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Where are you from【优秀8篇】

Where are you from 篇一

where are you from?



topic2 where are you from? 主要学习介绍自己,了解他人信息,如电话号码、国籍等,学习十以内的数字;通过一些体育明星、标志性建筑、自然风光、国旗来学习一些国名。主要句型:

is she/he from shanghai?  yes, he/she is./no, he/she isn’t.

are they from canada?   yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.

where are you from?   i’m from england.

where is he/she from?  he/she is from japan.

where are they from?   they are from canada.

what’s his/her telephone number? his/her telephone number is …


1. 语言知识目标:

 了解语音语调的变化;

 掌握be动词的缩写;

 掌握数学0-10;

 能理解和表达有关电话号码、个人情况、体育明星、国家、城市名称等话题信息

2. 能力目标:

 能听懂别人的问候、自我介绍

 能听懂某人询问姓名、年龄、国籍、电话号码等基本情况,并进行简单对话

3. 情感目标

 培养学生学习英语的自信心,鼓励学生积极大胆、敢于模仿、克服困难、羞于开口的心理。帮助学生在学习上不断取得成功,以表扬和鼓励为主,逐步建立学生的成就感。


1. 教学重点:

 询问姓名、国籍、电话号码等基本情况的交际用语

2. 教学难点:

 谈论个人情况


 能听懂别人的问候、自我介绍,并能进行简单的交际

 能对姓名、国籍、电话号码等基本情况进行简单的对话或叙述。


 启发式教学法、情景交际法、任务型教学法、竞赛教学法、小组合作学习、探究性学习


 图片、录音机、小黑板、投影机、多媒体教室等


excuse, me, what, your, name, where, from, be from, canada, england, no, not, she ,he ,japan, her, his, they, telephone, number, zero—ten


topic 2 section a







sl:good morning.i am...nice to meet you.(面向全体学生。)

s2:hi,s1! i’m… nice to meet you.

s1:hi,s2!  nice to meet you,too.

s2:s1,this is  s3.  s3,this is s1.

s3:how do you do?

s1:how do you do?

2.问一学生,故意说错她的名字,引出excuse me,are you…? 和no,i’m not.两个句型。例


t:  excuse me,are you...?

s1:…(用中文或摇头表示否定。老师引导学生说出no,i’m not。)反复运用此法,加深学生印象,并板书句型:

3.再问一名学生的真实姓名,引出what’s your name?及my name is… 的句型。例如:

t:  excuse me, are you …?

s2:no,i’m not.

t:what’s your name?

s2:… (老师引导其说出my name is…)

反复询问,让学生明白what’s your name?及my name is …的含义,并板书。让学生两人—组操练excuse me,are you…?及what’s your name?这两个句型。


1.利用图片,老师以不同的人名作自我介绍,引出i’m from...句型。

t:my name is …. i’m from… (使用当地地名)

my name is yao ming.i’m from shanghai.(用姚明头像)

反复使用此法,巩固i’m from…句型,并板书。

让学生逐个操练:my name is ….及i’m from…这两个句型。

2.师生问答,引出are you from… 及where are you from?句型。例如:    ‘

t:are you from…? (用与实际不相符的地名。)

s1:no,i’m not.(老师可用点头/摇头作提示。)

t:where are you from?

s1:… (老师引导学生说出:i’m from...)

连续提问几个学生,让他们理解,然后板书:where are you from?与一个学生完整示范以上两句对话,然后两人一组操练该对话。

3.利用各国国旗和标志性建筑的图片,呈现并学习新单词:canada,england,japan,并且理解the usa

t:are you from china?(出示中国国旗和长城图片。)

s2:yes,i am.

t:are you from canada?(出示图片-)

s2:no,i’m not.

第三步: 巩固







t:  i’m mr./miss...(对s1) you are … (指着s2) he is …

板书:he is …

t:i’m mr./miss...(对s2) you are… (指着s3) she is…

板书:she is…

指着不同的男生,反复用he is…(示意被叫的站起来),然后指着不同的女生,反复用sh is…让学生明白he,she分别指男性和女性。

2.让s1,s2,s3模仿刚才老师所用的句型:i’m… you are... he/she is…表演。

3.运用jane,kangkang和yukio的头像学习is he/she...及其答语。例如:

t:he is kangkang. he isn’t li ming.she is jane.she isn’t maria.(指着学生说)


t:is he …? (真实姓名)

ss:yes,he is.

t:  where is he from?

ss:he is from ...

t:is she …?(假姓名)

ss:no,she isn’t.


4.听2a录音,学生跟读并模仿语音语调, 完成2a.





1. 采访做调查,然后完成图表,必须运用:excuse me,what’s your name?/where are you from?等句型。

name from

找几个学生向全班作汇报,运用be from…句型。通过学习此话题相关知识,让学生体会到:虽然来自不同的地方,但我们都是好朋友。

2.  homework:


(2)预习section b的新词。



where are you from?

section a

1.—excuse me, are you jane? 4.—are you from england?

