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历年四级作文 篇一

Taking Travel Dispatcher for Example

Ye Yali;Chen Xuechun

(Chengdu Textile College,Chengdu 611731,China)

Abstract: This paper introduces the basic situation of the CETTIC vocational training and analyzes the background of CETTIC Travel Dispatcher rise, also expounds the situation of the construction of CETTIC Travel Dispatcher and concrete implementation process.

关键词:CETTIC 旅行社计调师 职业技能培训

Key words: CETTIC; travel dispatcher; vocational training

中图分类号:F59 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(2011)29-0114-02





2.1 旅行社计调师的申报条件旅行社计调师是指具有现代旅行社计调管理素质,掌握现代旅行社计调管理全新理念和丰富实战经验的旅行社计调人才。旅行社计调师分为助理旅行社计调师、旅行社计调师、高级旅行社计调师三个等级。2.1.1 初级的条件(具备下列条件之一)①中专、职高以上学历或同等学历的应历届学生,从事相关工作一年以上或有一年实习经验者,且按照教学大纲经系统培训80学时;②中专以上学历或同等学历的应历届学生,从事相关工作两年以上者,且按照教学大纲经系统培训80学时;③大专以上学历或同等学历的应历届学生,且按照教学大纲经系统培训80学时。

2.1.2 中级的条件(具备下列条件之一)①中专学历、相关专业毕业,从事相关行业连续工作三年以上或具备相同年限实习经历且英语达到三级以上,且按照教学大纲经系统培训100学时;②大专学历,必须在相关行业连续工作两年或具备相同年限实习经历且英语达到三级以上(提供学历证书原件、复印件和所在单位证明原件),且按照教学大纲经系统培训100学时;③本科学历层次及以上相关专业人员(含自学考试)报考,必须在相关行业连续工作一年以上或具备相同年限实习经历且英语达到四级以上,且按照教学大纲经系统培训100学时;④非本专业者,须在相关行业连续工作四年以上,且英语达到三级以上(提供学历证书原件、复印件和所在单位证明原件),且按照教学大纲经系统培训100学时。

2.1.3 高级的条件(须同时具备下列条件)相应领域工作或从事研究、教学8年以上;具有学士以上学位或中级以上职称;两位以上教授推荐;在国外刊物发表相关文章2篇以上;提供5000字以上的论文或项目系统方案设计;须按照教学大纲经系统培训120学时。

2.2 旅行社计调师的考试级别①初级。初级的申请人须通过考试以展示其专业知识水平和职业实践能力,初级考试合格者将获得人保部中国就业培训技术指导中心颁发的CETTIC《旅行社计调师》初级证书。②中级。中级的申请者须通过考试以展示其专业知识水平和职业实践能力,且持有初级证书,从业经验达到三年以上,英语达到三级以上,提供3000字以上的论文,考试合格者将获得人保部中国就业培训技术指导中心颁发的CETTIC《旅行社计调师》中级证书。③高级。高级不设统一考试,实行由专家委员评审的办法,具体申报条件:相应领域工作或从事研究、教学8年以上;具有学士以上学位或中级以上职称,两位以上教授推荐;在国外刊物发表相关文章2篇以上,提供5000字以上的论文或项目系统方案设计。达到以上要求者将获得人保部中国就业培训技术指导中心颁发的CETTIC《旅行社计调师》高级证书。

2.3 旅行社计调师的鉴定方式旅行社计调师鉴定方式可分为理论知识考试和技能考核两种。理论知识考试采取闭卷笔试方式。技能操作考核采取实际操作、现场问答等方式。由2~3 名考评员组成考评小组,考评员按照技能考核规定各自打分,取平均分为考核得分。理论知识考试和技能操作考核均可采用百分制,两门皆达到60 分以上为合格。


3.1 培训目的《旅行社计调师》培训课是计调职业从业人员的必修课,是为培养学员具有计调基础知识、计调实务操作能力、计调业务管理能力而设置的。通过该课程的学习,使学员了解旅行社计调人员应具备的基本素质和日常工作内容;具备计调应该掌握的各种知识,熟悉计调常用的各种工具、合同及表格,学会制定旅游行程、对旅游产品做出正确的定价和报价;能熟练地掌握计调工作流程及计调部的各项管理工作。

