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六年级英语优秀教案 篇一









CAI, words cards, models



Free talk:

T talks with pupils while playing the video: Who is he? Where is he? What can you see in the library?

(接下来问学生自己的情况)Do you love reading? Are there any books in your room? What books have you read?

Make objectives clear

T: Wow, you have read lots of books, we all love reading .Today let’s step into a song: I love reading.

Achieve the desired results:

T:Can you read?Can you sing with the tape?

I love reading,reading,reading

Yeah,I love reading books.



T leads pupils to observe the picture and asks: What can you see in the picture? Does Toby love reading? Let’s listen.

Task:Listen,understand and sing the song.

T:Does Toby love reading?


T:How does he read?He reads only page1?Let’s listen to paragraph2 and answer my questions.

Ss:I read and read....ends.

T:Now you are Toby.How do you read?Can you do the actions?

T presents “bookworm”

T lead SS to read and sing.

T:Close your books, Listen to paragraph3.4 and answer:

What are in the books?


Listen to the tape with books closed


① T presents the words according to pupils’ answers.

② T leads pupils to practice” There are is… and…

③T leads pupils to read and sing the song.



Write your own song.(学生自己创编歌曲)


Read your songs.


T:Would you like to listen to my song?


T shares the text with pupils.

We can learn fun, interests, information, and knowledge…from books. Books are our best friends. Let’s sing louder(结尾升华主题)


1. Sing the song by yourself;

2. Collect more proverbs about reading.

小学六年级的优秀英语教案 篇二

Teaching aims and demands:

1、Learn the words & phrase: theatre,cinema,watch.

2、Can master the sentence “ Let’s go to …”。

Teaching methods:

games, reading, action, etc.

Period I

Content of courses:

Teaching aims and demands:Be able to master the words: theatre,cinema,watch.

Educational affiliations:

textbook, tape, tape-recorder, and word cards.

Teaching-learning process:

Step 1 Warm-up activity


2、Let’s play: Look and guess: What is it?

Step 2 Presentation&drill

1、Learn to say: picnic

T help Ss understand the meaning. Read the word after T.

2、Learn to say: library

T help Ss understand the meaning. Read the word after T.

3、Learn to say: watch science story in the same way.


(1)T shows the pictures and Ss say the words.

(2)T shows the pictures quickly and Ss say the words.

(3)A guessing game.

4、Open the books at Page 10, listen to the tape and read after it.

Step 3 Practice.

1、Practice in four. Ss play the cards.


Step 4 Consolidation.

Period II

Content of courses:

textbook Part A Part C.

Teaching aims and demands:

Be able to understand and tell the story.

Educational affiliations:

textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word.

Teaching-learning process:

Step 1 Warm-up activity

1、Exchange greetings.

2、Sing a song we’ve learned last term together.

Step 2 Presentation&drill


T shows the picture of Part A.

T says, “The children are talking. Listen to the tape. What are they talking about?”

T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T.

2、Ss talk about the picture.


(1)T shows the pictures and Ss rearrange them.

(2)T shows the pictures and Ss tell the story.

(3)A guessing game.

4、Open the books at Page 9, listen to the tape and read after it.

Step 3 Practice.

1、Fill the blanks with the correct words.

Go/and/did/was/home list

Yesterday_________a holiday. The children wanted to _________out. They did not want to stay at_________. Peter wrote a _________in his notebook. The children had many ideas.

They talked_________talked. It was very late in the afternoon.They_________ nit go out. They stayed at home all day!

2、Ss practice in four.

3、A game:A competition among groups.

Period III

Content of courses:

1、Teaching aims and demands:

Be able to read and write the sentence ” Let’s go to…”。

2、Educational affiliations: textbook,tape,tape-recorder,word.

Teaching-learning process:

Step 1 Warm-up activity

1、Exchange greetings.

2、Sing a song we’ve learned last term together.

Step 2 Practice


(1)T shows the picture of Part D.

(2)T says, “What are these place?

2、Pair work. Look at pictures. Say the words of the pictures.

3、T writes the words on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning.

Read the sentence after T.

4、Say the felling words..

5、Make the sentences.

e.g.I’m hungry. Let’s go to the restaurant.

6、Open the books at Page 11.

Ss write the sentences on the book.

小学六年级英语教案 篇三


1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词ate,took,bought gift和短语took picture等

2、能运用句子How was your summer holiday? What did you dothere?对别人在假期里所做的事情展开问答。


1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词ate,took,bought gift和短语took picture等

2、能运用句子How was your summer holiday? What did you do there?对别人在假期里所做的事情展开问答。教学难点:

1、掌握四个动词短语过去式的读音和拼写以及句型What did you do over your holiday?的灵活运用。



1 the teaching pictures

2 the figure pictures

3 some photos of the teachers

4 radio and tape

5 the word cards and figure cards


Step 1. Warm- up and revision

1) Free-talk:

T: What day is today?

A: Today is…

T: What day was yesterday? (强调yesterday)

B: Yesterday/ It was…

T: What did you do yesterday?

C: I (did)…yesterday. (用前几课时已经学的词组)

2) Chain-drill:

C: I (did)…yesterday. What did you do yesterday?

D: I (did)…yesterday. What did you do yesterday?

E, F…( ask the teacher)

T: I went to a park yesterday.

Step 2. Presentation

1) Let’s learn:


went hiking.

2)学生已经了解了go的过去式后, T边用

I went (这个动词用动作表示)yesterday.表达自己昨天去做什么了,边做动作。让学生帮老师说出: went swimming, wentfishing.

3)Ask and answer:

A: T ask and Ss answer.

B: S1 ask and S2 answer.

C: S3 ask and T answer.

由此,T引出新授词组: read a book.

4)自编chant. Chant together.见附录

5)Listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of:went, read.

6)Reading in 2 parts: T say the phrase loudly, Ss say it lowly; T say thephrase lowly, Ss say it loudly.

Step 3. Consolidation


Activity 1找搭档

Activity 2我是侦察兵

Activity 3记忆大挑战


1) Pair work

A: What did you do last weekend? / Did you …?

B: I (did)…/ Yes, I did.




Unit 3Last weekend