—yes, i am. —no, i’m not.

2.—what’s your name? 5.—is he li ming?

—my name is sally. —yes, he is./no, he isn’t.

3.—where are you from?

—i’m from canada.


1. where are you from? 你来自哪里?


i am from+地点“我来自……”  是相应的答语。

be from=come from所以通常我们在作自我介绍时,说i’m from beijing.或i come from beijing.由于come是行为动词,在用法上稍稍发生了变化,有助动词和be动词的区别。

topic 2 section b








1.分组活动,让学生调查该组成员姓名和来自哪里。运用:excuse me,what’s your name?/where are you from?等句型。填写下面表格。

name from



t:are you s2?

s1:no,i’m not.

t:are you s3?

sl:no,l’m not.

t:are you sl?

sl:yes,i am.

学生两人一组操练,可以换成is he/she…?句型。


t:this is my pen.this is my book.this is my ruler. (走向一女生。) this is her pen.this is her book.this is her ruler. (走向一男生。) this is his pen.this is his book.this is his ruler. 板书her/his并让学生猜意思。

(走向不同的学生。)反复运用her/his name is…


t:what’s her name?

sl:her name is ...

t:what’s his name?

si:his name is ...

4.使用明星的图片,引出are they…?句型及其肯定答语

t:are they s.h.e?

ss:yes,they are.(老师引导学生说出。)

t:are they twins?

ss:yes,they are.

(交换两幅图片,帮助学生说no,they aren’t)

板书并教学:no, they aren’t






t:what’s his/her name?

ss:his/her name is…(老师帮助读人名。)

t:where is he/she from?

ss:he/she is from…









sl:what’s his name?

s2:his name is …

s1:where is he from?

s2:he is from...

挑选一些学生汇报,运用:his/her name is… he/she is from…


孝师举一幅图片给第一个学生,并告诉她:he/she is from…. his/her name is… 第一个学生把此信息告诉第二个学生,第二个告诉第三个,以此类推,每个组最后一个大声告诉老师,信息与原信息相同的组获胜。

3. homework:




where are you from?

section b

1.—what’s her/his name? 2.—are they from…?

—her/his name is… —no, they aren’t.

—where’s he/she from? —where are they from?

—he/she is from… …is from…and… is from…

where’s=where is aren’t=are not

topic 2 section c








1.利用图片复习what’s his name?及where is he from?


t:this is my telephone.(出示电话机)



t:this is my telephone number.

板书telephone number并让学生猜意思,教学该词组。









1. 连线搭配,将国名与其相应的国旗连线。



t:this is …. she is from…. his telephone number is…


4.找有手机或qq号的学生问答,操练:what’s your telephone/qq number?例如

t:what’s your telephone number?

s:  ...

t:what’s your qq number?


1.分发一些印有图像但无其他任何信息的名片给一部分学生,给另一部分学生分发一些有图像和完整信息的名片。让没有信息的学生与有信息的学生交谈,并填充信息。运用what’s his/her name? where is he/she from? what’s his/her telephone number?


3.唱英文歌曲where are you from?完成4。

4. homework:




where are you from?

section c

zero one two 1.—what’s your telephone number?

three four —my telephone number is…

five six 2.his name is kangkang.

seven eight where is he from?

nine ten his telephone number is (010)9267-6790.

topic 2 section d
















what’s your name?

where are you from?

what’s your telephone number?

where’s he/she from?

he/she is from…

his/her telephone number is…



“is he/she from…?”例如:

ss:is he/she from…?(当地地名)

t:no,he/she isn’t.

ss:is he/she from…?(当地地名)

t:no,he/she isn’t.

ss:is he/she from …?(当地地名)

t:yes,he/she is.


















1. 假设一位学生想与别人交朋友。运用6中所列用语向她的同伴提问题。例如:

sl:excuse me,what’s your english name?

s2:my english name is …


2. homework:

(1)仿照section c, 3制作3-5个好朋友的个人信息卡。


Where are you from?-Lesson 篇二

Lesson 93教学设计示例(一)



2.句型:1)where are you from?

2)they are from….

3) what’s about you/he/her ?


1)一where are you from?

-I am from…..

2)are you/ they from….?

3)do you / they come from..?

4)what about you /he/her…?






3.教师拿出中国地图世界,并提出问题:where is Taiyuan? 学生回答。然后让学生相互之间根据地图中各个城市的地理位置进行句型操练。

4.教师拿出世界地图,指着地图上的国家和城市说:This is Paris.并问学生:Where is Pair? 同时教师板书France该词,学生反复跟读。教师继续教授新单词USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, America。当确信大家已初步掌握之后,教师再次拿起地图与学生进行如下问答练习:

T:where is …?


T: How do you spell it?


5. 教师拿出课文图片,放课文第一部分对话录音,教师给出听前提问(Pre-listerning question) Where is he (David) from?

Where are Tom and Ann from?



