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中学英语教案全英文 篇一

Teaching aims:

1. Students can master the key words, spring, summer, winter and summer;

2. Students can master the sentence structure ”Which season do you like best?”。

3. Students can use the words and sentence structures in their daily life.

4. Students can have more interest in learning English.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Teaching key points:

Words: spring summer autumn winter

sentence structure: Which season do you like best?

Teaching difficult points:

Students can use the words and sentence structures in daily life.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Warming up

1.greet with the students.2. play and enjoy the “Four seasons” song and ask students what they hear and then lead in our topic “season”。

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1.the learning of the wordsDraw the picture of “spring summer autumn winter” on the blackboard to help students understand the meaning of the words.

2.the learning of the sentence structureShow the videos of the four seasons and tell students my favorite season is summer and I like ice cream and then ask “which season do you like best”? to present the sentence structure.

3.the practice of the sentence structureWork in pairs to ask and answer.

4.Understanding the dialogue

1)show pictures of Mr. Jones, Mike and Wuyifan and ask students to guess what they are talking about and then listen to the tape for the first time to check the answer.

2)listen to the tape for the second time and answer the following questions:What's the music?Which season does Mike like best and why?Which season does Wuyifan like best and why?

3) Listen to the tape for the third time and read after it and ask students to pay attention to their prounciation and innonation.

5.Practice the dialogueStep 3 Production

Four students in a group and ask students to do a survey using the sentence structure about what season their group members like and why. Then ask some representatives to report their survey.

Blackboard Design

中学英语教案英文 篇二

Dear friend,

I have received your e-mail, and I want to be your pen pal.

I think I can be your good friend. I hope to get your letter soon.


Step5 Homework

1. Write to your pen pal to talk about yourself.

2. Try your best to send it.

The Fourth Period

Teaching aims:

1. Review the all words.

2. Describe classmates.

Key points:

1. Key word check

Imagine and describe the new students

2. Just for Fun!

Teaching aids:

Some pictures.

Teaching procedures:

1. Free talk with the learnt sentences.

2. Check homework

Step2. Presentation

1. Learn all the sentences in this unit.

-Where are you from? -where is your pen pal from?

2. Review all the main structures and countries, cities and languages by pictures.

Step3. Practice

1. Practice all the main sentences in this unit in class.

2. Ask Ss to act out their own dialogues.

3. Correct the mistakes.

Step4. Consolidation

1. Make some exercises.

2. Give more words in Just For Fun!

Mars –火星 Martian---火星人,语言类


1. Review the whole unit.

2. Preview next unit.

中学英语教案 篇三










































































幼儿园全英文英语教案 篇四

Cla : Middle

Teacher: Mi Zhang

Time:20 min

一、Teacher Aims:

1. Study the word “five”, let children learn it. The pronunciation and the meaning of them.

2. Review the words: one, two, three and four.

3. Study the phrase: five eggs

二、Teaching preparation

Picture (eggs in a box)

三、Teaching procedure:

T: Hello ,boys and girls.

C: Hello ,Mi Zhang. How are you?

T: Fine, Thank you. And you?

C: I’m fine ,too

T: I have a riddle. Who is the most clever?


T: Gue , what’s it?

C: 5

T: Yes. Read after me “five, five ,five…”

(Study the pronunciation of “five”)

T: Let’s play a game, ok?/↑


T: I’ll do the action, all of you say the English word. OK?↑

C: One ,two ,three, four, five.

T: Let’s have a change

I’ll say the English word, All of you will do the action. OK?↑

C: One, two, three, four five.

(Go on)

TShow them a box) What’s this?


T: Let’s have a look. What’s this?

C: Egg.

T: Yes, very good. (往外拿)

C: One egg, two eggs, three egg, four eggs, five eggs.

T: How many eggs in the box?

C: Five eggs.

T: Yes, very ,very good.

(Study the phrase: five eggs)

TShow them pictures, let children eak English)

C: Five lio . Five eggs.

Five trees five boys…

T: Let’s go out to look for “five”


版初中英语教案全英文 篇五


Unit 8 I’d like some noodles

( period 1 1a to grammar focus)

一、The analysis of the textbook.

Different people have different tasts and habits of the food.

Unit 8 focuses on the chinese food and it specialities.

The main languge targets are “ What kind of noodles would youhe she like ? I’d He’dShe’d like …… noodles.

