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励志英语美文摘抄加赏析 篇一


Lesson four: The answer isn’t always what you expect


Sylvia Earle has spent decades trying to see the ocean with new eyes. Her “dream machine” is a submarine that could take scientists all the way to the bottom of the deepest ocean floor. What sort of material could best withstand the types of pressure you would encounter thousands of miles below the ocean surface? “It could be steel, it could be titanium, it could be some sort of ceramic, or some kind of aluminium system,” says Earle. “But glass is the ultimate material.” By her estimates, a glass sphere about four-to-six inches (10-15cm) thick should be able safely explore the ocean depths she dreams of exploring.


Glass is the oldest material known to man and one of the least understood, says Tony Lawson, Earle’s engineering director at Deep Ocean and Exploration Research Marine. “It has a higgledy-piggledy molecular structure a bit like a liquid, rather than the ordered lattices often found in other solids. As a result, when glass is evenly squeezed from all sides C as it would be under the ocean C the molecules cram closer together and form a tighter structure.


Lesson five: A little luck goes a long way


It was hailed as one of the biggest success stories in the history of space exploration C 20 years of planning ended earlier this year with the Philae lander rendezvousing with Comet 67P over 300 million miles (480 million kilometres) away from Earth.


The biggest challenge, says Stephan Ulamec, manager of the Philae lander programme, was how to design a probe to land on a body whose makeup they had little knowledge about. “We had no idea of the size, we had no idea of the day-night cycle, which influences the thermal design, we had no idea of the gravity, so how fast would the lander impact, we had no idea how the surface looked,” he says.


They needed to create design parameters that could cope with an extremely wide range of possible comet structures C but banked on the comet being a relatively even potato shape with enough flat surfaces for the probe to land on. Even then, not everything went to plan, and two decades of meticulous planning could have failed within minutes at touchdown. Philae's anchoring harpoons didn't fire as planned, and it bounced off the comet before settling onto its icy surface and successfully beaming data back to its relieved creators.


Lesson six: Genius is indefinable


“It’s a funny word: the word ‘genius’,” says Nirenberg. “I just sort of ignore it and just go on with life. You just do what you do independent of whatever label’s attached to you. I don’t know really how else to explain it.”


英语励志美文带翻译 篇二

A Mask was Stifling Me');

Lucy Freeman


I believe that everyone wants to love and be loved and that happiness stems from a facing and acceptance of self that allows you to give and receive love.


Some think of love as a passionate, hungry, dramatic feeling, all consuming in intensity and desire. As I see it, this is, rather, immature love: it is a demand on others, not a giving of oneself. Mature love, the love that brings happiness, flows out of an inner fullness, and accepts, understands and is tender toward the other person. It does not ask to be served but only where it may serve.


Six years ago I could hardly breathe because of acute sinus. My stomach was always upset and full of queasiness and I had trouble sleeping, even though I felt exhausted all the time. In desperation, after doctors who treated the physical symptoms failed to ease the pain, I tried psychoanalysis. I was lucky to find a wise, compassionate man who showed me what it meant to be able to trust myself and others.


The physical ills are gone, but more than that, I have at long last started to acquire a philosophy of living. I had never possessed one. I had lived on dogma and dicta which I had accepted unquestioningly through the years, even though I believed little of it, because I feared to question. But by being unable to live naturally and at peace with myself I was flying in the face of nature. She was punishing me with illness and, at the same time, informing me all was not well just in case I wanted to do something about it.


In order to change, I needed help in facing myself. For me it was not easy to “know thyself”。 All my life I had accepted the lesser of the two evils and run away from self because truth was more dangerous. Once I thought that to survive I had to put on a mask and forget what lay underneath. But masks are false protections and the inner part of me refused to go unheard forever.


It caught up eventually, and unless it was to master me I had to face such feelings as fear, anger, envy, hatred, jealousy and excessive need for attention. When I realized I could not have done anything else except what I did, I was able to like myself more and be able to like others not for what they could give me but for what I could give to them.


The Bible shows the way to easy, happy living in many of its pages. It advises, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Those who expect the most are apt to receive the least. I had expected much and was filled with fury because nothing in the outside world relieved my emptiness and despair. Nothing did, either, until I could face the anger and fury, the emptiness and despair, and slowly start to know such new feelings as compassion, conviction, control, calm. I learned, too, of reason—that judicious combination of thought and feeling that enables me to take more responsibility for myself and others, that allows me to slay the ghosts of the past.