6.教师问A学生Where are you from? 要求学生用新学习的英语国家名字来回答问题并反复操练。然后教师又问B学生:Where is he/ she from? What about him/ her? 这种问答要,使学生通过不断重复的手段,达到记住、记牢的目的。

7.教师引导并帮助学生相互之间使用新学习的句型Where are you from? What about you?来介绍自己的家乡地理位置。






1)Where are you from?

Be from =come from 意思是“从……来”,常用来询问某人来自何地方或籍贯。如:

I am from Shanghai and he is from Beijing.

They are from Australia.

2) Are you from the USA? No, I come from England.

Come from 是“从……来”,come是行为动词,在否定局,疑问句和肯定句中,其随主语的变化而变化。如

He comes from Nanjing.

Lesson 93教学设计示例(二)

Teaching Objectives

The expressions of place.

Main Points

1. New words: USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, America, a little

2. Sentence Patterns:

(1)Where are you from?

(2)Where do you com from

Difficult Points

How to use the Simple Present Tense correctly.

Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder, the slide-showing, tapes, pictures, map

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

1. A duty report.

2. Revise the days of the week and their spellings with the help of cards.

3. Revise the dialogues in SB lesson92,E.3

Step 2 Presentation

1.Teach Where’s Taiyuan? It’s in Divide the class into two halves and have a competition. Get the students to ask each other where the places are.

2.SB Page 36, Part 1. Point to the countries and cities on the map of the world and say: This is Pairs. Then ask Where is Pairs? The students may answer in Chinese. Teach France and get the students to repeat after you . This part aims at giving students exposure to more English names of countries and cities in the world.

Step 3 Ask and answer

1.Book closed! Teacher ask: Where’s David from? Where are Tom and Ann from? And play the tape. Check the answers .(David, USA; Tom and Ann, UK)

2.Practise saying the names of countries by asking some students Where are you from? Tell them to use the name of a foreign country in their answer. Then ask the class Where’s he/ she from? What about him / her ?

Step 4 Presentation

Tell the students about yourself. Say I’m from Beijing.(etc.) Ask students Where are you from? What about you ? Help them to answer, using the name of their own hometown.

Step 5 Listen, read and say

Teacher play the tape, and students listen and repeat. Then students practise the dialogue in pairs. They talk about themselves in groups.

Step 6 workbook

1. Do Ex. 1 with a student to demonstrate how to make the dialogue. Then get the students to work in pairs. Encourage them to use their own imagination and create different dialogues.

2. For Ex.2, let the students read through the three short passages before they fulfill the task.


1. Copy the new words.

2. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Where are you from 篇三

unit 24 where are you from?


一。 语音

1. 元音字母i ,u及其字母组合的读音:

i    [ai](开) ride         friday      write    side

i    [ i ](闭) swim        listen      ship     big

igh  [ai]        high        light       right

u    [ju:](开) student    tuesday      use

u    (闭) jump        run cup

u    [u:]        blue        ruler

u    [u]        put          full


do you 1like chinese ↗food?

1yes, i ↘do.

are you from a↗merican?

二。 词汇

1. 单词

usa, australia, canada, uk, japan, america, france, french, hotel,

building, postcard, dinner, toronto, country, textbook,

great, first, soon,

follow, call, teach, stay

* englishman, australian, canadian, foreigner, city, word, why, visit,

english-speaking, letter

2. 重点词组

talk about           谈论

make friends         交朋友

a little             一点儿

on sundays           在星期日

a lot of             许多

go out               出去

be from              从……来,是……人

from…to…                         从……到

five days a week     一周五天

teach sb sth         教某人某事

三。 日常用语

1. where is london?

it's in england.

2. where are from?

i'm from the usa.

3. what about her?

she is from the uk.

4. do you come from america?

no, we come from japan.

5. do you speak english?

only a little. ( yes, a little)

6. are you from china?

yes, i am.

7. how do you like china?

i like it very much.

8. what do you like about china?

the people--- and the food.

四。 语法

1. 一般现在时态:

i/you/we/they come from america/go to school/stay at home.

do you/they come from america/speak english?

yes, i/we/they do.

no, i/we/they don't.

2. 介词

to her from lily on sundays


1. how do you like…? 你觉得……怎样?

这一句型主要用来询问对方对某事物的印象,句中的动词like还可以用find来代替而不影响句子意思。本句也可改为what do you think of…这一句型。例如:

1). how do you like this book?

i think it's a good book.

2). what do you think of this picture?

very nice. =i think it's very nice.

3). how does she like/find your work?

i don't know.

2.speak, say,和 talk

▲speak 强调说话的能力,方式和对象,不强调说话的内容。用作及物动词时,一般用表示语言的名词或代词作宾语。

the teacher is speaking to his students.


the woman can't speak, but she can read.


he can speak japanese, but he can't speak chinese.



▲ say必须带宾语,强调说什么。

please say it in english.


what is he saying?


he says," let me help you."


