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高中英语教案全英 篇一

一。教材解读(Material Interpretation) 通常人们忌讳“只见树木,不见森林”,然而这里我们姑且就一个单元这只林片木来想象一下那片充满神奇的森林。从某种意义上说,这或许正是这套教材的编写者们的用意所在。高一英语新教材的编写依然以单元为单位,但每个单元打破了呆板的块状设计,换之于流畅的线型流程,为课堂教学的灵活组织留下了更大的空间。

整个教材体现了Communicative Curriculum的指导思想。每个单元以功能为主题,话题为支撑,结构为平台,任务为载体,意义交流为目的,充分体现了语言运用的基本思路,为任务型课堂教学构建了框架,注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,发展学生与人沟通和合作的能力。

本单元的主题是Technology,中心话题为Hi-tech,话题本身具有强烈的时代气息,贴近学生的实际生活,符合学生的认知水平,在学生中有较强的认同感。这一单元的交际功能项目(Functional Item)有两个:

1. Describing things

2. Expressing agreement & disagreement。

结构项目(Structure)为The Present Cont…快回答 m.kuaihuida.com…inuous Passive Voice;主要能力项目为Reading 和Writing,其中一个阅读正篇,两个Language Input, 要求学生学会阅读并在阅读中培养根据上下文或构词法理判断词义的能力,同时学会写信并在信中阐述问题的症结,发表自己的观点。拓展项目为如何运用高科技获取更多英语信息,提升英语学习,并探究科技为人类带来便利的同时可能存在的负面影响以及消除这些影响的解决办法。

二 教学目标(Instructional Objectives) 通过教学,学生能描绘一些日常用品(如第一课时的A Guessing Game 和Describing and Drawing),发现一些问题,发表个人观点,努力解决问题(如第二课时的Problems and Solutions,Role Play和A TV Chitchat Program: Help is on the Way);能学会与他人交流和合作(如第三课时中的Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students);能学会寻找适当渠道解决实际问题(如第四课时中的A Letter of Complaint to the Headmaster);能自己学会学习,在学习中建立输入假设,在实践中验证假设,并最后修正假设(如第四课时的对The Present Continuous Passive Voice的学习);能懂得基本的一些学习策略,并运用这些策略提高在一定的context 中对一些较难词义的推断能力(如第五课时中的Word and Strategy);能运用高科技获取更多英语信息,提升自己的英语学习(如第三课时中的Story Sharing和第六课时的Essay Writing);能探究高科技为人类带来文明和便利的同时可能存在的负面影响以及消除这些影响的解决办法(如第五课时中的Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cellphones, robots, computers etc.);能在研究性的学习中进行自我反思,培养公民意识、社会责任感和全球观念(如第五课时中的A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café和第六课时中的To Be a Technology-driven Human or not to Be);能在不断的反思中领悟并懂得人类追求高科技的根本目的,倡导人与人之间的友爱和真情(如第六课时中的写给未来控制了人类的巨能电脑Q12 的题为Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World的信)。

Unit 9 (SEFC 1A) Notion Technology Topic Hi-tech Functional Items 1. Describe things 2. Expressing agreement & disagreement Structure The Passive Voice (3) The Present Continuous Passive Voice Tasks 1.A Guessing Game Describing things and how they work 2. Describing and Drawing Topic Touch 2. Role play Solving problems by giving opinions 3. A TV Chitchat Program Help is on the Way 4. A Project Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students 5. An Investigation Teaching and Living Facilities of the School 6. A Discussion Damage That Is Being Done to the Earth 7. An Interview Voice of Students 8. A Letter of Complaint 9. A Hi-tech Show 10. A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café 11. A Debate To Be a Technology-driven Human or Not to Be 12. A Letter to Q12 Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World 13. An Essay Big Thing Moral Goals 1. Creative Thinking 2. Communication and Cooperation 3. Love and Caring 4. Environmental Protection 5. Social Awareness 6. Global Sense 三。教学设想(Teaching Assumptions) 在整个单元的教学中我们突出以话题为纲,交际功能为主线,兼顾结构,适当拓展。在教学方法上坚持以Communicative Approach为主,辅以其他多种有效教学方法。充分运用任务型教学途径,精心设计各种任务,以任务为载体,搭建意义交流舞台,创设各种情景途径,创建各种情感体验机会。通过教学,进一步发展学生基本语言运用能力,激活学生的英语思维,保持英语的学习热情,使精心设定的Moral Goal 的完成能水到渠成。例如,提高用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,发展学生与人沟通和合作的能力;激发学生对事物深入了解的探究心理,逐步养成研究性学习意识; 通过自主学习和社会调查,和与发展国家在科技方面的比较,了解社会,增强社会责任感((Social Responsibility),强化祖国意识(National Awareness),培养全球观念(Global Sense)。 1.话题拓展 (Extended Topics) 以Technology为主题,由中心话题衍生出六个Sub Topics, 分别是New Uses of Things, Problems and Solutions, Life in a Technological Era, Teaching & Living Facilities of the School, Controversy about Technology 和Attitude towards Technology。

