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商务英语口语打电话对话 篇一

Making a phone call

useful sentences

1.Hello,is that Jane speaking?

2.This is Tom.who's that?

3.Who's calling? Who is speaking? May I have your name?

4.Pardon? May I beg your pardon?

5.Hold on, please!

6.Please go ahead.

7.Please put it through.

8.Can you repeat your phone number?

9.Sorry,but she's out.

10.May I take your message?

11.Would you like to leave a message?

12.May I have you mobile number?

13.He's on the another line now.

14.His line is busy.

15.I am occupied. I have no time. I'm not available.

16.Her line is free. Her line is through

17.Her line is broken. Her line is dead. Her line is out of order.

18.The line is busy.

Fashion conversation

Conversation 1


B:This is Sofy,may I speak to Lamley?

A:This is Lamley.

B:Hello,Lamley.Are you free tomorrow?


B:Would you like to go to an activation with me?

A:I'd like to.see you tomorrow.

B:See you.

Conversation 2

A:Hello,is Mr Ofer there

B:Sorry,madam.I afriad you have a wrong number.we don't have Mr Ofer here.

A:I want 64204223,is that right?

B:No, you give a wrong number.

A:oh,I'm sorry to bother you.

B:That's all right.

Conversation 3

A:Gongshan Development Co.,Ltd.may I help you?

B:I'd like to speak your export manager,please.

A:May I ask who's calling?

B:This is Mrs Wang,from @ @.

A:I'm sorry Mrs wang,but Mrs Fu is not in at the moment.

B:When will he come back,do you know?

A:As suppose you reback at 10:30?

B:May I leave message?

A:Of course.

B:Please ask him to give me a call as soon as he return .he has my number.

A:Ok,Mrs wang.I'll do that.


Conversation 4

A:Operator,I want to make a correct oversea phone call to Beijing.

B:Who would you like to talk to ?

A:Rachel Jahon

B:What is phone number?

A:The code is 880 ,the area code is 010 , and the local number is 88245784

B:Your name,please.

A:Monicole Tan.

B:hold on ,please.

A:Ok,thank you.

B:Her line is through now,please go ahead.

Conversation 5

A:I'm going to the fair now.if any one looks for me. ask them to call the fair.

B:What is the telephone number?

A:88267894,extension to 208

B:When will you reach there?

A:About 10:00.another thing is that I want an appointment with the customer at

Chanxing hotel at 3:30 this afternoon.please help me phone the customer so we

can confirm now.

B:What is the customer's name,and what is his room number?

A:You can check them from the fax yesterday.

B:Ok,I'll phone the customer right away.Do you want to pick him up at our


A:No,I'll discuss the business with him at hotel.

Conversation 6

A:May I speak to Mr Green,please?

B:Just a moment,please.I'm sorry,but his line is busy at the moment.Would you

please hold on?

A:How long will I take?

B:Sorry,but I'm not sure about it.

A:I'm calling one distance,so please ask him to as soon as gets off the

phone.I'm Lucy.

B:I'll have him call you back.does he have your phone number?

A:I think so.

B:When should he try to reach you?

A:Any time before 6:00.

B:Ok.I'll let him call you later.

A:Thank you.

B:You are welcome.

Conversation 7

A:United trading company,good afternoon.

B:Good afternoon.may I speak to Mr Green,please?

A:May I ask who's calling?

B:This is Mrs Jahon from international textile

A:Just a minute,Mrs Jahon.

A:Mr Green,Mrs Jahon from international textile wants to speak to you.

C:Put it through ,please.

C:Hello,Mr Green speaking.

B:Good afernoon,Mr Green.I'm calling about the dress agreement you send me

Conversation 8

A:Marketing manage office,can I help you?

B:Mr Green,please.

A:Sorry,he's out.

B:What time you suspect back them?

A:Sorry,I am not sure,can I take a message?

B:No,thanks.I'll call back later.

A:That's fine.please call again later.


Conversation 9

A:Is Mr Li there,please?

B:Sorry,I can't hear you,would you please speak a little loud?

A:I said is Mr Li there?

B:Mr Green,the line is bad.Don't hand up,please.I'll have a call chance to

another line.

关于打电话的英文情景对话 篇二

AHello, towing service. What’s your problem?


BYes. I need a tow truck. My car is broken down.


AWhere are you now?


BI’m on the Highway 401, close to the Lipton Link.

我在401号公路上,靠近Lipton Link的位置。

AAll right. I got it. What color is your car?




AAnd plate number.


BAKPM 400.


AOkay. Just stay in your car. We’ll be there in five minutes.


BThanks a lot.


英语对话材料 篇三


Robin:Oh,hi Julie. Finally back from your vacation,I see.

