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小学一年级英语教案 篇一


能够在本单元涉及的情景中听懂并说出有关动物的单词cat dog bird rabbit chicken duck monkey tiger tiger panda elephant fish;在本单元涉及的情景中使用本单元的交际用语;够理解并初步使用形容词big small long shout ;够了解有关动物习俗。在日常生活中,我们会接触到很多小动物,如何让学生学会用英语来表达这些动物的名称是本单元所要学习的教学内容,通过学生学会用英语来表达对各种动物的喜爱,发展他们的语言表达能力,同时进一步培养他们的语言综合运用能力。




a 、认知目标:

(1)能听、说、认、读cat dog bird rabbit chicken duck monkey tiger tiger panda elephant fish.

(2)能听懂、能实际运用句型What animals do you like? I like…….

(3)能听懂简单的指令,按照指令模仿动物做出相应的动作,并且能够说出指令Act like…….







(1)cat dog bird rabbit chicken duck monkey tiger tiger panda elephant fish.

(2)What is this? It is …….What animals do you like? I like……


(1)能运用What is this? It is ……What animals do you like? I like……句型进行交流。


英语教案-Unit 篇二


Lesson 2


1. 能听懂会说本课的对话。

2. 能听说读写how are you ?整句及其单词。

3. 能正确读出字母 “e”在开音节中读[i :],在闭音节中读[e],并能根据这一读音规则拼读本课语音部分的单词。




1.能正确读出字母 “e”在开音节中读[i :],在闭音节中读[e],并能根据这一读音规则拼读本课语音部分的单词。





一。 复习

1. 组织学生唱英文歌曲morning song

2. 复习第一课对话。

二。 介绍新语言项目与教学方法

a. 会话教学

⒈先教单词fine.教师指着自己对学生说:I’m fine today. 用表情来表示出自己今天很好(指身体).并把fine一词写在黑板上,可向学生用汉语解释fine一词意思是身体好。


3. 教师和一个学生打招呼:hello,…… how are you ?然后指着黑板上fine 一词,启发学生回答:fine, thanks或 fine, thank you.

4. 教师再和另一位学生重复刚才的会话。

5. 让一个学生向老师打招呼并问候,如:

S: Hello, Miss…… How are you?

T: Fine ,thanks.教师接着问候学生:how are you启发学生回答,同时教very well, thank you.

6. 教师把very well.写在黑板上。解释very well意思是身体好。

7. 教师带读very well ,并检查学生发音。

8. 师生之间进行打招呼问候,如

T: Morning ,boys and girls.

Ss: Morning, How are you?

T: Fine, thanks . How are you?

Ss : Very well, thank you.

9. 同桌两人或前后两人进行会话练习。

10. 听会话录音,模仿语音语调。

b. 词汇教学。

本课四会掌握的 单词有how, are ,you及句子how are you?要求正确拼读和书写。句子的第一个单词的第一个字母大写。疑问句用问号。


c. 语音教学

1. 教学准备把本课read and listen一项中的单词及音标[i:]和[e]分别写在卡片上,卡片最好能够贴在黑板上或挂在墙上。

2.让学生试读本项中的单词并引导学生总结字母“e”的读音。教师出示单词卡片be,he ,me, peter.出示后,帮助学生总结字母“e”的在这一组单词中的读音,然后出示音标卡片[i:]。同样的方法出示单词:pen, bed, leg ,very , well





[i:]be, he, we, me, Peter

[e]pen, bed, leg, very, well


把全班学生分成6组,学生准备好26个字母卡片放在桌上。教师出示一个字母卡片,如[d3i:],同时对学生说: Read it and show me the letter. 要求学生正确读出字母的读音并且迅速从字母卡片中找出这个字母,马上举起。最快找出正确的字母的为她的小组加一分,获得分数最多的?



1、 听音,圈词,跟读。

2、 抄写四会单词。



小学一年级英语教案 篇三








2.通过用“Show me....”的指令来练习和运用有关颜色的单词。


















T:Good morning/Good afternoon/Hello,boys and girls.

S:Good morning/Good afternoon/Hello,teacher/....

T:How are you?

S:Fine,thank you./I’mfine,thank you/....


T:Let's play a game,OK?







(1)从复习3中引进新课,问What colour is the sharpener?教师自答:It’sred/Red.

















(1)教师举起蜡笔并发指令Show me your crayon.当学生拿起自己的蜡笔后让学生边说边做Show me your crayon.反复练习。

(2)练习完后,教师拿起一枝红色的蜡笔,问:What colour is it?学生答It’sred.师接着说:Yes,red crayon.并领读。

(3)教师反复发指令:Show me your red crayon.并拿起red crayon,让学生通过教师的动作明白句子的意思,继而引导学生模仿。按此法逐一引出blue crayon,green crayon,yellow crayon,purple crayon.