高中英语教学设计 篇二

Understanding each other-Reading教案

Teaching aim:Knowledge aim:

Students can master the expressions about cultural differences。

Students will get familiar with the topic of culture and learn how to talk about different cultures and customs。

Ability aims:

Students can master the reading strategy to understand the use of examples。

Students will be able to get the main subject of the conversation through fast reading and the detailed information through detailed reading。

Students can talk about cultural differences in their daily life。

Emotional aim:

Students will learn to respect different cultures and customs。

Students will be more confident in speaking English in public。

Key and difficult points:

Key points:

Students can get the detailed information through careful reading。

Difficult points :

Students can apply the expressions into daily munication。

Students can show respect for different cultures。

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming up

Show some pictures of different wedding ceremonies in different countries and ask students to guess the country。

Justification: Attract students’ attention and lead students into the class naturally。

Step 2:Pre-reading

Show the title of the reading passage and ask students to predict what aspects of cultural differences the passage involves、For example:

T: Dear students, what is the title of our reading passage?


T:Yes、Correctly、It’s Cultural Differences、What kinds of cultural differences do you know?


T: Food, marriage and festival and so on、Excellent、You all have a broad knowledge、Of all these kinds of cultural differences what do you think the passage talks about?


T: Good job、Now let’s read the passage and find out if our prediction is right or not。

Justification : Arouse students’ interest in this lesson by asking them to predict what the passage is mainly about and help students to have a basic understanding of the topic in the reading text。

Step 3:While-reading

1。Global reading

Read the conversation quickly and find out the cultural differences the passage talks about、Later, ask some volunteers to share their answers。

Justification: Train the skimming ability of students and enable them to get the general idea of the passage as quickly as possible。

2、 Detailed reading

Read the passage carefully with the following questions。

Q1: In the west, when is the polite rime to open a present? Why?

Q2:What surprised Peter about the wedding ceremony in Korea?

Q3: what drink is not permitted in Brunei?

Q4: What kind of food do Brits eat at Bonfire Night?

Justification: Improve students’ reading strategies to find out the detailed information and understand the use of examples。

Step 4:Post-reading

Divide students into groups of four and ask them to have a discussion about cultural difference in 7minutes、And the discussion should be related to the following questions。

Q1: What do you know about cultures that are different from our own?

Q2: Why do we need to find out about other cultures’ traditions?

Justification: Help students to have a better understanding of cultural differences and improve their speaking abilities。

Step 5:Summary and Homework

1、Ask students to make a summary of the cultural differences mentioned in the text。

2、After the class, ask students to write a paragraph about how people can understand each other’s cultures better。

Justification: Consolidate what they have learned in this class and broaden their horizon。

高中英语教案 篇三

Good morning/afternoon, my dear judges. I'm number ___. It's my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation consists of the following aspects.

Analysis of the teaching material

First of all, let’s come to the analysis of teaching material. This lesson is from New Senior English for China Book5 module 3, the reading part. The topic of this unit is about adventures. It is excerpted from Mark Twain’s work “ The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”。 The story is about two teenagers who find a steamboat and board on the steamboat.

Analysis of the students

Secondly, students are the subject of our class. After many years of English studying, they’ve known many words, sentences and some skills to solve English problems. They not only study the words and phrases, but also learn the meaning and the culture. So I would introduce them more knowledge above the passage to arouse their reading interest.