For me there is much hard work ahead to achieve greater happiness. Yet, the very struggle I have put into achieving a measure of it makes happiness that much more dear.


英语励志美文带翻译 篇三

The Law of the Heart

by J. George Frederick


At long last I have come to a rather simple point as to what I believe. I believe in what I choose to call “The Law of the Heart”。


In the medical world this phrase, The Law of the Heart, means the great discovery by Professor Ernest Henry Starling of the precise method by which the heart accelerates and retards itself through the heart muscle; also the manner in which it accomplishes the vital twoway exchange of fluids between the bloodstream and the body tissues.


In my view of life there is also supremely needful a vital twoway exchange of heart qualities between human beings. Without it the human spirit and relationship to other spirits is lifeless and dangerous. Dependence on head qualities is mechanical and empty, just as we have discovered that babies do not thrive, even with technically expert nursing care, without mother love.


The Law of the Heart, in my belief, then, means that I can achieve greatest physical and mental health, and have the most constructive relations with life and people, if my matured emotional self dominates my motives and actions. When, after due consultation with my head, the true heart speaks, it is the finest and most mellowed judgment that I, human creature, am capable of. Man is indivisible, I believe; he is a whole; mind, spirit, body—but with only one real, fully representative voice—the voice of the heart.


There is, in my belief, very suggestive symbolism in the means by which the Law of the Heart operates. We know that man needs to give others weaker, less fortunate, a transfusion of his blood as proof of fellowship. We know that hearts and arteries which are hard and unresponsive can bring the retribution of sudden death. We know that hearts which beat in unison with the problems, pains, miseries and needs of others know celestial music which can never be known to those who do not.


We know that hearts capable of quickened pulse at the sight of beauty and nobility, courage and sacrifice, love and tenderness, a child or a sunset, achieve intensities of living—a song in their hearts—unknown to others. We know that those who choke off the heart’s native impulses will likely bring on a coronary thrombosis of obstructed emotion which can cripple.


The first Law of the Heart, I feel sure, is to pulsate, to love. To fail to pulsate and love is swift and certain spiritual death. There are far, far too many of us who seem obsessed with self, unable or unwilling to love. The second Law of the Heart, I believe, is to give, and forgive, to sacrifice. The heart is the great supplier and giver to every remote atom in the body. The heart muscle is the strongest in the whole body.


These things I know and believe, and they provide me with the foundation of what I call my humanistic philosophy of life. It works for me. I feel close to the earth with it. Yet face uplifted. The heart is closer to everlasting reality, although I am fully aware that I must not let raw emotion masquerade as a heart quality, and that the immature heart can make serious errors. The educated, matured heart is, to my belief, not only the noblest thing in man but also the great hope of the world.


英语经典美文带翻译 篇四



Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing appetite for what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long as you are young. When your aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you’ve grown old, even at 20; but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there’s hope you may die young at 80.

If I Rest, I RustThe significant inscription found on an old key---“If I rest, I rust”---would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them.Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture---every department of human endeavor.Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness, had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer.Labor vanquishes all---not inconstant, spasmodic, or ill-directed labor; but faithful, unremitting, daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success.









勤奋使开启成功宝库的钥匙保持光亮。如果休?米勒在采石场劳作一天后,晚上的时光用来休息消遣的话,他就不会成为名垂青史的'地质学家。著名数学家爱德蒙?斯通如果闲暇时无所事事,就不会出版数学词典,也不会发现开启数学之门的钥匙。如果苏格兰青年弗格森在山坡上放羊时,让他那思维活跃的大脑处于休息状态,而不是借助一串珠子计算星星的位置,他就不会成为著名的天文学家。    劳动征服一切。这里所指的劳动不是断断续续的,间歇性的或方向偏差的劳动,而是坚定的,不懈的,方向正确的每日劳动。正如要想拥有自由就要时刻保持警惕一样,要想取得伟大的,持久的成功,就必须坚持不懈地努力。

超级经典的英语短文美文赏析 篇五



Everyone has that period in which they find those who are close to them start to seem annoying .


You suddenly realized that they've always been talking and talking.


They never stopped.


Some of us get angry with them, thinking they are trying too hard to intervene in our lives.


But don't.


Only those who really care about you will bother saying so much to you.


It's just that maybe they don't know the right way to put it.


Some of them push too hard because they care too much.


Some of them speak too much because they worry about you too much.


They do this because they love you.


So don't push them away.


