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九年级英语3a课件 篇一



本课学习的是食品和饮料一类的单词,教学时应让学生分清楚哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词。并要让学生掌握可数名词的`复数形式。farmland中的主句型是what are these/those?可以创设各种情景,让学生在情景中操练该句型。grand theatre中主要让学生掌握的是:what’s for…?并拓展what’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner?以丰富学生语言材料。


本课所有的单词学生以前都学过,单词的认读没有什么问题。因此,重点应该放在单词的拼读和运用上。学生对于tea time十分陌生,教学grand theatre时,先让学生观看关于tea time的录象,对该内容有所了解。

3a unit 8 wonderland


1.能熟练地拼读单词:sandwiches, pizza, milk, cookies, water, tea, biscuits, coffee。

2.能区分可数名词:sandwiches, cookies, biscuits和不可数名词:pizza, milk, water, tea, coffee。









task 1

review:i like…i don’t like…

设计意图:利用多媒体出示食物的图片,让学生用i like…i don’t like…句型说一说,巩固复习学过的食物名称,为导入新课作准备。

task 2

learn: sandwiches

1.t(创设情景): i’m hungry. i want a hamburger. suppose you are hungry. what do you want?

t: what’s this?

t: what shape is the sandwich?

2.t: what are these?

t: how many sandwiches?

t: do you like sandwiches?

3.practice: what’s this/that? what are these/those?

设计意图:创设情景,肚子饿了,引出单词sandwich.。通过what’s this/that? what are these/those?句型的操练,让学生灵活运用sandwich的单复数形式,也为farmland作铺垫。

task 3

learn: biscuits, cookies.

1.(创设情景) tom is hungry,too. please guess: what does he want?

t: what shape is the biscuit?

t: sandy has got many biscuits. how many biscuits?

t: do you like biscuits?

t: have you got any biscuits?

2.t: are they biscuits?

t: how many cookies?

3. practice: chant: what do you want? what do you want?

i want biscuits. i want biscuits.

what do you like? what do you like?

i like cookies. i like cookies.


task 4



设计意图:帮助学生归纳名词单数改复数方法,通过朗读让学生掌握一般情况加s, ch结尾加es,。

task 5

learn: pizza.

1. t: what can you see?

2.practice: make some sentences with pizza.


九年级英语unit9课件 篇二


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:prefer, lyrics

2)掌握 I like /love/prefer music that…表达喜欢的音乐。

3)掌握 I like music that I can dance to. / I like movies that are funny.


3) 学习关系代词that引导的定语从句。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:

1. 使学生学会谈论自己的喜好。

2. 通过表达个人喜好,提高学生欣赏美的水平。

3. 激发学生的学习兴趣和学习热情。


1. 教学重点:1)prefer, kinds of, sing along with的'用法。

2)句型: I like music that I can dance to.

I like movies that are funny.

2. 教学难点:学习关系代词that引导的定语从句。


Step I : Lead-in

Do you like music? Ss…

I like music, too. Let’s listen to a piece of music. What do you think of it ?

I like music that I can dance. ( 板书课题)

Step2 Presentation

1. Show some music and lead Ss to say the target languages

I love music that I can sing along with.

I prefer music that has great lyrics.

I like music that isn’t too loud.

I like music that makes me excited.

2. Ask what kind of movies do you like?

I like movies that are funny.

I like movies that have a great story.

3. Drill the target languages.

Make a example sentence. Know about The Attributive Clause. Then compare two sentences and summary the grammar about The Attributive Clause.

Step 3. 1c Pair work

1. Make a example conversation to Ss.

2.Then ask them to make conversations with their partners using the target languages.

3. Ss show their conversations.

Step 4 1b listening

1. Finish the listening and check the answers.

2. Ask Ss to read after the tape.

Step 5 Group work

1. Make a survey in the class . Ask :

What kind of music do they like?

What kind of movies do they like?

2. Ask Ss to write their sentences on the Bb.

Step6 Summary

Summarize the language points in this class.

Step 7 Exercise

1. I like music. The music is very gentle.

Key: I like music that is very gentle.

3. I like the music better. I can dance to the music.

Key: I prefer music that I can dance to.

3. I like movies. The movies are funny. They are my favorite.

Key: I prefer movies that are funny.


1. Remember the language points and grammar.

2. Read the conversation in 1b.

Bb design

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to .