3.Computer game:Shoot the balloon.




























小学英语教案 篇四

Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aims: Students will master the sentence structure “what time is it? Its... Its time to ...” to know how to ask time and apply them in to practice.

Ability aims: Through reading and practice, students can know how to ask time and how to answer and describe future plan.

Emotional aims: Students will improve their interest in English by realizing the practical use; Students can experience the politeness of foreign culture and broaden their horizon.

Teaching Key Points:

Students know the expressions about time and master the sentence structure to lay good foundation for future learning.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to apply the structure into daily communication.

Teaching Methods:

Communicative teaching method, situational teaching method

Teaching Aids:

PPT, Blackboard and so on

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 warming-up

1. Greetings with students

2. Show different symbol of famous cities,such as Eiffel tower, Big Ben, Pyramid, the statue of Liberty then let students talk about the city and tell them in different cities have different time to lead in the topic.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Game. Match the pictures which show the daily life with the time(such as getting up with 7 oclock, having breakfast with 7:30, having lunch with 11 oclock )

2. Present the sentence-What time is it in New York?--It is 7 oclock. Its time to get up. Explain it. We usually use this structure to ask time and answer it.

Step 3 Practice

1. Work in pairs to read the text and pay attention to the intonation.

2. Invite some students to answer my question according to the above pictures such as whats time is it in London? Its 12 oclock. Its time to have lunch.

3. Invite some students to practice this structure. One students ask, the other answer.

Step 4 Production

1. Present a situation where you are calling one of your friends in other countries and make a conversation.

2. Invite some groups to perform their dialogue.

Step 5 Summary and homework

1.Make a summary about the main content of this class

2.Assign the homework which is to write down their conversation.

英语教案-Unit 篇五

period 1

(一)明确目标 1. talk about drama and theatre. 2. train the student’s listening and speaking abilities.

(二)教学过程 step 1 warming up say to the ss many of you must have heard of some good stories, including fairy tales. can anyone tell us an interesting one? (let the ss talk about some mysterious stories .look at the pictures and use them to make up a story.) today we are going to talk about some mysterious stories. look at the pictures and use them to make up a story. (let ss discuss it first, and then ask them to tell the class and act out their stories.) step 2 listening listen to the short play to the tape. ask the students to listen carefully and do the exercises of this part in their books. after listening, let the students discuss the mystery. step 3 speaking divide the class into several groups after going though the 3 different situations given in the book. help each group to choose one and discuss what will happen next. after the discussion, one student of each group is asked to report their imagined story. then the whole groups are required to act it out in class.

(三)总结扩展 step 4 the aim of this class is to foster the abilities of listening and speaking, as well as imagination. if time permits, let one student gives a situation in each group, and the others create a good story accordingly.

period 2

(一)明确目标 1. to learn something about the play. 2. to train the abilities of skimming and scanning the text.

(二)整体感知 step 1 presentation today we are going to read a play about a necklace. the play is based on a french story written by a writer called maupassant. there are 3 leading characters in the play: mathilde loisel, pierre and jeanne. we will come to 3 scenes given in the text.

(三)教学过程 step 2 reading

1. let’s the students read the first scene of the play as quickly as they can. try to answer the following questions.

(1) what‘s the matter with mathilde?

(2) why didn’t jeanne recognize her at first?

(3) why has she been working so hard?

(4) why did she need to borrow some jewellery?

2. the students are encouraged to find out more about the necklace in scene two. now, the story goes back to ten years earlier. some comprehension questions are also given.

(5) why was mathilde worried?

(6) what did pierre suggest?

(7) what did they decide to do? 3. in scene 3, we’ll find out the ending of the story. read it quickly and find what happened on the way home after the ball.(suggested answer: mathilde saw the necklace was no longer around her neck.)


(1) she has been working hard for 10 years.

(2) she looks older than her age and she doesn’t look well.

(3) because of the diamond necklace.

(4) she was invited to a ball at the palace so she needed to borrow some jewelley.

(5) she didn’t have an evening dress or any jewellery to wear.

(6) pierre suggested borrowing some jewellery from a friend who might lend her some.

(7) mathilde decided to go and borrow some jewellery from jeanne.

step 3 listen to the tape of the 3 scenes one by one, and make sure the students understand it, dealing with some language points.

(四)总结扩展 step 4 post-reading 1. mathilde returns to the palace where the ball was held to ask about the necklace .ask the students to make a dialogue between mathilde and another person in the palace. 2. ask the students:” how do you think mathilde felt when jeanne told her the stone in the necklace were made of glass, not diamonds?” let the students continue the story and write a similar scene.

period 3

(一) 明确目标

1. consolidate the important new words and phrases in this unit.

