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2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第70天 篇一

i. 重点词汇

1. co-operative adj. 合作的

2. creative adj.

3. credit n.

4. crime n.

5. crinimal n. 有创造力的, 创造性的

6. cure v. 治疗,治愈

7. damp adj. 潮湿的

8. deadline n. 最后期限

9. deadly adj. 致命的

10. delight n. / v. 快乐,高兴 ,使高兴

11. demand v. 要求

12. deny v. 否认,拒绝

13. depend v. 依靠,依赖

14. description n. 描述

15. delimma n. 困境,窘境

16. dispose v. 布置,安排

17. disposal n. 清除,处理

18. dustbin n. 垃圾箱

19. eager adj. 渴望的

20. editor n. 编辑

ii. 重点短语

1.take delight in 乐于。。。

2.to one’s delight 令人高兴的是

3.depend on 依靠,

4.draw a conclusion 得出结论

5.be eager to do / for 渴望。。。

iii. 佳句赏析

1. crinimal protest right is a kind of right for procuratorate department to request court to rehearing the case that maybe is a miscarriage of justice.


2. although it's not a right time and i face delimma, i still feel happy.


3. previously, if i had been really interested in a book, i would race from page to page, eager to know what came next.


iv. 词汇练习

1. she says she can c me, but i still doubt her.

2. the d for the new cosmetics packaging design is next monday.

3. this simple example is a pretty good (描述) of how evolution works.

v. 短语练习

1. to have a picnic here!

a what great delight b how great delight

c what a great delight d how a great delight

2. they demanded that the books to the school library at once .

a return b should return

c be returned d would be returned


cure/ deadline/ description


2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第70天 篇二

i. 重点词汇

fascinate vt.迷住

fashion n.最新款式

fashionable adj.流行式样的

feature n.面貌;相貌

federal adj.中央的

fit in/into安插;安排时间见某人;相处融洽

fluency n.流利;流畅

fluent adj.流利的

foresee vt.预见;预知

fortnight n.两星期

fragrant adj.香的

fruity adj.果味的

garment n.衣服

generate vt.产生;发生

generation n.一代人

goods n.货物

gradual adj.逐渐的

gymnastics n.体操

hardship n.困苦 heritage n.遗产

highway公路 homeland n.祖国;家园

horizon n.地平线

ii. 重点短语

1.fall behind the fashion过时

2.follow the fashion赶时髦

3.have nice features有好的面貌

4.give out分发;发出;耗尽

5.have no use for厌恶;对。。。不耐烦

iii. 佳句赏析

1.the beauty of the city fascinates him.

2.chinese student fitting in well.

3.a lot of practice helped the spokesman become a more fluent speaker.

4.gradually, a picture came into view.

iv. 词汇练习

1. he speaks english with great (流利)

2. it seems that the private lives of movie stars never fail to (着迷)

3.the (时尚)at the time was for teaching mainly the written language.

4.her eyes are her best (面貌)

5.the child’s growth into an adult is (逐渐)

6. this (服装)should be washed carefully.

7. you can (预见)what will happen.

v. 短语练习

1. the news of the mayor’s coming to our school for a visit was on the radio yesterday.

a. turned b. found out c. given out d. carried out

2. this dress you very well but it is me.

a. fits for; not fit for b. fits; not fit for

c. fits; not fit d. fits for; not fit for

3. what a shame that no one has this old building

a. put; to use b. make; use of c. take; to use d. place; to use

4. into use in april , the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.

a. put b. putting c. having put d. being put

iv. 1. fluency 2. fascinate 3. fashion 4. feature 5. gradual 6. garment 7.foresee

v. 1.c 2.b 3.a. 4. a

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第70天 篇三


1.identity n. 身份;一致

2.ignore vt. 忽略;不理睬;不理会

3.injure vt. 损害;伤害

4.insure vt. 给……买保险;确保

5.invade v. 侵入;侵略

6.journal n. 日报;杂志;期刊;日志

7.judge v.&n. 判决;裁判

8.latter n. 两者之中的后者

9.league n. 联盟,社团

10.leap v.&n. 跳跃;飞跃;骤变

11.legal adj. 合法的,法定的

12.loose adj. 松散的;自由的

13.mankind n. 人类

vt.意味着;打算 adj. 小气的

15.nationality n. 国籍;民族 native adj.本土的;天赋的 n. 本地人


1.为了;以……为目的 in order to

2.处于困境/不幸中 in trouble

3.不吃劳苦地做某事 take the trouble to do sth

4.参加,加入 join in

5.根据……可以看出 judging from 以……来判断 judge…from…

6.与某人勾结 in league with sb

7.灰心 lose heart

8.全心全意地 heart and soul 用全部精力去做 put one’s heart into sth

9.成功;达到目的 make it 辨认出;理解 make out

10.利用 make use of 做……是徒然的 it’s no use doing

11.打算做 mean to do sth 意欲做 mean doing sth

为……而准备的 be meant for/ to do 一点也不 by no means

12.开夜车 burn the midnight oil

13.不再 no loner/ not…any longer

14.忽视某人的忠告 ignore one’s advice

15.伤某人自尊 injure one’s pride

16.前者……后者…… the former…the latter

17.用尽;耗光 use up



he has a great deal of native intelligence.


look before you leap.


you can’t judge a man by his appearance.


don’t lose heart, whatever happens.


he has always been mean with his money.