What size bowl of noodles would you he she like?” I’d He’d She’d like a small mediumlarge bowl of noodles.

It is an interesting topic related to the students’ daily lives.

So it is easy to arouse the interests of the students.

二。The analysis of the students.

The students show a lot enthusiams and passions to the lesson .

Because the topic is useful and necessary in their daily lives.

They show great curiosity and inquiry.

Most names of the food are familiar to them.

However some students are not familiar with some new words of the food such as beef, mutton, cabbage and so on.

Besides the words of bowl , large, special are hard for them to pronouce.

Some students have never seen or eaten the food in the lesson.

So I will help them to overcome these obstacles.

I will help them enjoy the fun of English .

三。The analysis of the teaching methods.

1.The students are always the masters of the class.

The teachers are only the guides and organizers of the class activities.

In English teaching, we should make the lessons close to their daily lives ,and complish the teaching goals in the activites.

We should make the students master the ways to study in the activities.

So the teachers and students can show their initiatives and creativities at their best.

2.I adopt the task-based teaching method.

I mix the main words and main language targets into the pratical activities.

The students complish the goals through the experance of the class activities.

3.Groupwork is the main teaching method in the English class.

The teacher should give the students more freedom to show and express themselves.

We should provide a stage for the students to mix the knowledge , exchange the information and share the resources .

The teachers had better give them more praise and affirmation.

So the relations between the teachers and students are natural and democratic.

四。The teaching goals.

1.Knowlege object:

words: would, I’d, noodle, beef, mutton, cabbage, potato, special, juice, drink, bowl, he’d, he would, size

language goals:

What kind of noodles would youhe she like ? I’d He’dShe’d like …… noodles.

What size bowl of noodles would you he she like?

2.Ability object:

The students are able to make the new conversations using the target languages.

They foster the ability to speak ,listen, read, and study by themselves.

3.Emotion object:

Let the students enjoy the English and learn by using , learn by doing.

4.learning strategy object:

Self study and cooperation in groups.

五。Teaching important and difficult points.

Important points:

1 The words of the food.

2 The target language.

Difficult points:

Teach the students to put the knowledge into use.

六。Teaching aids :

The pictures of the food; a radio;a computer; a paper;

七。Teaching procedure:

Before ---task:

( Let’s begin the lesson with the English song “ A mouse likes rice”)

1 Warm up:

Play a game using the target language “ Can you ? Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.”

T: My boys and girls, do you like games ? (The students may answer “ Yes, I do” )

T: Good ! now please take out a paper ( No matter how large the paper is .

Any paper is ok!) and fold it like me ! First fold it into a square and cut the unnecessary part.

If you can fold it easily , you can say loudly “ Yes, I can” If you can’t go on to fold it , you can say loudly “ No, I can’t”

T: Are you ready?

S: Yes!

T: Ok! Let’s go ! First fold it “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can !

T: Go on! “can you?”

S: Yes, I can !

T: Go on ! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T:Go on! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T: Go on! “can you?”

S: Yes, I can !

T: Go on ! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T:Go on! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T: Go on again! “ can you ?”

S: No, I can’t!

T: Go on again! “ can you ?”

S: No, I can’t!

T: Ok! Now unfold the paper and count how many times have you folded?

S:Seven !

T: Yes ! it is impossible for us to fold more than that, no matter how large the paper is! If you don’t believe it, you can try after class! Yeah! A very intersting game!

(Until now the students are warm.

They have prepared themselves for the coming lessons.)

2.Check the prevision of the new words.

The teacher prepares the cards of the food ahead of time.

The teacher presents the pictures to the students and the students say English together.

The teacher shows the pictures twice.

Then the teacher shows the pictures to the individual students and they are expected to say English according to the given pictures.

If they can say them correctly, the teacher will send them the pictures! ( The students are eager to get them, they need the teacher’s encouragement, so they will answer them actively!).


(1)Present the words of the food and the pictures of the food on the screen.

( the student have been familiar with them)

T: Do you know these food?

S: Yes!

T: Perfect! Now I will ask a girl and a boy to lead the other students to read them.

Then I will present the names of the drinks in the same way.

Until now all of the new words of the food have been presented to the students.

T: Look at these words please ! My students , can you find the differnces between these words?( The teacher says so while she is pointing to the “s” added to the words.


S: A student may stand up and give his answers!

Present a collection of pictures of food and ask the students to category .

T: Look at these pictures ! Which are uncountable words and which are countable words? Volunteers!!!!????

