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小学一年级英语教案 篇一


本课是《新标准英语》第二册第四模块第一单元,本模块主要是通过熊猫的身体器官来学习器官。但是要注意单复数的区别和使用。而对于一年级的学生而言,单复数已然是比较难和重要的语法项目了,同时也要区分these 和 this之间的区别和运用,能够正确使用本语法与单词。



知识目标:学习器官单词:nose, head, ear, eye, mouth, face.

句型:This is my… This is your…










I.Organization:1.Greeting 2.Chant

:1.Free talk 2.Review the words.


1.Listen and look.

2.Learn new words: head nose ear eye mouth face

3.Learn new drills: This is my head. This is your eye.

4.Say a chant: My head, my face, nose, nose, nose.

5.Play a game: Listen and point.

Point to your head/ your nose/ your mouth/ your ear/ your eye/ your face.

6.Practise in pairs.

7.Learn new dialogue

(1)Listen, point and say.

(2)Listen and repeat.

(3)Listen and say.

(4)Read the dialogue.

(5)Perform the dialogue.

1.A guessing game:This is your…

2.Listen and number

V. Homework: Listen and repeat.

小学一年级英语教案 篇二






1、学会使用Is it...?来猜测事物,并能听懂会答Yes, ,it is./ No, it isn't.



如何调动学生的积极性去学并运用Is it...?,同时懂得如何回答;


一、 Warmer

1、 Greetings

2、 Do morning exercises



二、 Presentation and learn

1、 Present a jigsaw

(1) guess how many the jigsaws are

(2) present the pattern

呈现信息差:"同学们,你们知道这拼图是什么图案吗?你们知道用英语怎么猜测吗?"激发学生的求知欲,继而呈现主要问句句型"Is it......?"让学生进行首次的听力性输入

板书:Is it...... ?

2、Practice the pattern "Is it...... ?"

(1)Loud or low

(2)Train train train


3、Guess what the jigsaw is

(1)Guessing 老师边拼,学生边猜;同时,渗透对答句的学习

S1:Is it a dog?

T:Oh, no , it isn't.

S2:Is it an apple?

T:No ,it isn't.

最后,呈现完整拼图,并学习新单词 monkey,接着为monkey编儿歌,如"猴子monkey真调皮;monkey monkey很聪明"等

4、 Look ,ask and answer

T:So,is it a dog?


T:No,it isn't. (板书,做动作--两手交叉表示no,并带读操练)

同样方法学习Yes, it is.(板书,做动作--手指做V手势表示yes,并带读操练)

5、 快速对一对 教师做手势,让学生分辨,并读出来


6、 Revision

三、 Practice

1、 背面玄机

抓住学生的好奇心理,告之原来拼图背面另有不同图案,激发学生运用新句型Is it...... ?进行猜测

2、 学习新单词monster并为单词编儿歌

3、 Game:神手大竞猜

准备一个盒子,盒内装东西,面对全体学生的一面是透明的`,而另一面则有一个洞,可以让上来的学生伸手入盒内拿东西,再用Is it?猜测,其余学生根据其猜测的内容用Yes, it is./ No, it isn't.回答。猜对的学生奖励贴图。

四、 Chant

Dog, dog, is it a dog?

Oh, no, no, it isn't.

Monkey,monkey,is it a monkey?

Oh, no, no, it isn't.

Is it a monster?

Oh, no, no, it isn't.

Is it a kite?

Yes, yes, it is.





Is it ...?

Yes,it is.

No,it isn't.

一年级的英语教案 篇三




1. 复习本课句型What do you like? I like…。及其表示食物和饮料的 单词。

2. 通过单元检测,检查学生对本课知识的'掌握情况。





1. Review

a. 用纸将单词卡片盖住,让生看不到画面。

b. 慢慢移开纸,让生猜是什么食物或饮料,并说出单词。训练学生 的反应能力。

c. 俩人一组进行练习。

d. 教师拿出一个球,说:” I like juice.” 将球抛出,问接到球的学生: ” What do you like?” 接到球的学生要回答:” I like…。”


a. 请学生按要求写好姓名和班级。

b. 在教师的引导下做听力练习。

c. 教师逐题进行讲解,并下去检查。 训练学生的听力和理解能力。

英语教案-Unit 篇四

period 1 (一) 明确目标

1. learn to express the student’s everyday life, especially their life on science study.