Just find a way to let them know what you truly want.


And let them grow with you.


That will make both of you happy.


Believe me.



Someone once told me that never underestimate anyone who doesn't lose temper.


This kind of people usually possess great capacity.


They can be really resourceful friends.


And they can be really fierce enemies.


Humans are emotional animals.


It's our nature to have temper.


And it's totally natural to lose it when something or somebody irritates us.


But there are people who don't.


And that's a fearsome skill.


The more incompetent a person is, the easier he is to get angry.


The stronger a person is, the less you see him throw away his calmness.


Can you hold your temper?


If you want to achieve great things. Practice to do so.



A person's purest charm comes from his manners.


This kind of charm doesn't need any decoration. It comes out of your heart and reaches directly into others' hearts.


Spending time with someone who has good manners makes one feel comfortable.


And isn't comfort what we want the most in our daily life?


People like this know how to stand in others' shoes. They know when they should reach out a helping hand.


And what is the most basic manner that one can have?


It's knowing to respect people.


No one can survive in this world all by himself. We all need help sometimes.


And it takes respect to make others help you.


Respect is the most baseline manner.


And manner is the last kind of charm which a person can afford to lose.



Who can say that their lives are not insignificant?


Everyone's life is composed with one after another insignificant day.


Some people got their willpower abraded in this endless loop of days.


They think this is how things can only be like.


So they choose to reach a compromise and become mediocre. They become the background colors in others' eyes. They won't achieve anything great to be written down in history, nor can they bring any enjoyment to the people around them.


They are alive, but deep down in their hearts something important has died.


And there are another kind of people. They choose to live with dignity.


A graceful lifestyle is not a show for others to watch. You live it because you deserve it. Through it, you are avoiding to become a victim of this cruel world.


This kind of people know how to find joy in simple things. They know how to make a common day safisticated and meaningful.


Life has denied them some beauty. But they build them with their own hands.


So which kind of these two are you? And which kind are you willing to be?


Have you find the answer?


英语美文摘抄带翻译 篇六


1、As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inex-haustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and reliable warrant of success in times of uncertainty.

学习之于心灵,就像食物之于身体一样。摄取了适量的营养食物,我们的身体得以生长而肌肉得以发达。 同样地,我们应该日复一日不断地学习以保持我们心智的敏锐,并扩充我们的智力容量。不断的学习提供我们用之不尽的燃料,来驱使我们磨砺我们的推理、分析和判断的能力。持续的学习是在信息时代中跟时代井驾齐驱的最稳当的方法,也是在变动的时代中成功的可靠保证。

2、Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a common fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a neyer-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world changing so fast, to cease learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What's worse, the animal instinct dormant deep in our sub-conscious will come to life. Weakening our will to pursue our noble ideas, undermining our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization. Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.

一旦学习停止,单调贫乏的生活就开始了。视学校为汲取知识的惟一场所是种常见的谬误。相反地,从生到死,学习应该是一种无终止的历程。 由于世界变化得如此迅速,只要学习停顿数日就能使人落后。更糟的是,蛰伏在我们潜意识深处的兽性本能就会复活,削弱我们追求高尚理想的意志,弱化我们扫除成功障碍的决心,而且扼杀我们净化我们人格的欲望。缺少学习将不可避免地导致心灵的停滞,甚至更糟,使其僵化。因此,为了保持心态年轻,我们必须将学习当作一生的事业。

3、A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.


4、Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, ‘Love me, love my dog.“ But there is more wisdom in this:” Love me, love my book.“ The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them.


5、A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man’s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters.


6、Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time have been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive e but what is really good.


7、Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.


8、What makes a home? Love and sympathy and confidence. It is a place where kindly affections exist among all the members of the family. The parents take good care of their children, and the children are interested in the activities of their parents. Thus all of them are bound together by affection, and they find their home to be the cheeriest place in the world.


9、A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man. Every civilized person is a social being. No one should live alone. A man may lead a successful and prosperous life, but prosperity alone can by no means insure happiness. Many great personages in the world history had deep affections for their homes.


10、Feeling in Snow

As soon as I walked outside, I was greeted with the shimmering white blanket of cold. Despite the chill overwhelming my skin, inside I was warm. I felt as though I could be giving off heat; I had the desire to stay out in this freeze for hours. It was the type of day that speaks to you through its elements; I took a deep breath to hear more snow was coming.

