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雅思图表作文范文 第1篇

月30日In some countries, the government has tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think this development is positive or negative?

月23日Some people say government should give the health care the first priorities , some others believe there are more important priorities to spend the tax payers' money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

雅思图表作文范文 第2篇




(大比例:Dominate/occupy the majority of/ stand at the largest of proportion of

which is…注意词性的'替换。)


rank/position second followed immediately/closely by C and D.

B is in the second place.

B is the second most/least popular…

2. 占据(占据多少百分比)

Be/consist/compose/take up…/comprise/constitute/make up/account for/occupies a majority of sth.

. Voluntary workers take up nearly half of the work force in house care sector (医护产业).

Hispanics (a speaking person living into the US. Especially one of Latin American)


be 倍数 as many/much as B(利用句型,雅思考试想要达到高分要求的话,要尽量在主语上下功夫,脑袋里首先想到的主语一定是大家都能想到的,再想想看是否可以用别的主语进行造句)

. Women working as/employed as child minder in the under-35 age group in 1995 were twice as many as in 1990.

Television was twice as popular as washing machine in , with close to 10% of household owning one TV set at home.

(sale volume of television销售量;新高/新低 new high/new low)


clearly, .../ obviously, .../ apparently, .../ evidently, ...


According to the table/data, .......

In accordance with the table/data, .....


It can be seen from the + 图表+that ......

We can see from the + 图表+that ......

It appears from the data that ......

It indicates from the table that.......


As we can see from the data/table, ......

As we can see from the data/ table, .......

As is reflected in the table, ......

雅思图表作文范文 第3篇

It is common nowadays for people to move to a new country as immigrants to seek new opportunities for work or to get married. For new immigrants, one of the major issues is to what extent they should accept the local culture as their own. While it is important for the newcomers to follow the local rules and convention in order to adapt to the new environment and start their new lives, I believe that it is beneficial to both the immigrants and their host countries if the new members bring in their own culture and lifestyle for the sake of cultural diversity.

To begin with, new immigrants would make more smooth transition to their new life if they understand how the society of their host countries works and behave accordingly. To consider a simple example, when an American moves to England, she will have to drive on the left side of the road following the English customs. Otherwise, she will immediately find herself either in a severe accident or in jail for breaking the traffic laws. By the same token, a Mexican woman who immigrates to America will have to try to develop her English proficiency in order to better communicate with the local people whose native language is English. Nonetheless, as I will argue later on, following the local convention in one\'s daily life is one thing, but accepting the local culture as one\'s own is quite another.

For the American who is now living in England, even though she has to obey all the English laws, she can still choose to retain her American identity and lifestyle. For example, she may cook American food at home and dine with her friends in American-style restaurants. In addition, she can still speak to her children with her American accent and teach her children American values. This is also true for the Mexican woman who moved to America.

In fact, it is now generally acknowledged that cultural diversity should be considered a strength for a nation as people from different backgrounds will have a chance to learn from one another. For example, the American immigrant who cook American food at home might also share with her English neighbors the American recipes and help bring the American cuisine to an English dinner table. The Mexican woman who takes English courses in the local community college may also tutor her American classmates who are learning Spanish or studying Mexican culture.

In conclusion, people who choose to immigrate to a different country may face great challenges and opportunities as they adapt to the new environment. It is true that they need to make the efforts to learn the new rules and culture of the host country. But they should also be encouraged to retain their own cultures and lifestyles as new members of a more diverse society.

The pie chart compares figures for visitors to four categories of tourist attraction and to five different theme parks in Britain in 1999.


It is clear that theme parks and museums / galleries were the two most popular types of tourist attraction in that year. Blackpool Pleasure Beach received by far the highest proportion of visitors in the theme park sector.


Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 38% of the surveyed visitors went to a theme park, and 37% of them went to a museum or gallery. By contrast, historic houses and monuments were visited by only 16% of the sample, while wildlife parks and zoos were the least popular of the four types of tourist attraction, with only 9% of visitors.


In the theme park sector, almost half of the people surveyed (47%) had been to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Alton Towers was the second most popular amusement park, with 17% of the sample, followed by Pleasureland in Southport, with 16%. Finally, Chessington World of Adventures and Legoland Windsor had each welcomed 10% of the surveyed visitors.(181 words, band 9)



The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.