2. train the student’s listening ability.

3. improving the students speaking ability by debating with each other and describing.

4. study the language points connected with the dialogue.

(二) 整体感知 step 1 1. presentation

when you are talking about studying, almost all of you think that studying can only happen in the classroom, and it only means listening to the teachers’ explanation. but there can be many means to study. for example, studying in the lab, reading the books by yourself. now turn to page 22. and try to describe the four pictures listed in your text book. 2. after describing the pictures, let the students answer the following question.

(1) what are the names of the school subjects in which you study sciences?

(2) give an example of what you learn about for each field of science.

(3) what are the rules when you do the experiments in the lab?

(三) 教学过程 step 2 listen to the tape and try to answer the exercises. step 3 tell the differences between the rules they have talked about and the one listed in the tape. then get to know the important to keep safe in the lab. step 4 talk about the effect of the science of technology. let the students know the application of science and technology does good to our society , at the same time , it also harm to the human beings or the environment. step 5 practice in pairs to talk about some advantage and disadvantage of the scientific discoveries and applications listed in the book. step 6 ask some pairs of students to act their dialogue out before their classmates. step 7 deal with the language points.

(四) 总结扩展 step 8 make a conclusion of their performance. step 9 do the exercise in the workbook.

(五) 随堂练习用适当的介词填空

1. _____ my opinion, we should do it at once.

2. _____ the future, there are fewer animals in the world.

3. it is a waste _____ time to talk to him.

4. we should make good use _____ every opportunity we have.

5. it is necessary ___ children to sleep 9 hours a day.

6. it is silly ____ you to ask such a question.

7. it wise ____ you to take his advice.

8. i’ll travel ____ beijing ____ shanghai by air. 参考答案:

1. in 2. in 3. of 4. of 5. for 6. of 7. of 8. from ,to period 2


1. language knowledge: conduct change prove tear control doubt much too

2. language ability: improving the student’s reading ability, especially their kimming and scanning ability.

2. enable the students to know the serious attitude to science.

(二)整体感知 step 1 pre-reading

we all know that it is the scientists’ great effort that makes the great achievement on science. could you name some scientists’names? and what are they famous for? try to fill in the blanks of the following form, if you。can’t, ask your classmate to help you.

form: in the 18th & 19th centuries scientists all over the world made many important discoveries.

give some example. /physics/medicine/chemistry/biology step 2:presentation

as we all know ,benjamin franklin is a famous politician.but today, we will read a passage about him as a scientist. his serious attitude to science .let’s see how franklin made his famous electricity experiment by flying a kite.

(三)教学过程 step 3

get the students read the test and then decide if the following statements are true (t) or false (f).

1.in 1752 scientists already knew what electricity is. ( )

2.franklin was helped by a friend to do the experiment. ( )

3.franklin made the kite of silk because wet silk does not conduct electricity. 4.a condenser was used in the experiment to store electricity.

5.the key tied to the string was put into the door to stop he kite from flying away.

参考答案 1.t 2.f 3.f 4.t 5.f step 4 read he passage and then find out the main idea.

paragraph 1 introduction of franklin’s experiment.

paragraph 2—3 the process of出e experiment.

paragraph 4—6 the tip of doing the experiment. step 5

deal with the language points. ask the students to pick out the useful expression from the text, give them more examples, and do some exercises to practice the language points. step 6

play he tape for the students to listen and follow.


step 7

students make a conclusion of de process of franklin’s experiment and retell the tips of doing the experiment. step 8

do the exercises in the post-reading.


1.a great number of milk is produced in that factory every day.

2.paper is made of a certain in kind of grass.

3.this cloth is felt smooth.

4.use an umbrella to prevent you from the rain.

5.it is important of us to learn english.

