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《牛津小学英语》4B Unit 2 单元教材分析(最新6篇)

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《牛津小学英语》4B Unit 4 Buying fruit 篇一

unit 1 who is younger?


本单元的主要话题是两种事物的比较,通过ben, jack和su hai之间的闲聊引出本单元的主要语言项目:形容词比较级。教师可创设情景,用实物或动作将比较级的概念清晰明了地传播给学生,同时注重比较级单词的读法与写法规律。


1.能听懂会说、会读、会写单词tall, young, old, heavy。

2、能听懂会说、会读单词和词组twin, minute, centimeter, child, also, chat。

3、能听懂会说、会读日常交际用语:i’m as tall as you. su yang’s twenty minutes younger than su hai. whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?

4.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型who’s taller then david? gao shan is taller than david。


6.会唱歌曲i wish i was taller。






课时安排:第一课时:b. look read and learn c. work in pairs

第二课时:a. listen, read and say

第三课时:c. work in pairs d. listen and write

第四课时:e. look, read and judge 练习册a部分

第五课时:f. play a game g. listen and repeat 练习册b部分

第六课时:h. sing a song 练习册c.d.e.f部分



2. 注重对语法知识的渗透讲解。学生刚接触比较级对其用法易模糊,特别对于“…than…”和“…as…as…”两句型易混淆,因此教学中教师有必要对学生对此句型进行简单梳理,讲清两句型特点及区别。(详细内容见教参)

3. 注意对“who’s(比较级)than…?”和“whose…is(比较级)?”两句型的区别讲解,在教学中学生对这两句型的构成易混淆,教师要注意在新授时帮助学生理清句式特点及句意。

《牛津小学英语》4B Unit 4 Buying fruit 篇二


本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”,主要学习句子what are these/ those? they’re… book 4a中已经出现what’s this/ that? it’s…句型。教学中教师可以采用以旧带新的方法,从单数句式引出复数句式,还可以通过单复数形式比较找出它们之间的区别。本单元出现了八个水果类单词,除了grapes是第一次出现以外,其余七种均在book 3a第三单元中出现过。本单元出现的是这些单词的复数形式,涉及到词形、读音的变化,是教学中的难点。教师可以对名词复数的词形和读音进行归类。教师在设计情境的时候,将book 3b里学过的在商店里购物的常用语can i help you? what would you like? how much is it/ are they? 与本单元how many kilos? these or those? 等紧密结合,让学生更熟练充分地操练对话,使学生有话可说。


1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词buy, apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, pears, some.

2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语can i help you? these or those?

3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what are these/ those? they’re … how many kilos? …kilos, please.

4. 会诵读歌谣<i like fruit>


1. 学生能在生活中用本单元句型英语正确地认物。

2. 初步掌握名词复数的词形和读音的变化。

3. 了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。


第一课时:教学b部分八个单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, pineapples, watermelons, pears. 利用水果实物图片,由单数句型what’s this/ that? it’s…引出句型what are these/those? they’re….

第二课时:复习巩固b. c,创设购物的情境,学习d部分新句型how many kilos? …kilo(s), please.

第三课时:创设情境,巩固c. d部分对话,学习a部分对话,综合运用句型,引出e部分的内容:these or those? the red/ big/small/…ones, please.

第四课时:熟练掌握a. e对话内容,巩固本单元全部句型,完成f. g的游戏、诵读教学。教师要尽可能创设让学生感兴趣的情境,让学生通过各种感官“认物”,逐步培养学生的说话能力。在<i like fruit>小诗中,能让学生自己换词创诗歌,激发学生探究学习的兴趣。