S: A student may stand up to show him.

(2) Lead into the class using “ What kind of vegetables would like ? ---I’d like …….

Present the pictures of the vegetables like : carrots, cabbages, broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, and so on!

T: “ What kind of vegetables would you like?”

S: I’d like tomatoes.

( They say it together)

T: What about you ? (point to a student)

S: I’d like ……

The teacher leads the students to read the target languages and makes the students to practice the conversations in pairs.

The teacher asks several pairs to show them .

Then the teacher presents the pictures of the meat like : beef, mutton, chicken, fish ……

The teacher asks the students using the target languages “ What kind of meat would you like? I’d like …….”

The teacher calls several students to answer and then let them practice in pairs.

Later, the teacher names several pairs to show them.

The teacher presents the pictures of the noodles.

The teacher leads the students to express the kinds of noodles according to the pictures on the screen.

Then the teacher asks the students to use the target languages “ What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like …….


The teacher gives them minutes to practice and then asks them to present their conversations.

Cheer for them at the duly time.

3.While --- task.

(1)T: Please turn to P47 and match the words with the pictures and let them check with their partners.

Then the teacher presents the answers on the screen.

(2) Let’s move on to activity 1b on Page47.

The students will listen to the radio twice and then check the answers.

(3) Present different sizes bowls of noodles.

( small, medium, large)

T:Boys and girls, do you want to eat noodles?

S: Yes!

T: What size bowl of noodles would you like ?

S: I’d like small mediumlarge bowl of noodles.

Teacher asks the students to answer the questions and then let them practice in pairs.

Three minutes later, the teacher asks the pairs to show their conversations.

(4) Guessing game!

The teacher shows the picture of a strong boy on the screen.

Let the students guess what size bowl of noodles would he like? He’d like a ________ bowl of noodles.

Then the teacher asks several pairs to present their guesses.

Then the teacher shows the answer “ small”

Let the students who guesses right put up their hands and cheer for them.

(5) Let the students turn to p48 .

Listen to the tape and do 2a .

Then one student gives his answer and the teacher shows the right answers on the screen.

Let us go on activity 2b .

The students will listen to the tape twice and fill the blanks.

Then the seated students check the answers with their partners and the teacher presents the correct answers on the screen.


(1) Role play.

T: My boys and girls, do you want to have noodles?

S: Yes!

T: Good! Let us go to the noodle house to have noodles!

One is a waiter, the other is a customer.

Just act it out!

Three minutes later, the teacher calls three pairs to act it!

(2) Make a survey!

Make a survey in the groups using the language goals :

They may do it like this :

A: Hello Peter! What kind of noodles would you like ?

B: I’d like beef and cabbage noodles.

A: What size bowl of noodles would you like?

B: I’d like medium bowl of noodles.

A: Hello Sally!.

Then the teacher asks the students to report the survey like this :

I’d like egg and tomato noodles.

I’d like a small bowl of noodles.

Peter would like beef and cabbage noodles.

Peter would like a mediun bowl of noodles.

And Sally.

5 Check themselves!

Do the exercise on the paper.

The exercise includes two parts: check yourselves and challenge yourselves!

6 Summary!

The teacher asks a student to sum it up , then the teacher help him add

7 Let us end the lesson with the english song “ A mouse likes rice”

三年级英语教案全英文 篇六

unit 3 touching and feeling(1)

教学内容 1. learners identify objects by touch

2. learners categorize objects by feeling to complete a table

3. learners play a game to guess what an object is by feeling and categorizing it

4. learners should conclude that we feel with our hands

教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握祈使句和相关形容词的用法。



教学重难点 5. identifying objects by touch

6. asking questions about and describing the way things feel

7. identifying letters of the alphabet shapes

8. responding to simple instructions

9. saying the sound ‘e’ in its open syllable form

教学准备 cassette 3b and a cassette player, wall pictures, cushion, pineapple, apple

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 教学意图

pre-task preparation . revision

1.put on the masks then play the game.

2.what can you do? introduce.

3.show the pictures. what’s this/that?

is this/that…? what do you see?

1.words: soft, hard, rough, smooth

1.t: what do you see? p:i see some sweets.

2..touch the sweets one by one then teach” soft”

3.what is soft? please tell me.

4.touch the desk then teach “hard”。

5.the same way to teach “rough, smooth”

6.make a new rhyme.