雅思图表作文范文 第4篇

Happiness is very difficult to define, because it means so many different things to different people. While some people link happiness to wealth and material success, others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. Yet others think that spiritual paths, rather than either the material world or relationships with people, are the only way to true happiness.

Because people interpret happiness for themselves in so many different ways, it is difficult to give any definition that is true for everyone. however, if there are different kinds of happiness for different individuals then the first step in achieving it would be to have a degree of self-knowledge. A person needs to know who he or she is before being able to know what it is that makes him or her happy.

Of course, factors such as loving relationships, good health, the skills to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness too. But this does not mean that people without these conditions cannot be happy.

Overall, I think an ability to keep clear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in achieving happiness. By that I mean an ability to have a clear sense of what is important in our lives (the welfare of our families, the quality of our relationships, making other people happy, etc.) and what is not ( a problem at work, getting annoyed about trivial things, etc.).

Life self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these two factors that may be most important for achieving happiness.

雅思图表作文范文 第5篇

The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.


The line graph compares the percentage of people aged 65 or more in three countries over a period of 100 years.

It is clear that the proportion of elderly people increases in each country between 1940 and 2040. Japan is expected to see the most dramatic changes in its elderly population.

In 1940, around 9% of Americans were aged 65 or over, compared to about 7% of Swedish people and 5% of Japanese people. The proportions of elderly people in the USA and Sweden rose gradually over the next 50 years, reaching just under 15% in 1990. By contrast, the figures for Japan remained below 5% until the early 2000s.

Looking into the future, a sudden increase in the percentage of elderly people is predicted for Japan, with a jump of over 15% in just 10 years from 2030 to 2040. By 2040, it is thought that around 27% of the Japanese population will be 65 years old or more, while the figures for Sweden and the USA will be slightly lower, at about 25% and 23% respectively.(178 words, band 9)

雅思图表作文范文 第6篇

In my opinion, men and women should have the same educational opportunities. However, I do not agree with the idea of accepting equal proportions of each gender in every university subject.

Having the same number of men and women on all degree courses is simply unrealistic. Student numbers on any course depend on the applications that the institution receives. If a university decided to fill courses with equal numbers of males and females, it would need enough applicants of each gender. In reality, many courses are more popular with one gender than the other, and it would not be practical to aim for equal proportions. For example, nursing courses tend to attract more female applicants, and it would be difficult to fill these courses if fifty per cent of the places needed to go to males.

Apart from the practical concerns expressed above, I also believe that it would be unfair to base admission to university courses on gender. Universities should continue to select the best candidates for each course according to their qualifications. In this way, both men and women have the same opportunities, and applicants know that they will be successful if they work hard to achieve good grades at school. If a female student is the best candidate for a place on a course, it is surely wrong to reject her in favour of a male student with lower grades or fewer qualifications.

In conclusion, the selection of university students should be based on merit, and it would be both impractical and unfair to change to a selection procedure based on gender.


雅思图表作文范文 第7篇

The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.


The bar chart shows how much money was spent on fast foods per week in the UK over a span of 20 years from 1970 to 1990 while the graph reveals the trend of fast food consumption over the same period of time.


As we can see from the chart, the weekly expenses of people of different income levels on hamburgers and fish and chips were relatively higher than that on pizza. The graph indicates that while hamburger and pizza consumption both revealed a general trend of increase, fish and chips showed a trend of fluctuation.


雅思图表作文范文 第8篇





2.要仔细阅读图表中出现的信息,包括图表的小标题,图表中的关键文字,图表中的说明及注释.因为这些都是定位答案信息的重要依据.对于Flow Chart和Table类型的题目,一定要读懂其结构形式,这一点对于提高答题的速度很关键.





去年雅思考试的时候阅读的部分碰到的就是第二种模式,第二篇文章都很简单,只要把每一段的“3句”看一篇基本上所有的答案都找到了,因此我只花了20分钟不到就把前两篇文章做完了。然后再看第三篇文章……噩梦开始了……文章很长,我一开始照例还是先看了每一段的“3句”,再回头去看题目,发现题目问的内容跟我刚看过的内容完全没关系。再找关键词……没有专有名词,没有数字……总之一般可以当作关键词的,题目里面都没有!(这种情况在配对题里体现得尤为明显。)而这时候已经又用掉了我10分钟时间了!所幸还剩30分钟,时间还比较充裕,于是我使出了一招——通读全文!仗着自己阅读速度比较快,我老老实实地全篇文章从头到尾一字不漏地通读了一遍,于是,那些原本隐藏在犄角旮旯里的key information,也就给我一个一个找到了!既然所有问题的答案在哪里都找到了,接下来只要正确理解那些key information的意思,我想阅读要拿个9分真的并不难吧?







