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2017年天津中考英语作文 篇一


第二节: 书面表达(满分25分)

假设你是晨光中学高二(1)班的班长李津, 得知美国学生Chris 作为交换生, 下学期将到你班学习。

请你根据以下提示, 给他写封邮件: (1) 表示欢迎 (2) 介绍与本地生活相关的`信息(如天气, 饮食等) (3) 介绍本班情况 (4) 希望Chris做哪些事情, 以增进中美学生之间的了解和友谊

注意: (1) 请勿提及与考生相关的真实信息。 (2) 可适当加入细节, 使内容充实,行文连贯。 (3) 词数不少于100; 开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 (4) 参考词汇: 交换生 exchange student

2017年天津中考英语作文 篇二

Blog is very popular in China, it is a communication tool for people to record their life. Especially for the celebrities, they record their daily life, attracting their fans to pay attention to their blogs all the time. Blog provides a stage for people to write down their mood and the colorful life.

博客在中国很流行,那是一种让人们在网上记录他们生活的交流工具。特别是对于名人来说,他们记录日常生活,吸引他们的粉丝随时关注他们的博客。博客给人们提供了一个记录他们心情和多姿多彩生活的平台。Whenever you refresh your mini blog, it is quite often that you are dazzled by the new images, someone release their new pictures of the new hairstyle, the new clothes and so on. People like to use blog to record their lifestyle, showing their happiness to others. Glorifying oneself is a natural human instinct, people exaggerate their happiness or strength in the blog, they want to tell people how good they are and let people envy them.

无论你什么时候更新你的迷你博客,你会发现经常被新图片弄得眼花缭乱,一些人发布了他们的新发型或者新衣服的图片等等。人们喜欢使用博客去记录他们的生活方式,向别人展示他们的幸福。炫耀自己是人的天性,人们在微博上夸大他们的幸福或者长处,他们想要告诉人们他们很好,让别人羡慕。The bad thing is that too much exposure of their private life may bring danger to bloggers. If people have the habit the record where they have been all the time, then others will know their track. Some bad guys will follow bloggers and may hurt them.

不好的事情就是过多的曝光他们的私生活可能会给博客使用者带来危险。如果人们有随时记录自己在哪里的习惯,然后别人就会知道他们的行踪。一些坏人会跟踪博客使用者,可能给他们带来伤害。The internet is a place where people can exercise their imagination. Many people edit their real lives and experiences to satisfy their imagination. But they must notice not to let out too much privacy.


2017年天津中考英语作文 篇三

A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood

I am already 18 years old, but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream.

One day, all my family went to climb a mountain. There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy. Hearing this, we began to run up. At first I kept ahead, but a few minutes later my sister was ahead of me. However, I didn't give up. That toy attracted me to run forward, In the end I reached the top first.

On the top we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a picnic. At dusk, we went down the mountain happily. I was the happiest one, because I not only got a toy train but also knew that one shouldn't give up readily.

2017年天津中考英语作文 篇四

My favorite sport

There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.

2017年天津中考英语作文 篇五

There are all kinds of horses in the world. But one of them you can't ride. It doesn't live on land, but in the sea. It looks like the head of horse. So the people call it sea horse. In fact, the sea horse is a small fish. It likes to live in warm water. A sea horse stands up in the water when it swims.

Father horse carries the eggs to keep them safe in its pouch. When the eggs are hatched, the baby horses swim away.



2017年天津中考英语作文 篇六

The scenic spot we are going to visit today is the ancient culture street. The ancient culture street is a street with Tianjin local characteristics centered on the Tianhou palace. It is located in gongnangong North Street, Nankai District. In 1985, it was reorganized by the municipal government to restore its traditional style and named ”Ancient Culture Street“. The ancient culture street is different from the general commercial street. It gathers all kinds of handicrafts and cultural goods from all over Tianjin and even the whole country. Among them, the willow youth paintings, clay figurine Zhang Caisu and kite Wei's kites are most famous at home and abroad. The whole street is full of strong Chinese flavor, Tianjin flavor, ancient flavor and cultural flavor.

Well, we have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Please remember that our car is a white golden dragon, and the license plate is Jin a1234. At 4 pm, the car will be waiting for you in Gongbei street. Please take your valuables and get off with me.

The first thing that comes into view is a tall and majestic archway imitating Qing Dynasty, which is decorated with gold and painted with green top and Zhuying. The color picture on it is called xuanzi color picture, and it is written with the word ”hometown of Jinmen“. It definitely points out that the area near the ancient Culture Street is 820_ In a settlement five years ago, the Jin people, who ruled the north at that time, established Zhigu village, the most important prison in Tianjin. Today's Tianjin is based on this area as the original central area, which has been gradually developed and expanded. In the past six or seven hundred years, Tianjin has always been a prosperous commercial area in the city, which has played an immeasurable role in the development of Tianjin. It is well deserved to be called the hometown of Tianjin.