Analysis of the teaching aims

By the analysis of the New Curriculum Standard in English, teaching material and the students in my class, I set the following three teaching aims.

The first one is knowledge aims:

1)Students learn and grasp the following important useful new words and expressions: pour down; sail down; climb on to; panic; curious; tie up…

2) Learn the language and grasp the meaning in this passage.

The second one is ability aims:

Through reading, students reading ability and word-guessing ability will be improved.

The last one is Emotional aims:

Students will be more interested in the literature and cinema in English and enjoy the famous works.

Analysis of the key and difficult points

According to the analysis above, I set the key points and difficult points as follows.

Teaching key points:

Member and master new words and phrases and understand the passage.

Teaching difficult points:

Foster students’ interest of reading passage and improve their reading ability.

Analysis of teaching and study methods

Now, I would like to talk about the teaching methods and studying methods. As to the teaching methods, Communicative Approach and Task-based Teaching Method will be adopted in this lesson. I will lead them to study by themselves, and through answering my questions, they will have a good understanding of the passage.

Analysis of the teaching procedures

Now, let’s come to the most important part of this lesson: the analysis of the teaching procedures. This lesson is divided into 5 stages, that is, warming up, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading and summary & homework.

Step 1 warming up

In my warming up stage, after greeting with the students I will Introduce Mark Twain and his works, such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Running for Governor,The Prince and the Pauper. Then tell students today we will learn adventure, a passage from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Mark twain is a famous American writer. Through the introduction, students will have more interest in reading famous works. And they will be curious about the passage and I can move to the next step smoothly.

Step 2 Pre-reading

In pre-reading, I will ask them to have a free talk about adventure.

Ask them talk about adventure. For example: What is adventure? Would you like to go? Adventure is an exciting trip. Perhaps sometimes you feel bored, you could imagine going on a great adventure, such as caving, climbing, sailing and canoeing.

Then lead students to predict the passage, ask them to Look at the picture in the book and discuss the following questions:

1. Who are they? 2. Where are they? 3. What are they doing? 4. What is the boy pointing at?

In this way, students will be familiar with adventure and lay a foundation for reading the passage.

Step 3 While-reading

In this period, there are two activities: global reading and detailed reading. Firstly, global reading, I would like to give students 5minutes to have a global reading to check their ideas what they predict during the pre-reading. At the same time, they find out and circle the difficult words.

Fast reading can help students understand the whole passage quickly and practice their logic thinking. Then I will explain the difficult words, such as fantasy, identify, and account. For example

Fantasy n. the activity of imaging things

phrase: live in a fantasy world fantastic adj.

identify v recognize sb or sth

identify the criminal

identity n. ID identity card

Next, it should be detailed reading. I will ask them to read the passage again and do the exercise2 on the book. Number the events in the order they happen. Then I check the answer.

After this reading, students will grasp the whole passage. In order to create more chance for students to read, I will ask students read the passage paragraph by paragraph. Answer the following questions showed on the PPT.

Paragraph1. Discover a steamboat

What was the weather like that night?

What did they see and what were they doing then?

Paragraph2-5 board the steamboat

How did Huck and Jim get to the sinking steamboat?

How did they get on it?

Paragraph6-8 in the steamboat

What did Jim do when they heard someone was going to kill another?

Paragraph9-11 leave the steamboat

What did Huck decide to do after he heard they would leave the man on the steamboat?

Students will get more detailed information, and more interested in this story. Furthermore, they would like to read more works of Mark Twain.

Step4 Post-reading

Now it should be post-reading. In order to make sure that students will master the new words, I will ask them to do the exercise 4 and 5. Encourage them to member the verb words and phrases during the exercises.

After the exercise, I will give them 5 minutes to prepare, then to retell the passage according to the event orders. During the oral English time, I will encourage them to open their mouth and give them more positive evaluation. It benefits students for practicing their speaking and having more confidence in learning English.

Step 5 Summary and homework

At the end of the class, I’d like to make a summary about this lesson and present my homework to consolidate what the students have learnt in this period. I will conclude with my students together what we’ve learnt. The home work is to remember the key words and phrase and write a short passage about what will happen next.

高中英语教案 篇四

Teaching Aims

Knowledge a nd Skills:

1. Ge t to know about Canada.

2.Grasp some reading skills.