参考答案 1.number改为deal 2.of改为from 3.is felt改为feels 4.prevent改为protect 5.of改为for

period 3

(一) 明确目标

1.language knowledge: know about some words that have different meanings.

2.language ability: learn one word formation—compounds.

3. moral teaching work with perseverance.

(二) 整体感知 step 1 presentation

after having learnt many words, we find that some words have more than one part or speech or a meaning. for example, bank can lean not only the ground near a river, but also the establishment for keeping money . it is one factor of words and we may find that if some words are combined, a new word come into being. today we’ll talk about these two phenomena.

(三) 教学过程 step 2 come to the word study, and finish the work. step 3 let the students think more examples of words that have more than one meaning. then make a conclusion to help them to decide word meaning in a specific situation. step 4 come to grammar, and finish to exercise. step 5 talk about the word formation, especially compounds. and the noun compounds and adjective compounds.

(四)总结,扩展 step 6 let the students talk about some compound words then conclude the conditions.

(五)随堂练习辨别词义及词性 1.ache

(1) he has an ache in his chest.

(2) i am aching all over. 2.shock (1) the shock of the blast shattered many windows.

(2) i was shocked at the news of her death.

(3) the result of the election came as a shock to us all. 3.order

(1) get your ideas into some kind of order before beginning to write.

(2) he gave his order to the waiter. 4. lie

(1) our school lies in anqing.

(2) he tells a lie to his teacher. 5. like

(1) i like the one on the left.

(2) they are not twins, but they’re very michael jackson.

参考答案: 1. (1) n continuous and dull pain 疼痛

(2) v suffer from a continuous dull pain 持续地隐隐作痛

2. (1) n violent blow or shake 强烈的冲击或震动

(2) v cause to feel surprised 震惊

(3) n. sudden violent disturbance of the mind and emotions 震惊

3. (1) n. condition in which everything is carefully and neatly arranged 整齐

(2) request to make or supply 订购,订单

(3) command 命令 4. (1) exist, be 位于

(2)statement one knows to be untrue 谎言

英语教案-Unit 篇五

新高一英语教案unit 13period 1

(一) 明确目标

1. warming up to arouse the students' love in talking.

2. do some listening to improve the students' listening ability.

3. making simple dialogues to train the students' speaking ability.

(二) 整体感知

step 1 presentation

every day i have food. food makes us feel full and happy and it also helps to build our bodies. but have you ever thought what you eat is junk food or healthy food? today we're going to learn something about food.


step 2

(1) open your books on page 1 and look at the eight pictures in it. discuss in pairs what are junk foods or healthy foods.

(2) ask your classmates what they like to eat. and fill the table.

step 3

now let's have some listening training.

step 4

everyone wants to be healthy and strong. but sometimes we are not feeling well. when we' re ill, we' d better go and see a doctor and the doctor will look over us and give us some advice. now we’re going to practice some everyday english used by doctors and patients. here are three situations for you. choose one of them and make up a dialogue with your partner according to the example given and then act out.


step 5

today we've done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday english used between doctors and patients.



1. tomorrow   (be) friday.

2. the geography teacher told me tile earth    (move) around the sun.

3. he thinks it    (grow) taller next year.

4. he is always     (think) of himself never thinking of others.

5. how    you (get) along with your classmates?

6. look! there    (come) a bus.


1. is 2. moves 3. will grow 4. thinking 5. are getting 6. comes period 2


1. learn and master the following words and expressions: make choices, pace, diet, nutrient, muscle, bean, keep up with, fibre, mineral, chemical balance, fit, be good for, function, and be harmful to.

2. develop the students' reading ability.


step 1 presentation

today we come to the reading. it's about a healthy diet and tells file importance of keeping a hal- mined diet. read the text quickly and answer the following questions.

step 2

1. what do traditional diets often have?

a. too much water

b. too much protein

c. too much fat and too many calories

d. nutrients we need

2. what can help our body fight disease and give us energy?

a. vitamins, fibre and minerals.

b. pork and fish

c. water

d. calcium

3. what contains a lot of protein?

a. vegetables

b. fruits

c. vitamins

d. fish, meat and beans

4. why do some people become vegetarians?

a. because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or they think we should not kill animals for food..

b. because they think meat is not "eco-foods".

c. because they think meat will make them fat.

d. because riley think meat will make them thin.