3.2 培训的内容培训内容围绕“以企业需求为导向、以职业能力为核心”的培训理念,力求突出板块化教学,突出技能培训特色,满足职业技能培训的需要。培训内容分为理论和实践两个部分,理论知识包含了三大模快,第一模块旅行社计调师基础知识篇;第二模块旅行社计调师实务操作篇;第三模块旅行社计调师业务管理篇。理论教学采用旅游教育出版社出版的《旅行社计调师》培训专用教材。实践教学内容包括地接计调业务操作流程、国内组团计调业务操作流程、出境组团计调业务操作流程、专线计调业务操作流程、会展计调业务操作流程等内容。

3.3 培训的流程

3.3.1 确定培训模式旅行社计调师培训项目必须要有旅行社的参与,采取校企合作。根据培训对象的不同可以选择不同的校企合作模式。①针对高校在校学生的校企合作培训模式。培训对象是在校大学生,很多学校都没有开设《旅行社计调业务》这门课,学生既没有理论知识,也没有实践经验,培训时只能先理论后实践。如我校与四川康辉国际旅行社联合举办了第一期《旅行社计调》职业技能培训班,先在我校上完理论课,然后由四川康辉国际旅行社部分专家承担实践教学任务,学生取得《旅行社计调师》证书后由四川康辉国际旅行社负责安排工作。②针对旅行社在职员工的校企合作培训模式。培训对象均是旅行社在职员工,具有一定的理论知识和实践操作经验。现在他们需要的是系统地提升理论知识和掌握更多的操作技巧。理论课和实践课可以同时上,边讲理论边讲实践。理论知识较强的章节就由高校老师担任,实践性强的就由旅行社相关部门经理担任。如四川省中国国际旅行社《旅行社计调师》培训班全部由该旅行社员工组成,就采用了这种模式。

3.3.2 制定培训计划培训计划最好与旅行社一起共同制定。我校与四川康辉旅行社的总经理、人力资源部、办公室相关人员一起制定了培训计划。共同确定了培训内容、时间、地点及培训教师。

3.3.3 制作招生宣传资料招生宣传资料要突出办学的亮点,把办学的亮点展示在招生简章中,增加吸引力。我校在制作招生简章时突出了几个亮点:一是人保部首次开展《旅行社计调师》职业技能培训项目,我校是首批授权基地 ,二是采用校企合作办学模式,理论课由学校承担,实践课由企业承担。三是解决就业问题,学生学完规定课时后参加统一考试,合格者由人保部中国就业培训技术指导中心颁发的《旅行社计调师》证书, 学生持证书者由四川康辉国际旅行社安排计调工作。

3.3.4 多渠道组织招生工作一是利用网络招生。在学校网站上《旅行社计调师》认证培训的相关信息。二是在附近各校建立招生。三是在大学校园内张贴海报。四是通过校内老师的宣传。

3.3.5 严格执行培训计划,抓好教学的各个环节一是要求每个教师严格按照培训大纲、培训计划、培训教材进行教学;二是聘请班主任强化管理,负责每天的考勤,要求学生到课率要达到90%以上。三是通过各种方式及时与学生沟通,及时了解培训的情况,便于改进教学方法。

3.3.6 组织考务工作首先是考场环境布置,在考场门口设明显标志说明,制作横幅挂在教室,体现考试的正规性。如我校制作“CETTIC《旅行社计调师》职业培训考试成都纺专考场”横幅挂在教室外面,在考试内张贴了“CETTIC《旅行社计调师》职业培训考试规则”,并在在黑板上写了“诚信考试”等标语。二是安排考场座位,按准考证号安排考生座位,每个座位上张贴了考生准考证号,单人单座考试。三是安排监考老师,每个考室不少于两个监考老师,四是安排相关领导巡考。


4.1 《旅行社计调师》培训市场前景很好从市场需求来看:《旅行社计调师》培训针对的是具体的旅行社计调岗位,它的诞生正好填补了计调没有专门培训机构的空白,受到了高校学生和旅游企业好评,市场前景很好。如四川康辉把我们的《旅行社计调师》培训班办成了他们的岗前培训班,今后用人就直接选用有《旅行社计调师》证的学生。四川国旅的一些部门经理明确表示拥有《旅行社计调师》证的人员优先录用。从员工自身的发展来看:《旅行社计调师》职业技能培训项目的诞生是对计调工作和计调员自身身份的认可,能够获取一个计调师总比当一辈子计调员要好些。所以旅行社的员工和即将从事计调工作的人员也愿意参加《旅行社计调师》培训,获取相关的证书。

