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东京奥运会英语作文 篇一

Seneca once said, "as long as you keep working hard and struggle tirelessly, there is nothing you can't conquer."

——Insc ription

In August 8, 2021, the covid-19 Olympic Games, which was postponed for the first time in the history of Tokyo, ended successfully. On this stage, we have witnessed our Olympic athletes go all out to compete, which makes us moved, shocked and excited again and again. Under such a high-pressure environment, the Chinese delegation still achieved 38 gold medals and 88 medals. This reflects the indomitable spirit of Chinese athletes, which will also inspire all Chinese people to move farther and farther away from realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

"Grand Slam" winner -- Malone

On the evening of July 30, 2021, in the final of the men's singles of table tennis at the Tokyo Olympic Games, Malone, 33, defeated fan Zhendong 4-2, won the second Grand Slam of his career, and was the first player to win the men's singles of table tennis for the first time in history.

At 33, it may not seem like much to us. But for an athlete, this is an old age, especially an athlete like Malone who has been playing on the court for many years. Now his wrist and knee have long been hurt. Such pain has accompanied his whole Olympic journey, but he still persevered and created such a miracle.

"Don't ask the end, go all out" is the heroic words he once left behind. He has also done it himself. In his tenacious struggle again and again, he has created his own and Chinese legend.

Surpassing every 0.01 second - Su Bingtian

At the Tokyo Olympic Games, Su Bingtian's team won the fourth place in the men's 4 * 100 relay race. Although they didn't win medals, they went beyond themselves and did their best.

In the track and field circle, Su Bingtian, who is only 1.72 meters tall, is not favored. But such a "no talent" athlete has never been lazy for more than a decade. He has been training himself and stimulating his potential. Even at the age of nearly 30, he is still trying to change his arm swing. Isn't such an athlete who dares to try, insist and break through himself worthy of our praise?

Who says 100 meters and 10 seconds is the limit of yellow people? Su Bingtian rushed into the 10 second mark. He explained the Chinese sports spirit to the world with his fine polishing of himself.

Women's volleyball spirit - Chinese women's volleyball team

If sports power is an indispensable step to realize the Chinese dream, the women's volleyball spirit is an irreplaceable important part. It has created a brilliant "five consecutive championships", shouted to the world with the spirit of the women's volleyball team - the spirit of this era, and called out the strongest of the times that the Chinese nation will never admit defeat and strive hard.

Although we lost the Olympic Games, the women's volleyball spirit always inspires us. Zhu Ting, a member of the women's volleyball team, said: "the women's volleyball team spirit does not exist only when victory is won, but always exists." While bearing in mind the spirit of the women's volleyball team, we should continue to forge ahead and live up to the expectations of the motherland.

Can I ask where is the way? The road is at your feet

Play the chapter of youth with me of youth. Don't stop moving forward, try to find the password of youth. Take dreams as horses and live up to youth. Struggle, one day you will reach the other side of your dream.

奥运会英语作文 篇二

My name is Li Hua. I would like to work as volunteer for 2022 Beijing-Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Games. I’m a boy of eighteen years old from a high school. My spoken English is good and I can communicate with foreigners fluently. What’s more, I have other advantages – I’m especially fond of sports, familiar with Beijing, good at communication and always glad to help other. I’m willing to provide the best service for every athlete in Winter Olympic Games. Therefore, I think I’m suitable for serving the Games.

I would appreciate it if you could offer me the chance to be a volunteer.

奥运会英语作文 篇三

The announcemen)高考家长网●www.kaoyantv.com(t, read out by the 81-year-old Samaranch, was answered with wild jubilation from the Chinese delegation in Moscow, and with fireworks in Beijing.IOC senior member Kim Un-Yong said after the voting that Beijing deserved the Olympic Games.

"Beijing is capable of staging a great Olympic Games," said the 71-year-old South Korean. "The result wasnt a surprise to me."

With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "Peoples Olympics"。

The 3,000-year-old city is becoming a truly international city and showing a new, vigorous image through its ongoing economic reforms.

Beijing enjoys the widest popular support among the five bidding cities. A Gallup opinion poll commissioned by the government showed 94.9 percent of the public in favor of it. The IOCs own surveys found support even higher. The Chinese government has pledged to spend 20 billion U.S. dollars building sports complexes and refurbishing the Beijing infrastructure. There are plans for a new exhibition center with twin skyscrapers that could be taller than any in the world.

奥运会的英语作文 篇四

The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewardedthe right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shifted from XXX a promise to fulfilling the

promise made。In my point of view, to bridge the gap between the promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go。 To beginwith, infrastructure construction should be the primary concern。 Such infrastructures as communications and transportation

system and facilities ought to draw our constant attention。 First, traffic jam has been an age?old headache in Beijing。 Thescene of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch will surely cause great incontinence, and blemish the image

of the city meanwhile。 Next, to add enchantment to convenience, overall city?planning is indispensable。 Time permitting, aredesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for fostering the

characteristic, blending, oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower aloft among surrounding architectures。 Toachieve such effect, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first?rate architects and make an overall plan。 Thirdly, quality of

the population should be improved。 To make an international metropolis, both “hardware” and “software” are important。However, Rome was not built in a day。 To carry out the promise of “New Beijing, Great Olympics”, deeds speak louderthan words。

关于奥运会的英语作文 篇五

Today, I got up early in the morning. But I didn't get up early because my mother was watching the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

This year's Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Brazil, China, the United States, Britain, France and other countries will participate in the Olympic Games. I saw athletes from different countries waving their national flags and coming to the center of the stadium. They walked happily. I also saw the president of the Brazilian Olympic Committee making a speech on the stage. Then they sang and danced. The scene was very lively. The audience shouted and cheered warmly. People sang a theme song. The song is over. I also saw the Olympic flame. The flame is so beautiful!

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is over. Now, I look forward to tomorrow's wonderful game!

奥运会英语作文 篇六

When news arrived in November that Beijing was bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics, many observers in the Chinese capital briefly choked on their tea— or was that the smog?

A few years removed from hosting the Summer Olympics, with virtually no winter sports tradition to speak of and bad air that gets worse when the temperatures drop, Chinas capital seemed as likely a choice to host the Winter Games as Dubai or Bankok.

Eight months later, the International Olympic Committee has named Beijing, which has proposed hosting the games in conjunction with the nearby city of Zhangjiakou, as one of the three finalists for the bid, along with Oslo in Norway and Kazakhstans Almaty.

The 2022 Winter Olympics has become known as the Olympics no one wants to host after a long list of candidates dropped their bids. Stockholm, Munich, two cities in Switzerland, Denver, Krakow and Lviv in Ukraine all pursued the idea of hosting the event to varying degrees but ultimately decided to withdraw themselves from consideration over the past few months— leaving only the three finalists.

With the exception of Lviv, which cancelled its bid last week because of continuing political strife in Ukraine, most of the other drop-outs appear to have been frightened away by the specter of this years Winter Games in Sochi, which emptied Russias coffers to the tune of $51 billion and left little of value behind.

北京冬奥会英语作文 篇七

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Li Hua. I would like to work as volunteer for 20xx Beijing-Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Games. I’m a boy of eighteen years old from a high school. My spoken English is good and I can communicate with foreigners fluently. What’s more, I have other advantages – I’m especially fond of sports, familiar with Beijing, good at communication and always glad to help other. I’m willing to provide the best service for every athlete in Winter Olympic Games. Therefore, I think I’m suitable for serving the Games.

I would appreciate it if you could offer me the chance to be a volunteer.

Thank you!


Li Hua