, we believe that both candidates need to begin discussing the formation of a government that would have the support of all important components and elements within the country, a government of national unity that would ensure that all of the significant sectors of Afghan society feel included.


W: You're saying it's all a bit hasty to say whether one side or the other has won or lost. It is difficult, is it not, to see this result being overturned? This is a flat margin of victory at the moment -- 56 percent to 44 percent. It would be extraordinary to see the result overturned in the space of a couple of weeks.


M: I think both candidates have agreed that there was extensive fraud in the electoral process. Both candidates have agreed that the suspect ballots need to be audited. They haven't agreed on exactly how to go about that. We believe it's the responsibility of the electoral institutions to go ahead and conduct that kind of broad audit, whether or not the candidates have agreed on every precise element of the process, they will have to do it. And we believe until they've done so it's premature to be coming to any judgments.


W: It is worrying though, isn't it? I suppose it was all too predictable that democracy is an imperfect thing in Afghanistan and that undoubtedly there has been fraud, we've heard all sorts of reports that project there have been a measure of fraud, and whoever was going to lose in this election was going to say it's been by unfair means.


M: I agree with you that Afghanistan is a relatively new democracy. The countries at this stage of democratic development often have difficulties of this sort. That there's not a tradition of good losers in societies at this level of political development. And in that sense, the problem we face is not unparalleled. There are other countries who have gone through similar difficulties. Nevertheless, the fact is that millions of Afghans went out and voted in the expectation that their vote would count. The numerous polls indicate that most Afghans are prepared to support either candidate as the victor. That most Afghans have said that they could accept the person they didn't vote for winning the election if that was the result. So while the problems we face are not unparalleled, the Afghan voters expect something better.


W: James, I'm so grateful to you. I hugely appreciate you answering it and answering all the other questions as well.


M: Pleasure.


This is the end of Part Two of the interview.


Questions 6 to 10 are based on what you have just heard.


6. What did the interviewee think both candidates need to do?


7. What was the margin of victory at the time of the interview?


8. Who should be responsible for dealing with fraud in the election?


9. What does the interviewee think of the problem in the Afghan election?


10. What is the interview mainly about?


专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

2018年专四原文及范文 第7篇

And in any species that acquired it, it would encourage you to hide your best ideas, lest somebody steal them from you.


And so some time around 200,000 years ago, our species confronted this crisis.


And we chose to develop the systems of communication that would allow us to share ideas and to cooperate amongst others.


Choosing this option would mean that a vastly greater fund of knowledge and wisdom would become available to any one individual than would ever arise from within an individual family or an individual person on their own.


Well, language is the result.


Language evolved to solve the crisis of visual theft.


Language is a piece of social technology for enhancing the benefits of cooperation -- for reaching agreements, for striking deals and for coordinating our activities.


And you can see that, in a developing society that was beginning to acquire language, not having language would be like a bird without wings.


As I said at the beginning, language really is the voice of our genes.


But, as we spread out around the world, we developed thousands of different languages.


Currently, there are about seven or eight thousand different languages spoken on Earth. And then another problem occurred.


It seems that we use our language, not just to cooperate, but to draw rings around our cooperative groups and to establish identities, and perhaps to protect our knowledge and wisdom and skills from being stolen from outside.


And we know this because when we study different language groups and associate them with their cultures, we see that different languages slow the flow of ideas between groups.


Okay, this tendency we have, this seemingly natural tendency we have, goes towards isolation, towards keeping everything to ourselves, whereas our modern world is communicating with itself and with each other more than it has at any time in its past.


And that communication, that connectivity around the world, that globalization now raises a burden.


Because these different languages impose a barrier, as we've just seen, to the transfer of goods and ideas and technologies and wisdom.


And they impose a barrier to cooperation. What will be the solution?


In a world in which we want to promote cooperation and exchange, and in a world that might be dependent more than ever before on cooperation to maintain and enhance our levels of prosperity,


I think it might be inevitable that we have to confront the idea that our destiny is to be one world with one language.


What do you think of the solution? Okay.


In today's lecture, I have presented to you how language shapes our humanity, what kind of dilemma social learning has created, and the possible solutions to the dilemma.


In our next lecture, I am going to talk about lingua franca and its functions.


2018年专四原文及范文 第8篇









2018年专四原文及范文 第9篇









2018年专四原文及范文 第10篇






2018年专四原文及范文 第11篇

Views on donating blood vary from person to person. Some people think that it is glorious to donate blood. They hold this view because the blood they have donated can be used to save the patients who are in urgent need of it. But others hold that it is foolish for people to donate blood. In their opinion, blood is very precious to one’s health and if one loses 200ml or more of blood, it will do harm to his or her health.

As for me, I agree to the first opinion. The reasons for my choice are as follows. First, while it is true that loss of too much blood is dangerous to one’s health, it doesn’t mean donating a little blood is also harmful. Doctors tell us that donating a little blood is of no harm to anyone in good health and blood plays an indispensable role in saving a seriously ill patient.

In a word, I am convinced that donating blood is glorious. As new-century college students, we are supposed to donate blood as long as our health permits. Nothing can make us happier than saving a person.

2018年专四原文及范文 第12篇