1. 单词教学:本课的单词除了grapes以外,都是book 3a中学过的,并且也是以复数的形式出现,因此教师在free talk中用句型i like apples. what do you like? 复习导入。教师可以利用水果图片先复习apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, pineapples, watermelons, pears.然后教教grape:[great, tape], 造词组:big grapes, small grapes, many grapes, some grapes, how many grapes,渗透拓展purple grapes.教师必须将b部分八个单词全部板书,并且单复数用不同颜色的粉笔区分,让学生初步发现名词复数的变化规则以及发音,在学生自主发现的基础上,教师简要介绍名词复数形式的构成规则。由于本单元学习的水果单词较多,教师可以采用smell and touch, taste and guess, 我单你复,我复你单等游戏教学。结合g部分的rhyme,让学生利用所学的单词编成新的小诗,巩固单词发音的同时,能让学生更好的认识水果颜色、味道等方面的特征。

2. 句型教学:

a: what are these/ those? they’re…教师可以从book 4a中学过的句子what’s this/ that? it’s…入手,通过单复数比较自然过渡到复数句子。教师要注意this/ these, that/ those中th的正确发音。为了清楚地区分these和those,教师在教的时候要注意物品摆放的远近。问what are these?时,物品要放近处,问what are those时,物品要放远处。为了激发学生的兴趣,教师可以整合g部分1、2,通过感官来学习句型,还可以主语变换are they…? yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.让学生摸一摸,猜一猜,直到猜对为止。在巩固what are these/ those句型时,教师不必局限于水果类单词,还可以食品、饮料类的,尽可能让学生发挥运用语言的能力。

b:how many kilos?... kilo(s), please.课前布置学生带好各种水果,上课时让他们放在课桌上。教师带一个天平秤,创设买卖水果的情境。教师可以当一个农民的形象,告诉学生今天将摆一个水果市场,举行“买水果”的活动,教学buying fruit。扩展组词buy books/ apples/ drinks…

教师应简单说明fruit是“水果”的总称。教师示范先当农民,引出how many kilos?的句型,鼓励学生用以前学过的句型及用语来表演。

e.g. t: can i help you?

s: i’d like some apples.

t: how many kilos?

s: two kilos, please.

t: here you are.

s: thank you. how much are they?

t: they’re ten yuan.

c: these or those? the red ones, please.教师事先准备好多种同类但大小、颜色不一的水果。在can i help you? i’d like some…的对话中引出these or those?并教师要手势或动作指示,引导学生用one的复数ones来回答。尽可能发挥the red/ green/ big/small ones.



e.g (i)

a: what about some pears?

b: yes, please.

a: how many kilos?

b: three kilos, please.

a: ok, here you are.

b: thank you.

a: not at all.


a: can i help you?

b: i’d like some…

a: these or those?

b: the big ones, please.

a: how many kilos?

b: one kilo, please. how much are they?

a: six yuan, please.


语音教学在学生会读的基础上还要让学生自己探究举例。在讲解th的发音时,教师应板书这四个单词,让学生自己读,找出th的不同发音,举例:thank, bathroom, mouth, theatre, fourth, fifth, thing, something; their, these, the, that, this, father, mother, they, with



教师还可以改编成:pears, bananas, pineapples.

oranges, peaches, watermelons.

these are grapes, those are grapes,

they’re very nice.

《牛津小学英语》4B Unit6 Let’s go by taxi教学设计与评析 篇三


1、能正确地听说读写词语children, hill, show, fish

2、能正确地听说读词语camping site, a tin of ,camping trip, tent, pot, stove, blanket, telescope, towel, tin-opener.

3、能正确地听说读写句型what do you / they have? i/ we/ you/ they have… what does she /he have? she /he has…

4、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语 look, …and… are coming. great!






2、板书准备:写好课题 unit 8


step1. warming up

1. greetings

t: good morning, boys and girls.

s: good morning, miss yin.

t: how are you?

s: fine, think you. and you?

t: i’m very well.