As I walked I looked up, trying to realize what made this day so beautiful, so serene. It was as if time had been put temporarily on hold and I along with it. Or maybe I was the only one unpaused…Either way, the solitude was comforting, and I sensed myself floating away. I sat down on the edge of a curb and listened. All there was to hear was the wind rushing over the top of my head and circling some old, cracking leaves some yards away. To me it was the reassuring sound of nature, trying not to be forgotten.

It did start to snow. None of those little flurries, but big, fat flakes which clung immediately to their surface.

Then it was time to go and my reverie had to end. As I began walking again, I drifted back into this time frame, calm and cleared.

Now if only I could remember where I was going.








Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open. Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside as a mask. People who have this joy don not need to talk about it; they radiate it. They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight and glow into other lives as naturally as bird sings.

We can never get it by working for it directly. It comes, like happiness, to those who are aiming at something higher. It is a byproduct of great, simple living. The joy of living comes from what we put into living, not from what we seek to get from it.

生活之乐趣来源于良好的情绪,信赖这些情绪,并任由它们如同鸟儿高翔于天空般地自由自在。生活的乐趣是无法靠姿态摆出来的,也无法用戴上一张面具来伪装。 拥有这种乐趣的人们无需挂在嘴边,他们自然会焕发出快乐的气息。他们自己生活在快乐当中,也将这样的快乐自然而然地感染着他人,犹如是鸟儿就必将歌唱。




Consider… YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion…

You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!

You're amazing! You're awesome! And by the way, TAG, you're it. As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you don't become ”beautiful“ just by virtue of the aging process.

Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.

Paint a Masterpiece.

God gives every bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its nest. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it's truly up to you.




真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱。这就是生命的艺术。你可以只听天由命, 慢慢地学,有时候或许会很痛苦。又或许你可以选择加速自己的成长,故意地挥霍生活及其提供的一切。你就是手握今日之刷描绘自己未来的艺术家。




”We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite---“

I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.

We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

I want the future to be better than the past. I don't want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the reminder of our lives.

The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The future is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will effect it. Each day will brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in our businesses, if we will only recognize them. We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of human endeavor.





往昔已一去不复返而且是静止的。任凭我们怎么努力都不能改变过去。未来就在我们眼前而且是动态的。 我们的所作所为都会影响未来。只要我们体会的出来,每天都可以发现新的知识领域伴随而生,可能是在家里,也可能是在我们的事业中。我们正处在人类所努力钻研的每个领域中进步的起点。

经典英语美文句子摘抄带翻译 篇七

1、A tree that looks at God all day.


2、If winter comes, can spring be far behind.


3、To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.


4、A tree whose hungry mouth is prest.


5、The world is his who enjoys it.


6、Against the earth's sweet flowing breast.


7、Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.


8、Give and take.


9、When all else is lost the future still remains.


10、If society were a train, the etiquette would be the rails along which only the train could rumble forth; if society were a state coach, the etuquette would be the wheels and axis on which only the coach could roll forward.


11、In the end things will mend.


12、Wade not in unknown water.


13、A single spark can start a prairie fire.


14、This is courage in a man: to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends.


15、There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire, the other is to gain it.


经典英语美文欣赏精选 篇八


Sometimes it takes adverse conditions

for people to reach out to one another

Sometimes it takes bad luck

for people to understand their goals better

Sometimes it takes a storm

for people to appreciate the calm

Sometimes it takes being hurt

for people to be more sensitive to feelings

Sometimes it takes doubt

for people to trust one another

Sometimes it takes seclusion

for people to find out who they really are

Sometimes it takes disillusionment

for people to become informed

Sometimes it takes feeling nothing

for people to feel everything

Sometimes it takes our emotions and feelings to be completely penetrated

for people to open up to love

I have gone through many of these things

and I now know that

not only am I ready to

love you

but I do

























英语美文欣赏 篇九

After enduring three years of abuse, and seeing it turn to my children I could not take it any more.


Strength is more than the measure of muscle. Strength is the courage you muster to do even the things that seem impossible.


That year there were 22,000 reported cases of abuse against children in my state.


Taking my children from statistics to survivors was the greatest thing I’ve ever done in my life.


Not being afraid to speak out against domestic violence any more empowers me. Jump out on that limb and reach for the greatness you deserve, you’re not just a statistic, you are a human, you are survivor just waiting to break free.