●以上三个例句中,it, what以及 "let me help you"都是say的宾语,表示说话的内容。

▲ talk与介词 to或 with 搭配,表示"与……交谈",与介词about或of搭配表示所谈及的内容。

what is she talking about?

he is talking to us about you.

we are talking about our good friend.

● talk一般用作不及物动词,不能直接带宾语,必须通过介词才能接宾语。另外: talk to sb表示"和某人交谈",speak to表示"对某人讲话".

3. 国名,国籍等


china              chinese            chinese              chinese

中国               中国的,          中文 中国人         中国人(复数)

america          american           american            americans

美国              美国的              美国人            美国人(复数)

england          english              englishman        englishmen

englishwoman   englishwomen

英国              英国的,            英语 英国人        英国人(复数)

japan              japanese          japanese            japanese

日本              日本的,            日语 日本人       日本人(复数)

canada           canadian            canadian             canadians

加拿大           加拿大的             加拿大人             加拿大人(复数)

france              french               frenchman          frenchmen

frenchwoman     frenchwomen

法国                法国的                法国人            法国人(复数)

australia           australian          australian            australians

澳大利亚           澳大利亚的           澳大利亚人         澳大利亚人(复数)

4.people 和the people

▲ people 作"人"解时,是可数名词,复数仍是people,一般不用单数,不可以说a people或peoples,但可以说three people, many people.

there are four people in my family.

how many people are there in the classroom?

▲ people作"人民"解时,前面总是有定冠词the。

we work hard and study for the people.


the chinese people are working hard.



▲ follow 用作及物动词,作"跟随"解。

the boy follows his mother out.


she follows me into my room.



sorry, i don't quite follow you.


can you follow me, meimei?


6. you can't call me like that. 你不能那样称呼我。

▲ call 在不同的上下文或句子中有不同的意思,应结合句意正确理解call的意思。

don't call me lucy, i'm lily.

别叫我lucy,我是 lily。

listen! someone is calling you.


you can call me tomorrow.


now let me call your names.


7.lucy and i go to school five days a week.


▲英语中的并列主语或宾语指的是人,通常先说第三第二人称,然后说第一人称。如本句lucy and i不能说成i and lucy,这与中文恰恰相反。

lucy, you and i are on duty today.

tom and i must clean the classroom.

▲ five days a week是"每周五天"的意思,在句中作状语,这里不定冠 词 a具有"每一"的意思,相当于each,但通常不用 each 替换,更不能用every替换。

she's at home with her parents four days a month.


i'm not at work two days a week.


8. we teach them english and they teach us chinese.

▲ 动词teach 可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。作及物动词时有三种情况,可说teach sb(宾格),可说teach sth,也可说teach sb(宾格)sth。尤其要注意在teach sb sth中,sb 如是代词,必须用宾格,不用所有格。

does mr. wang teach in this school?


miss liu teaches very well. she's a good teacher.


miss zhang teaches us chinese this term.


9. our friends ask us to go to their homes for dinner.

▲ ask sb to do sth 表示"要某人做某事"。

he asks us to go and see him.


does he ask you to give him a hand?


▲ go to their homes中的 homes被their 修饰,因此是名词,前面要带介词to 。go home 中的home 是副词,前面不能带介词to。

what time do you go home on friday afternoon?


i'm going to her home at six this evening.


10.make friends交朋友

make friends with sb意思是"与某人叫朋?quot;,这一短语中的 friends 总是复数,不能用单数,不能说make (a) friend with sb。

my uncle makes many friends in america.


my mother likes to make friends with doctors.



一。 单词辨音。

1. a. about b. house c. could d. count

2. a. work b. sport c. word d. worker

3. a. photo b. shoe c. also d. potato

4. a. worry b. other c. love d. hotel

5. a. great b. team c. teach d. meal


6.the american girl teaches _________ english. (i)

7.how many ________ are there in your family? (people)

8. _________ come from __________. (american)

9. we are _________ and we come from __________. we speak __________. (chinese)

10.i have some english friends and they are all very __________ to me. (friend)

三。 改错

11 . there is 39 students in my class.

a        b      c       d

12. do you like work in china?

a    b        c    d

13. are you come from england?

a    b         c      d

14. do you speak english? yes, i am.

a   b           c             d

15. tom and mike have a lot of friend in beijing.

a         b     c       d



dear kate.

how are you? i'm writing to you in my school. this school is great! there are nine hundred students in my school. i like the teachers. the other students are very friendly. they teach me chinese and i teach them english.

there is small river behind our school. the water is clean. we can swim in it.

there are no classes on sundays. we stay at home and watch tv. my father and my mother go to shops on sundays. they all like china.

ican speak chinese now. i can write my name in chinese.

please write to me soon.

love from


16.this letter is from lucy to kate.

17.there are nine hundred students in her school.

18.the other students don't like lucy.

19.lucy teaches the other students english.

20.there isn't a small river near the school.

21.ther water in the river is clean.

22.lucy isn't at school on sundays.

23.lucy can speak chinese.

24.she can't write her name in english.