2. free talk

t: i like masks. do you like masks?

s: yes, i do.

t: what masks do you like? i like m masks.

s: i like…

t: i like flowers. what do you like?

s: i like…

step2. presentation

1. t: do you like pumpkin lanterns?

s: yes, we do.

t: i like pumpkin lanterns, too. i like having camping trips. do you like having camping trips? look, they’re having a camping trip. (出示挂图)

teach: a camping trip

(贴课题 a camping trip)

t: boys and girls, do you like having camping trips?

s: yes, we do.

t: this class let’s have a camping trip.

s: it’s great.

t: but, what do we need for a camping trip? let me see. we need a towel and a blanket. (复习a towel a blanket)

t: what else do we need?

s:we need …(复习a pot a stove)

2. t:i have a towel, do you have a towel?

s: no, i don’t.

t: what do you have?

s: i have…

t: show your … to me, please.

s: ok.

teach: show … to …

t: i have a pencil. what do you have?

s: i have a …

t: show your … to me, please.

s: ok. here you are.

t: i have an english book, what do you have?

s: i have a …

t: show your … to me, please.

s: all right.

t: what else do we need? think over. oh, we need something to eat. we need some fruit.

teach: some fruit

3.t: look, i have a tin of fish. (出示实物) i’m very hungry. but i can’t open it. i need a tin-opener.

teach: a tin of fish

t: do you have a tin-opener?

s: no, i don’t.

4.t: who can ask me?

s: miss yin, miss yin, what do you have?

t: i have a box of chocolates.

teach: a a box of chocolates

5.t: what do you have?

s: i have …

t: show your … to me, please.

s: ok. / all right.

t: does he/ she have a…

s:yes, he/she does.

t: what does she /he have?

s:she /he has…

teach: what does she /he have? she /he has…

6.work in pairs.

ask two students.

t: what do you have?

s: i have…(问2组)

t: (问全班) boys and girls. what does she /he have?

ss: she /he has…

make a model

work in pairs, four in a group.

step4. watch the vidio

step5. homework

copy the new words and sentences.