Julie:What do you mean,“finally”?I feel like I've only been gone for two days instead of two weeks.

Robin:Well,you know what they say—“Time flies when you're having fun. ” You did have fun,didn't you?

Julie:Oh,it was marvelous. B. C. is so beautiful. And it was so nice to get away from this cold,miserable weather.

And those mountain views—they were absolutely breath taking.

Robin:How was Vancouver?

Julie:Busy. So much to see and do there. I hadn't realized how much I missed big-city life after being stuck out here in the boonies for so long(laughs)。

Robin:So what all did you do?

Julie:Oh,we went to Stanley Park and the aquarium,up Grouse Mountain,and to museums and galleries. All the usual touristy things.

Robin:Did you get over to the island? It's only two hours away by ferry,isn't it?

Julie:Yes,it was funny how on the ride over everyone stayed out on deck to enjoy the view,but on the way back,wejust sat inside like seasoned travellers and read magazines!

Robin:Victoria is a city I've always wanted to visit. They say it's such a quiet and elegant city with a lot of British influence.

Julie:We liked Victoria so much that we stayed in a day longer than we'd planned. I did like the custom of afternoon tea. It was a nice break from sightseeing too.

Robin:Oh,well,one of these days I'll get there myself. In the meantime,I better get back to work. Maybe we can get together sometime and you can tell me more about it.

Julie:Sure,and I'll show you my pictures once I get them developed.

Robin:Great. See you later.


关于打电话的英语对话 篇四


This is Dennis Smith. *打电话时常用This is……代替My name is……。

This is Dennis Smith speaking.


Hello, John? *常用于熟人之间。

喂, 请问是丹尼斯·史密斯先生吗?

Is this Mr. Dennis Smith?


Is this the finance department?


Is this Dr. Jim Baker's office?


Do you mind if I use your phone? *这句话直译是“如果我用一下您的电话,您介意吗?”。如果同意,回答是No(不介意)。

Do you mind if I use your phone? (我能借用一下您的电话吗?)

No, please go ahead. (可以,请用吧。)


May I speak to Mr. Sato?

May I speak with Mr. Sato?

I'd like to speak to Mr. Sato, please.

Is Mr. Sato there, please?

Mr. Sato, please. *这是最简单的说法。并不失礼,工作和日常生活中都可以用。

Let me talk to Mr. Sato, please. *这样说有点太直,除了对熟人以外一般不用。


Is Mark there? *孩子们之间、朋友之间和比较熟悉的人之间比较随便的说法,工作中最好不用。


I'm sorry for calling you this late. *若在早晨的话把late换成early.


I hope I'm not disturbing you. *disturb“打扰(休息和工作)”。

I hope I'm not keeping you.


I hope I didn't wake you up.

I hope I didn't wake you up. (但愿没吵醒您。)

No, you didn't. (没有,你没吵醒我。)


It is urgent I talk to Mr. Barr now.

I need to get in contact with Mr. Barr right away. *get in contact with……“和……取得联系”。

I need to talk to Mr. Barr immediately.


I'm calling about tomorrow's meeting.


I'm returning your call.

I'm calling you back.

英语对话材料 篇五

A:Good morning, sir. Have a seat please.


B:I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have anapartment tosell.


A:Sure, here is my business card. I'm James Wilson. Let me explain to you how things are. Inrecent months, the demand for residential properties has bee extremely high. The price ofresidenticd propetly has risenalmost twenty percent.


B:Really? Since I have to go back to England within the next few months, I would like to sell myapartment as soon as possible.


A:Don't worry, sir. I think it's a seller's market right now. Let me get down some informationabout your apartment first. what is your property's address?


B:Flat C. 15F, Tong House, Tai Koo Shing.


A:What is the square footage of your property? How many bedrooms and living rooms?


B:Its gross area is approximately nine hundred square feet. There's one living room, onedining room, one master bedroom and two other bedrooms.


A:What is the orientation and view?


B:It faces south with a hillside view.


A:The market price for Tong House is around five thousand Hong Kong dollars per square foot,but it also depends on the internal layout and condition of the house.


B:I would like to ask for four point five million Hong Kong dollars.


A:May I have your name and contact number, Sir?


B:Johnson, and my contact number is 28765432. May office number is 21234567.


A:Thank you, Mr. Johnson. May I ask you one more question? When will your property beeavailable?


B:In about one month.


A:Also, Mr. Johnson, I would like to remind you my pany will charge a missionequivalent to one percent of the transaction price in the event of a successful selling of theproperty through our introduction.


B:No problem.


A:Thank you very much. I will introduce your properly to our clients. When they want to seeyour property, Iwill give you a call.


B:Thank you.

