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suggest to do还是doing sth suggest基本含义

没有suggestsbtodo的用法。suggestdoingsth,意思是建议做某事。suggestsbdoingsth,意思是建议某人做某事。suggeststhtosb,意思是向某人提出某情况。这里高考家长网为大家分享了《suggest to do还是doing sth suggest基本含义》,希望在suggestsbtodo还是doing方面对您有一定的参考价值。


1.suggest+doing sth

【例句】He suggested going out for a walk.

★注意:suggest 不可以加不定式,所以上面的句子不可以这样写:

He suggested to go out for a walk.

2.suggest +(that )+主语+(should) do+sth其中的should 可以省略

【例句】He suggested that you should go there tomorrow.

=He suggested you go there tomorrow.

★注意:不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow.

当suggest作“建议,提议”讲而又表示与现实相反或难以实现时,后面的从句用虚拟语气,即suggest (that)sb.+(should) do sth.

其中that与should是可以省略的,(should) + 动词原形“ 是虚拟语气的一种形式。即:suggest sb do sth. I suggest (that) you (should) find your girlfriend now.


v.建议; 提议; 推荐; 举荐; 使想到; 使认为; 表明;

[例句]I suggest you take the forms away and read them at your leisure.


[其他]第三人称单数:suggests 现在分词:suggesting 过去式:suggested 过去分词:suggested

上面这《suggest to do还是doing sth suggest基本含义》就是高考家长网为您整理的suggestsbtodo还是doing相关知识,希望可以给予您一定的参考价值。