3.Stimulate the Ss’ interest and love for learning about foreign countries.

Strategy and Method:

1.Train the students’fastreading ability.

2.Train the students’ ability to co operate with others.


Main points:

1. Introduce the information of Canada to the students.

2.Train the students’reading ability ―skimming,and listening ability

Difficult point:

Learn different reading skil ls for different reading purposes.

Teaching procedures and ways


Step1. Readin g&Greeting (2`)

Step2. Leading in and Warming Up (5`)

1.Free talk: Do you like to go sightseeing?

Which country do you like to visit?

What can you see in these countries?


Step3. Fast reading (10`)

1.what is“the true north”?

It refers to “the crossCanada train.”

2.Draw the route of the two girls’ traveling across Canada

Step4. Careful reading(T&F) (15`)

Step5. Consoli dation (7`)

Listening & Summary

Fill in the blank and retell the story



Surf the Internet to find more information about Canada

Chalkboard Designing

Unit5Canada C the “the true north”

A thip “ on the true north”

Vancouver Rocky Mountains Thunder Bay

Calgary Lake Superior Toronto

高中英语教学设计 篇五




导入是承上启下和温故知新的必然途径,是吸引学生注意力和激发学习兴趣的教学措施,是上好一节课的重要环节。进行导入活动时,教师要根据学生的学习情况、心理特点和阅读材料的内容,设计能激起求知欲的'导入。例如,在教学SEFC Book 2 Unit 5的“The Band That Wasn’t”一课时,我们用多媒体图片配以相应的音乐进行导入。通过对这些图片的提问和描述,自然导入新课话题,导入内容与新知识联系紧密。这样学生就会有阅读的兴趣。


一篇文章是一个思想连贯的语言整体,既有完整的思想,又有完整的结构。整体呈现课文更有助于提高阅读能力。仍然以“The Band That Wasn’t”一课为例,导入新课后,我们给出导读性理解题。

如,(1)Which two musical bands are mentioned in the passage?

(2)When did “The Monkees ” break up and when did it reunite?

(3)Why was “The Monkees ” successful in the end?让学生速读全文。理解大意后,我们从语篇结构入手,梳理文章,然后依据其线索,设计内容连贯、主体结构突出的理解题。在阅读理解的过程中,不同层次的阅读测试练习题满足了不同程度学生的需要,极大地调动了全体学生的积极主动性。


生词是阅读中的障碍。有些生词适宜在导入时呈现;有些适宜在阅读后查阅词典;有些可以在阅读中让学生猜测词义。如,本文里的“bread up”一词,我们在阅读中给学生呈现几个相关含义的句子,让学生在观察语言现象的基础后归纳,然后做适量练习加以巩固。


学生已熟悉了语言材料,积累了语言知识。我们不妨就本课相关内容展开讨论。讨论就是交流,它能增进师生之间的了解,有利于及时发现学习中存在的问题,培养学生配合、协作的意识,使学生进行发散性和创造性的思维活动。讨论是对阅读材料学习的延伸,是一种有意义的信息输出过程,是阅读教学环节中的一个重点。在讨论活动设计中,我们要善于挖掘教材中丰富的文化信息和思想内容,所提出的问题不仅可以涉及所学课文的一般事实,同时也肩负起思想教育的功能。如,本文我们设计了这样的讨论题“Do you think Listening to music is good when you are studying?”和“Why or why not?”我们鼓励学生发表自己的见解,为学生创设自由、宽松的讨论氛围,让每个小组组织自己的语言,然后让各组代表发表自己的看法,充分调动学生的参与、合作意识,培养学生的创造性,使其将所学的语言知识转化为语言交际能力。课后让学生把讨论的内容写成书面表达,为本节课画上一个圆满的句号。


高中英语教案精选 篇六

Fast reading

Read the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the

main idea of each paragraph:

1. Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?

2. What does the whale feed on?

3. What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?

Method: Read the text individually, use question—and—answer activity.

Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability.

Understand the general idea of each paragraph.

高中英语教案范文Step 5

Listening(book closed)

1. Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)

2. True or false exercise.(on the screen)

Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.

