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关于疫情作文的英文 篇一

This years Spring Festival is not as busy as it used to be, and the streets are a lot colder. Novel coronavirus pneumonia was reported in Wuhan in January this year, and the news made the whole nation panic. The virus spread rapidly and spread all over China.

At that time, the angels in white chose to fight against the virus. Regardless of their own safety, they did not give in to the epidemic situation and actively participated in the rescue work of the race with the God of death. They bring us confidence and courage. They are "the most beautiful traitors".

Thank these selfless "traitors". With the development of the epidemic, many people have donated materials and donations to support Wuhan. Countless people are worried about Wuhan and cheer for it.

关于疫情作文的英文 篇二

From door to door, novel coronavirus is being passed from door to door. I saw my uncles and aunts were all wet and tired. I quickly brought them dry towels and hot water. They waved and said, "no, thank you, children. We brought them by ourselves. "Then, after patiently explaining the preventive measures to us, they went to the next house.

During the Spring Festival of the family reunion, when they were in need, they did not retreat, did not hesitate, and quietly devoted themselves to work. Once upon a time, I said to myself: in life, there are such a group of people who are always with each of our residents. They are community workers. We strictly follow the leaflet, which is the greatest support for them.

The bell of the new year has been ringing. The spring is not far away. I believe that with the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, we will surely win this "battle".


关于疫情作文的英文 篇三


A few days ago, I got to know something through the picture book of coronavirus sent by my teacher. It's a kind of virus transferred from animals to human body! This virus has infected many people now, most of the infected people will have fever, cough, dyspnea, serious life-threatening!


Now there are many doctors and nurses who are risking their lives to treat patients every day. They are very, very hard! So if we want to help them, we can only fight against the virus if we protect ourselves. You must remember that you must wear masks and wash your hands frequently when you go out. Do not go to crowded places! After the Spring Festival, we can go to school and play happily!


I know that only by doing it myself can I do no harm to others! Also hope that the sick uncles and aunts can recover soon!

关于疫情作文的英文 篇四

I believe that this extended winter vacation has brought us different feelings. Many people have never really felt that we are not only living as individuals, but also breathing and sharing our destiny with the times. Students were born before and after SARS. This is the first time you have ever faced a major national public health event in your memory.

Through the news, we can see a face full of bruises, a pair of braids cut to avoid cross infection, a pair of hands corroded and cracked by disinfectant, and figures curled up on the ground for a while to rest. Young medical staff are focused on their own battle field;

We saw that Zhong Nanshan, 84, was ordered to go retrograde in the face of danger. Zhang Dingyu, the president of Wuhan Jinyintan hospital, was suffering from progressive frostbite and was still racing with time to save his life. Academician Li Lanjuan, in his 70s, only slept for three hours a day, leading the team to keep up with the development of special drugs;

We have seen journalists who have been holding fast to make in-depth reports and constantly disclosing the latest progress of the epidemic; we have seen workers who are working day and night to build hospitals and make masks, and we have seen organizations from all walks of life that are coordinating and providing support

These retrograde backs, they stand up not to be heroes. They are keeping the land and doing their duty. SARS broke out in 2003, and the whole world guarded the post-80s and post-90s. 17 years later, the post-80s and the post-90s have come to guard the world. We can see that the children who were sitting in the classroom now change their clothes, learn from their predecessors, and carry on the load for more people.

I hope that students will remember that the responsibility of the times will one day be entrusted to you. A few years later, when you are active in all walks of life in the motherland, I and all teachers are looking forward to seeing your conscience and profession. When you come into close contact with the most real wounds of this society one day, I hope you have the determination and strength to cure it. Before the challenge of history is handed over to you, it is the best way for students to take on the responsibilities at this stage. The school will do its best to let students save more wisdom and strength to meet future challenges in the three years of nanwai high school.

关于疫情作文的英文 篇五

Im very sad these days, because we were going to travel to Guangzhou. Because of the outbreak of this new coronavirus in Wuhan, we cant play anymore.

