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英语六级作文经典 篇一

some students of ten say“my spoken englis h is poor .” other s say“speaking englis h is very ha rd for me, so no need to try .”t his is what we call“ negative thinking .”in fact , a lot of chinese students can speak good english , but they don’t . their problem is a linguistic inferiority complex , in other words , they wor ry that they won’t be able to speak as well as other people , so they feel infe rior in their presence . this sickness has a cure , that is , building self-confidence to get rid of shyness .

he re are some suggestion s for you .

the first thing you can do is to speak english with good friends , with whom you can speak f reely without feeling shy . then , try your ability with teacher s and foreigners if possible . don’t be af raid of mistakes and don’t be afr aid to ask questions about things you don’t k now, as this is the way to acquire knowledge .

thirdly , t ry to think in english and leave out mindtr an slation . not until you have done so can you be said to have a bet ter command of spoken english .

fourthly , do more reading to expand vocabulary and learn to use the new words in your speech as much as pos sible .

lastly , don’t get angry with your self when you come across something you cannot expr ess in english or the words you want to use suddenly escape your memory . this is unavoidable in the lea rning process . ju st keep constant practice . for example, in cet-set , a numbe r of candidates failed the first time and af ter half a yea r’s practice , they succeeded in the second round .

to sum up , just as the old prove rb says“wher e the re is a will , there is a way , ”so no one should convince himself that he can’t do what other people have done . erase the negative notion and maintain a positive attitude . t her ein lies success . by then you can communicate with the world .

英语六级写作满分作文 篇二

Composition for reference Nowadays, one of the most serious problems China is faced with is brain drain. While shortages of talent trouble many universities and state-owned enterprises, millions of talented people either emigrate to developed countries or work for foreign companies. At the same time, a big crowd of well-educated people who are determined to follow their footsteps take TOEFL or GRE as their passport to the West. However, people see this phenomenon in different perspectives. Some hold the opinion that China suffers a lot from brain drain. They argue, on the one hand, that brain drain considerably weakens our international competitiveness. On the other hand, they believe that the talent should serve their native country first. In contrast, others highlight the advantages of international exchange and cooperation. They claim that Chinese youths should go abroad to study and gain more experience. Whats more, the long-term benefits will outweigh losses we suffer now. Brain drain poses a challenge. China should go all out to attract talented people in order to better compete in the world. For one thing, decent living and working conditions should be offered to specialists. For another, we have to better develop our economy, which is a sure bait for all kinds of talent.

英语六级写作满分作文 篇三

Whenever I heard this song, I remembered my happy family. I am like a grass, long in the earth, the earth is the mother, the sky is the father, I am in the arms of my father and mother, slowly grow up. I am lonely, my mother will find many good friends to accompany me, such as: squirrel brother, flower sister and leaves brother ... ... I want to drink water, my father will rain, let me and my friends drink enough, if I want Sun, my father will be out of the sun.

From my picture you can see it clearly.

You see, a little girl with a disheveled hair, holding a bear in your hand, can you guess it? This is me. My right is my father, he is very strong, every Sunday at noon to see boxing, but my father can be hardworking, every morning at five oclock to do breakfast. My left is a good mother, she is also very hard, housework is mostly mother to do.

My photo is the mother to marry the tenth anniversary of the commemorative photos.

Classmates, do you like our photos? Like to go to my house to see it!

英语六级作文经典 篇四

Like most people, I welcomed the advent of the market economy. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that, along with the benefits of the market economy, have come problems. In my opinion, the biggest problem is the large number of fake and shoddy goods, which are found all over the country and do great harm to society.

英语六级作文 篇五

Like most people, I welcome the advent of the market economy. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that, along with the benefits of the market economy, have come problems. In my opinion, the biggest problem is the large number of fake and shoddy goods, which are found all over the country and do great harm to society.

Fake and shoddy goods are harmful on two levels. Some people think that the quickest way to make profits is by selling poor-quality commodities, and this undermines the nation s economy. At the same time, some fake and shoddy goods are bad for people s health. This makes consumers distrust the sellers and the free market in general.

In view of the seriousness of this problem, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out to ban the manufacture and circulation of fake and shoddy goods. At the same time, consumers should be educated to identify sub-standard commodities. With proper laws and an alert public, it will only be a matter of time before fake and shoddy goods become things

英语六级作文 篇六

The Importance of Building Trust BetweenTeachers and Students

A good relationship between a teacher and a studentcan have a major influence on a kid's development, and trust is crucial and indispensable inmaintaining the relationship.

