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turn turn on和open造句

open和turnon都可以表示打开的意思,但是它们的用法和对象不同。一般来说,open用于打开那些可以被打开或关闭的东西,比如门、窗、盒子、书等等。下面是高考家长网给大家整理的《turn turn on和open造句》,希望可以帮助您更好的了解turnon的相关信息。

turn on和open有什么区别


open主要指将原来关上或合上的东西打开,比如开门,窗等。英文里对电子设备的"开关用turn on。比如开电脑,开灯,开电视等,是我们常说的启动,运行。

1、There's no need to turn on the light.


2、He was breathing through his open mouth.


二、open可以指精神层面,turn on不可以。

比如open one's eyes敞开,大开眼界。

The middle ones are for delighting, intelligent materials, they more or less can open up one's eyes and broaden one's horizon.



open:英 [ˈəʊpən] 美 [ˈoʊpən]

turn on:英 [tə:n ɔn] 美 [tɚn ɑn]

turn on和open造句

turn on造句

1、Julia, turn on your watch.

2、Please turn on the radio.

3、Shall I turn on the light?

4、Don't turn on the blender first.

5、How do I turn on the Computer?


1、Pebble: Basing open software on open standards.

2、Can you open it?

3、Why do open hardware?

4、Open the window again wide: fasten it open!

5、The exhibition will open tomorrow.

高考家长网为大家整理的《turn turn on和open造句》到这里就结束了,希望您读完之后,已经解决了turnon方面的疑惑。