1.only when your i_______ has been checked will you be allowed in.

2.how can the government i_________ the wishes of the most people?

3.people without i_________ had to pay for their own repairs.

4.he has french n__________.

5.the policeman asked smith to i________ the man who robbed the bank the other day.

6.john and james are brothers. the former is a teacher; the l_____ is an engineer.


1.they accused him of being ____ _______ ___(与……勾结) the terrorist.

2.these chairs _____ _______ ___ (为……准备)guests.

3.teacher tend to be ______ _____(由……来判断) their students’ exam grades.

4.he ______ _____ _______ ___(不辞劳苦) gather the materials for us.

5.we started early ___ ______ ___(为了) arrive before dark.

6.we only need one more player for this game—can you persuade your sister to ___ ___(参加)?



1.identity 2. ignore 3.insurance 4.nationality 5. identify 6.latter


1. in league with 2.are meant for 3. judged from 4.took the trouble to 5.in order to 6.join in

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第70天 篇四

i 重点词汇

1.storage [c] 贮藏;蓄积

2.stout adj. 肥壮的;强壮的;坚固的

3strengthen vt. 加强;巩固

4.swear vt. 诅咒,咒骂;宣誓,发誓

5.suffering [u] 疼痛;痛苦 pl.苦难;疾苦

6. suspect n. 嫌疑犯 v. 疑有,怀疑

7.symphony n. 交响乐,交响曲

8.tactful adj. 机智的;圆滑的;言行得体的

9.tend vi.伺候;招待;关心;易于;往往

[c] 倾向;趋势;意向

11.submit vt./vi.(使)服从;(使)顺从;(使)屈服;提出,提交;建议,认为

12.supreme adj. 无比的,极度的;最高的;决定性的

ii 重点短语

1.stand out 杰出; 坚决反对;坚持到底

2.stand by 站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持;援助

3.stand for 表示;象征

4.strengthen unity 加强团结y

5.struggle against 与 斗争

6.struggle for 为。而斗争

7.cold storage 冷藏

8.submit oneself to 甘受服从

9.submit willingly 信悦诚服

10.supreme courage 最大的勇气

11.supreme good 至善

12 the supreme moment 决定性的时刻

13.swear at sb. 咒骂某人

to do... 倾向做。;倾向去做某事


1.we want to strengthen our ties with them.

2.iwill stand by you whatever happened.

3. he was too proud to submit to such treatment

4. your ability to stand out in a crowd will bring you the recognition you desire.

5. a person may be a time of adversity, tend to do better。

6.this would create an "historic opportunity" for china to strengthen its position.

7.he was content to stand by as an impassive spectator.

8.if my student is a honeybee, i submit willingly pick the honey the flowers.

iv 词汇练习

1.he has a __________ (强壮的) makeup.

2.difficulties ____________ (增强) the mind ,as labor does the body.

3.the ___________ (斗争)for freedom was long and hard.

4.he died without much __________(痛苦).

5.i ___________ (发誓) i won’t tell anyone your secret.

6.i ___________ (服从) to your superior judgement.

7. we ___________ (怀疑)that it was a trick to get our money.


1. to make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _____ and weakness.

a. strengths b. benefits c. techniques d. values

2.i can’t stand _____ with jane in the same office.

a. working; stopping b. to work ; stopping c. working ; to stop d. to work; to stop

3.modern plastics can ______ very high and very low temperature.

a. stand b. hold c. carry d. support

4.competition, they believe, ____ the national character rather than corrupt.

a. strengthen b. strong c. strength d. force

5.jachson _______ rumors in the town and was arrested by the police.

a. suspected to spread b. was suspected of spreading

c. was suspected to spread d. was suspected spreading

6.the engineers _____ the project to the board for approval.

a. admitted b. permitted c. submitted d. committed

7.their is a growing ______ for people to work at home instead of in offices

a. temptation b. tendency c. tradition d. fashion

1. stout 2. strengthen 3. struggle 4. suffering 5. swear 6.submit 7. suspected

1-7 acaab cb

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第70天 篇五

i. 重点单词

1.diamond n.钻石

2. diploma n. 毕业文凭

3. disagreement n.不同点,分歧

4. display v/n展示,陈列

5. diverse adj.多种多样的

6. diversity n. 多样性

7. drought n.旱灾,干旱

8. educator n.教育家 educational adj.教育的

9.effective adj.有效的

10.electrify v.使….起电,使…带电

11.electronic adj. 电子的




15. equipment n.设备

v.爆发 n. eruption

17. evaluate v.评估,估计

18. eventual adj.最后的,最终的

19. evident adj.明显的,显然的

20.district n.区,区域

ii. 重点短语

1.与。意见不一be in disagreement with

2.令人失望的to sb’s disappointment

3. 由于due to

4.对…产生影响have an effect on / upon

5.采取有效措施take effective measures

6. 最后的胜利/失败eventual success/failure

iii. 佳句赏析


a good education will help you succeed.


early people had very little effect on the environment.


it is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome of global warming will be .


