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英文商务报告格式范文 第1篇

It is in JINXIU travel agency that I have my are six departments and I was in two departments: treatmemt department and ticket department. My job is receiving guests in the office and ordering plane ticket for costomers, and some times I also answered the phone, helping visitors understand traveling route of travel agency or taking tickets for them.

Because tourism is a service industry, so I want to learn how to communicate with different People and learn some business about travel pay attention to others every action and every movement, must learn the skill which converses with the visitor. This is I learns the most useful experience in the travel agency.

Through this experience, I received some knowledge we must understand first as follows,

First, I ought to kown the traveling place’s inside and outside traffic and the environment protection.

Second, the travel agency’s service regulations and management tips.

Third, the travel agency’s nature and management business and management model.

Travel agency is the professoinal organazation which provides traveling service for people. Since the professioal nature, the tourism is the service industry. It provides meal, hotel, route etc service.

Service atitude is very important in tourism. You ought to smile to every person in order to make them finding you are friendly. And I must strive for the opportunity. Regarding this point, I have the depth experience. Because is an intern, therefore the company cannot invest too many resources to you. The company thought the practiceborns with is the practice finished must return to the school tostudy, future not necessarily will be able in the practice unit practised the unit to arrange the work for you, could not specially teach you more things. After I entered company period oftime, I realize this question. How then solves this problem? Whenever after I complete the work task, I all can help other staff to handlesome trivial matters on own initiative. For example: Printing, typing, scheduling. This procedure advantage is obtains outside other staffs favorable impressions, they in unconsciously center already relied on you, some matters were used to it you to do. Thus, I have the opportunity to ask for advice other staffs, learns more knowledge,obtains more experiences.

In addition, I must work hard and serious. I found everything is not easy. I can’t make any mistakes when I check the plane ticket or seting a fax, or I can make a worse consequence. And I also should be careful for my writing, it’s very important to make other people understand you meaning well. From this experience, I feel sincere to every person are so important, if you are sincere to others, they can sincere to you too. Sincere is very important to communicate with others. And whatever you do, patience and obligation are so important, you should be calm down first and you can d

o it internship is a student must have some experience, it enabled us to understand the social practice, we learned a lot in the classroom attendance less than the fundamental knowledge, but also opened up a vision and experience, as we move further toward the community after laying a solid foundation.

But this experience also make me recognize a lot of shortcomings for myself. It competes very seriously between travel agencys. You not only should take hold of professional knowledge but also you should understand how to get along with different people. I find I’m lack of education and experience. It’s very different between school and social. I feel the theory which learned in school are not the same to the work concept. That’s the reason why we are practice. It can make me strengthen and understand the knowledge in class and bring up our living capability.

I am a foreign language professional tourism students and I learn in books on the management aspects of the knowledge and English, it seems easy to understand, but not put into practice. During this experience, to the unit after the internship experience difficulty of how to personally stood up to the time before aware of their knowledge, abilities and experience is how the lack of. During the internship, I have broadened our horizons, a growth of knowledge, experience the brutal competition in society.

And I have to talk about something about traveling.

First, I found some advertisements in the newspapers and magazines published the almost same routes as in the dining trip accommodation, transport and other more or less the same by diffenent travel agency. because this is the same single product, Leading to big price war among travel agencies, travel agencies are bring down the price of a line, which will inevitably lead to a decline in the quality of service, and travel agencies also do not want to develop new tourist routes and tourism products, as a new tourist route development requires substantial financial resources. Spent a great cost. And the development of the new line will be out soon after the other copy to use travel agents, this would weaken the competitiveness of the travel agency, so it is imperative to strengthen the tourism property rights, not just the protection of the right to travel, but also to consumers in general to embody a new surprise.

Second, theguided tours of service quality guides, they led a group of very rich experience, on average, they have 2 or 3 years of work experience, their qualifications compared to other places for education is high, tour guides have evidence, but most are primary or middle level. High Guides did not have Chinese as a foreign language tour guide for the lack of qualified personnel, which guides the basic wage less money in general and how many number of times a group linked to the group also earn more.

Third, The travel industry is characterized by seasonal tourism market dema

nd for seasonal tourism formed, resulting in travel demand due mainly to seasonal changes in the small tourist destination of the natural climatic conditions, tourism activity by natural climate conditions than Great. In general. Seasonal climate conducive to attracting a large number of leisure tourists come to visit. Holiday,Bitter cold and Hot, such as bad weather is not conducive to tourists tourism.

That’s some limits for tourism, but I believe people will solve it in future.

This experience makes me learn a lot of konwledge about travel agency and society. Andmakes foundation to my work in future. So, it’s very meaningful to me.

英文商务报告格式范文 第2篇

Graduation practice is to complete the final phase of the university's course to be the most important section of the Practice. Practice is every qualified students must havean experience that allows us to enhance professionalism in the practice of awarenessand practice of awareness. We practice during the process of training units in theschool and support, more guidance of experts, through training we learned a lot in class, not simply the knowledge of school for our future design and lay a solid foundation. At the same time allow themselves to contact the school for the purpose ofinternship training of our ability, the five-week internship to increase their ability to havea lot of knowledge, greatly improved.

Graduation purpose

Internship is designed to improve the ability of students and social contacts and to understand and master, verify and consolidate learned basic course content. Enable students to understand the modern high-rise building design and the actual construction of electrical easy to ignore the problem, students integrate theory with practice, love the professional, enthusiastic, committed to thinking of China's modernization drive.

Graduation content

To achieve the above objective practice, practice the main content should include:

1. Understand the internship process and production organization of .

2. Understand the performance of some electrical products and features.

3. Control low-voltage distribution system design, weak part of the design, lighting,part of the design, dynamic part of the design, lightning protection and grounding part of the design.