2 play the cassette again. students repeat.

3 invite individual students to come to the desk. give them a thing to touch and feel. students have to close their eyes when they play the game.

say: touch it. how does it feel?

to elicit: it's ...

ask: what is it?

to elicit: it's at an ...

ask the questions.



while-task procedure 1. divide students into pairs. ask them to choose three things for their partner to touch and feel.

2. students use the dialogue when they play the game.

3. ask students to write down their three things and how they feel on a sheet of paper as riddles, e.g. it's brown. it's big. it's smooth. it's hard. what is it? (a desk)

4. invite individual students to read out how a certain thing feels and the three things for the class to guess which one it should be.

do pairs work.

work in the groups.

make dialogues.



post-task activity workbook page 6

a review adjectives and nouns at the top of the page.

b students complete the dialogues orally in pairs.

c students write the missing words.

d invite students to read out the dialogues to check answers.

do exercises.



copy and recite the new words and the text

教学效果反馈 本课我事先准备一些相关的物品带入教室,让学生从感性上进行触摸,而后引出新单词,学生的积极性很高,愿意表达自己的想法,但由于本课新单词教多,学生一节课下来对于smooth,rough,touch这三个单词的认读能力存在着困难,掌握情况不是很好,在随后的抽读中特别明显。在后来的课课练中,学生对于句子it is hard.划线提问中都写成了what is it?而没做成how does it feel?

中学英语教案英文 篇七

Unit 16 Lesson 63

Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2). It is made up of four parts.

Part 1 My understanding of this lesson

The analysis of the teaching material:

This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea.

Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.

2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.

3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do something to stop it being polluted.

Key points / Teaching important points:

How to understand the text better.

Teaching difficult points:

1. Use your own words to retell the text.

2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.

Something about the Ss:

1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.

2. They are lack of vocabulary.

3. They don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.

4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.

Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids

Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Teaching method:

Double activities teaching method

Question-and-answer activity teaching method

Watch-and-listen activity

Free discussion method

Pair work or individual work method

Teaching aids:

1. a projector

2. a tape recorder

3. multimedia

4. the blackboard

Part 3. Teaching steps / procedures

I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.

The entire steps are:

Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, Homework

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2. Revision

1. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).

a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. 3.5% by weight)

b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water?

c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?

2. Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people). Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.

Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.

Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.

Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.

Step 4. Fast reading

Read the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph:

1. Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?

2. What does the whale feed on?

3. What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?

Method: Read the text individually, use question—and—answer activity.

Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability.

Understand the general idea of each paragraph.

Step 5. Listening(book closed)

1. Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)

2. True or false exercise.(on the screen)

Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.

Step 6. Intensive reading

Read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.

1. How much does a whale eat at a time?

2. Do all the whales feed on small fish?

3. How deep can a sperm whale dive?

It is also called depth reading or study reading. It means reading for detailed information.

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some different sentences and details of the text.

Step 7. Preparation for details of the text on the screen

1. ...its heart slows to half its normal speed.

slow-v. to become / make slower.

2. ...using sound wave

Present participle used as adverbial.

3. provide sth. for sb.

provide sb. with sth.

4. at a time: each time

5. grow to a length of...

Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using laguage.

Step 8. Consolidation

1. Find out the topic sentences.

2. Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.

Purpose: I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they master what I mean to tell them in this class. What’s more, I want to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expression. At the same time, I will write down the topic sentences on the blackboard according to what the students find, so they can retell it easily.

Step 9. Discussion

Show them some pictures about the polluted sea and many living things which are in danger and ask them: What are their opinions about it? In order to let them have free choice, I give them another topic: The sea is being polluted. What should they do?

Purpose: I mean to give them emotional education. I give them multi-media pictures to arouse their interest of study and their love for life. I mean to make them realize: The sea is in danger!

I teach them to do their best to help it and do something from now on. Everyone should do something to love and protect our home.

Step 10. Homework

Write an article Saving the sea. I want to improve the ability of their writing. At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themseleves.

Part 4. Blackboard design

Unit 16 Lesson 63

Topic Sentences:

1. Some living things can live in Antarctica.(what)

2. The whale feeds on small fish.(what)

3. The sperm whale feeds on squid.(difference)


1. The whales are in danger. What’s your opinion about it?

2. The sea is being polluted. What should we do?

In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily.

In this text, the design is not easy to write. I write the topic sentences on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of the importance in this class. The discussion is of the difficulty.