《牛津小学英语》5a unit8第二课时 part a 来自第一范文网。

牛津小学英语4B第二单元参考教案 篇四

牛津小学英语4b第二单元参考教案常州市实验小学:张 佶unit 2 at a party一。教学内容及要求:类 别语言项目要 求语 音辅音字母组合ck在单词中的读音听读、辨认*△词 汇grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, an eye, a mouth, white, a skirt, a friend听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写日常交际用语nice to meet you.we’re late for the party.let’s hurry!听得懂、会说、会读*△句 型who’s the …with..?he’s/she’s (my)…?is that…your…?which one?the one in the…听得懂、会说、会读、会写歌 谣my brother会诵读(注:*者为教学难点,△者为教学重点。)二。教学安排:四教时三。教学过程:第一教时教学目标:◇ 复习巩固单词father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister加强读写训练,以达到四会要求。 ◇ 教学六种人体部位的词汇 hair, an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth, a head。◇ 初步接触句式the one in the …/ the one with…。教具准备:1)li an的家谱图; 2)卡通人物图; 3)拼图游戏用图(各种不同特征的人体部位:big eyes, small eyes,big nose, small nose, long hair, short hair, brown hair,…); 4)录音机和磁带。1.free talkwhat colour …?who’s that boy / girl?2.review取出li an的家谱图。t: let’s talk about li an’s family. who’s this boy / girl / man /woman…? who’s the one in the blue shirt? who’s the one in the …?s: he’s / she’s li an’s ( father / mother / grandfather / grandmother / brother / sister ).通过谈论li an的家谱图,复习六个家庭成员,并出现相应的单词,领读并拼读。3.presentation and practice1) 将一卡通图片出示在黑板上,逐一引出生词hair, a head, an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth。 2) 利用各种方式朗读以上生词。4.play a game:do a puzzle t: the girl is with long hair, big eyes, small nose, small ears, and big mouth...拼图游戏:学生通过老师的描述,选择相应特征的小图片进行组合,从而对本课所学内容起到练习巩固的作用。5.look, read and learn 朗读课本b部分词汇(跟读教学磁带)。第二教时教学目标:◇ 通过学习,能结合人的外貌特征、穿着打扮运用who’s the…with…?is that…your…? which one? the one in the…等句型。◇ 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。教具准备:1)具有明显外貌特征的人物图片6-7张,其中2-3张给出姓名; 2)对话背景图; 3)录音机和磁带。1.free talkt: good morning / afternoon, boys and girls. this is… who’s this / that boy / girl? nice to meet you.2.presentation and practice1) 将一些外貌特征明显的人物图片出示在黑板上(其中几个下面写有姓名),边出示边介绍其特征the boy with big eyes, the girl with long hair, …让学生理解单词with并模仿说。2) 教师用完整的句型问学生带有姓名的图片。t: who’s the boy with big eyes? / who’s the girl with long hair? …s: he’s / she’s…3) 学生练习用此句型问不知姓名的人物图片,教师告知姓名。4) 继续以黑板上的人物图片为例,教师同时扮演a、b两角色表演一对话。a: is that girl nancy?b: which one?a: the one in the orange skirt. / the one with brown hair. …b: yes, she is.5) 模仿练习以上对话,由师生练习到学生小组练习。3.read and say1)出示对话背景图,让学生边看图边听对话录音,整体理解对话内容,并组织学生进行朗读操练。2)自由练习,表演对话。3)请2—3组学生上台表演对话。第三教时教学目标:◇ 复习本单元所学的家庭成员和人体部位单词。◇ 进一步掌握句型who’s the…with…? is that…your…? the one in the…?◇ 能初步了解字母组合ck在单词中的读音。1.review1) talk about li an’s family.t: who’s this / that? who’s the …with / in …?2) play a game: what’s missing?游戏方法:将所学人体各部位的图片出示数秒,后取下一张,问学生:what’s missing? 从而达到复习这些单词的目的。2.practice1)ask and answer利用17页的四幅图练习: a: who’s the…with…? b: he’s / she’s my…2)look and say结合课本18页的四幅图进行对话练习,并分组进行比赛。a: is that…your…?b: which one?a: the one in the…b: yes, he / she is. no, he / she isn’t.3.read and act听录音模仿,并分角色朗读。4.listen and repeat出示四个单词black, clock, jacket, sock及相应插图,学生听录音并跟读。在读的过程中体会字母组合ck在单词中发/k/。5.look and read1)要求学生仔细看图、读句,理解故事的幽默之处。2)请学生分角色朗读故事。第四教时1.free talkt: who’s the…with…?is that boy / girl …?2.say a rhyme: my brother3.exercises (exercise-book)

牛津小学英语4B Unit 1 A new student 教学设计 篇五


《牛津小学英语》4b第一单元b 部分。


1. 能正确的听、说、读单词 boy, girl, man, woman, teacher, student, doctor, nurse.

2. 能正确运用句型 who’s that…? he’s… she’s…


能正确的听、说、读单词 boy, girl, man, woman, teacher, student, doctor, nurse.


能流利地运用句型 who’s that…? he’s… she’s…


1、人物图片 miss li, mr green, david, yang ling

2、单词卡片 boy, girl, man, woman, teacher, student, doctor, nurse.



step 1 ( before the first class, teacher writes the word “welcome” on the blackboard)

t: today is the first day of this term, welcome back to school!

look at this word: welcome. can you guess the meaning of “welcome”?

ss: 欢迎 (teach the word: welcome)

step 2 free talk

1、 t: hello, nice to meet you.

s1: nice to meet you, too.

t: welcome back to school.

s1: thank you.

2 、t: how are you ?

s2: fine, thank you. and you?

t: i’m fine, too. welcome back to school.

s2: thank you.

3 、t: good morning. are you happy today?

s3: yes, i am.