英语经典美文「赏析」 篇十


things do not change;we change.sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.


think it over……好好想想……

today we have higher buildings and wider highways,but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view;


we spend more,but enjoy less;


we have bigger houses,but smaller famillies;


we have more compromises,but less time;


we have more knowledge,but less judgment;


we have more medicines,but less health;


we have multiplied out possessions,but reduced out values;


we talk much,we love only a little,and we hate too much;


we reached the moon and came back,but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors;


we have conquered the uter space,but not our inner space;


we have highter income,but less morals;


these are times with more liberty,but less joy;


we have much more food,but less nutrition;


these are the days in which it takes two salaries for each home,but divorces increase;


these are times of finer houses,but more broken homes;


that‘s why i propose,that as of today;


you do not keep anything for a special occasion.because every day that you live is a special occasion.


search for knowledge,read more ,sit on your porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs;


spend more time with your family and friends,eat your favorite foods,visit the places you love;


life is a chain of moments of enjoyment;not only about survival;


use your crystal goblets.do not save your best perfume,and use it every time you feel you want it.


remove from your vocabulary phrases like“one of these days”or “someday”;


let‘s write that letter we thought of writing “one of these days”!


let‘s tell our families and friends how much we love them;


do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life;


every day,every hour,and every minute is special;


and you don't know if it will be your last.



Occasionally, life can be undeniably, impossibly difficult. We are faced with challenges and events that can seem overwhelming, life-destroying to the point where it may be hard to decide whether to keep going. But you always have a choice. Jessica Heslop shares her powerful, inspiring journey from the worst times in her life to the new life she has created for herself:


经典英语美文句子摘抄带翻译 篇十一

1、The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone.


2、Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears.


3、If you fall in love with your Mr. Right, every day is like Valentine's Day.


4、if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden.


5、i'm here to please you, i am your man. every day, every night, i hold you tight.


6、to love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up, though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful, still waiting it earnestly and eagerly.


7、When you really love something when you will find language how fragile and limp. Text and feeling always have the estrangement.


8、my heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words, “i love thee.”


9、Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count.


10、If you want to conquer fear, don't sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.


英语经典美文赏析 篇十二


Oregon Brewers FestivalJuly 28 - 30Hailed by many as the finest craft beer festival of America, the Oregon Brewers Festival celebrates the growth of North American microbrewing while showcasing some of the finest beers in the industry. Held each July, the Oregon Brewers Festival attracts 80,000 beer enthusiasts to Portlands Gov. Tom McCall Waterfront Park. Beer lovers from around the world visit Portland to sample some of the nearly 90 local and national craft brews.

Although admission to the event is free, there is a small charge for a souvenir mug and an additional fee for beer tokens, which are required for sampling brews. Festival-goers complement their thirst for beer with light meals and snacks available at the booths run by local restaurants.

The Oregon Brewers Festival is designed to promote the independent brewers of North America in a fun and educational fashion. In addition to beer-tasting, the event includes an educational tent where patrons can learn more about beer through industry exhibits by hop growers, maltsters, home brewers and national beer writers.

The first Oregon Brewers Festival in 1988 was a success despite a few glitches and challenges. The weather was unbearably hot, an unexpected 5,000 people showed up, and the main attraction - the beer - was foamy due to refrigeration problems. The dream of Art Larrance, co-founder of Portland Brewing Company, had been realized.

英语美文赏析 篇十三

When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remember how it made you feel, and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial.


When life throws you one more obstacle than you think you can handle, remember something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end. In doing so, you'll find you have the ability to overcome each obstacle brought your way.


When you find yourself drained and depleted of energy, remember to find a place of sanctuary and rest.


Take the necessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy, so you'll be ready to face each new day.


When you feel tension building, find something fun to do. You'll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer.


You're listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.



Occasionally, life can be undeniably, impossibly difficult. We are faced with challenges and events that can seem overwhelming, life-destroying to the point where it may be hard to decide whether to keep going. But you always have a choice. Jessica Heslop shares her powerful, inspiring journey from the worst times in her life to the new life she has created for herself:


In I had the worst year of my life.


I worked in a finance job that I hated and I lived in a concrete jungle city with little greenery. I occupied my time with meaningless relationships and spent copious quantities of money on superficialities. I was searching for happiness and had no idea where to find it.


Then I fell ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and became virtually bed bound. I had to quit my job and subsequently was left with no income. I lived with my boyfriend of then only 3 months who financially supported me and our relationship was put under great pressure. I eventually regained my physical health, but not long after that I got a call from my family at home to say that my father’s cancer had fiercely progressed and that he had been admitted to a hospice.