关于新疆高中英语教案 篇七










lawyer, guidance, legal, fee, out of work, hopeful, vote, attack, violence, as a matter of fact, blow up, equal, in trouble, unfair, turn to

掌握征求意见和表达意见的基本功能语句(详见课本39页Speaking and writing部分提供的功能语句。)














2.教师向学生明确本节课任务:读故事,了解Nelson Mandela。

设计意图: 复习的环节起着承上启下的作用,帮助学生温故而知新;明确学习任务使学生在一开始就非常清楚自己的任务,对教学的顺利开展是必要的铺垫


1. 给学生播放香港乐队Beyond为纪念Nelson Mandela而创作的歌曲“光辉岁月”的MV,让学生根据MV中的片断、歌词以及已有的知识谈论对曼德拉的认识。教师提出问题:How much do you know about Nelson Mandela?


设计意图: Nelson Mandela虽然是当代著名人物,但毕竟离学生的现实生活有一定距离。通过一首耳熟能详的流行歌来了解这一人物,使学生感到亲切,对Mandela产生兴趣,并能从歌词和画面中感受到世界人民对Nelson Mandela的敬意。教师在介绍人物的过程中不断复现或呈现部分新词汇,不仅减少了学生阅读过程中的障碍,还可以加深学生的词汇记忆,并为后面的复述环节埋下伏笔










5. 教师引导学生再次阅读并思考故事中引用的Mandela所说的话,更深刻地体会当时黑人的生存状况和Mandela事业的意义所在(课本第35页练习4),理解后朗读这两句话。

设计意图: 整个阅读过程的设计体现了预测——求证的思路,目的在于激发学生读的欲望;阅读的任务训练了学生在细节的获取和整理及猜测词义方面的微技能,培养他们的阅读策略和词汇学习策略。最后一步对文中重要句子的理解,有助于学生更深刻的理解单元主题。




设计意图: 这一步骤是对阅读文章的信息和语言进行复习整理的过程,使学生得以及时回顾课堂学习的内容,也可算是课堂小结的一个部分。双人轮流说的形式使每个人在有限的时间内都能有说的机会。







高中英语教案 篇八

Unit 1 Friendship



部分 词语

辨析 1. ignore / neglect / overlook

2. cheat / fool

3. calm / quiet / silent / still

4. join / join in / take part in / attend


变化 1. ignore vt. 忽视 ignorance n. 无知 ignorant adj.无知的

2. dusk n. 黄昏; 傍晚 dusky adj.昏暗的; 黑暗的

3. add v. 添加; 增加 addition n. 加, 附加 additional adj. 添加的;附加的


单词 1. upset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的 vt. (upset, upset)

2. concern v. 担忧; 涉及; 关系到 n. 担心,关注;(利害)关系

3. settle vt. 安家; 定居;停留vt. 使定居,安家;解决

4. suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历

5. disagree vt. 不同意


词组 1. add up合计

2. go through 经历;经受

3. on purpose 故意

4. get along with 与某人相处;(工作的) 进展

5. in order to 为了……

重点句子 1. Mother asked her if / whether she was very hot with so many clothes on.

2. I don’t set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do …

3. … it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face.

重点语法 直接引语和间接引语 (见语法部分)


Ⅰ.词语辨析 (旨在提供完形填空所需材料)

1. ignore / neglect / overlook


ignore 通常指有意不顾,或不理会显而易见的事物。

neglect 侧重指有意的忽略或忽视,也可指粗心与疏忽。

overlook 指因匆忙而疏忽或视而不见。


○1We could not afford to _________ such a serious offence.

2). He utterly ________ my warnings and met with an accident.

3). Don’t ________ paying him a visit now and then.

答案: 1). overlooked 2). ignored 3). neglect

2. cheat / fool


cheat 主要指盈利的买卖中或游戏竞赛中欺骗人,骗取人的钱等。

fool “愚弄”,指利用人缺乏常识,心理脆弱来欺骗人。


1). You may get _________ in that shop.

2). He can’t __________ her. She sees through him every time.

答案: 1). cheated 2). fool

3. calm / quiet / silent / still


calm 天气、水、水面(表风平浪静);(指人时)表示镇定自如。

quiet 表“宁静”、“安静”、“寂静”,侧重没有响声,没有噪音和没有动静。指人时侧重性格温和,文静。

silent 表“沉默”、“不发言”、“不说话”,常常表示人不爱说话,沉默无语。

still “不动的”,指人时侧重一动不动,;指物时指完全没有声音,突出静止不动。


1). Please stand __________ while I take your photo.