4.2 《旅行社计调师》培训班必须和市场结合才有生命力《旅行社计调师》职业技能培训是针对计调岗位的,不能脱离市场,必须和旅行社联合,采取校企合作模式,由学校企业共同培养人才,实现学校培养人才与旅行社用人之间的零对接,使旅行社愿意接收参加《旅行社计调师》职业培训的学生。如果单纯地为了获取一个证书,不与旅行社合作是没有生命力的。

4.3 学校通过这种深度的校企合作可以获得很多企业的第一手资料校企合作共同举办《旅行社计调师》培训班,由旅行社专家承担实践教学,他们具有丰富的实践经验,拥有第一手资料,讲课时课把这些资料提供给学生。如四川康辉旅行社一些部门经理给学生上课时,向学生展示了该部门使用的各种表格和资料,列举了计调工作中出现的常见问题,分析了产生这些问题的原因。

历年英语四级作文 篇二

As the proverb goes,constant drops wear out the habits help pave our way to the cultivation of good habits we are frequently bewildered and baffled by temptations from the world around when we are alert and determined enough to resist these temptations can we take a right and unswerving road to success.

In our daily life,it is essential for us to be healthy lifestyle,which may consist of regular exercise and balanced diet,is what most people are pursuing in contemporary many people cannot resist the coziness of staying in and temptation of tasty but fatty food,thus giving up half way cultivating healthy habits and getting decreasingly addition,our progress in academic performance depends on good must restrain ourselves from endless and indulged,we can never maintain a good learning habit,let alone achieve academic excellence.

In summary,good habits rely on strong hearts that are not disturbed by persistence and perseverance,we are heading to success.

历年四级作文 篇三





作者:王俊红 单永宏 曹丽红 沈月霞 王青然 李素莉 单位:河北省冀中能源峰峰集团邯郸医院

历年英语四级作文 篇四

Your Sleeping Position and Your Personality

Everyone has got two personalities — the one that is shown to the world and →www.kaoyantv.com←the other that is secret and don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake because you can control your behavior,but when you’re asleep,your sleeping position shows the real a normal night,of course,people frequently change their important position is the one that you go to sleep in.

If you go to sleep on your back,you’re a very open normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new don’t like to upset people,so you never express your real ’re quite shy and you aren’t very confident.

If you sleep on your stomach,you are a rather secretive worry a lot and you’re always easily ’re very stubborn,but you aren’t very usually live for today but not means that you enjoy having a good time.

If you sleep curled up,you are probably a very nervous have a low opinion of yourself and so You’re often ’re shy and you don’t normally like meeting prefer to be on your ’re easily hurt.

If you sleep on your side,you have usually got a well-balanced know your strengths and ’re usually have a confident sometimes feel anxious,but you don’t often get always say what you think even if it annoys people

历年英语四级作文 篇五

As can be seen clearly from the graph,the difference in the numbers of people working in thethree major employment sectors in the in the early 1980s was relatively small,with about 4 million workers in engineering,5 million in agriculture and million in theservice industries.

However,the period 1980-1990 saw significant changes in the relative sizes of these threeemployment was a rapid decline in employment in agriculture,with the numberof workers dropping by more than 80%.On the other,employment oppor tunities in the serviceindustries increased sharply,especially after 1986,whereas the engineering sectorexperienced a gradual but constant decline.

Trends in the above graph clearly indicate that the service industries will continue to employthe largest number of people at least for the next few years,while the engineering sector willneed somewhat fewer workers in the next the whole,the total number ofemployment offered in these three sectors was much smaller than ten years before and theredoesn't seem to be any likelihood for improvement in the near who aregoing to graduate soon may need to prepare to seek employment elsewhere.

英语四级历年作文真题 篇六

There is a universal phenomenon among college students that in English learning they don’t attach much importance to spelling, which can find expression in the fact that numerous mistakes will arise in their compositions.