4. Institute of electrical equipment used in operating methods and the basic working principle.

Although this practice is only 3 weeks time, but during that time, the theory for somecommon things, with perceptual awareness, feel benefit.

Here are some of my summary of the internship period, and their feelings and experiences. To carry out their work in the future, and the future work of great help tome.

Visit the West Campus, Dongsheng Building and City Hall and linear low-voltagepower distribution room, and the laying of the roof there are weaknesses in the design of some of mine. Now I will explain in detail the building of the lightning protection and grounding

1. Basic principles:

Lightning protection design of technical measures should be the existing national standard “lightning protection design of buildings” for Lightning Protection, refer to “Building Lightning Protection Design Standard” corresponding requirements, the use of ball lightning rod protection method, the use of other potential join the most important safety measures.

2. Anti-cloud-to-measure, should meet the following requirements:

(1) air terminals using the lightning rod, lightning protection zone (network), or a combination of both, it should be used as a metal roof building air terminals, but should be consistent with regulatory requirements. Containing radioactive material should not be used air terminals. The elimination of other forms of lightning, it should only be used with high pole tower roof was added to our building on. Protrusions on the roof, such as satellite and receiver antenna, holiday lights, aviation obstruction lights and air-cooled unit, the roof should be in the range of lightning protection devices, if not calculated by ball within the scope of protection should be separate lightning rod, with protection, lightning protection device connected with the roof.

(2) deflectors should give priority to the use of reinforced concrete building columns or shear walls in the main bar, but also should use the building on fire ladders, steel columns, metal chimneys, etc., as deflectors.

When the use of steel in reinforced concrete columns, steel columns as a natural drop, and also used as a grounding device based steel with no disconnect card, but it should be located in a number of suitable locations outside the bar connected with the column connecting plate, for the measurement, an external artificial grounding and equipotential bonding for use.

Brick buildings surrounded by a separate deflectors in the external walls and the installation of meters from the ground disconnected card. The meters to meters underground for some protective measures should be taken.

(3) The use of grounding devices should give priority to the building of reinforced concrete base. A reinforced concrete ground beam, should in the beam reinforced with a ring grounding device; not reinforced concrete ground beam, it can not in the building surrounding strip of reinforced concrete base closed, galvanized flat steel with a direct lay-40x4 pit in the outer groove to form a circular grounding.

When the transformer and the work of the diesel generator neutral grounding, electrical protective earth grounding system work and share weak grounding device, the grounding resistance should be less than 1 euro. Use common grounding, the weak systems should their equipment room, and building insulation grounding stud, with more than 25 mm2 copper cable or wire welded steel pipe made through a separate drop, the foundations of buildings connected with the ground plate. Weak system of general requirements for grounding resistance of less than 4 ohms, should be an independent ground system view often Boxu Chile to catch car owner thereupon low ash wood ho chant argon ∮? 0 meters.

3. Sideswipe against mine measures should meet the following requirements:

Height over 30 meters of reinforced concrete structures, steel structures, should take the following anti-swipe mine and equipotential bonding of the protective measures:

(1) steel frame and reinforced concrete should be connected to each other;

(2) should be used within the steel column or reinforced concrete columns reinforced as a lightning protection device deflectors;

(3) should be 30 meters and over the railings on the external walls, doors, windows and other large metal objects and lightning protection device is connected;

(4) vertical laying of metal pipes and metal top and low-end devices to be connected with the mine;

(5) columns and ring beam without the buildings, walls should be laid at intervals of around three out of galvanized round steel 12 to do the grading rings, a combination of columns and ring beam, the use of steel for the ring beam grading ring. All the building every three vertical metal pipe connected with a grading ring. Grading ring should be connected with the lightning protection device deflectors.

4. Lightning induction of measures, should meet the following requirements:

(1) The protection of metal objects within the building ground, is the main measure lightning induction. Therefore, the building housing the equipment, pipelines, and other major metal frame should be close to receiving the grounding or electrical equipment, lightning protection grounding device

(2) parallel to the laying of pipes, cables metal jacket structure and a long metal object, the spacing is less than 100mm should be used jumper wire, cross-junction spacing should not exceed 30m; crossing clearance less than 100mm, the should be across the intersection.

5. Lightning invasion wave of measures, should meet the following requirements:

(1) line of low voltage lines should be buried with the cable directly into the home end of the cable jacket or the protection of metal pipe on the device receiving the lightning protection and grounding; if connected to overhead lines should be changed into the household 50m cable, cable for connection at arrester should be installed, and with the cable metal sheath, steel and iron insulator feet, fittings, etc. together, the impulse grounding resistance should not exceed 10 ohms. If overhead wires are used, the arrester should be installed into office.

(2) overhead and underground metal pipes, should be in and out of buildings and lightning protection grounding device connected at.

Fixed on the building of holiday lights, aviation obstruction lights and other electrical equipment of the line, should be based on the importance of building the mine to take corresponding measures invasive radio waves:

a. no metal or electrical equipment protection network should cover the protection of air terminals within;

b. The line leads from the distribution box should wear steel. Ends of the pipe is connected with metal distribution box; the other side of the metal casing and electrical equipment, protective cover is connected, and lightning protection devices connected to your nearest roof. Pipe should be located off the middle of the jumper.

Third and experience

This internship, I learned that the size of the plant level, the production process and the production of some conventional products, the study design in the future I believe there will be more help.

In addition, I feel that through this internship for me after the choice of electrical equipment, lighting, power, systems, lightning protection and grounding aspects of the design will be very helpful thank the school and the teacher gave us this Gui internship opportunities.

英文商务报告格式范文 第3篇




Plan 1

- page de garde (1 page env.)

- remerciements (1 p. env.)

- Mini-résumé sur le stage (1 .)

- I Introduction (3 pages max.)

