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be used to+动词原形,这一结构表示“被用来……”,其中used为过去分词。比如: 篇一

The knife is used to cut meat. 刀是用来切肉的。

Used to句型结构 篇二

⑴ used to的否定式为didn’t use to或used not to。

⑵ 例如: He didn’t use / used not to go home by bus.

⑶ 他过去不常坐公共汽车回家。

⑷ ⑵used to的疑问式为Did … use to …? 或Used … to …? 构成。

⑸ 例如: —Did you use to be a teacher? / Used you to be a teacher? 你过去是老师吗?

⑹ —Yes, I did. 是的。

否定形式 篇三

在书面语中,我的否定形式是used not to do;而在口语中常用didn’t use to do或use(d)n’t to do进行否定。比如:

She didn’t use to have long hair.(= She used not to have long hair.) 她以前没有长头发。

be used for+名词/动名词,这一结构表示“用于”或“被用来……”,介词for说明用途。比如: 篇四

A stamp is used for sending letter. 邮票用来寄信。


【趁热打铁】用used to, be used to, get used to, be used for填空:

1. She ____ be a history teacher.

2. The pen ____ writing.

3. His father ____ drinking coffee after suppr.

4. This machine ____ make bread.

5. Her mother ____ tell stories when she was young.

6. There ____ be an old house near the lake.

7. She ____ cold weather after having lived here for two years.

8. ____ he ____ come by bus?

Key:1.used to 2.is used for 3.gets used to4.is used to5.used to6.used to 7.was/got used to8.Used, tonot to have long hair.) 她以前没有长头发。

used to的用法 篇五

一、 作名词

1. 作用途解是可数名词。
 Can you find a use for these empty boxes? 你能给这些空盒子派上用场吗?
 I need a tool with many uses. 我需要一件有多种用途的工具。

2. 作使用; 效用; 使用权解是不可数名词。多用于以下的固定短语中。

1) (be) in use 正在使用。
 The dictionary is in use. 词典正被使用。

2) (be) of use有用处;起作用。
 The cellphone is of great use. 手机很有用。

3) make (good / full ) use of (好好 / 充分)利用
 We should make full use of every minute in order to learn English well. 为了学好英语,我们应该充分利用每一分钟。
 此外,还有come into use(开始使用),have the use of(有权使用),There is no use doing sth. / It's no use doing sth. (做某事没有用)等搭配。

二、 作动词

1. 使用;运用。
 As a student, you should learn how to use a dictionary. 作为学生,你应该学会如何使用词典。

2.与for或as连用,构成短语use...for,意为用来做。;为了。而使用, use... as为作为。使用;用作。之意。

Bamboo can be used for carrying water. 竹子可以用来运水。

Modern cellphones are more than just phones-they are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mail or surf the Internet. 现代手机不仅仅是电话,它们也当作照相机和收音机使用,还可以发送电子邮件或上网。

3. use up用完;用光。
 All the paper has been used up. 纸都用完了。

4. used to惯常。
 used to后跟动词不定式,used to do sth. 过去常常做某事,暗示现在已经不再做某事。
 He used to be a quiet boy. 他过去是个安静的男孩。


1. used to do “过去常常或习惯于做某事”(用于过去持续或经常发生的事)

eg: We used to go sailing on the lake in summer.


2. be / get / become used to (doing) sth “习惯(某)事”

eg: I am not used to eating so much at lunchtime.


3. be used for (doing) sth “被用来做某事”

eg: The file is used for storing test papers.


4. be used to do “被用来做某事”

eg: Computers can be used to do a lot of work now.


5. be used as “被用作… ”

egThis word can also be used as a verb.


否定形式 篇六

在书面语中,我的否定形式是used not to do;而在口语中常用didn’t use to do或use(d)n’t to do进行否定。比如:

人们常用我used to来表示今昔对比,某一动作已经成为过去的事实,现在已经不再那样了。我只有过去式的一种形式,可用于所有人称。请看表演:

Mary used to be short, but she is very tall now. 玛丽以前很矮,但她现在很髙。

They used to walk along the river after supper. 他们过去常常晚饭后沿着河边散步。


一般疑问句 篇七

我的一般疑问句形式可以用Did+主语+use to…?或Used+主语+to…?句型。比如:

——Did you use to play the piano? 你以前常常弹钢琴吗?

——Yes, I did. 是的,我常弹。(No, I didn’t.不,我不经常弹。)

be used for+名词/动名词,这一结构表示“用于”或“被用来……”,介词for说明用途。比如: 篇八

A stamp is used for sending letter. 邮票用来寄信。


【趁热打铁】用used to, be used to, get used to, be used for填空:

1. She ____ be a history teacher.

2. The pen ____ writing.

3. His father ____ drinking coffee after suppr.

4. This machine ____ make bread.

5. Her mother ____ tell stories when she was young.

6. There ____ be an old house near the lake.

7. She ____ cold weather after having lived here for two years.

8. ____ he ____ come by bus?

Key:1.used to 2.is used for 3.gets used to4.is used to5.used to6.used to 7.was/got used to8.Used, to