4、t: good morning. are you happy today?

s4: yes, i am.

t: i’m happy, too.

5. t: welcome back to school. ( 面向大家 )

ss: thank you.

step 3 presentation

1. t: my dear friends, i’m so happy to meet you all. but where are our old friends david, yang ling, miss li and mr green? let’s go and meet them.

(出示人物图片,遮住一部分询问学生,以此复习单词 boy , girl,man, woman)

t:who’s he?

s: he’s david.

t: yes, he’s david. a boy or a girl?

s: a boy.

t: yes, a boy. let’s read and spell. boy, b-o-y, boy.

(show the card of yang ling, miss li, mr green, 复习 girl, man and woman.)

2. 学习新单词 student, teacher, doctor and nurse.

1). 课件出示改装过的,戴着眼镜穿着医生服饰的mr brown的图。

t:do you know that man? who’s that man?

s1:mr green? …

t: no, he isn’t. (课件出示未经过改装的mr brown 的图) he’s mr brown. he’s a doctor.(学习并朗读d-o-c-t-o-r, doctor)


t:do you know that woman? who’s that woman?

s2:your sister? …

t: no, she isn’t. (课件出示老师朋友的职业照片) she’s my friend, ji lin. she’s a nurse.(学习并朗读n-u-r-s-e, nurse.)

3) 课件出示一位学生的照片:

t: who’s this girl?

s: she’s deng yaocao

t: (补充说明) yes, and she’s a student.(学习朗读新单词student s-t-u-d-e-n-t, student)


t: who’s that boy?

s: he’s sun zhujia.

t: (补充说明) yes, and he’s a student, too.


t: who’s that man?

s: he’s mr ding.

t: (补充说明) and he’s a teacher. (学习朗读新单词:teacher, t-e-a-c-h-e-r, teacher

step 4. practice

1. show the new words in part b, let students read after the tape.(请按屏幕小喇叭)

2. t: now, let’s look at the screen and say the words. (teacher points the words, students respond quickly one by one. 屏幕上出现8个单词的书写)

3.magic eyes. (魔力眼,图片在屏幕上快速闪现)

t: now, let’s look and guess: boy, girl, man, woman, teacher, student, doctor, nurse

4. 通过游戏复习单词,并学会使用句型

t: boys and girls, let’s play a game, ok? listen and act, listen and guess.


(1) t: student(耳语)

s1: (做动作)who’s this girl?

ss: she’s a student.

t: you’re right.

(2) t: nurse (耳语)

s2: (做动作)who’s this girl?

ss: she’s a nurse.

t: you’re right.

(3) t: nurse (耳语)

s3: (做动作)who’s this man?

ss: he’s a doctor.

t: you’re right.

(4) t: teacher(耳语)

s4: (做动作)who’s this man?

ss: he’s a teacher.

t: you’re right.

3. 屏幕出示白求恩、樱桃小丸子、赵薇等人物的图片,再出现老师、同学们自己的照片,并故意遮去一部分,让学生猜。

t:look, who’s that man / woman / boy / girl?

b:he’s / she’s …

4. 同桌问答look at the screen, let the students do ask and answer.

t: who’s that boy / girl/ man/ woman?

s: he’s / she’s…

step 5 consolidation

a rhyme: who/ is/that boy? he’s a/ student.

who/ is/that man? he’s a/ doctor.

who’s/this/ woman? she’s a/ doctor.

who’s/that /woman? she’s a/ nurse.


group 1 and 2 ask, group 3 and 4 answer.

step 6.homework

1、read and copy the new words.

2、ask students to talk about the photos of your family members and take them to the next class.

牛津小学英语4B Unit 1 A new student 教学设计 篇六


《牛津小学英语》4b第一单元e f g部分课文。

f: listen and repeat.


1 、复习句型:who’s that ______? he’s (she’s) _________. he’s (she’s) a _____.

are you a _______? yes, i am. / no, i’m not.