25.lucy wants kate to write to her soon.


1---5 cbbda

6.本题中人称代词的单数形式作teaches 的宾语,应用i的宾格形式 me。

7.how many后接可数名词的复数形式, people本身就是复数,所以只把 people填入空格就可以了。

8.american作名词时指美国人,第一空格应用复数形式americans; america 是国家的名称,所以第二个空格填america.

9. chinese 的单复相同,第一个空格填chinese;第二个空格应填国家名china;最后一格填chinese,译为"汉语"。

10. be friendly to sb表示"对某人友好",顾应填friend 的形容词形式friendly。

11.students 是复数,所以,be动词应用are,不能用is.

12.like doing sth,应把work改为working.


14.do you speak english?的答语应是yes, i do,不能用yes, i am.


16---20 ttftf 21---25 tttft

Where are you from?-Lesson 篇四

Lesson 94教学设计示例(一)





1.教师向学生展示地图,复习第93课的对话。让学生相互之间问问题:Where are you from? I am from….  Where do you come from?  I come from….etc. 问答的方式教师可以自便,可采取多种形式如: 教师---- 一个学生;  教师----- 部分学生; 教师---- 全体学生;一个学生---- 一个学生; 部分学生-----部分学生等形式来进行操练。

2.教师指着地图上的国家的名称如:Canada. 说: Canadians come from Canada. They speak English and French.  然后又指着另一个国家如:Japan.说:  Japanese come from Japan. They speak Japanese.教师反复地说出不同的国家的名称,让学生反复操练句型。帮助学生提问和回答有关国家的相关语言。如问Do you speak French?等等。教学生回答: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.又如Do they learn maths?       Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.Does Kate study Chinese?   Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.同时,教师在黑板上写出这些句子并比较这些句子的结构,用彩色粉笔强调句中出现的do/ does

3.打开课本37页,第一部分1让学生练习句型 Do Americans speak Japanese? No, they don’t.  What do they speak?  They speak English.  Do you like eggs?  Yes, I do. I like it very much./ a little. No, I don’t.  I don’t like it at all.

4.让学生听第94课的录音。听录音的时候,教师要求学生不看课文只听录音,然后让学生跟读。之后学生打开课本对照课文内容进行问答练习。最后学生以小组形式进行操练。在学生听完对话录音后,教师提问: Is Bob from the USA?  Does Bob speak Chinese? 教师放录音两遍并让学生跟读。教师指出中国姓名与西方国家的姓名的不同之处:在西方国家,人们习惯将姓放在名之后如Jim Green, Green 就是姓Jim是名,而中国人的姓名和西方国家的习惯正好相反,比如Zhou Jian. Zhou是姓  Jian 就是名。  然后让学生操练课文对话并请学生上讲台作演示。


6.学生听课文第三部分的录音并且跟读, 注意录音中的英文发音,语调和节奏。

7.教师总结这一节课的教学内容,要求学生掌握句型:Where are you from? Where do you come from? Do you speak French? I like …..very much / a little etc.课文板书如下

Unit 24  Where are you from ?

Lesson 94

the Great Wall Where are you from? Do you speak French?

hotel, building I am from…. Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

follow, call Where do you come from? I like milk very much./ a little.

First I come from…. I don’t like it at all.


掌握交际用语:Do you speak English?肯定回答: Yes, I / we / they do

否定回答: No, I / we / they don’t..

Lesson 94教学设计示例(二)

Teaching Objectives

The expressions of place.

Main Points

1.New words: great, hotel, building, follow, call, first

2.Sentence Patterns:

(1)    (1)Do you speak Chinese?

(2)    (2)Yes, I do / No, I don’t

Difficult Points

How to use the question form of the Simple Present Tense correctly.

Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder, the slide-showing, tapes, map

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

1. A duty report.

2. Look at the map, revise Where are you from? What about you ? Where is he / she from?

Step 2 Presentation

1. Show a card with the name of a country : e.g. China. Say Chinese come from China. They speak Chinese. Let students repeat with other cards with different country names on them.

2. Teach the students with cards I speak Chinese / English / French. Ask Where are you from? What do you speak? Help the students to answer with the appropriate language for the appropriate country. Ask What does he / she speak? Do you speak English / Help the students to answer Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

3.Write down They speak English. What do they speak? Do they speak English? on the Bb and compare the sentence structures. Highlight do with coloured chalk.

Step 3 Ask and answer

Book closed! Students listen and repeat. Play the tape again, students open the books and listen and repeat, then ask and answer in pairs.

Step 4 Presentation

Ask Do Australians speak Chinese? What do they speak? etc. students answer No, they don’t Then ask what do they speak? the students answer They speak English..

Step 5 Read and act

1.Teacher play the tape, ask Is Bob Scott from the USA? Does Bob speak Chinese? Play the tape again and get the students to repeat.

2.Teacher point out that in western countries, a person’s family name. This is the opposite order than in China, where the family name comes first, such as in Hu Dong.