1.bill and i have been having a few (分歧) lately.

2.she was deeply (失望) at/ about losing the game.

3.this machine has an (电的) fault.

v. 短语练习(单项选择)

1.tim is in good shape physically he doesn’t get much exercise.

a. if b. even though c. unless d. as long as

2.our book is not to be published until december..

a. due to b. planned to c. owing to d. thought to

3.mary has a great of interest, such as travel, hiking and playing chess.

a. kind b. difference c. sort d. diversity

4. he felt as soon as he realized that he had asked a foolish question.

a. bored b. embarrassed c. displeased d. disappointed

5.the research project has only been under way for three months, so it’s too early to its success. a. conclude b. evaluate c. indicate d. reveal

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第70天 篇六

XX届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案: 第44天

i. 重点单词

1. tolerate v.忍受,容忍,宽恕

2. treatment n.对待,治疗,疗法

3. typewriter n.打字机

4. unbelievable adj.不可相信的,难以置信的

5. uniform n..制服

6. universal adj.普遍的,宇宙的,全世界的,通用的,万能的

7. variety n.变动,变化,多样化 various adj.不同的,各种各样的 vary v.变化,不同

8. victim 牺牲者,受害者

9.abnormal adj.畸形的n,异常的

10. absolutely adv.绝对地,完全地

11. abstract adj.抽象的 n..摘要 v.摘录,提取

ii. 重点短语

1. 容忍做….. tolerate doing

2. 学生会the students’ union

3. 成为…的牺牲品fall/ become a victim to

4.种种,多种多样 a variety of

5. 对….上瘾 be addicted to doing

6. 习惯于。be/ get accustomed to

7. 确凿的事实an absolute fact

8. 从….提取 be abstracted from

iii. 佳句赏析


she refused to tolerate being called a liar.


a smile is a universal language..


some young people have become addicted to smoking.


i am not accustomed to getting up so early.


union gives strength.


1. our world is but a small part of the (宇宙)

2.there are several (多样) of red roses.

3. he refused (绝对).

4.it is easy to (滥用) one’s power.

v. 短语练习(单项选择)

1.--- they are quiet, ar…快回答 www.kuaihuida.com…en’t they ?

--- yes. they are accustomed at meals.

a. to talk b. to not talk c. to talking d. to not talking

2. to computer games, the boy has lost all interest in his lessons.

a. addicted b. having addicted c. addicting d. to addict

3.---do you think there is a possibility that they’ll get married?

---- . they don’t have any common tastes.

a. absolutely b. certainly c. absolutely not d. absolute not

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第70天 篇七


1.schedule n. 时间表,计划表 vt. 安排

2.self n. 自我,自身;个性

3.sentence n&v. 判决;宣判

4.settle v. 定居;决定;解决

5.shelter n.&v. 掩蔽,庇护

6.shortcoming n. 缺点;短处

7.sincerely adv. 真诚地;诚实地

8.smelly adj. 发臭的

9.source n. 来源;水源

10.spellbind vt. 迷住;迷惑

11.stubborn adj. 顽固的;难对付的

12.survey n. 调查;测验

13.survivor n. 幸存者;生还者

14.swap vt. 交换;交流

n. 恐怖;引起恐怖的人或事

16.thunder n. 雷声 v. 打雷

17.tip n. 提示;小费 vt. 给……小费

18.shock vt. 使震惊 n. 震惊


1.提前 ahead of schedule

2.首屈一指 second to none

3.服刑 serve one’s sentence

4.一系列的 a series of

5.记下;放下 set down

6.给某人提供庇护 shelter sb/sth from

7.对……震惊 be shocked at

8.例如 such as

9.受……苦;患…… suffer from

10.跟踪/追随某人 follow one’s track

11.立刻,马上 in a second

12.留出 set aside



i sincerely hope your father will be well again soon.


relying on their excellent sense of smell, dogs are used to tell things apart.


we heard the thunders of applause.


no such thing has happened here.


there came a loud series of knocks on the door.


1.his sudden death came as a great s________ to his whole family.

2.the sale is s________ for tomorrow.

3.with his help, we’ve learned how to analyze and s_______ problems.

4.the meat you bought last week _____ terrible. it _____ bad.

a.smells; must go b.smells; must have gone

c.is smelt; must go d.is smelt; must have gone

5.i fell upset for there are so many troublesome problems _________.

a.remaining to settle b.remained to settle

c.remaining to be settled d.remained to be settled


1.the prisoner has _______ _____ _________(服刑) and will be set free tomorrow.

2.there is ___ ________ ____(一系列) programs for children during the children’s day.

3.i don’t want to _____ ____ (记下) a series of facts in a diary as most people do…

4.my english teacher’s humor was _______ make every student burst into laughter.

a.so as to b.such as to

c.such that d.so that

5.einstein like bose’s paper so much that he ______ his own work and translated it into german.

a.gave off b.turned down

c.took over d.set aside



1. shock 2. scheduled 3. settle 4. b 5. c


1. served his sentence 2. a series of 3. set down 4. b 5. d