I want to make the design inductive, instructive and artistic.

三年级英语教案全英文 篇八

3b unit 9. shopping


本单元的教学内容是让学生理解并掌握日常生活中购物时常用的英语表达方式。can i

help you? i'd like a......?以及词汇a cap、a jacket的四会掌握和词汇a hat、a tie、a

vest、a belt、socks、shoes的三会掌握。本单元日常用语学生第一次接触,但是本单元教





单词vest以前已学过,因此,学生较易掌握,但是socks, shoes, trousers的复数形式需要



1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:cap、jacket

2. 能听懂、会说、会读服装类词汇:a hat、a vest、a tie、a belt、socks、shoes、


3. 能听懂、会说日常交际用语:can i help you? what colour? how much is

it?......yuan, please.并能较熟练地运用日常交际用语回答。

4. 能背诵歌谣 a red dress.


(1) 服装类单词cap、jacket的听,说,读,写。

(2) 本单元日常交际用语can i help you? what colour? how much is it?......yuan、

please 的熟练运用。



第一课时:学习a部分:learn to say.

第二课时:学习b部分:look and learn.

第三课时:学习c部分:look and say.

第四课时:学习d部分:look read and write.

第五课时:学习e部分:(1)fun house.

(2)play a game.

(3)say a rhyme.


the first period (第一课时)


3b 第九单元 a部分:


(1) 能听懂、会说日常交际用语can i help you? what colour? how much is it? ......


(2) 有表情地朗读歌谣:a red dress




1. 教具准备:本单元对话的挂图、录音机、磁带、实物 如:毛衣、短裙等以前学过的服装


2. 教学准备:学生自备一些夹克、外套、连衣裙、t恤等服装,及一些人民币,预习a部分


3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题:“shopping”。


step1. warm up.

1、daily talk:教师可以走到学生面前用以前所学的日常用语


2、学说歌谣:a red dress.



step 2. revision:

由歌谣a red dress 引出以前所学的服装量单词。

a coat a jacket a sweater a blouse

a dress a skirt a shirt a t—shirt


step 3.presentation and practice.

(1) 教师找两位学生一起去商店买服装(可将本课挂图挂在黑板上)(教师事先创设一个类





can i help you? i'd like ... please.


出新单词:cap、vest 教师示范发音,然后带读,个人,集体朗读(形式可多样)

(5)说明how much is it? 的意思,可告诉学生也可直接用how much?来询问价钱,yuan是


step 4. consolidation:

(1)分段表演对话 a.第一段对话挑选商品




(1) 听录音,模仿学说对话,并会表演。


unit 9. shopping

can i help you?

i'd like a cap

how much is it?


3b unit 9 the second period (第二课时)


3b 第九单元 b部分:


1. 能听懂,会说、会读、会拼写服装类单词:a cap、a jacket

2. 能听懂,会说、会读服装类单词:a hat、a vest、a tie、a belt、socks、shoes、



1、单词 a cap、a jacket的口令的掌握





3、板书准备:课前板书的课题:unit 9. shopping


step 1.warm up:

(1) sing an english song

(2) daily talk

step 2.revision:

(1) say a rhyme:“a red dress”复习巩固上节课内容

(2) 学生表演上节课所学对话

(3) 出示单词卡,让学生认读单词,复习以前所学的服装类单词:

a coat a jacket a sweater a blouse

a dress a skirt a shirt a t-shirt

step 3.presentation and practice:

(1) 教师用简笔画在里板上画一顶帽子,画一半时让学生猜:what is it?激发学生兴趣



(2) 以同样的方法教其它单词。(提醒学生socks,trousers,shoes经常做复数使用)


(3) 比较cap,hat的区别


(4) 重点板书四会单词cap,jacket。 jacket在3a中已学过,因此较容易掌握,但要注意

三年级英语教案全英文 篇九


unit 3 touching and feeling(1)

教学内容 1. learners identify objects by touch

2. learners categorize objects by feeling to complete a table

3. learners play a game to guess what an object is by feeling and categorizing it

4. learners should conclude that we feel with our hands

教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握祈使句和相关形容词的用法。



教学重难点 5. identifying objects by touch

6. asking questions about and describing the way things feel

7. identifying letters of the alphabet shapes

8. responding to simple instructions

9. saying the sound ‘e’ in its open syllable form

教学准备 cassette 3b and a cassette player, wall pictures, cushion, pineapple, apple

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 教学意图

pre-task preparation . revision

1.put on the masks then play the game.

