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my mother小学英语作文(优秀7篇)

妈妈是一阵和煦的风,为我吹去朔雪纷飞,带来春光无限。下面是高考家长帮为您精心整编的my mother小学英语作文(优秀7篇),希望对大家有所帮助。

My mother英语作文 篇一

When we are very small, most of us have heard the song about the praise of the mother, we have been told that mother is the best people in the world. Indeed, our mothers are the persons who give birth to us, who will never abandon us whatever happens upon us. Sometimes we will argue with our mothers, because we think she doesn’t understand us, but after a little while, we always regret for the argument. Actually, she knows her babies, she just cares too much that she doesn’t expect that it will hurt her babies. As kids, we should understand our mothers, too, it is our duty to take care of her, when we are young, mothers take care our us, when they are old, it is our turn to take care of her. It is love that makes the world beautiful, let’s show our love to mothers.

My mother英语作文带翻译 篇二

My mother is hunan radio, film and a good journalist, she has a passion for work, often work overtime late into the night. Mom can write good articles, to win many prizes, year after year are television advanced workers.

Although the working mother is very busy, but she love and care for me is not reduce. Mom often said I was her good, she gave me a lot of nickname, sometimes called me "little girl" sesame seeds oil, rainbow "kid sister", sometimes called me "bulb", "child"。 When I was two years old, mother will give I opened QQ space, is called "kaka Kitty cat paradise", my mother help me to write a diary, write me every day of fun in space, and at different times in the space of photos, mother said that when he had grown up, give me this space, let myself writing articles, record the good life.

Mom is very gentle, for my father and I are very concerned about, also very care for elders. My grandma body is not good, often sick, and the mother is very hard. Finished work, arrange my life, and ran to the hospital to take care of my grandmother, but my mother never complain call tired, always smile. Mother is like the warm sun, warm to me, for I keep out wind and rain, I have such a good mom proud.




My mother英语作文带翻译 篇三

在我记忆的心扉中,妈妈很少笑,但是我印象最深的有很多,妈妈笑的那么温柔。 我这次期中考试语文90,数学95,总之比以前好多了。

In the heart of my memory, my mother seldom smiles, but I am most impressed by many, my mother smiles so gently. My mid-term examination of Chinese 90, mathematics 95, in a word, much better than before.

我把成绩单拿回家的时候妈妈笑了我知道妈妈的笑容是高兴的,还说:“我们的女儿这么聪明,长大了一定有出息。”吃饭的时候妈妈还忙着帮盛饭。 妈妈的笑了,真的笑了。

When I took my report card home, my mother smiled. I knew that my mother's smile was happy, and said, "our daughter is so smart, and she will be promising when she grows up." Mom is still busy helping with the dinner. Mom smiled. She did.

my mother英语作文 篇四


My mother英语作文 篇五

Like a stream flowing in my heart is a mother's love; Like the firefly is a mother's love showed me the way; His heart is split into two and a half and half into the cradle of the moonlight, plating half into elegance a lullaby, let the children happily asleep in his own heart valve or a mother's love. Every child has mom, mom diligent and kind; Some mother tender and beautiful; Some mother intelligent thrift; My mother a considerate and generous, beautiful kind.

Over mount Everest, a piece of flying above the clouds, that is the mother's hair is like silk; At the southern tip of the motherland territory have an clear and bright lakes, it is mother like black agate eyes; In the western sky, there is a piece of light such as yarn hongxia, it was my mother on the cheek light color; The world's most fertile field and the most mysterious ocean, that is mother sweet smile.

My mother英语作文 篇六

I have a good mother, she looks not very beautiful, but she is very love me!

Mother gave me to learn the piano, drawing, calligraphy, etc.。. She let me know a lot of knowledge.

Every day after school, I go home to do my homework first, my homework began to eat, mom right after the meal to check my homework, have the wrong place, mother will help me to correct, after the correction, I started to practice, mother every day so hard to guide me.

Mother also I bought a lot of books, let me see for a while before going to bed, sleepy when mom put music and English audio tape to me. Every morning my mother give me two yuan to eat breakfast, and then send me to school. Mom to let me grow more, gave me to buy calcium tablet. I love my mother!

my mother我的妈妈英语作文 篇七

My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every comfort. We all love her and she loves us also.

My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining.

She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, but she works as hard as ever.

Often she says to us, work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society. What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.