3.Get the students read and act out the dialogue in pairs.

4.Do Ex.1. of Wb Lesson 94 .

Step 6 listen and chant

1.       play the tape and have the students repeat, as they repeat, pay attention to their pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.

2.       let some students read out in class if time permits.

Step7 Workbook

Do Ex.3 in class


1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2.Learn the dialogue in SB Lesson 94 by heart.

Where are you from?-Lesson 篇五

Lesson 95教学设计示例(一)






2.教师复习Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French? 等等。或者教师复习课文第94课第2部分的对话,并让学生演示对话内容。

3.教师拿出一张明信片,在黑板上把明信片的基本格式画下来,同时教学新单词postcard。 教学Dear….和Love from…并向学生解释love from 仅限于家庭成员及好朋友之间使用。教师向学生讲明用英语书写地址的方法。并提醒学生,写地址的时候,要把单位或地区小的信在前面,大的写在后面。然后举例并写在黑板上。

4.教师放课文录音,并提出问题。学生回答完问题之后再放一遍录音,让学生听读同步进行。请学生把课文的英文信件翻译成中文,并向学生解释Linclon Drive 是指林肯大街。





9.教师布置家庭作业 :让学生用学过的明信片的格式,给自己的好朋友写一张明信片,然后再送给朋友的面前,让朋友改正自己的语法错误。


Lesson 95教学设计示例(二)

Teaching Objectives

The expressions of place.

Main Points

New words: teach, postcard, dinner, soon, stay.

Difficult Points

How to use the Simple Present Tense correctly.

Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder, tapes, pictures.

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

1. A duty report.

2. Revise Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French? etc.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw the “writing” side of a postcard on the Bb. And teacher show the real card to Ss, teach the word postcard. And Explain that Love from…is only used between family members and good friends.

2. Point out the way to write an address in English. Note that the name of the person comes first. Write the school address on the Bb, e.g. :

Miss Li Manhua

No. 27 Middle School

Donghuamen Street

Beijing, 100009

People’s Republic of China

3. Get the students to write their own address, and check their work each other.

Step 3 Read

1.Before playing the tape, let the students read the questions.

2.Then give them several minutes to scan the postcard for the answers. At last play the tape, students listen and repeat.

3.have the students translate Lily’s letter into Chinese.

Step 4 Practise

1.Students work alone and then check the answers in pairs.

2.Get the students to correct “Wrong” answers.

Step 5 Talk and write

1.revise some telephone greetings.

2.have the students work in pairs and write their telephone conversation.

3.choose several pairs to act out their dialogue for the class.

4.as they practise, remind the students to pay attention to their intonation.

5.tell the students in Chinese that even though it is a phone conversation, people do different things when they speak on the phone, e.g. some people pace back and forth, others twist the telephone cord around their finger, etc.

Step 6 Workbook.

Do Ex. 3.in Wb Lesson 95 in the class.


1.Finish off the Workbook exercises after class.

2 Go over the language items listed in Checkpoint 24.

Lesson 95教学设计示例(三)

Teaching aims


Key points


Difficult points

Five days a week, teach sb. Sth., on Sundays, ask sb. To do sth,, write to sb.

Teaching methods


Teaching aids


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.复习Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French?等等。


Step 2 Presentation

1.教学新单词postcard,教师打开ppt多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》,向学生展示英文明信片的基本格式。并向学生说明Love from….仅限于家庭成员及好朋友之间使用。



4.教师打开ppt多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》,让学生熟悉了解英文信件的格式。然后让学生对两种不同的格式进行比较,总结出其中的不同之处,加深学生对英文明信片和英文书信格式的印象。

step 3 read


2.请学生把lily 的信件翻译成中文,并向学生讲Lincoln Drive 是林肯大街/道。

Step 4 practice


Step 5 reading

教师打开多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》让学生掌握信件的格式。同时让学生比较一下postcard, letter and mail 的区别。教师让学生作练习。

Step 6 summary



教师布置家庭作业 ,让学生用学过的明信片的格式,给自己的好朋友写一张明信片,然后再送到朋友的面前,并让朋友更正自己的语法错误。



Where are you from?-Lesson 篇六

lesson 96教学设计示例(一)






1. 学生作值日报告。

2. 教师写出单词:ride, write, friday让学生找出他们含有的共同的音素 /ai/。

3. 教师总结板书/ai/ : ride, write, friday. 再以同样的方式总结出:/i/, /ju:/, /u:/..