2.what can you do? introduce.

3.show the pictures. what’s this/that?

is this/that…? what do you see?

1.words: soft, hard, rough, smooth

1.t: what do you see? p:i see some sweets.

2..touch the sweets one by one then teach” soft”

3.what is soft? please tell me.

4.touch the desk then teach “hard”。

5.the same way to teach “rough, smooth”

6.make a new rhyme.

2 play the cassette again. students repeat.

3 invite individual students to come to the desk. give them a thing to touch and feel. students have to close their eyes when they play the game.

say: touch it. how does it feel?

to elicit: it's ...

ask: what is it?

to elicit: it's at an ...

ask the questions.



while-task procedure 1. divide students into pairs. ask them to choose three things for their partner to touch and feel.

2. students use the dialogue when they play the game.

3. ask students to write down their three things and how they feel on a sheet of paper as riddles, e.g. it's brown. it's big. it's smooth. it's hard. what is it? (a desk)

4. invite individual students to read out how a certain thing feels and the three things for the class to guess which one it should be.

do pairs work.

work in the groups.

make dialogues.



post-task activity workbook page 6

a review adjectives and nouns at the top of the page.

b students complete the dialogues orally in pairs.

c students write the missing words.

d invite students to read out the dialogues to check answers.

do exercises.



copy and recite the new words and the text

教学效果反馈 本课我事先准备一些相关的物品带入教室,让学生从感性上进行触摸,而后引出新单词,学生的积极性很高,愿意表达自己的想法,但由于本课新单词教多,学生一节课下来对于smooth,rough,touch这三个单词的认读能力存在着困难,掌握情况不是很好,在随后的抽读中特别明显。在后来的课课练中,学生对于句子it is hard.划线提问中都写成了what is it?而没做成how does it feel?


3b unit 9. shopping


本单元的教学内容是让学生理解并掌握日常生活中购物时常用的英语表达方式。can i

help you? i'd like a......?以及词汇a cap、a jacket的四会掌握和词汇a hat、a tie、a

vest、a belt、socks、shoes的三会掌握。本单元日常用语学生第一次接触,但是本单元教





单词vest以前已学过,因此,学生较易掌握,但是socks, shoes, trousers的复数形式需要



1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:cap、jacket

2. 能听懂、会说、会读服装类词汇:a hat、a vest、a tie、a belt、socks、shoes、


3. 能听懂、会说日常交际用语:can i help you? what colour? how much is

it?......yuan, please.并能较熟练地运用日常交际用语回答。

4. 能背诵歌谣 a red dress.


(1) 服装类单词cap、jacket的听,说,读,写。

(2) 本单元日常交际用语can i help you? what colour? how much is it?......yuan、

please 的熟练运用。



第一课时:学习a部分:learn to say.

第二课时:学习b部分:look and learn.

第三课时:学习c部分:look and say.

第四课时:学习d部分:look read and write.

第五课时:学习e部分:(1)fun house.

(2)play a game.

(3)say a rhyme.


the first period (第一课时)


3b 第九单元 a部分:


(1) 能听懂、会说日常交际用语can i help you? what colour? how much is it? ......


(2) 有表情地朗读歌谣:a red dress




1. 教具准备:本单元对话的挂图、录音机、磁带、实物 如:毛衣、短裙等以前学过的服装


2. 教学准备:学生自备一些夹克、外套、连衣裙、t恤等服装,及一些人民币,预习a部分


3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题:“shopping“.


step1. warm up.

1、daily talk:教师可以走到学生面前用以前所学的日常用语


2、学说歌谣:a red dress.



step 2. revision:

由歌谣a red dress 引出以前所学的服装量单词。

a coat a jacket a sweater a blouse

a dress a skirt a shirt a t—shirt


step 3.presentation and practice.

(1) 教师找两位学生一起去商店买服装(可将本课挂图挂在黑板上)(教师事先创设一个类





can i help you? i'd like ... please.


出新单词:cap、vest 教师示范发音,然后带读,个人,集体朗读(形式可多样)

(5)说明how much is it? 的意思,可告诉学生也可直接用how much?来询问价钱,yuan是


step 4. consolidation:

(1)分段表演对话 a.第一段对话挑选商品




(1) 听录音,模仿学说对话,并会表演。


unit 9. shopping

can i help you?

i'd like a cap

how much is it?