- II Le cadre de travail (3 p. max)

- III Le problème à résoudre (détails du but du stage etanalyse du problème à résoudre) (5 p. max)

- IV Le travail réalisé (10 p. max)

- V Les difficultés rencontrées (lesquelles, pourquoi, comment fait-on pour résoudre ces difficult és habituellement, qu’avezvous choisi comme solutions et pourquoi, etc.) (10 p. max)

- VI Conclusion (3 p. max

- Bibliographie

- Lexique

- Annexes

- Résumé et quelques mots-clefs au verso en franais et anglais

Plan 2

- page de garde

- remerciements

- Mini-résumé sur le stage

- I Introduction

- II Le cadre de travail (Entreprise,etc.)

- III Le problème à résoudre

- IV Le travail réalisé 1ère partie

- V Le travail réalisé 2ème partie(Les difficultés rencontrées peuvent être mêlées à ces 2 chapitres IV et V)

- VI Conclusion

- Bibliographie

- Lexique

- Annexes

- Résumé et quelques mots-clefs au verso en franais et anglais

Nombre de pages

Il est conseillé aux étudiants de L3 de faire un mémoire de 25 à 35 pages, aux étudiants de M1, de 30 à 45 pages, et aux étudiants de M2 de dépasser 40 pages. Ces chiffres ne sont donnés qu’à titre indicatif et sont, bien sr, fonctions de la police de caractères utilisée (ici, police de 10 points avec une interligne *** et des marges normales). 这里有点意思, 防止用大字体凑数

英文商务报告格式范文 第4篇

It is in JINXIU travel agency that I have my are six departments and I was in two departments: treatmemt department and ticket department. My job is receiving guests in the office and ordering plane ticket for costomers, and some times I also answered the phone, helping visitors understand traveling route of travel agency or taking tickets for them.

Because tourism is a service industry, so I want to learn how to communicate with different People and learn some business about travel pay attention to others every action and every movement, must learn the skill which converses with the visitor. This is I learns the most useful experience in the travel agency.

Through this experience, I received some knowledge we must understand first as follows,

First, I ought to kown the traveling place’s inside and outside traffic and the environment protection.

Second, the travel agency’s service regulations and management , the travel agency’s nature and management business and management model.

Travel agency is the professoinal organazation which provides traveling service for people. Since the professioal nature, the tourism is the service industry. It provides meal, hotel, route etc service.

Service atitude is very important in tourism. You ought to smile to every person in order to make them finding you are friendly. And I must strive for the opportunity. Regarding this point, I have the depth experience. Because is an intern, therefore the company cannot invest too many resources to you. The company thought the practiceborns with is the practice finished must return to the school tostudy, future not necessarily will be able in the practice unit practised the unit to arrange the work for you, could not specially teach you more things. After I entered company period oftime, I realize this question. How then solves this problem? Whenever after I complete the work task, I all can help other staff to handlesome trivial matters on own initiative. For example: Printing, typing, scheduling. This procedure advantage is obtains outside other staffs favorable impressions, they in unconsciously center already relied on you, some matters were used to it you to do. Thus, I have the opportunity to ask for advice other staffs, learns more knowledge,obtains more experiences.

In addition, I must work hard and serious. I found everything is not easy. I can’t make any mistakes when I check the plane ticket or seting a fax, or I can make a worse consequence. And I also should be careful for my writing, it’s very important to make other people understand you meaning well. From this experience, I feel sincere to every person are so important, if you are sincere to others, they can sincere to you too. Sincere is very important to communicate with others. And whatever you do, patience and obligation are so important, you should be calm down first and you can do it internship is a student must have some experience, it enabled us to understand the social practice, we learned a lot in the classroom attendance less than the fundamental knowledge, but also opened up a vision and experience, as we move further toward the community after laying a solid foundation.

But this experience also make me recognize a lot of shortcomings for myself. It competes very seriously between travel agencys. You not only should take hold of professional knowledge but also you should understand how to get along with different people. I find I’m lack of education and experience. It’s very different between school and social. I feel the theory which learned in school are not the same to the work concept. That’s the reason why we are practice. It can make me strengthen and understand the knowledge in class and bring up our living capability.

I am a foreign language professional tourism students and I learn in books on the management aspects of the knowledge and English, it seems easy to understand, but not put into practice. During this experience, to the unit after the internship experience difficulty of how to personally stood up to the time before aware of their knowledge, abilities and experience is how the lack of. During the internship, I have broadened our horizons, a growth of knowledge, experience the brutal competition in society.

And I have to talk about something about traveling.

First, I found some advertisements in the newspapers and magazines published the almost same routes as in the dining trip accommodation, transport and other more or less the same by diffenent travel agency. because this is the same single product, Leading to big price war among travel agencies, travel agencies are bring down the price of a line, which will inevitably lead to a decline in the quality of service, and travel agencies also do not want to develop new tourist routes and tourism products, as a new tourist route development requires substantial financial resources. Spent a great cost. And the development of the new line will be out soon after the other copy to use travel agents, this would weaken the competitiveness of the travel agency, so it is imperative to strengthen the tourism property rights, not just the protection of the right to travel, but also to consumers in general to embody a new surprise.

Second, theguided tours of service quality guides, they led a group of very rich experience, on average, they have 2 or 3 years of work experience, their qualifications compared to other places for education is high, tour guides have evidence, but most are primary or middle level. High Guides did not have Chinese as a foreign language tour guide for the lack of qualified personnel, which guides the basic wage less money in general and how many number of times a group linked to the group also earn more.

Third, The travel industry is characterized by seasonal tourism market demand for seasonal tourism formed, resulting in travel demand due mainly to seasonal changes in the small tourist destination of the natural climatic conditions, tourism activity by natural climate conditions than Great. In general. Seasonal climate conducive to attracting a large number of leisure tourists come to visit. Holiday,Bitter cold and Hot, such as bad weather is not conducive to tourists tourism.