雅思图表作文范文 第9篇

The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be a report for a university lecturer, describing the information shown at least 150 Words.



The summary of a survey on adult education is presented in the 2 charts. The bar chart summarizes the factors that caused adults to continue their education, while the pie chart shows the public opinion regarding the funding of adult education.(简要概括导入)

According to the bar chart, 40% of the respondents mentioned “interest in the subject” as the reason they decided to go back to school. This factor was followed closely by the aim to gain qualification at 38%. On the other hand, only 9% of the survey participants said that they went to school in order to meet more people. This is the least popular reason among the 7 given.(细节段1,分析图表1)

Among all the people surveyed regarding the funding, 40% of them felt that this adult education should be the responsibility of the individual. Although 35% of them thought that the employers should lend the helping hand, only 25% agreed that the taxpayers should share the burden.(细节段2,分析图表2)

In summary, the survey showed a mixed opinion regarding the reasons and the funding for adults education.(简要总结)


For the task 1 report, I aim for 9 sentences.这是他所擅长的图表作文4段9句大法,具体结构如下:

: 1 sentence,Introduction段落,1句话介绍图表大意足矣

(summary): 2 sentences,Overview段,用2句话做图表信息的摘要

'details' paragraph: 3 sentences

'details' paragraph: 3 sentences。




最新9分雅思图表写作范文之混合图 英国移民变化

The chart below shows long-term international migration in UK..Write at least 150 Words.



The chart gives information about UK immigration, emigration and net migration between 1999 and .(1句做介绍导入)

Both immigration and emigration rates rose over the period shown, but the figures for immigration were significantly higher. Net migration peaked in and .(2句做图表概述)

In 1999, over 450,000 people came to live in the UK, while the number of people who emigrated stood at just under 300,000. The figure for net migration was around 160,000, and it remained at a similar level until . From 1999 to 2004, the immigration rate rose by nearly 150,000 people, but there was a much smaller rise in emigration. Net migration peaked at almost 250,000 people in 2004.(3句的细节段1)

After 2004, the rate of immigration remained high, but the number of people emigrating fluctuated. Emigration fell suddenly in 2007, before peaking at about 420,000 people in 2008. As a result, the net migration figure rose to around 240,000 in 2007, but fell back to around 160,000 in 2008.(3句的细节段2)(159)


For the task 1 report, I aim for 9 sentences.这是他所擅长的图表作文4段9句大法,具体结构如下:

: 1 sentence,Introduction段落,1句话介绍图表大意足矣

(summary): 2 sentences,Overview段,用2句话做图表信息的摘要

'details' paragraph: 3 sentences

'details' paragraph: 3 sentences。




雅思图表小作文混合图范文分享 世界用水


The charts compare the amount of water used for agriculture, industry and homes around the world, and water use in Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It is clear that global water needs rose significantly between 1900 and , and that agriculture accounted for the largest proportion of water used. We can also see that water consumption was considerably higher in Brazil than in the Congo.

In 1900, around 500km? of water was used by the agriculture sector worldwide. The figures for industrial and domestic water consumption stood at around one fifth of that amount. By 2000, global water use for agriculture had increased to around 3000km?, industrial water use had risen to just under half that amount, and domestic consumption had reached approximately 500km?.