I reckon that the primary reason why the majority of students ignore spelling in their English learning is that computers are performing increasingly important role in our daily life. Mostly, there is no need for us to use our pen or pencil when we compose an article or submit our assignments to the teachers. Therefore the students acquire more and more skills in computer operation. Yet, their spelling mistakes in their articles are accumulating.

In order to untangle the problem, we are supposed to enable students to minimize the usage of computers in our daily life, and the teachers are expected to maximize the chance for students in writing on paper.




第一段,开头的句子我们就可以写到:Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in peoples attitude towards some traditional practice只是紧接着只需要把spelling放到后面点明即可。后面加上一句This issue has been brought into public focus and called for further concern.




A number of factors could account for the problem, but the following are the most critical ones.


First, information is expanding at such an increasing rate that our society is called the one of information. The information is so immense that students haven t ample energy and time to deal deeply with spelling,这里我用到了很好的代词:one,和句式:so…that…既然是范文我就自己小小的发挥了一下:some computer programs, such as word ,have done the spelling checking work for us .


Second, the standardized-test oriented way of English learning, in which the high score can be achieved without spelling, put students to the position in which they have the quite reason to ignore spelling.

在这个句子中用到了同学们熟悉的表达:put students to the position.还很拽的`用到了一个主干隔离结构in which the high score can be achieved without spelling,一个好的单词test oriented以什么为目标。




This issue may lead to a number of unfavorable consequences, with the following two the most serious.





For one thing ,… for another ,这样的句子和京剧里面的亮相是一个概念。

For one thing, the information would be incorrect when conveyed by hand- writing way and cause some bad effects. For another, we may indulge ourselves in this way of inaccuracy which may influence our attitude of learning or research.



The awareness of the importance of this issue should be enhanced and some proper measures should be taken. It is reasonable for us to believe that the situation will be improved in the near future. 多棒的结尾啊!

还有一种写法就是:直接写解决的方法会简单些 :

In view of the importance of this issue , effective measures should be taken before things get worse. For one thing, it is essential that students should be encouraged to use less automatic spelling checking tools.(回忆下上课讲的上下义词) For another, spelling should be highlighted in the English test ,such as CET-4 and CET ’s more ,the public should enhance their awareness of the importance of spelling .With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the situation of poor spelling will be improved in the near future.



Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in peoples attitude towards some traditional practice, especially in the area of English learning , one of which is less attention has been given to spelling by college students . This issue has been brought into public focus and called for further concern.

A number of factors could account for the problem, but the following are the most critical ones. First, information is expanding at such an increasing rate that our society is called the one of information. The information is so immense that students haven t ample energy and time to deal deeply with spelling, and some computer programs, such as word ,have done the spelling checking work for us . Second, the standardized-test oriented way of English learning, in which the high score can be achieved without spelling, put students to the position in which they have the quite reason to ignore spelling.

This issue may lead to a number of unfavorable consequences, with the following two the most serious. For one thing, the information would be incorrect when conveyed by hand- writing way and cause some bad effects. For another, we may indulge ourselves in this way of inaccuracy which may influence our attitude of learning or research. The awareness of the importance of this issue should be enhanced and some proper measures should be taken. It is reasonable for us to believe that the situation will be improved in the near future.

三段的第二种写法:In view of the importance of this issue , effective measures should be taken before things get worse. For one thing, it is essential that students should be encouraged to use less automatic spelling checking tools. For another, spelling should be highlighted in the English test ,such as CET-4 and CET ’s more ,the public should enhance their awareness of the importance of spelling .With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the situation of poor spelling will be improved in the near future.

历年英语四级作文 篇七

Nowadays,there is a growing tendency that college graduates in mounting numbers choose to work as village officials after ’s attitudes towards this phenomenon differ hold the positive view while others are against my perspective,I believe that it is a wise choice.

The reason why I support them can be listed as follows: on the one hand,college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the received formal education and professional training in universities,college graduates can help peasants master advanced spreading and introducing new concepts,they can also accelerate the development of rural gap between the city and the countryside can be gradually the other hand,college graduates themselves can also benefit a lot from being village the first place,working in rural areas with adverse environmental condition and lower living standard,they are more likely to foster a spirit of hard-working and with their peers competing for limited positions,those who work as village officials enjoy more opportunities and are more likely to bring their abilities and potential into full play.

Therefore,it is a win-win choice for college graduates to work as village officials and more graduates should be encouraged to work in the countryside.(220 words)