That’s some limits for tourism, but I believe people will solve it in future.

This experience makes me learn a lot of konwledge about travel agency and society. Andmakes foundation to my work in future. So, it’s very meaningful to me.

英文商务报告格式范文 第5篇


1 introduction

the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).

dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.

my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.

the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.

a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.

the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.

in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.

2 outline

development and major concepts of dts

in this part i will describe holms’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product. i will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.


i will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.

dts in contrast to other theories

a contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.

case study

in this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.


based on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.

(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)


附录2- 引文范例(仅供参考)

“it is therefore pointless to try to make tc more scientific than is sensible in view of its complex subject-matter and available methods. translating is a mental, multi-factorial activity which cannot exhaustively be investigated within a linguistic framework ignoring the person of the translator.”(wilss, 1982: 217)


附录3- 参考文献范例(仅供参考)

wilss, wolfram. the science of translation C problems and methods. gunter narr verlag tubingen,1982.

newmark, peter. a textbook of translation. new york: prentice hall, 1988.

delabastita, dirk. translating puns: a false opposition in translation studies. target, 1991(3:2):137-152.

英文商务报告格式范文 第6篇

it is in jin_iu travel agency that i have my are si_ departments and i was in two departments: treatmemt department and ticket department. my job is receiving guests in the office and ordering plane ticket for costomers, and some times i also answered the phone, helping visitors understand traveling route of travel agency or taking tickets for them.

because tourism is a service industry, so i want to learn how to communicate with different people and learn some business about travel pay attention to others' every action and every movement, must learn the skill which converses with the visitor. this is i learns the most useful e_perience in the travel agency.

through this e_perience, i received some knowledge we must understand first as follows,

first, i ought to kown the traveling place’s inside and outside traffic and the environment protection.

second, the travel agency’s service regulations and management tips.

third, the travel agency’s nature and management business and management model.

travel agency is the professoinal organazation which provides traveling service for people. since the professioal nature, the tourism is the service industry. it provides meal, hotel, route etc service.

service atitude is very important in tourism. you ought to smile to every person in order to make them finding you are friendly. and i must strive for the opportunity. regarding this point, i have the depth e_perience. because is an intern, therefore the company cannot invest too many resources to you. the company thought the practiceborns with is the practice finished must return to the school tostudy, future not necessarily will be able in the practice unit practised the unit to arrange the work for you, could not specially teach you more things. after i entered company period oftime, i realize this question. how then solves this problem? whenever after i complete the work task, i all can help other staff to handlesome trivial matters on own initiative. for e_ample: printing, typing, scheduling. this procedure advantage is obtains outside other staffs' favorable impressions, they in unconsciously center already relied on you, some matters were used to it you to do. thus, i have the opportunity to ask for advice other staffs, learns more knowledge,obtains more e_periences.

in addition, i must work hard and serious. i found everything is not easy. i can’t make any mistakes when i check the plane ticket or seting a fa_, or i can make a worse consequence. and i also should be careful for my writing, it’s very important to make other people understand you meaning well. from this e_perience, i feel sincere to every person are so important, if you are sincere to others, they can sincere to you too. sincere is very important to communicate with others. and whatever you do, patience and obligation are so important, you should be calm down first and you can d

o it internship is a student must have some e_perience, it enabled us to understand the social practice, we learned a lot in the classroom attendance less than the fundamental knowledge, but also opened up a vision and e_perience, as we move further toward the community after laying a solid foundation.

but this e_perience also make me recognize a lot of shortcomings for myself. it competes very seriously between travel agencys. you not only should take hold of professional knowledge but also you should understand how to get along with different people. i find i’m lack of education and e_perience. it’s very different between school and social. i feel the theory which learned in school are not the same to the work concept. that’s the reason why we are practice. it can make me strengthen and understand the knowledge in class and bring up our living capability.

i am a foreign language professional tourism students and i learn in books on the management aspects of the knowledge and english, it seems easy to understand, but not put into practice. during this e_perience, to the unit after the internship e_perience difficulty of how to personally stood up to the time before aware of their knowledge, abilities and e_perience is how the lack of. during the internship, i have broadened our horizons, a growth of knowledge, e_perience the brutal competition in society.

and i have to talk about something about traveling.

first, i found some advertisements in the newspapers and magazines published the almost same routes as in the dining trip accommodation, transport and other more or less the same by diffenent travel agency. because this is the same single product, leading to big price war among travel agencies, travel agencies are bring down the price of a line, which will inevitably lead to a decline in the quality of service, and travel agencies also do not want to develop new tourist routes and tourism products, as a new tourist route development requires substantial financial resources. spent a great cost. and the development of the new line will be out soon after the other copy to use travel agents, this would weaken the competitiveness of the travel agency, so it is imperative to strengthen the tourism property rights, not just the protection of the right to travel, but also to consumers in general to embody a new surprise.

英文商务报告格式范文 第7篇

Directions: You have just been asked to make a check on the water supply facilities accessible on campus and found that the faucets in some student dormitories are leaking of broken. Write a report of about 100 words to the Logistics Department to advise for the replacement of the broken faucets. Do not sign own name at the end of the report. Use “Wang Hua” instead.

To: Logistics Department

From: Li Ming

Subject: Faucets and Water Conservation

Date: June 12, 20xx

I have made a check on the water supply facilities accessible on campus in May 2011 to help ease the water shortage problem.

Most of the hardware works all right but some facilities are problematic. To be exact, 230 out of 1256 old-fashioned water faucets in school building and student dormitories were found either leaking or broken. Water keeps dripping day and night in 20 student bathrooms for many weeks and at least 12 tons of water is wasted every day.

I suggest that effective measures be taken to conserve water, including replacing all old water faucets, installing water meter for individual users and enhancing the public awareness of water-saving.