Well, please follow me into this street. You've noticed that many shops in this street do not have colorful paintings under the eaves and in the rooms. These are Kaiguang Qing style Su paintings, most of which are character stories. Let's take a look at the color paintings of Fangjian, your excellency Jizhen. On the top are eight paintings from the romance of the Three Kingdoms, including ”the romance of the Three Kingdoms in Taoyuan“, ”the battle of Lu Bu in hulaoguan“, ”Lu Bu playing Diaochan in fengyiting“ and ”refusing Cao in Dangyang“. On the other hand, Fangjian in Liyuan Pavilion is painted the classic opera Xixiang Ji, which describes the love story between Cui YingYing and Zhang Junrui . In addition to the Su paintings mentioned above, the buildings are decorated with wood carvings and brick carvings. There are nearly 100 plaques in the street, most of which are made by famous calligraphers all over the country. You can watch as you walk and savor carefully.

Well, now we have come to the square in front of the palace. The famous Tin Hau palace is located here. Before entering the Tin Hau palace, let's take a look at the opposite theater building. The theater building is a wooden platform building. It faces west in the East, connects Haihe River in the East, and faces the square in front of the palace in the West. There is a stage on the top and a passage below_ When the theater was demolished, the theater we see now was rebuilt in 1985. In the past, the theater was the main place for performing gods. Later, after the Japanese invaders occupied Tianjin, the theater stopped performing gods.

OK, now let's turn around and have a look. There are two tall flagpoles in front of the gate of tianhuangong mountain. They stick straight into Yunxiao, which is particularly eye-catching. These flagpoles are 26 meters high. It is said that when the flagpole was first set up, on the one hand, it hung lights to guide the boats going to and from sanchahekou; on the other hand, it served as a foil for Tianhou palace. Later, it was specially used to hang the long flag of Tianhou title during pilgrimage and temple fair.

Please go on. Now we are looking at the main building of Tianhou palace. Tianjin local folk known as ”empress“, so the empress palace is also known as empress palace. It was first built in the Yuan Dynasty, and was rebuilt and reinforced many times in later dynasties. As we all know, most of the temples in our country face south, but Tianhou palace faces east from the West. Why? We know that Tianhou is mainly to protect the safety of navigation. Facing the east of the temple and the Haihe River, it is convenient for some boat people and merchants. They can worship Tianhou on the boat when they have no time. It conforms to the busy shipping demand at that time and meets the needs of the people who can't land It is the demand of popular worship.

You follow me into the mountain gate, facing the wooden structure of two columns and one floor archway, on the left and right sides are the drum tower and the bell tower. Walking through the archway, we can see the front hall in front of us. In the middle of the hall, there are worshippers of the Dharma God King, and on both sides are ”Qianliyan“, ”shunfenger“ and ”Jiaxie“ and ”Jiashan“.

Now we pass through the front hall and come to the main hall, which is the place where the goddess of heaven is worshipped. This hall is not only the oldest example of architecture in Tianjin, but also one of the earliest extant Mazu temples in China. The one sitting in the middle is empress Hou. As we said before, empress hou can protect the safety of ships passing by. So what God is empress Hou? Since she is called empress Hou, she must be a goddess. She is not a divinity made up of fantasy, but a real person.

The history books say her name is Limmer. She grew up on an island and was used to water. He often crossed the sea to rescue the fishermen in distress at sea. Unfortunately, he was killed by the typhoon. It is also said that after his death, he appeared to help the refugees from time to time, so the rich merchants on the sea paid money to build Mazu temple, and gradually became the God of the sea. At first, the legend of Empress Dowager only spread in Zhejiang and Fujian, but later it was gradually recognized by the government. In the Song Dynasty, she was named ”lady Linghui“ and ”empress Linghui“ successively. In the Yuan Dynasty, she was named ”Empress Dowager“, and in the Qing Dynasty, she was named ”Empress Dowager“. This article is organized by the first model website

Through the main hall, we came to the Sutra Pavilion. Through the Sutra Pavilion, what we see now is the Qisheng temple, that is, the back hall, which was originally used to offer sacrifices to empress dowager's parents, and later used to store the light wooden statue of Empress Dowager during the Royal assembly. On both sides of Tianhou palace is Tianjin Folk Custom Museum, which introduces the rise and changes of Tianjin city, Tianhou palace and the imperial assembly. From the side witnessed the ”first heaven after the palace, after Tianjin city“ this statement. At the same time, it also displays the city bricks of Tianjin in the Ming Dynasty, the model people of water transport in the Qing Dynasty, the wedding custom exhibition and so on.

Now you can move freely, and gather at 4 o'clock under the archway of Gongbei street.