In the year 2000, the populations of Brazil and the Congo were 176 million and million respectively. Water consumption per person in Brazil, at 359m?, was much higher than that in the Congo, at only 8m?, and this could be explained by the fact that Brazil had 265 times more irrigated land.(184 words, band 9)


For the task 1 report, I aim for 9 sentences.这是他所擅长的图表作文4段9句大法,具体结构如下:

: 1 sentence,Introduction段落,1句话介绍图表大意足矣

(summary): 2 sentences,Overview段,用2句话做图表信息的摘要

'details' paragraph: 3 sentences

'details' paragraph: 3 sentences。




必备雅思写作连接词分享 起承转合一气呵成


First/firstly/first of all/ to begin with/to start with/ in the first place,

First and foremost;For one thing(… for another);On the one hand(…on the other)


Second/secondly;Third/thirdly;Besides/in addition/ in addition to…;Furthermore/what is more/moreover;Namely/ in other words;In the same way/similarly/likewise;Afterwards/ after that/ after a while;Consequently/as a consequence/as a result


But/yet;However/Nonetheless/Nevertheless;On the contrary/conversely;Though/although/even though/even if;Unlike…. ,A…;Different from… , A….;In fact/ as a matter of fact,


Finally/eventually/in the final analysis;In conclusion/to conclude;In short/In brief;In summary/ to sum up/in sum;As I have said/as has been noted;Given the fact that…., we can come to the conclusion that…


In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?





In recent years it has become far more normal for people to live alone,particularly in large cities in the developed world.

(句型结构:It adj. for sb. to do sth. 后置状语补充,注意完成时has become;注意particularly的用法,举特例方便直接,类似especially但语气更强; in the developed world比in developed countries更地道;far more修饰normal代入感强)


In my opinion, this trend could have both positive and negative consequences in equal measure.

(句型结构:简单句 后置状语;虚拟语气could have;consequences高分词;in equal measure高分搭配)

Main Paragraphs 1


The rise in one-person households can be seen as positive for both personal and broader economic reasons.

(句型结构:被动 后置状语并列;主语the rise in one-person households替换more people choose to live alone,地道高分搭配准确;seen as语法得分点;personal & broader economic词汇得分点)


On an individual level, people who choose to live alone may become more independent and self-reliant than those who live with family members.

(句型结构:前置状语 主语who从句 谓语比较级 宾语who从句,高分复合句;self-reliant高分词,展示词汇量)

3)举例论证 线性推理展开:独居年轻人需要学做饭,做家务,付账单,管账等重要的生活技能;这样的人增加了就是种正面的发展

A young adult who lives alone, for example, will need to learn to cook, clean, pay bills and manage his or her budget, all of which are valuable life skills; an increase in the number of such individuals can certainly be seen as a positive development.

(句型结构:主语从句 插入语 不定式并列 宾语all of which从句;简单分句 被动;valuable得分词;an increase语法得分点;such individuals指代准确,语法和词汇得分点)


From an economic perspective, the trend towards living alone will result ingreater demand for housing.

(句型结构:前置状语 后置定语 简单句;trend towards living搭配准确,词汇和语法得分点;result in学术搭配,词汇得分点;demand for housing词汇得分点)

5) 举例说明展开:这样会让建筑公司,房产中介和其它依赖业主购买产品的公司获益。

This is likely to benefit the construction industry, estate agents and a whole host of other companies that rely on homeowners to buy their products or services.

(句型结构:简单句 宾语并列 宾语that从句;likely to benefit学术搭配,词汇得分点;construction industry & estate agents展示词汇量;rely on homeowners词汇得分点)

Main Paragraph 2


However, the personal and economic arguments given above can be considered from the opposite angle.

(句型结构:转折 简单句被动;given above非谓语修饰,语法得分点;be considered from学术搭配,词汇语法得分点;the opposite angle词汇得分点)


Firstly, rather than the positive feeling of increased independence, people who live alone may experience feelings of loneliness, isolation and worry.

(句型结构:前置状语 主语从句 宾语并列;rather than无痕迹对比,语法和CC得分点;loneliness & isolation高分词)

3)举例对比 论证展开:他们错过了家人或室友提供的对话和支持,还要承担过重的家庭账单和职责;这样来说,这个趋势就是负面的

They miss out on the emotional support and daily conversation that family or flatmates can provide, and they must bear the weight of all household bills and responsibilities; in this sense, perhaps the trend towards living alone is a negative one.

(句型结构:简单句并列 宾语从句 简单分句;miss out on地道搭配;emotional support, daily conversation & flatmates词汇加分点;bear the weight of高分搭配,词汇得分点;a negative one指代准确避免重复,语法得分点)


Secondly, from the financial point of view, a rise in demand for housing is likely to push up property prices and rents.

(句式结构:前置状语 简单句;the financial point of view替换an economic perspective;likely to push up学术搭配;property prices & rents词汇得分点)

5)对比论证 说明展开:虽然让企业获益,但大众包括独居的人都要面临更高的居住成本

While this may benefit some businesses, the general population, including those who live alone, will be faced with rising living costs.