Yours obediently,

Wang Hua

英文商务报告格式范文 第8篇

internship e_perience in chengdu tianya automotive


purpose: as an object of tianya automotive system co. ltd’s logistics

department of the warehouse keeper to field study and practice. use our professional knowledge to know the warehouse keeper’s workflow and content. have a better understanding of logistics work and link theory into practice. bring up working ability and solve problem’s ability. achieve the target that i can do all i have learned .ready to have a successful life in our social life.

time: ~

address: #388,chenglong avenue,longquanyi district,chengdu,

sichuan province ,china 610100

company: chengdu tianya automotive system .

main content and e_perience:

10 years of studying hard, can finally come in handy. set foot into my long career as an e_perimental field with a youthful momentum. however, in reality, i found the future of social understanding in the university campus is an ideal, while the gap between ideals and reality in real life is so big.

at the first please let me introduce my company― in chengdu tianya automotive systems ,our company operating in china since 1985,first operation in qinhuangdao , supplying automotive brake lines. we are the one of company to provide automotive systems to faw-volks.

as a just inter the social’s student, the manager let me do warehouse manage, there are some important things i have to attention. first important is don’t make ourselves staring point too high to put .the manager told me because i was a new staff so he let me to be a warehouse keeper .warehouse keeper is a part of logistics a warehouse keeper the most basic quality is “circumspection” .then ,i have to know our company’s products and know it well. second, when we deliver goods we must know there are how much the product in our warehouse. the last important thing is we must obey “first in first out”.this post looks very easy,but it not,if i didn’t pay attention to the process,there was a mistake it will let the data could not calculate clearly and make the financial loss. sometime i always e_change idea with our bookkeeper,because they need our data to count. as a just inter the social’s student,i need step by step to work. now ,i am responsible for warehouse manage. when i first in this company everyday i clean the bo_. faw-volks the request us make the bo_ spotless. so it become an integral part of we must do everyday.

after introduce my job, there are another important things when we work, it is have a relationship with our colleague. when i first into the office, they working so busy, i didn’t know what i can do for them and didn’t familiar whit them ,i felt very lonely. as a new staff in first day, no people talk to you no people have lunch with you , i felt relay sad. i told myself i don’t want do this, i am not happy. when i get back to home i told to my parents, the told me as a new staff i must diligent than other staff, study hard, listen the old staff’s arrangement and always smile to every one. in the ne_t day, i do it. a few days later they accept me. talk with me, and give me some job do , i am really happy. by this internship, i know a person who can have a good relations with other people in everywhere, they are fluky.

after three month, i will leave this school .this fieldwork’s e_perience give me a deeply feeling .school is different from the social. in college the teacher will told us what things you should do and what you can do. they teach us how to be a good person and a good student. we can learn more knowledge from our teacher, but we just learn , we don’t have chance to do it . as a student, we don’t have ability to make money. our parents give us money in our school life, so we don’t know how hard to make money. this time we set foot in social leave from the school, we should earnmoney by our own hands. we are the youth ,we have more chance to show our ability. there are some sentences i remembered and i think it can used in our work and daily life. first “years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.”this sentence told us to be a brave man, we must believe ourselves, if there has a problem , don’t worry and fear , we can solve it better. second “youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. this often e_ists in a man of si_ty more than a boy of twenty. nobody grows old merely by a number of years. we grow old by deserting our ideals.” don’t to be a lazy man, we should working hard, whether in life or in work, don’t to be a adventurous .third have a strong curious in work, learn to innovation . “whether si_ty or si_teen, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's ne_t and the joy of the game of living. in the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young.”last, step by step to be a dependably person , growing knowledge in everywhere and everyday. like this sentence “an individual human e_istence should be like a river—small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea.” we are young, we have more energy to do many things, to become a brave and a smart person.

as a new staff, first we should do everything with a humble attitude, a company different from college ,we should learn much in social ,we must do everything energetically and clearly.

英文商务报告格式范文 第9篇


1 introduction

the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).

dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.

my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.

the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.

a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.

the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.

in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.

2 outline

development and major concepts of dts

in this part i will describe holms’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product. i will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.


i will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.

dts in contrast to other theories

a contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.

case study

in this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.


based on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.

(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)

英文商务报告格式范文 第10篇

实习单位:shan_i  chemicals co., ltd

实习时间:20__年 2月 25日至 20__年 3 月 25 日

foreign trade practice report

1. the purpose and significance of practice

in undergraduate education, the practice is an important practical teaching. through practice, you can familiarize ourselves with the specific operational procedures of foreign trade practices, enhanced perceptual knowledge, and from which further information, consolidate and deepen the already learned the theory and methods to improve identify problems, analyze issues and solve problems.

specific training course in the company, access to the international sale of goods to the specific operating practices, import and e_port costing, inquiries, offer and offer other basic skills, but also on an in-depth understanding of the industry and to the immediate e_perience in international trade faced by the different parties to the specific work and the interaction between them, contact the company developed various strategies to achieve cross-border business and good operation of the market; understanding supply and demand balance, competition and other macroeconomic phenomena, have access to real commercial real, understand their shortcomings and have accumulated some e_perience, go to work for the future and lay a good foundation.

through nearly one months of internship, i deeply appreciate the combination of theory and practice is not easy, but also through this month's efforts, i am familiar with the business processes of foreign trade, foreign trade functions of the company's organization, for my future into the job really accumulated a certain amount of practical e_perience. this article is divided into introduction, content and summary of three parts internship, internship for the past month made life a general analysis.

three years of systems theory to learn, so i basically mastered the basics of foreign trade, such as: trade terms, import and e_port procedures, customs declaration, inspection operation processes. however, it should be recognized, if not learn the theory itself was through the practice of his own truly master, it should be said that the future of their own to find a desirable job or will cause some difficulties. only through a period of training to be able to apply the knowledge learned from books to practical situations to solve practical problems for future work to lay a solid foundation.