2. get students to know the use of the modal verbs: must, can /may /might

(二) 整体感知 step 1 presentation today we are going to deal with the part “language study”。 first, let’s come to “words study”, and then we’ll talk about the grammar.

(三)教学过程 step 2 word study 1. let the students do the two exercises in their books. both of them can help to consolidate their learning of the new words and phrases. allow them to discuss in pairs. 2. grammar talks about possibilities when you are very sure of something, you use “must” in positive sentences and “can not” or “can’t” in negative sentences. when you think that something is very possible, you use “can”。 when you think that something is possible, but you are not very sure, you use “could”, “may” or “might”。 go through the sentences in the book with the whole class.

(四)总结扩展 step 3 practice p19 exercise 1. rewrite the sentences using modal verbs. lets the students work in pairs. p20 exercise 2. complete the dialogue. 1. when you are sure of something in the past, you use “must have done” or “can’t have done”。 2. when you think that something in the past is possible, you can see “may/might/could + have done”

英语教案-Unit 篇六

Teaching Plan of Fun with English 3A

Unit 5 How are you?

(Period 1)

lTeaching content:

Unit 5 How are you?

lTeaching targets:

1. Aim of knowledge:

Pupils are able to read and speak out drills: How are you? Fine, thank you. And you?Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry.

2. Aim of ability:

Pupils are able to inquire someone’s health.

3. Aim of emotion:

Pupils are interested in singing : Goodbye

lFocal points:

Drills: How are you? Fine, thank you. And you?Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry.

lDifficult points:

Answer one’s inquiring according one’s own status.

lTeaching aids:

Tape cassette, recorder

lTeaching steps:

Step 1. Singing

Sing a song: GoodbyeStep 2 Presentation

(T) Hello, boys and girls, how are you today?

(Ss) Fine, thank you. And you?

(T) Not bad, thank you.

(S1) Hello, Miss Yang. How are you?

(T) (pretend to catch a cold)

Not so good.

(T Ss) I’m sorry.

Step 3 Practice

(T) How are you today?

(S1) Fine, thank you. /Not bad, thank you. / Not so good.

Step 4 Listening& Reading

(Ss) Read after the tape , then read after the teacher

Read together

Design of writing

Unit 5 How are you?

How are you?

Fine, thank you./ Not bad, thank you. / Not so good.

Teaching Plan of Fun with English 3A

Unit 5 How are you?

(Period 2)

lTeaching content:

Unit 5 How are you?

lTeaching targets:

1. Aim of knowledge:

Pupils are able to read and speak out new words: pencils, pens, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books

2. Aim of ability:

Pupils are able to get idea about plural forms.

3. Aim of emotion:

Pupils are interested in asking and answering about their own stationaries.

lFocal points:

Words of plural forms: pencils, pens, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books

lDifficult points:

Correct pronunciation of plural forms.

Teaching aids:

Tape cassette, recorder, some pictures.

lTeaching steps:

Step 1 Free talk:

How are you?

Fine, thank you. And you? Not bad, thank you. Not so good.

I’m sorry.

Step 2 Presentation

(T) ( Present a pen) What’s this?

( Present two pens) What are these?

( Read: pens)

(Same method as teaching : pencils, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books)

Step 3 Practice

(Ss) Ask and answer about one’s stationary.

Step 4 A game

( Guess and say) ( Touch and say)

Step 6 Listen and circle

Design of Writing

Unit 5 How are you?

Teaching Plan of Fun with English 3A

Unit 5 How are you?

(Period 3)

lTeaching content:

Unit 5 How are you? (period 3)

lTeaching targets:

1. Aim of knowledge:

Revise words: pencils, pens, rulers, pencil boxes, ball pens, pencil sharpeners, rubbers, books and drills: How are you? Fine, thank you. And you?Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry.

2. Aim of ability:

Pupils are able to get idea about plural forms.

3. Aim of emotion:

Pupils are interested in asking and answering about their own stationaries.

lFocal points:

Exercises of Unit 5

lDifficult points:

Correct pronunciation of plural forms.

lTeaching aids:

Tape cassette, recorder, some stationary.

lTeaching steps:

Step 1 Singing

Hello! How are you?

Step 2 Presentation

1. Listen and respond

2. Listen and colour

3. Listen and draw

Step 3 Practice

(Ss) Ask and answer about stationary.

Step 4 A game

( Guess and say) ( Touch and say)

Step 5 Listen and circle


1. Read Unit 5.

2. Copy the letters.

教学后记:Not so good. 和Not bad有个别学生搞不清楚,容易混淆,在接下来的每日英语中要多加练习。