Last night, my mother told me about the picture book of the new coronavirus. I learned from it that the virus was originally grown on wild animals, but because some people eat wild animals and kill wild animals, the new coronavirus ran to our human beings and settled down. Although the virus is very dangerous, there are still ways to deal with it, especially those doctors who are working hard to treat the infected patients, some of whom have recovered and left the hospital. I stay at home with my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and brother. I dare not go out. If someone wants to go out to buy food, I will remind him: "dont forget to put on the mask!"

The virus has brought great disaster to human beings. I want to say to you, "come on! We have a way to deal with this virus, we will win! "

关于疫情作文的英文 篇六

新型冠状病毒:novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) /kə,rəunə'vaiərəs/

肺炎:pneumonia /njuːˈməʊniə/

新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎:pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus / novel coronavirus-caused pneumonia

确诊病例:confirmed case

疑似病例:suspected case

重症患者:patient in critical condition

病死率:fatality rate

密切接触者:close contact

接受医学观察:be under medical observation

隔离:quarantine /ˈkwɒrəntiːn/

潜伏期:incubation /ˌɪŋkjuˈbeɪʃn/ period

人传人:human-to-human transmission

飞沫传播:droplet /ˈdrɒplət/ transmission

发热、咳嗽、呼吸困难:fever, cough and difficulty in breathing

急性呼吸道感染病状:acute /əˈkjuːt / respiratory / rəˈspɪrətri / infection symptom

输入性病例:imported case *输入性病例:指来自疫情流行区的病例,也称一代病例

二代病例:secondary infection case * 二代病例:指被一代病例感染的本土病人

隐性感染:asymptomatic /ˌeɪsɪmptəˈmætɪk/ infection *隐性感染:指感染了病毒,但无明显症状的病例

疫情防控:epidemic /ˌepɪˈdemɪk/ prevention and control

口罩:(face) mask

防护服:protective clothing /suits


一次性手套:disposable gloves

医疗物资:medical supplies


国际关注的突发公共卫生事件:Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)

封城:the lockdown of a city / a city is on lockdown

应急医院:makeshift hospital

重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应:first-level public health emergency response

国家卫生健康委员会:National Health Commission (NHC)






关于疫情作文的英文 篇七

This winter vacation, the sudden new pneumonia disrupted the pace of people's celebration of the Spring Festival, especially in Wuhan, a serious epidemic area, a large number of people's livelihood diseases led to doctors' emergency, beds' emergency, medical supplies' emergency, and a war without gunpowder is starting.

The virus has no lover. Every change of the epidemic affected the hearts of the people of the whole country and even the people of the world: neighboring Japan not only did not refuse Chinese tourists to enter China, but also gave a large number of medical materials to our country; overseas students tried their best to raise masks and transport them back to China at the first time; medical students and nurses from all over the world left their families and rushed to the front line to cure the disease and save the people, and they worked day and night, tired and trapped Lying on the table and resting on the ground for a while, Huzhou's 83 year old grandfather made a living by picking up rubbish, but he did not hesitate to donate the ten thousand yuan saved by frugality; an uncle from Anhui ran into the police station, threw 500 masks, turned around and left, silently giving his love

Looking at the warm stories on the Internet, I am deeply moved and would like to offer a love and do my best to help those in need. However, I have neither protective equipment to donate, nor the ability to cure the disease and save people. What should I do? Just when I was sad, Dad smiled and pointed out a way for me (快回答☆www.kuaihuida.com)- online donation. So, I quickly took out 130 yuan of class scholarship that I earned through my hard work last semester, and asked my father to donate through the online donation platform of Ningbo Charity Federation. After receiving it, the Charity Federation gave me a donation certificate! Although the money was not much, it was my own income from labor, which represented my intention.

I believe that the difficulty is only temporary. Through our joint efforts, we will win the war against the virus and usher in a warm spring day as soon as possible.

关于疫情作文的英文 篇八

The novel coronavirus was declared in Wuhan in January 23, 2020, and it has been tenth days since today.

People all over the country are paying attention to this difficult battle. Under the guidance of the state, Houkeng community neighborhood committee also arranges special personnel to be on duty at major intersections, and people entering and leaving the community should take their temperature. With the arrival of the end of the Spring Festival, many people have returned to Xiamen from their hometown, which is also a critical time, so we must protect ourselves, do a good job in personal hygiene, wash hands frequently, and wear masks when going out.

I believe the virus will pass soon.