2. background of practice

shan_i  chemicals co., ltd is a comprehensive chemical enterprise which integrates the scientific and technological development, production, sales and service into a whole.

we are a diversified chemicals company that combines the power of 20 chemical manufacturing sites in our own region and 3 groups of convenient transporting teams. the company is committed to manufacture and e_port the chemical raw materials to overseas.

it delivers a broad range of organic chemicals, inorganic chemicals, pigment & dyestuffs etc.

3. e_perience

early training

although the study is that economic, trade and english, professional counterparts, or are confused, after all, only a concept on the books, the specific operation and did not teach you. the ne_t day the two sisters i copy, fa_, go to the bank, open wire i do very seriously. i like the trade, and i want to do it well. i am very active discussion to do, because the dry sat depressed really do not know why, my smile dropped almost stiff. during that time learned some of the more trivial things, but do appreciate the work of the bitterness felt in school a serious shortage of e_pertise, can not meet the requirements of intense work, such as customs clearance, inspection, this highly practical operational work to us, just out of no work e_perience, and its no good school specialized courses in schools for people who simply can not compete with those veterans, their foreign trade companies the vast majority of cases are simple words, and that are foreign terms, do not understand, said merchandise code, the other i was surprised that one of them is actually in english, japanese can speak (in the and foreign customers to do business, although that's not very good, but i can understand japanese, in addition to outside)

there is a serious lack of work e_perience. sounds like work e_perience and time, but does most of our graduates is the soft underbelly, something you do not personally try, simply do not know how to start. today, the sister sitting on my left check out a thousand dollars to the food safety regulator let me help him buy a gsp certificate. i do not understand anything of this to the food safety regulator, to buy a certificate is still very smooth, after buying a certificate after the window, the relevant documents showed that as the master of view, i asked him after reading what is not to things to sign, and he heard me say this, frowned, and you do not know how this is not in your right hand to sign the book at it? after signing i asked a silly question b, asked him if he is not good, he glared and said you do not you give me five, and four did not take it, you are not the first time to, ah, cough ! whatever the outcome, also a school of foreign undergraduate students, was said to be like this.

over time, i've perfected a lot. needless to say the letter in english to mention, check out the cumbersome containers each have a single owner himself will not be reconciliation, the israeli cabinet fight bulk of customers will not let me a splitting headache, is also a day to listen to the arabic will not be a do not understand. the same as grass, and then withstand the weight of large stones and then have to grow up. i believe my ability and for their progress.

interim practice

has been training for almost two weeks, and also summed up how to teach your colleagues do not have internship e_perience under way, are summarized as follows:

. to practice before the basic knowledge of foreign trade must have a general understanding of (the best sales staff has been passed, inspection staff, customs e_amination.) for e_ample, documents that some commonly used trade terms of the concept. otherwise it will feel very difficult, and very easy to waste valuable time in 3 months!

. first, thick skin, to the residential gas and colleagues to help him teach you what you must do to complete, and certainly not to dissatisfaction on the face (no matter what trivial matters!). second, to ask the question, go beyond that. if my colleagues, when in answer to your question is very simple, for e_ample, asked him what was “to pay”, he answered that “is the meaning of fob”, and that this time you should not ask anymore, or easy to make him feel you this man was a stranger, he was so tired easily lead to the second, so that your future is not very easy to ask him questions, but now the era of the information age, the company will give each of the general configuration of a computer, you have to do is open the “baidu know” or “fob business forum”, enter the keyword (the reason why these two sites are recommended because they are the most current information on china's foreign trade of the two full sites, especially fob almost cover all the knowledge you want to know the trade! )

. many people to not long after the unit's body can function, the responsibilities of each department, the company's operating processes to find out. there is also a trick to check our class forums and e_port (internal management) process, and then to see my colleagues are doing every day, people in other departments are doing, say nothing, and then import and e_port processes corresponding icon on the map up, this way you can play a multiplier effect.

. a positive attitude adjustment. goes wrong at work, when encountered, this time do not have negative emotions, it is easy to affect the evaluation of the boss of you encounter this situation, recommend a way to go to our class forums to e_press their feelings out, then let everyone comfort you (i tried this approach works well!)

. as to what kind of person suitable for foreign trade, i always think to pay return there, people's overall quality is dynamic, constantly sum up their e_perience as long as the lessons learned after 10 years will be into you after all.

late practice

the last one week, i also found the e_istence of this enterprise in fact, a lot of problems. first, the enterprise system is not perfect, the business units operate independently, almost no contact between departments, i believe that although the products of the business sector but it can be briefed each other on different client resources, and e_pand the market. it also involves another question, is that companies do not have long-term development plans, often heard them say that the orders of these customers have been busy enough that they do not need to go to new customers, the private sector may be a common problem which is it, most of them to meet certain sales in each year regardless of business development and growth.

second, division of labor is not clear. salesman often say their work is not very clear what each person in need had to do, although this may have more training so that each sales opportunity, but usually more than one subject completed cause out of touch, the flow of information distortion.

third, a single sales channel. although the company set up a website, but the contents inside the old management, there is no good use of e-commerce. our products mainly through participation in canton fair, e_po, go to the market.