4. 教师领读这些音标,使学生更好的掌握单词的正确发音。

5. 学生听录音并跟读这些音标。

6. 学生听第二部分录音并跟读。让他们用手势表示出重音和语调。

7. 教师提出问题:where is this postcard from? 并帮助学生回答i think it’s from…等等。然后再请学生以小组的形式对课本上的明信片进行问答练习。

8. 教师播放第四部分录音,让学生做练习册第116页第3题。教师指导学生共同完成课后练习。

9. 教师播放第五部分录音,学生合上书本听录音,然后跟读,教学词组make friends,然后让学生以自己的身份写一封回信,写在课本第七部分,同时复习明信片和信件的格式。

10. 教师放第六部分录音,让学生听录音,反复跟读并完成书上的短文。然后以两人为一小组互相检查答案。

11. 最后教师复习课本“复习要点24”中的内容,学生讨论并教师帮助学生解决可能出现的问题。向学生解释清楚一般现在时态的用法。

12.教师布置课堂作业 :(教师课根据具体情况而定)

1.usa(完整形式)______________ 2.come from(近义词组)______________

3.french(国家)______________ 4.englishman(复数)______________

5.has(原形)______________ 6.people(复数)______________

7.teacher(动词)______________ 8.canada(国家的人)______________

answers: 1. the united states of america   2. be from   3. france   4. englishmen   5. have   6. people   7. teach   8. canadian


14.教师布置家庭作业 :




writhe on blackboard

lesson 96

i/ai/   ride, write u/ju:/ student, tuesday

/i/    milk, swim /u:/ blue, ruler

igh/ai/ high, light /q/ run, jump

/u/ put, full



( ) 1. i learn english ______ my american friends.

a. from b. and c. to d. for

( ) 2. tom, jack and i ______ students.

a. are all b. all are c. am all d. all am

( )3. i know only _______chinese.

a. a few b. few c. little d. a little

( )4.are they ______ in the river?

a. swim b. swimming c. swimming d. are swimming

( )5. lily and i ______at home.

a. am staying b. are staying c. is staying d. be staying

( ) 6. they often watch tv ______ sundays.

a. on b. in c. at d. of

( )7.______are you doing? i'm doing my homework.

a. where b. what c. how d. who

( )8.______books do you have?

a. how much b. how many c. how d. what many

( ) 9. she ______ any friends.

a. don’t have b. has c. doesn't have d. not have

( ) 10. ______there ______water here?

a. is, some b. are, any c. are, a lot of d. is, much

( ) 11. do you want ______shopping with me?

a. go b. going c. to go d. goes

( ) 12. i would like ______ .

a. two pieces of breads b. two piece of bread

c. two pieces of bread d. pieces of two bread

( ) 13. they often teach ______ chinese.

a. i b. me c. mine d. my

( )14.______she have a ruler? no, she______.

a. does, does b. do, don't c. does, doesn't d. is, isn't

( ) 15. whose books are these? they are ______.

a. we b. us c. our d. ours

( ) 16. do they have ______friends? yes, they ______.

a. a lot, have b. much, do c. many, are d. many, do

( ) 17. ______do you like china? ______.

a. how, i like it very much b. what, i like it a little

c. how, the food d. what, it's great

answers: 1.a 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.b 9.c 10.d 11.c 12.c 13.b 14.c 15.d 16.d 17.a

lesson 96教学设计示例(二)

teaching objectives

the expressions of place.

main points

new words: city, foreigner, city , word , well, why, english-speaking, letter

difficult points

how to use the simple present tense correctly. and how to writer an english postcard correctly.

teaching aids

a tape-recorder, tapes,

teaching procedure

step 1 revision

1. a duty report.

2. revise the words, expressions and the postcard from lesson 95.

step 2 word families

let students read out these words, and pay more attention to the english pronunciation, or let students listen to the radio and repeat.

step 3 stress and intonation

1. students listen and repeat.

2. get them to show the stress and intonation with gestures.

step 4 guess and game

1.have the students look at the postcard in the sb. teacher ask: where is this postcard from? help the students to answer i think it’s from sydney/ paris/ toronto. now get the students to talk about the postcards.

2.in pairs, have the students make their own postcards. each pair should choose a place in china to draw their postcards of the same place. they do need to be from the same place..

step 5 listen and answer

1.have the students look at the table in wb lesson 96, ex. 3 before playing the tape.

2.help the students with the spelling of place names.

step 6 prsentation

1.teacher explain to students that e-mail is a way to talk to people from around the world. and ask does anyone have e-mail? do you e-mail people from other countries?

2.have the students make up their own e-mail addresses. encourage them to be creative.

step 7 read

1.give the students 3 minutes to skim. then ask some students to give the main idea.

2.have the students read the passage. ask comprehension questions such as, how old is jack? where does jack like? how many students are in his class? etc.

3.have students read the text aloud together. pay attention to pronunciation and intonationl.

step 8 read and complete

1.before playing the tape have the students fill in the blanks with the words they think. then paly the tape and have them listen and change the words in the blanks if they guessed something.

2.have the students discuss their first answers with the answers on the tape in groups.

3.have the groups make a list of the words they think could be put in the blanks.

4.at last teacher check the answer with the students.

step 9 write

have the students write this letter as homework. and the next day teacher give the students a chance to read each other’s letters.

step 10 checkpoint 24

go through checkpoint 24 on the book and discuss any problems. explain that the present indefinite tense is used to give general information. and give some examples to students on the bb.

step 11 workbook

revise the map on the sb and do ex.2., ex 4.


finish off the workbook exercises.

where are you from?-lesson 96

Where are you from 篇七


lesson three

第 2课时

复  备


1.     review the words in this lesson.