(句式结构:让步句 插入语补充 被动;be faced with地道搭配;rising living costs词汇得分点)



In conclusion, the increase in one-person households will have both beneficial and detrimental effects on individuals and on the economy.

(句式结构:总结 简单句 宾补;detrimental不利的,高分词,beneficial & detrimental替换positive & negative;两个on介词短语并列,语法得分点)


TR: 两面观点完整回答问题,分论点详实有深度,首尾段观点总结到位,9分

CC: 全篇结构清晰,整齐,行文连接通顺,易于理解,没有明显模板痕迹,9分

LR: 词汇非常多样,同义替换到位,搭配地道准确,9分

GA: 句型多变,复合句实用灵活,没有语法错误,9分

(13 sentences, 306 words, band 9)


雅思图表作文范文 第10篇

The pie chart compares figures for visitors to four categories of tourist attraction and to five different theme parks in Britain in 1999.


It is clear that theme parks and museums / galleries were the two most popular types of tourist attraction in that year. Blackpool Pleasure Beach received by far the highest proportion of visitors in the theme park sector.


Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 38% of the surveyed visitors went to a theme park, and 37% of them went to a museum or gallery. By contrast, historic houses and monuments were visited by only 16% of the sample, while wildlife parks and zoos were the least popular of the four types of tourist attraction, with only 9% of visitors.


In the theme park sector, almost half of the people surveyed (47%) had been to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Alton Towers was the second most popular amusement park, with 17% of the sample, followed by Pleasureland in Southport, with 16%. Finally, Chessington World of Adventures and Legoland Windsor had each welcomed 10% of the surveyed visitors.(181 words, band 9)



The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.

雅思图表作文范文 第11篇

它又分成三种类型,即统计表(Table),原理图(Diagram),流程图(Flow Chart).前几年的阅读考试图表题以Table居多,而近一两年Diagram 和Flow Chart出现次数较多.

图表题虽然不是阅读的主流题型,但也有可能在你参加的考试中“冷不丁”冒出来.如果没有经过对该题型的研究学习和心理准备,则会由于不熟悉或不能正确理解图表的结构而导致失分.相对而言,Diagram题由于不存在对结构理解的问题,所以是属于简单的题型.而Table和Flow Chart则有可能被命题者设计的较为复杂.解题的关键在于对图表结构的理解和定位词的选择.

雅思图表作文范文 第12篇

The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.


The line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste output between the years 2000 and 2015.

It is clear that there were significant changes in the amounts of waste produced by all three companies shown on the graph. While companies A and B saw waste output fall over the 15-year period, the amount of waste produced by company C increased considerably.

In 2000, company A produced 12 tonnes of waste, while companies B and C produced around 8 tonnes and 4 tonnes of waste material respectively. Over the following 5 years, the waste output of companies B and C rose by around 2 tonnes, but the figure for company A fell by approximately 1 tonne.

From 2005 to 2015, company A cut waste production by roughly 3 tonnes, and company B reduced its waste by around 7 tonnes. By contrast, company C saw an increase in waste production of approximately 4 tonnes over the same 10-year period. By 2015, company C’s waste output had risen to 10 tonnes, while the respective amounts of waste from companies A and B had dropped to 8 tonnes and only 3 tonnes.(192 words, band 9)


The climograph below shows average monthly temperatures and rainfall in the city of Kolkata.


The chart compares average figures for temperature and precipitation over the course of a calendar year in Kolkata.

It is noticeable that monthly figures for precipitation in Kolkata vary considerably, whereas monthly temperatures remain relatively stable. Rainfall is highest from July to August, while temperatures are highest in April and May.

Between the months of January and May, average temperatures in Kolkata rise from their lowest point at around 20°C to a peak of just over 30°C. Average rainfall in the city also rises over the same period, from approximately 20mm of rain in January to 100mm in May.

While temperatures stay roughly the same for the next four months, the amount of rainfall more than doubles between May and June. Figures for precipitation remain above 250mm from June to September, peaking at around 330mm in July. The final three months of the year see a dramatic fall in precipitation, to a low of about 10mm in December, and a steady drop in temperatures back to the January average.(173 words, band 9)