4. summary

one-month internship ended, recalled the one months of life, a person living in the new environment, but also to cope with new relationships. this has always been very hard to do, including busy work and intense pace of life, this month can be hard to really describe it. fortunately, this is all i hang around, on the contrary these difficulties made me more understanding of their own, and i derive a deep understanding. practice, by definition, in practice learning. after a period of study, after, or when the study ended, we need to understand their needs or should have learned how to apply in practice, and because the practice of any knowledge are derived from, attributable to practice, therefore, to put into practice what they have learned to e_amine learned. however, we certainly do not want to practice only to do the e_tent which is too narrow. from here i know that language learning is most important is the environment, rather than grammar and vocabulary and the like. language is used to communicate with the fastest way is to speak! i truly appreciate this.

through the practice i found trade this specialty is door practice-needed professional, it not only requires us to have solid theoretical knowledge and must have strong hands-on ability, more important is to learn how to communicate with people, how to establish a business relationship, these are not only the te_tbook middle school, the big stage into society and constantly of e_perience can improve and strengthen all aspects of the quality of the improved. trade work also is a foreign industry, because for the requirements are very high, foreign representative is not only personal image, even the image of the state, so must strengthen yourself all aspects of the quality of the training, such as etiquette, etc. mastering the professional knowledge. professional knowledge is our foundation in trade, trade high-risk requirements we must work skillfully good mastery of professional knowledge.

in this internship process, i realized profoundly, out of school, only the first step in the long march, in our work e_perience, social e_perience, interpersonal reflected on the puerile, in this time the practice fully show, and we lacked not just so, so later in life and work, i will constantly enrich and to enrich themselves, don't give up any can e_ercise their own opportunities, make oneself can rapidly grow to be an e_cellent business people.

英文商务报告格式范文 第11篇

Professional Business English students internship clerks report

My English is a business professional students. In the coming months, a graduate of this, I mainly responsible for the contents of the office clerical work. In this process, I used to see, ask and learn, understand the company secretarial work in the specific business knowledge, the school expanded expertise. For normal work after the commencement of laying a solid foundation of personal development, I should be most affected as a community and work style of people in the course of its expertise on the important role because they are in school, I did not learn of the contacts, I will in my first report on the internship accumulated during this knowledge and experience.

Graduate students each practice is a must have experienced it in practice so that we understand the community, we have learned a lot in class attendance is not knowledge, benefit, also opened the horizons, increased exposure for our future further towards laying a solid foundation for the community.

Shou is in daily telephone and fax machine beside. Very amount of time spent, on the first day of sitting for a day because of back pains. But after a few days on some points used every day to my office with an office girls learn some knowledge. Just enter the workplace, they found that many do not know. Now in office, there will be leisure time to look at some of the accounting books, although they have learned in the professional not put to any use at this time, but I think we should learn more, a number of skills in the future to find a job can I own several options. I work nearly two months now, in such a short span more than one friend, had finished several thought month quit. Perhaps I just started to work sometimes can not stand the manager to the “Qi”, their hearts very uncomfortable and wanted to resign from their work won again. But reflecting back carefully consider further work is the change, others are not so Shoudexia work? Just started. The stem should depend on their good work, after all, and no work experience, now have the opportunity to exercise their various areas. Otherwise, someone will miss what the future. I now work, compared to other people, very good treatment, and not other people than work is not difficult, it is easy to work, the key is to learn how people speak, and the attitude of doing things. The less experience, I now have this lack. Now understand that in a school students do, how good! Sooner or later to work, and sooner or later to enter the community, and sooner or later have to face these things can not be avoided. Therefore, I treasure the opportunity to study, learn more is always better to have a good school, spend the same time, learn more than in the future careers will be of great help. Repeat back at work, mutual understanding, I am grateful to them. Sometimes something colleagues to 1:00 later, it is necessary to a person in the office I work, I will occasionally, we get along very well, with no alternate. Several schools have to do something back, manager of the whereabouts of hours to leave, and managers are also sympathetic and gave direct grant of leave. This time heart very happy; What encountered such a good manager. Therefore, the work is now feeling very good, the most important thing is that the colleagues are all around good. Hearts is no additional, unnecessary pressure can be a good work, study. First job, after careers. I have to exercise their own good. Further study well after that through their efforts to find good jobs will return to his parents and all the teachers. She no other, and now of course, is to temper their top priority, let alone the treatment quite well now. This month, I learned some things the school system can not even understand, but sometimes also just started doing bad. Now do things, not only to be held perhaps consult heart attitude, but also know how to make use of, the most important thing is that “tolerance” is persistent. Now, I work in the near future, though, but I find myself really changed, than before, the people doing things.

Life will inevitably encounter setbacks, have not experienced failure in life is not a full life. The Secretary of the jobs, the labor force is more technical, more trivial mostly repetitive work, which in the work of the secretary will face major setbacks may occur in: communicate well with the boss; were superior to a certain feeling of hard work and failures; duplication of the work of trivial complaints annoying; of a dispute with his supervisor; emotional.

Against this office clerks characteristics specific to the setbacks, may wish to adjust the attitude from the easing of the pressure, in the face of setbacks. Gu Yue “in the hands of the big man also, from its first Zhi, Dr their physique, their body skin hunger, hunger its body, it is OK fu chaos, not gain it.” Setbacks should be calm analysis from the objective, subjective and objective, the environment, conditions, and to identify setback the reasons, and to take effective remedial measures. Establish a dialectical view the setbacks, maintain confidence and optimism, is to recognize that the setbacks and lessons that make us become smarter and more mature, is the failure itself created the ultimate success. Institute of self-comfort, can tolerate setbacks to Be forthright, optimistic mood, worked hard. Good pressure as a driving force to change the depressed state of mind, the mind easily to re successful, so that future-oriented vision. Photocopy, fax, document processing, secretarial work, I have basic proficiency. Secretarial Management System documentation, processing and management of paper documents. In various documents, most with varying degrees of confidentiality, and secretarial staff at all levels often close to the leadership to see some important documents, and attend some important meetings, so secretarial staff in public attention to the aforementioned activities, measured grasp of what should not be said what know what to say. Accurate, the quality of work requirements. Secretarial management refers to the accuracy of the correct policy, the correct leadership of intent to do the work correctly, measured words and deeds, words can too. It guarantees a certain extent, the leadership of the preparatory work. Secretarial management accuracy, involving many aspects, briefly, are: Office of the text to associate, to act in stable condition to it, the idea should be made cautiously. To accomplish these attitudes must be serious, meticulous style, not negligence, the matter should not scribbled. For example, processing documents, it is necessary to guarantee the quality of the documentation, accurate terminology, material to real, serious to be transcribed, to carefully proofread, do not link to each one error. Otherwise, there will be delays, or even lead to irreparable loss.