2.     review the spelling rules : ou ea oo er

3.     let’s talk  .


maser the dialogue.


master the dialogue.


words’ cards . act in roles. recorder and tape .












step 5


1、sing an english song .



1、review the let’s read. method : use the easy pictures and write the key words .

2、spelling rules : ea pronounce 【i:】ou pronounce 【au】oo pronounce 【u:】

3、review the new words of this lesson.


1、  review the closed syllable ,i pronounce 【i】  o pronounce 【 】eg: fish  from ……

2、  review the words .

3、  use the easy pictures and write the key words .

4、  method :listen to the tape and after it .


1、   listen to the tape and read after it .

2、  read after me .

3、  the first to retell each the picture ,then to retell all pictures.


let ss to act it .

today home work .

let’s read .

lesson  three

how beautiful her dress is !

where are you from ?  i’m from …… we  are from …..

sing a song

freely act it .

read the words.

act in roles.

make the sentences .

act in roles.

1、all read together.

2、read it in groups.

3、let ss to act it



Where are you from?-Lesson 篇八

Lesson 95教学设计示例(一)






2.教师复习Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French? 等等。或者教师复习课文第94课第2部分的对话,并让学生演示对话内容。

3.教师拿出一张明信片,在黑板上把明信片的基本格式画下来,同时教学新单词postcard。 教学Dear….和Love from…并向学生解释love from 仅限于家庭成员及好朋友之间使用。教师向学生讲明用英语书写地址的方法。并提醒学生,写地址的时候,要把单位或地区小的信在前面,大的写在后面。然后举例并写在黑板上。

4.教师放课文录音,并提出问题。学生回答完问题之后再放一遍录音,让学生听读同步进行。请学生把课文的英文信件翻译成中文,并向学生解释Linclon Drive 是指林肯大街。





9.教师布置家庭作业 :让学生用学过的明信片的格式,给自己的好朋友写一张明信片,然后再送给朋友的面前,让朋友改正自己的语法错误。


Lesson 95教学设计示例(二)

Teaching Objectives

The expressions of place.

Main Points

New words: teach, postcard, dinner, soon, stay.

Difficult Points

How to use the Simple Present Tense correctly.

Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder, tapes, pictures.

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

1. A duty report.

2. Revise Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French? etc.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw the “writing” side of a postcard on the Bb. And teacher show the real card to Ss, teach the word postcard. And Explain that Love from…is only used between family members and good friends.

2. Point out the way to write an address in English. Note that the name of the person comes first. Write the school address on the Bb, e.g. :

Miss Li Manhua

No. 27 Middle School

Donghuamen Street

Beijing, 100009

People’s Republic of China

3. Get the students to write their own address, and check their work each other.

Step 3 Read

1.Before playing the tape, let the students read the questions.

2.Then give them several minutes to scan the postcard for the answers. At last play the tape, students listen and repeat.

3.have the students translate Lily’s letter into Chinese.

Step 4 Practise

1.Students work alone and then check the answers in pairs.

2.Get the students to correct “Wrong” answers.

Step 5 Talk and write

1.revise some telephone greetings.

2.have the students work in pairs and write their telephone conversation.

3.choose several pairs to act out their dialogue for the class.

4.as they practise, remind the students to pay attention to their intonation.

5.tell the students in Chinese that even though it is a phone conversation, people do different things when they speak on the phone, e.g. some people pace back and forth, others twist the telephone cord around their finger, etc.

Step 6 Workbook.

Do Ex. 3.in Wb Lesson 95 in the class.


1.Finish off the Workbook exercises after class.

2 Go over the language items listed in Checkpoint 24.

Lesson 95教学设计示例(三)

Teaching aims


Key points


Difficult points

Five days a week, teach sb. Sth., on Sundays, ask sb. To do sth,, write to sb.

Teaching methods


Teaching aids


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.复习Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French?等等。


Step 2 Presentation

1.教学新单词postcard,教师打开ppt多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》,向学生展示英文明信片的基本格式。并向学生说明Love from….仅限于家庭成员及好朋友之间使用。



4.教师打开ppt多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》,让学生熟悉了解英文信件的格式。然后让学生对两种不同的格式进行比较,总结出其中的不同之处,加深学生对英文明信片和英文书信格式的印象。

step 3 read


2.请学生把lily 的信件翻译成中文,并向学生讲Lincoln Drive 是林肯大街/道。

Step 4 practice


Step 5 reading

教师打开多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》让学生掌握信件的格式。同时让学生比较一下postcard, letter and mail 的区别。教师让学生作练习。

Step 6 summary



教师布置家庭作业 ,让学生用学过的明信片的格式,给自己的好朋友写一张明信片,然后再送到朋友的面前,并让朋友更正自己的语法错误。



Where are you from?-Lesson 95