I can dance to

like I sing along with

I love music that has great lyrics

prefer isn’t too loud

makes me….

are funny

I like movies that have a great story

教学反思:这节课上了之后,大多数同学都能熟练的使用 I like music that I can dance to(sing along with) ; I like music that isn’t too loud 等句型,初步了解了定语从句的特征:即先行词是名词或者代词,一个句子来做定语;在句子中指代的是物就用关系代词that.但是还有几个同学还不能准确的使用prefer A to B和prefer doing sth to doing等结构,课后还需要个别辅导一下。

人教版九年级英语课件 篇三
















九年级英语unit10课件 篇四



本课重点学习一些常见国家的英文表达,以及该国在初次见面时的行为与语言, 该话题能激起学生的好奇心,调动学生学习英语的积极性。其中有听力练习也有口语练习。内容相对来说较简单,重点帮助学生练习“be supposed to do” 的用法,在不断的练习中达到掌握以及熟练运用的目的。。



1、能够使用be supposed to do谈论不同国家人们初次见面时的礼仪

2、掌握关键词:shake hands , bow , kiss ,custom

3、句型: A: What are you supposedto do when you meet someone for the first time?

B: We are supposed to shake hands/bow/kiss.

4、句型“should have + done”

能力目标:正确运用短语:be supposed to, should do something ,



1. Thecustoms of some countries.

2. Tellwhat you are supposed to do in different situations.


Can use“be supposed to” correctly.




录音机 课本 课件 多媒体设备。




How manycontinents are there in the world? And what are they? As we all know, the sevencontinents are made up of many countries. Who can list some countries inEnglish? Every country has its own flag. If you see a flag, can you tell mewhich country it stands for? Show them some flags of the countries. And enjoythe beautiful scenery of some countries. Ask the students to try their best tolove the world and protect the environment to make the world more beautiful.


Differentcountries have different customs. We are from China. When you meet someone forthe first time, what should you do?  Roleplay your conversation with your partner. We use language to express ourselves.But sometimes we also use body language to help express ourselves. In Chinawhen we meet some for the first time, we shake hands with them.

Do youknow the customs of some other countries. Finish 1a according your understanding.

Listento the tape to check your answers to 1a.


Doexercises to check if the students master the knowledge they have learned inthis class.


Let’shave a pairwork according to 2aand 2b.

A: Howwas the dinner at Paul’s house last night?

B: Well,it was Ok, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but Iarrived at 8:00.

Thengive students some other situations, for example, “greet teachers”, “dohomework”, “visit someone” ask them make conversations using “what are yousupposed to do when you ...?”


(1.)    Be (not) supposed to do

(2.)    Customs of some countries


(1.)    Write at least 5 sentences using “besupposed to do”

(2.)    Find other differences of customs betweenChina and other countries


You aresupposed to shake hands when you meet for the first time.

Besupposed to



九年级英语课件 篇五


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词: chopsticks, coin, fork, blouse, silver, glass, cotton, steel, grass, leaf, produce, widely, be known for, process, pack


① —This ring looks nice. Is it made of silver?

—Yes, and it was made in Thailand.

② What is it made of/from?

③ China is famous for tea, right?

④ Where is tea produced in China?

2) 能够用英语描述及询问物品的制作材料,正确理解被动语态的用法及句子结构。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词

2) 能够用英语描述及询问物品的制作材料


2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Lead in

1. 播放动画片《造纸过程》的视频,让学生们了解这个中国传统发明的情况。

T: Who invented paper first?

S1: Can Lun invented it in Han dynasty.

T: What was paper made of then?

S2: It was mainly made of bamboo.

T: was it easy for people to make paper then?

S1: No, it was very difficult then.

T: What is paper made of now?

S3: It’s mainly made of wood, bamboo, and cotton.

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Present the sentence structure, using the pictures on the big screen:

—What’s the golden medal made of?

—It’s made of gold.

—Is this table made of wood?

—No, it isn’t. It’s made of glass.

—Is Butter made from meat?

—No. It’s made from cream?

让学生们学习掌握be made of/from句型的用法,及be made of与be made from的区别。

两词组都是“由……制成的”之意。be made of 指从原料到制成品只发生了形状变化,没有发生本质变化(属物理变化)

be made from指从原料到制成品发生了质的变化,已无法复原(属化学变化)。

Ⅲ. Learning

1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Try to learn the new words using “be made of” structure.

Learn the new words: chopsticks, coin, fork, blouse, silver, glass, cotton, steel, grass, leaf

e.g. This pair of chopsticks are made of bamboo.

This coin is made of silver.

Is this blouse made of cotton?

No, it isn’t. It’s made of silk.

What’s the fork made of?

It’s made of steel.

These pigs like grass very much.

a piece of leaf

Kolas like leaves.