2、能正确运用对话中的日常交际用语:come down. don’t climb trees again.








step1 sing a song:

(show the pictures of ben and his sister)

t: who’s that boy?

ss: he’s ben.

t: who’s that girl?

ss: sorry, i don’t know.

t: let’s sing the song “who’s that girl?” together.



step2 free talk:

1. t: how are you today?

ss: fine, thank you.

2. t: excuse me, are you a teacher?

s1: no, i’m not. i’m a student.

3. t: excuse me, are you a doctor?

s2: no, i’m not. i’m a student.

4. t: excuse me, are you a nurse?

s3: no, i’m not. i’m a student.

5. t: who’s that boy? (teacher points at a boy.)

s4: he’s… he’s a …

t: who’s that girl

s5: she’s… she’s a …

6. t: now, you ask , i answer.

s6: who’s that boy? (student points at a boy.)

t: he’s… he’s a …

s7: who’s that girl

t: she’s… she’s a …

7.渗透who's that ... with(big nose,small eyes,long hair,short scarf ...)


step3 review

(1) 投影出示简笔画,复习本单元四会词汇

(2) review the new sentences of unit 1

1. 哑剧表演


老师与a生打招呼,指b生:who's that boy?

a生:he's ..../ he's a student.


3.同法复习: are you a…? yes, i am./ no, i’m not

(强调yes,i am. no,i'm not.的书写格式。)


step4 屏幕上出示e部分图:

1、look at the picture, answer these questions:

1)、 who’s this girl? she’s yang ling.

2)、is she a student? yes, she is.

3)、 who’s that man? he’s mr green.

4)、 is he a doctor? no, he isn’t. he’s a teacher.

5)、who’s this boy in the park? he’s liu tao.

2、look at the picture and listen to the tape recorder点击右下角小喇叭。

3、listen again and answer the questions:

1)who’s the boy in the tree?

2)please say something to liu tao.


第二题若有学生说出 come down, liu tao. 给学生一个ok。

然后边做手势边教读,让学生理解句意,并和 come here做比较。

同样的方法教don’t climb trees again.

3)can we climb the tree? (no, we can’t.)

4、read and act

1)、look, listen and repeat. 点击右下角小喇叭

2)、read the dialogue in roles.

3)、practice the dialogue in groups.

4)、act out the dialogue.

step5 listen and repeat

1、屏幕出示f图及 walkman, woman, zebra, zoo 四个单词,学生听录音,跟读这四个单词(点击单词下方的小喇叭),体会w, z 的发音。

2、出示:watch, window, 以便学生更好的体会w 的发音

3.问题: 1. is that a woman or a girl?

2. what’s the woman doing?

鼠标指向图中妇女,学生学说the woman listens to a walkman

教师指耳朵说listen ,学生明白其意。要求学生注意w字母的读音,

3.what’s that over there?

鼠标指向斑马,学生学说she looks at the zebra in the zoo,要求学生注意z字母的读音,然后将两句连起来朗读,学生结合插图理解其意思即可。

4. 看动画,跟读句型。


( 也可点击右下角小喇叭,跟读句型)

step6 fun house

1、屏幕出示g图, 要求学生仔细看图、默读句子,理解故事的幽默之处。


1)who’s the man over there?

2)is he a teacher?

3)最后一幅图当su hai 说“hi, mr brown”时,为什么会有三个人应答?



6.小组表演对话。12组su yang, 34组 david, teacher—mr brown.

step7 exercise

1. listen and choose(课件)


(1) who’s that boy? he’s mike. he’s a student.

(2) are you s teacher? yes ,i am.

step7 finish the exercise book.

1. listen and judge


2. listen and choose


3. listen,choose and write


4. draw,guess and write


5.complete the dialogues


step 8 homework

1. 听录音,复习本单元教学内容:默写单词,熟读本单元课文

2. 改编e部分对话,书写在作业本上,课外活动交流检查