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think用法总结 think的短语

think在英语中很常见,用法也很广泛,这里高考家长网为大家分享了《think用法总结 think的短语》,希望在think方面对您有一定的参考价值。




I think it’s going to rain.我想要下雨了。


I thought you might like something to read.我想也许你想要读点什么。


I had thought that he would come to help us.我原认为他会来帮助我们的。



I don’t think she’s really fit for the job.我认为她并不真正适合这项工作。



I really think that he will not help us.我的确认为他不会帮我们。


I do think that you are not right.我的确认为是你不对。


I thought you hadn’t read it.我认为你没有读它呢。

I had thought he couldn’t pass the exam.我原认为他考试不会及格的。


We didn’t think we’d be so late.我们没想到会那么迟。


I think and hope that I’m not disturbing you too much.我认为同时也希望我没有打扰你太多。


I think that he cannot do the work too well.我认为这项工作他干得越出色越好。


询问对方看法时,可用What do you think of…或How do you like…,但是习惯上不说How do you think of…或What do you like…等。比较:


正:When do you think he will come back?

误:Do you think when he will come back?


表示打算做些某事,通常用think of doing sth。如:

I’ve been thinking of changing my job.我一直想换个工作。

偶尔也用think to do sth(不算普通)。如:

They think to influence the voters.他们打算影响选民。

但think to do sth用于否定句表示“没想到”的意思则属普通用法。如:

I didn’t think to see you here.没想到在这儿见到你。


I thought to leave earlier.我本想要早点出发的。




正:How long do you think he will stay here?

误:Do you think how long he will stay here?


口语中的Just think…与To think…均表示惊奇,但后者往往还有没想到或遗憾、可惜等意。如:

Just think how much money he has spent!你想想他花了多少钱吧。


To think that...

没想到,竟然 unexpectedly

To think that he would be so mean!真没想到,他竟然这么卑鄙!

think through(v.+adv.)

思考后得出结论 think about until one reaches a conclusion

Now that we've thought the matter through, can we come to a decision?既然这问题已经考虑周到,我们可以作出决定了吗?

think out(v.+adv.)

想出; 了解后果 find out by thinking; understand what would come at last

John wanted to quit school, but he thought out the matter and decided not to.约翰想退学,但考虑到后果便决定不退了。

think back(v.+adv.)

回想,回忆 recollect; recall; call to mind

Thinking back, it must have been before the war.回想一下,那一定是在战前。

think aloud

自言自语 speak one's thoughts without addressing anyone

“I wish I had more money for Christmas presents.”Father thought aloud.“要是我有更多的钱买圣诞礼物就好了”,父亲自言自语地说。

think ahead

考虑将来,想得长远 consider the future

Thinking ahead, we might be wise to build the new factory now before prices rise again.想得长远点儿,趁物价还没回升我们现在建新工厂或许是明智的。

think about(v.+prep.)

1.考虑…; 琢磨… consider seriously before making a decision

I'm interested in buying your house, but I'd like more time to think about it before making a decision.我有兴趣买你那栋房子,不过我要再考虑考虑,然后再决定。

上面这《think用法总结 think的短语》就是高考家长网为您整理的think相关知识,希望可以给予您一定的参考价值。