2. Ss discuss with their partner and try to learn the new words.

3. Give Ss five more minutes to remember the new words.

Work on 1a:

Let Ss read the things and materials in 1a. Discuss with their partners and match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible.

What are these things usually made of? Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible.

1. chopsticks

2. window

3. coin

4. stamp

5. fork

6. blouse

a. wood

b. gold

c. silver

d. paper

e. silk

f. glass

Check the answers with the Ss.

Ⅳ. Listening

1. T: Tell Ss they will hear a conversation about some things and material. Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made.

Things Made of Made in

shirts cotton Korea

chopsticks silver Thailand

ring steel America

2. Let one student read the words in the box, Play the recording for the Ss to listen.

3. Ss try to listen and match the things with the material and here they were made.

4. Play the recording again. Let Ss check the facts they hear.

5. Check the answers

Ⅴ. Pair work

1. Read the conversation in the box in 1c.

2. Ss try to made conversations using the information in 1b.

e.g. A: Your new shirt looks very nice. Is it made of cotton?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s made of silk.

3. Let some pairs read out their conversations.

Ⅵ. Listening

Work on 2a:

T: Let’s listen to another conversation between Nick and Marcus.

1. What are they talking about? First, let’s look at the pictures and the phrases in 1a.

(Let one students read the phrases in 2a.)

Listen and check ( √ ) the main topic of Nick and Marcus’ conversation.

____ the science museum

____ the art and science fair

____ environmental protection

____ a model plane

____ a beautiful painting

____ grass and leaves

2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and check the phrases.

3. Play the recording again to check the answers.

Work on 2b:

1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know what to do.

2. Let Ss read the questions in 2b. Make sure they understand the meaning of each question.

Play the recording for the Ss to answer the questions. (If necessary, using the pause button.)

1) Where is the art and science fair?


2) Do Nick and Marcus have to pay to go?


3) What is the model plane made of?


4) What is the painting made from?


3. Play the recording again to check the answers.

4. Play the recording again. Let Ss fill in the blanks of the conversation.

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. Tell Ss to make a conversation using the information in 2a and 2b.


A: What did you see at the art and science fair?

B: I saw a model plane.

A: What is it made of?

B: It’s made of steel, glass, and plastic.

2. Let Ss make their own conversations.

3. Practice their conversations in pairs.

Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Work on 2d

Read the conversation and complete the blanks.

1) Chinese _____________ tea both in the past and now.

2) _________ I know, tea plants _________ on the sides of mountains.

3) When the leaves are ready, they _______ by hand and then _______ for processing.

4) The tea ____________ and sent to many different countries and places around China.

5) People say that tea ___________ ____ health _____ business!

2. Read the conversations and Let Ss read after the teacher.

3. Explain some new words and main points in the conversation.

4. Ask Ss to role-play the conversation in groups.

X. Language points

1. What is the model plane made of?

What is the painting made from?

be made of与be made from 辨析

两词组都是“由……制成的”之意。be made of 指从原料到制成品只发生了形状变化,没有发生本质变化(属物理变化)

be made from指从原料到制成品发生了质的变化,已无法复原(属化学变化)。

e.g. Glass is made of glass. 玻璃杯是由玻璃制成的。

The paper is made from wood. 纸是木头做的。

2. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are

widely known for their tea.

widely adv. 广泛地;普遍地

wide (形容词) + ly → widely (副词)

e.g. Gas is widely used for cooking and heating.


3. Where is tea produced in China?

produce v. 生产;制造;出产

英语中有produce, grow和plant三个动词均可用来描述农作物及植物的“种植;



e.g. This region produces over 50% of the country’s rice.


These trees can produce very good apples.



e.g. These plants grow from seeds. 这些植物从种子生长而来。

The villagers grow coffee and corn to sell in the market.



e.g. How many trees have you planted this year? 今年你们种了多少棵树?

They planted tomatoes and carrots in their backyard.


3. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.

be known for 以……闻名;为人知晓

be known for = be famous for

e.g. Suzhou is known for its beautiful gardens.


be known as和be known for

be known as意为“作为……而著名”。be known for意为“因……而著名”。

根据句意用be known as或be known for的适当形式填空。

1) Han Han ____________ his writings.

2) As we know, Yao Ming __________ a basketball player.


I. Recite the conversation in 2d after school.

II. Translation.

1. 这个戒指是银制的。

2. 这种纸是由树木制成的。

3. 油漆是由什么制成的。

4. 杭州因其茶叶而为人知。

5. 据我所知,茶树被种植于山坡上。