5. from the passage we can conclude that it is probably better, if

a. we eat less meat

b. we have more fruit

c. we have "eco-foods"

d. we buy good food and keep a balanced diet.


step 3

read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations.

step 4

play the tape for the students to listen and follow.

step 5

l. do post-reading 1.2.

2. discuss the questions below, first in pair, then with the rest of the class.

(1)why do people go to fast food restaurant?

(2)why is it not good for you to eat too much sugar and fat?

(3)why are crash diets and supplements so popular?

(4)what can we do to keep a balanced diet?



l. they made some chinese friends in beijing so as to improve their chinese better.

2. he advised my giving up smoking.

3. they try to keep a balancing diet.

4. only in this way we will be ready for the challenges in life.

5. if our diet including foods from all the food groups, we do not have to buy any supplements.


1. 去掉better

2. my giving 改为 me to give

3. balancing 改为balanced

4. we will 改为 will we

5. including 改为 includes

period 3


1. review the text learnt in the last period including useful words and expression.

2. learn how to use "had better", "should" and "ought to" while giving advice.


step 1 presentation

in the class we’re going to review the words we learnt and also learn how to give advice using "had better, should, and ought to".


step 2

please open your books on page 5. on the top of it there are some words and phrases in the form. match them with the proper expressions.

step 3

after finishing the word-matching, the teacher can tell the students when people use "had better or had better not", "should or should not", "ought to or ought not to". then have the students fill in the blanks in a right way.


step 4

we have learnt how to give advice. now let’s try to write letters giving advice. here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using "had better (not)', "ought (not) to or should (not)'.



1. the teacher advised him __ (不要在马路上玩)

2. _________ (培养健康的饮食习惯) is my important.

3. _________(选择吃什么) is no longer as easy as it once was.

4. because they think we _____________(不该杀动物来做食物 ).

5. ________ (代替) eating expensive foods, they did more exercises.


1. not to play on the road

2. developing/to develope healthy eating habits.

3. choosing/to choose what to eat

4. should not kill animals for food.

5. instead of

period 4

(一)明确目标 1. do some reading about snacks. 2. do some writing to develope the students' writing skill.

(二)整体感知 step 1 many students like having snacks. is the habit good or bad? let's read “snacks".

(三)教学过程 step 2 after fast reading, do the following true-or-false exercises. 1. our body doesn't need to refuel if we choose nutritious food for our main meals. 2. good snacks should come from different food groups and should not have too much fat or sugar. 3. fruits and vegetables don’t give us any vitamins. 4. most fruits need cooking. 5. fruits and vegetables are the only healthy snacks.

参考答案: 1. f 2.t 3.f 4.f 5f step 3 give the students some explanations when necessary. step 4 play the tape and have the students follow. (四)总结扩展 step 5 have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. before writing, you should read tips first.

英语教案-Unit 篇六





























































(2)T:Now.L et’splayamatchinggame.(教师用手势示意,指着下面的学生)Yousay:boatboatgogogo(指着台上的拿着词卡的七位学生),youmatchthewordswiththerightpictures(用手势做一贴的动作)Ok?

























小学一年级英语教案 篇七



1. 复习本课句型What do you like? I like…。及其表示食物和饮料的 单词。

2. 通过单元检测,检查学生对本课知识的掌握情况。





1. Review

a. 用纸将单词卡片盖住,让生看不到画面。

b. 慢慢移开纸,让生猜是什么食物或饮料,并说出单词。训练学生 的反应能力。

c. 俩人一组进行练习。

d. 教师拿出一个球,说:” I like juice.” 将球抛出,问接到球的学生: ” What do you like?” 接到球的学生要回答:” I like…。”


a. 请学生按要求写好姓名和班级。

b. 在教师的引导下做听力练习。

c. 教师逐题进行讲解,并下去检查。 训练学生的听力和理解能力。