2017年天津中考英语作文 篇七

I am Li Hua from Class One,Senior Two. As everyone knows, our school want to select some top students to help those in Chenxi Hope Elementary school with English. I'm willing to take part in this activity, since it is my dream to help others. I am good at English, so I believe I can teach them well. As a male student, I am more indepent than those female , I have a good comand of communication skills , I can establish friendship with the puiples. What's more, I have made a full plan on how to teach them. For example, I will help them practice their English listening ability , I will ask them to write diary every day to improve their writen skill. By doing so , I believe I can both improve their English and exercise my ability.

2017年天津中考英语作文 篇八

When we go down the street, if we take a notice on the couples, we may find that besides those young girls, there are not only young boys, but also Da Shu. Da Shu means these men who are in middle ages,today, many young girls crush on Da Shu, their love for Da Shu have many reasons.

当我们走在街上的时候,如果仔细观察情侣,可以发现在年轻女孩身边的除了年轻的男孩子外,还有大叔。大叔是处于中年的男子,今天,很多年轻的女孩喜欢大叔,她们对大叔的爱是有很多原因的。On the one hand, Da Shu have stable job which brings girls security. Da Shu have fought for their future for a certain time, so they have earn some reputation and own good income, they can afford almost what the girls want, satisfying the girls in materials. Comparing with the young boys who are struggling for the living and make ends meet, young girls prefer to choose Da Shu.

一方面,大叔有稳定的工作,能够给女孩子带来安全感。大叔已经为他们的将来奋斗了一段时间,因此他们有一定的名声,也有很好的收入,他们可以基本上给予女孩子想要的,在物质方面满足女孩。和那些正在为他们的生计和收入平衡的年轻男孩子来说,年轻女孩倾向于选择大叔。On the other hand, Da Shu have mature mind, their broad vision is such a great charm that attracts the young girls. As Da Shu are not young anymore, they have gone through many difficulties and their life experience are so rich. Young girls haven’t experienced these before, they are so curious about what the Da Shu experienced, like reading an interesting book.

另一方面,大叔有成熟的思想,他们开阔的视野使得他们很有魅力,吸引着年轻的女孩。大叔本身不再年轻,他们经历了很多困难,生活阅历很丰富。年轻女孩从来没有经历过这些,她们对大叔的经历很好奇,就像看一本有趣的书。Young girls’ affection for Da Shu shows that they are eager to be mature and explore the world, while they should grow up by themselves, instead of putting their emotion on the older men.


2017年天津中考英语作文 篇九

Dear editor, I am writing to tell you my favorite recreational activity during leisure time and to share it with other readers of the magazine. My hobby is painting, in which I have been interested for over ten years. When I was a little child, I took an extracurricular course in painting pictures, and the teacher of our course introduced my to this fabulous and attractive world of painting. Little by little, I became more and more interested in painting as I learned both basic and advanced skills applied in it. I enjoy painting a lot because I can take tours around beautiful places in order to paint pictures of these sites. I want to become an artist in future so that I can travel all over the world and record the manifold colors of mother nature with my own brushes and pencils. I hope I can realize my dream and have an exhibition to be held in a famous museum, showing others all my paintings someday in the near future.。

天津中考满分作文 篇十


曾经有时会在浏览报纸是看到“古生物学家挖掘出一块恐龙化石,那时,我都恨不得跑过去见识一下那巨大的恐龙化石。一想到那报纸上的描述,我多想在报纸上看见上面写着“古生物学家张云从龙从撒哈拉大沙漠处挖掘出一块风神翼龙化石”在众多古生物中,我最喜欢的就是风神翼龙,其一是因为它的名字十分威武,和《封神榜》的“封神”二字相吻合;其二是因为它的样子很威风,翼展足足有12米,体重可达160公斤,甚至连凶猛可怕的霸王龙也时常成为它的“盘中餐”,所以它经常被人们拿去当科幻电影的主角。我特别想见识一下“新鲜的”风神翼龙化石。 。我第一次见到古生物的时候,就对古生物十分感兴趣。看着这些长相奇怪的生物,我产生了浓厚的兴趣是不是还会问一些莫名其妙的问题,比如“你见过么?”之类的。我以前经常买一些“挖恐龙化石”的那种玩具:打开以后,里面是一个模仿硬土质地的正方形,让我们用它所给的工具把被埋藏在里面的仿真恐龙化石挖出来,并且不能挖坏。我本着我对古生物的“探索精神”挖出来了好几个,完全挖出后感觉真是自豪啊!



2017年天津中考英语作文 篇十一

Tianjin is a beautiful me tell you something about Tianjin's famous Street Fried Dough Twists is very delicious;go believe is also a kind yummy food. If you wang to take some photos about hope you go to Panshan in is a very nice and much famous WaterPark is a good place,too. Do you know?Tianjin has about 100 years place is Ancient Cultural Street. Do you wang to know more things about Tianjin?Please visit Tianjin can tell you more stories about Tianjin。