3b unit 9 the second period (第二课时)


3b 第九单元 b部分:


1. 能听懂,会说、会读、会拼写服装类单词:a cap、a jacket

2. 能听懂,会说、会读服装类单词:a hat、a vest、a tie、a belt、socks、shoes、



1、单词 a cap、a jacket的口令的掌握





3、板书准备:课前板书的课题:unit 9. shopping


step 1.warm up:

(1) sing an english song

(2) daily talk

step 2.revision:

(1) say a rhyme:“a red dress”复习巩固上节课内容

(2) 学生表演上节课所学对话

(3) 出示单词卡,让学生认读单词,复习以前所学的服装类单词:

a coat a jacket a sweater a blouse

a dress a skirt a shirt a t-shirt

step 3.presentation and practice:

(1) 教师用简笔画在里板上画一顶帽子,画一半时让学生猜:what is it?激发学生兴趣



(2) 以同样的方法教其它单词。(提醒学生socks,trousers,shoes经常做复数使用)


(3) 比较cap,hat的区别


(4) 重点板书四会单词cap,jacket。 jacket在3a中已学过,因此较容易掌握,但要注意



1、基本能听懂会说:Hello, Hi, Goodbye, bye- bye


3、初步感知本册书中的主要人物: Sam,Amy,Lingling , Daming,并注意Sam和Amy的正确发音。



2、引导学生使用I’m …句型进行自我介绍。








1、Listen and sing the ABC song .

2、Say the letters one by one.

二、New lesson

1、Tell students: From today, we begin to learn our books. First, let’s meet our friends in the book. Look, they’re coming.


Hello, I’m Daming.

Hello, I’m Lingling.

Hello, I’m Sam.

Hello, I’m Amy.



教师将句型:Hello, I’m __________.写在黑板上,教学发音,着重强调I’m的发音。然后让学生仿照句型作自我介绍。教师及时给予表扬和奖励,激发学生的热情和积极性。



Listen and point, then answer the questions:

When Sam said: Hello, I’m Sam. What did Daming say?

When they went home, what did they say?


(强调读书方法--指读,要求作到眼到,手到,口到,心 到,体会其英语句意。)

Ask several students to answer the two questions, and teach:

Hi (介绍和Hello的联系与区别)



Listen point and say for three times

Read in pairs, then ask some pairs to act it out.


Part 3. Ask students to say Hello say Goodbye to their partner.

Then ask some pairs to act.


1、Meet the four friends again, revise their names.

2、Point the important sentences and lead to read again.


1、Read the words and remember their Chinese meaning.

2、Listen and read the text for 5 times ,then recite it.


Hello, I’m________. ------ Hi, _______.

Goodbye,_______.------ Bye-bye______.





































































2、个别单词:what’s, this, it’s, lion 的正确发音。





二、Say the rhyme




3、指着图中的小鸟告诉学生小鸟正在说自己的鸟窝。播放第一段歌 谣的录音内容。用同样的方法完成第二歌谣。




三、扩展性活动 需要一套单元单词复习卡片

1、把学生分为两大组。每组轮流挑出一张卡片,默读卡片上的单词,根 据卡片上的单词将物品或动物画在黑板上。第一个用正确句型说出单 词的学生为本组赢得一分。



Review the rhyme


中学英语教案模版 篇十

1.课题 First aid



Students can master some works and expressions, such as : sprained ankle, choking, bleeding, broken bones, snake bites, nose bleed.


①Cultivate students′ ability of listening for general idea and specific information.

②Develop students′ ability of talking about first aid.


①Motivate students′ interest in listening, and raise their enthusiasm to learn more about first aid.

②Stimulate student′ awareness of participation, comprehensively applying knowledge and cooperation with each other.


(1)教学重点:Develop students′ listening skills — listening for general idea and for specific idea.

(2)教学难点:Teach students how to listen to some long sentences.


Step 1 greeting

Step 2 leading in — Ask students to look at the pictures and answer some questions.

Step 3 presentation — Listen to the passage three times, First listen to get the general idea, and then listen to find the answers on the book and the last time listen to check the answers.

Step 4 practice — Make conversations in pairs about the first aid instructions.

Step 5 summary — Ask the students to summarize what they have learnt.

Step 6 homework — Write a short article to introduce a first aid instruction.

5.板书:First aid

A nosebleed

Sprained ankle

Clothes on fire


