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minerals 关于sharing的英语作文80词带翻译【优秀7篇】5-12-97

下面是不器文库爱岗敬业的小编阿青帮大伙儿找到的7篇everyday minerals的相关文档,希望对大家有所启发。

初二英语作文带翻译80词优秀 篇一

Everybody has a future. Do you want to know what I want to be in the future?

Well, I want to be a singer. Because I love singing so much .

And I think that I can sing on the stage. I will move to New York and be a singer there.And I will sing my favorite English songs there .

Although it is a tired job, I love it . Because when I sad, I can sing songs to be happy and I will become very popular .

That`s so interesting and exciting . For my future, I will sing every day and sing well.

I hope that day come quickly , I can`t wait! How about you? What do you want to be in the future?






关于感恩节英语作文80词带翻译精选 篇二

The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.


关于sharing的英语作文80词带翻译 篇三

I used to be a lazy boy.I had never done any housework before.But now everything has changed.

On the first day of my summer vacationI found mum was really busy and tired.I felt sorry.So I did some washing for her.

I washed many clothes.I thought mum and dad did a lot to bring me upand I should do something for them.

I could share housework with them.When mum saw what I was doingshe praised me greatly.I felt very happy.






高一英语作文带翻译80词 篇四

I like watching all kinds of sports, especially tennis. Roger Federer is famous all around the world, who has been popular for many years. Now he is almost 35, which is the old age for tennis player. Many players choose to quit playing as they are more than 30 and Roger was once doubted by the public. They believed that Roger would not play as good as before, but Roger proved that they were wrong. This year, Roger won two grand slams. He is still the top tennis player. Federer is the real hero in my heart. He not only keeps on playing tennis, but also a good husband and father. He never lets his fans down.


高中学生英语作文:Saving Money or Spending Money 篇五

The conception of money is different for the old and the young. The old generation believes that money should be saved in case of the urgent situation, while most young people think that money should be spent to realize its value. When I was struggled about the different opinions, I saw the news report about a man got back his money that he saved in the early 1990s, which was about 1000 RMB. People made their comment that this amount of money meant so much at that time, which could buy a nice big house, while today it was just a big meal in the restaurant. This news inspired me to make reasonable plan of money. The old way to treat money is not suitable, because money will lose its value as time goes by. I choose to spend part of money while saving another part of it.


sharing ideas高三英语作文带翻译 篇六

Many students are under a big pressure.We have lots of homework to do and we have many examines everyday.

It's necessary for us to relax ourselves.We can do sportslisten to soft musicsing songs and so on.

I often do sports when I feel tired.I often play basketball with my classmates.I think doing sports it's a good way to relax.It can makes us forget the bad things and we can have fun in that time.





关于sharing的英语作文80词带翻译 篇七


In our life, everyone has some experiences of sharing something with others, like sharing an interesting book, a good idea and problems.

I had a memorable experience of sharing. Though I was interested in math in Grade 6, my math was poor. I could hardly understand what my math teacher said in class. I didn’t know how to deal with the math problems. My best friend, whose math was pretty good, give me some suggestions on how to learn math well. With his help, my math has made more progress.

Sharing not only brings me happiness, but also, more importantly, I get a precious friendship.

In a word, sharing is a good way to encourage everyone to make a change and enjoy happiness.