2). Why do you keep __________?

3). Everything was ___________.

4). He remained ___________ in the face of the enemy.

答案: 1). still 2). silent 3). quiet 4). calm

4. join / join in / take part in / attend


join 表示参加组织、党派、团体、军队、俱乐部等

join in 表示参加游戏、活动等;join sb. (in sth.) 表(和某人一起)做某事

take part in表示参与、参加讨论、游行、比赛、战斗、斗争、运动、庆祝等

attend 主要指出席、参加会议、婚礼;听讲座、课、报告、音乐会等;上学、教堂


1). Can I ___________ the game?

2). Did you ____________ the fighting?

3). He __________ the army last year.

4). A lot of people __________ her wedding.

答案: 1). join in 2). take part in 3). joined 4)attended


1. ignore vt. 忽视 ignorance n. 无知 ignorant adj.无知的

2. dusk n. 黄昏; 傍晚 dusky. adj.昏暗的; 黑暗的

3. add v. 添加; 增加 addition n. 加, 附加 additional adj. 添加的;附加的


1) I can't __________ his rudeness any longer. (ignore)

2) To say you were ________ of the rules is no excuse. ( ignore)

3) We are in complete ___________ of your plans. (ignore)

4) There is ____________ light inside the cave. (dusk)

5) The street lights come on at ____________ and go off at dawn. (dusk )

6) Many words have been ____________ to this edition of the dictionary. (add)

7) They've just had an ____________ to the family. (add)

8) There are _____________ charges. (add)

答案: 1) ignore 2)ignorant 3) ignorance 4) dusky

5) dusk 6) added 7) addition 8) additional

Ⅲ.重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)

1. upset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的 vt. (upset, upset)


1). Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit. 她一来把我们周末的安排给打乱了。

2). Don't upset yourself -- no harm has been done. 不要难过--并没有造成伤害。

3). He was horribly upset over her illness. 他为她的病而忧心忡忡。

4). The students really upset her. 学生们着实让她烦恼。


be upset by… 被…… 打乱

upset oneself about sth 为某事烦恼

[练习] 用upset的适当形式填空

1). Is it ______ you, dear?

2). She felt rather ______ on hearing the news.

3). Is it an ______ message?

4). Don’t be ______. It will be OK.

答案: 1). upsetting 2). upset 3). upsetting 4).upset

2. concern v. 担忧; 涉及; 关系到 n. 担心,关注;(利害)关系


1). The news concerns your brother. 这消息与你兄弟有关。

2). The boy's poor health concerned his parents. 那男孩健康状况不佳,使他的父母亲忧虑。

3). That's no concern of mine. 那不关我的事。


as / so far as … be concerned 关于;至于;就……而言

be concerned about 关心

be concerned at / over sth. 为某事忧虑

be concerned in sth. 牵涉到,与……有关,参与

[练习] 用concern的适当形式填空

1). There is an article that _______ the rise of the prices.

2). The children are rather _____ about their mother’s health.

3). Officials should ______ themselves _______ public affairs.

答案: 1). concerns 2). concerned 3). concern … with

3. settle vt. 安家;定居;停留

vt. 使定居,安家;解决


1). He settled his child in a corner of the compartment. 他把孩子安顿在车厢的一个角落里。

2). The family has settled in Canada. 这家人已定居加拿大。

3). Both wanted to settle their scores. 双方都愿意捐弃前嫌。


settle down 镇定下来 settle in 在…定居

[练习] 中译英

1). 都十一点了,她安不下心来工作。


2). 题目这么难,谁能解决?


答案: 1). It’s eleven o’clock now, but she cannot settle to work.

2). Since it is so difficult, who can settle this problem?

4. suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历


1). Do you suffer from headaches? 你常头痛吗?

2). She's suffering from loss of memory. 她患有遗忘症。


suffer from/with/for sth 感到疼痛﹑ 不适﹑ 悲伤等; 受苦; 吃苦头:

[练习] 中译英





答案: 1). We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.