I am in the process of practice, both the joy of harvest, there are some regrets. Perhaps the practice days and I am not short of professional secretarial, clerical right understanding of the work of some merely on the surface, is done in Man, listen to how people speak, not to feel, to specifically address some of the work, we can not understand its essence. But when the internship, deepened my understanding of basic knowledge of secretarial and enriched my actual knowledge management, I work on the day-to-day management of secretarial and we have a certain emotional and rational knowledge. Recognizing the need to make day-to-day management of corporate secretarial work, it is necessary to focus on knowledge management theory of learning is more important to both practice and theory should work closely together.

Through serving more than a month, I am less than its own, I will in future work to learn more from each other, take heart perhaps consult. I believe they will in the future work in a more handy, even more outstanding performance! No matter what is served to all!

英文商务报告格式范文 第12篇

It is my honor to stand here today. First of all, I want to thank our dean Mrs. Li to give me this chance to deliver a speech to you. Thanks.

This is a speech about practice report, in the first place I want to share with you about my work experience.

In the first summer vacation in the college, I changed 3 part-time jobs. The first one was waiter; the second one was teaching assistant in Talking Time Language Village (TTLV); the third one was interpreter in a Highway Service Station. Maybe you will ask me how can you get 3 part-time jobs and why do you want to change it? Actually this is a good question. Here are 3 reasons: first I want to speak English,second I want to practice English, third I want to use English. This was also the main reason I quitted the first one job waiter. Then I searched TTLV online and I attended the interview and passed the teaching test. Everything seems went smoothly, I started to work there in a few days later. I was a teaching assistant there, I was in charge of 8 students in my class and I assisted the foreign teacher to interpret for the students during the class. I work there for 20 days then I left because of Olympic Games in China. So I lost, that seems God always take good care of me, one of my supervisor in TTLV recommended a good job to me after I lost a few days, that was my third job in that vacation. I was an interpreter and I was in charge of communication with foreign friends there. I worked there for 30 days, I got 1500RMB which was my first time to earn so much money by myself in my lifetime.

In the following winter vacation I went back to TTLV. I was in the same position there, but different students and different teachers, so I made new friends, I got along with my foreign teachers and I improved my English a lot, especially, Brad who is an American, so well we got along with each other that he went back to my hometown with me to celebrate Spring Festival with my family, he spent 3 days with my family of course I was the only interpreter between my family and Brad.

In this summer vacation, Customized English Services which is a new comprehensive English service in Shijiazhuang was founded by Brad. I was lucky to be selected by him. Now I am working with him to assist him to do office work and establish business relationship with new clients.

Above all, I mentioned so much work experience of mine, almost are related to English, if I don’t know English, if I don’

英文商务报告格式范文 第13篇


课题名称:中学生英语学习状态 一英语对中学生意味着什么














(一)关于“学习状态”的研究在对学生学习状态的相关文献进行分析梳理时,笔者发现国内外的关于学习状态的研究主要是从心理学的角度展开的。国外在这一方面的研究,在提到learning state时,更多的指的是远程学习中的学习状态,与国内所指的学生课堂或者学习过程中的学习状态是迥然不同的。在查阅到的相关文献中,学习状态多指的是在课堂或是课堂之外的学习过程中的学习状态。

英文商务报告格式范文 第14篇

it is my honor to stand here today. first of all, i want to thank our dean mrs. li to give me this chance to deliver a speech to you. thanks.

this is a speech about practice report, in the first place i want to share with you about my work e_perience.

in the first summer vacation in the college, i changed 3 part-time jobs. the first one was waiter; the second one was teaching assistant in talking time language village (ttlv); the third one was interpreter in a highway service station. maybe you will ask me how can you get 3 part-time jobs and why do you want to change it? actually this is a good question. here are 3 reasons: first i want to speak english,second i want to practice english, third i want to use english. this was also the main reason i quitted the first one job waiter. then i searched ttlv online and i attended the interview and passed the teaching test. everything seems went smoothly, i started to work there in a few days later. i was a teaching assistant there, i was in charge of 8 students in my class and i assisted the foreign teacher to interpret for the students during the class. i work there for 20 days then i left because of olympic games in china. so i lost, that seems god always take good care of me, one of my supervisor in ttlv recommended a good job to me after i lost a few days, that was my third job in that vacation. i was an interpreter and i was in charge of communication with foreign friends there. i worked there for 30 days, i got 1500rmb which was my first time to earn so much money by myself in my lifetime.

in the following winter vacation i went back to ttlv. i was in the same position there, but different students and different teachers, so i made new friends, i got along with my foreign teachers and i improved my english a lot, especially, brad who is an american, so well we got along with each other that he went back to my hometown with me to celebrate spring festival with my family, he spent 3 days with my family of course i was the only interpreter between my family and brad.

in this summer vacation, customized english services which is a new comprehensive english service in shijiazhuang was founded by brad. i was lucky to be selected by him. now i am working with him to assist him to do office work and establish business relationship with new clients.

above all, i mentioned so much work e_perience of mine, almost are related to english, if i don’t know english, if i don’t speak, practice, and speak english i have nothing. actually i am not the best one among you, some of you are better than me, but you need to stand out to show yourself. if you have no chance, make it; if you have a small chance, grab it and make it bigger and bigger.