To begin with, only when a student believes in his orher teacher is he or she willing to learn from theteacher or look to the teacher for guidance and support. In reality, too many students areweary of study and even drop out of school only because they dislike their teachers, whichmay transform their whole life. Besides, a teacher who has the full trust of his or her studentsis more motivated to help them improve the consciousness and initiative of learning, whichin turn benefits the students most. However, the credibility between teachers and students isnot something that can be built in a day. On the one hand, teachers should comprehend thestudents' actual demands and offer timely help. On the other hand, students should always berespectful to their teachers.

All in all, trust in a teacher-student relationship is a must to achieve effective teaching anlearning.

英语六级作文 篇七

It is widely accept that the digital age has already arrived, such as mobile phone, Mp3, Mp4, digital camera, digital computer and so on. They make our life convenient and colourful.

But at the same time many people maintain that just for these stuffs our life become more and more monotonous, and people lack face to face communication. Everything has two sides.

The advantages of the digital products are obvious to some people. For one thing, in terms of convenient, the increasing popularity of using these has helped us save a lot of time. For another, due to the rising of digital age, it makes our life colourful. We often see all sorts of people bring different kinds of products of digital age to go sightseeing and travelling.

However, there are still quite a few people who strongly oppose these fashionable digital things. Reality mobile phones, in some extent, make friends lack face to face communication, and the famlies spend less and less time together, which cause generation gap and indifference to the person around us. Personally, I side with the former opinion. It is a wonderful feeling and a great way to make our life much more colour and conveiment. As long as the society is developed, there follows a great nummber of digital products.

英语六级作文 篇八

Wherever one lives-in the city or in the country, there are some good reasons for owning a car. First, cars have become an important part of life in many countries. The car provides the most convenient form of transportation. With a car, a person can get around freely, without spending a lot of time. Second, a car is a comfortable way to travel, especially in the winter time. A driver stays warm and dry even in the cold, rainy weather. Finally, a driver is usually safe in his car when he is out at night.

There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against owning a car. For one thing, it can be very expensive to purchase and run a car. The gas shortage has caused a big problem for drivers, and the price of fuel continues to go up each year. In addition, it costs a great deal to maintain, repair and insure a car. For another, owning a car can aim cause worry and stress. It is exhausting to drive a car in heavy traffic. It often happens that a driver can be held up on his way because of a traffic jam. What is worse, cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, which pollutes the environment seriously.

In spite of all the above-mentioned, I still favor owning a car. The reason is that the car gives a person the freedom to schedule his own time. Though we are confronted with a problem of energy crisis, I am sure that the real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that uses cheap, efficient fuel and does not contaminate the air.

英语六级作文 篇九

Nowadays, there is a growing tendency that college graduates in mounting numbers choose to work as village officials after graduation. People’s attitudes towards this phenomenon differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are against it. From my perspective, I believe that it is a wise choice.

The reason why I support them can be listed as follows: on the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the countryside. Firstly, having received formal education and professional training in universities, college graduates can help peasants master advanced technology. Besides, by spreading and introducing new concepts, they can also accelerate the development of rural culture. Consequently, the gap between the city and the countryside can be gradually narrowed. On the other hand, college graduates themselves can also benefit a lot from being village officials. In the first place, working in rural areas with adverse environmental condition and lower living standard, they are more likely to foster a spirit of hard-working and independence. Moreover, compared with their peers competing for limited positions, those who work as village officials enjoy more opportunities and are more likely to bring their abilities and potential into full play.

Therefore, it is a win-win choice for college graduates to work as village officials and more graduates should be encouraged to work in the countryside.

英语六级作文 篇十

Wenchuan earthquake 汶川大地震

The passage of time bit by bit, every minute, have a lot of the people of disaster areas due to the doctors and rescue officers and men of insufficient resources, and faced with the risk of death. The Internet, the latest news and pictures and video continuously came, of which a video, What I can not forget: the first video screen, is one of the buildings have collapsed, this place was once a beautiful campus.

Collapsed in a pile of rubble, an immature in the eyes of Xiaolian. It was a level of about 12 girls. After a day of the burial, the little girl's face due to excessive hunger and the lack of oxygen, the original Hongrun Xiaolian has become a black and yellow of the yellow. In her face, vaguely Kuguo the Leihen can see, there are the touch of despair.

The little girl's mouth is still one of a, but in the video but did not hear her voice, presumably little girl buried in the rubble cried out at once, for help and my voice has changed a dud.

To see this little girl, my heart is very mixed feelings. Sichuan's major earthquake, resulting in tens of thousands of people under siege in the ruins.

They and the little girl, in the rubble of the reactor can not help themselves, if not timely rescue of their officers and men, these people's lives will be at risk, by the death of oppression. At that time, only heard a while shouting: "Anyone here!" A group of officers and men from running, moved to the implementation of the rescue work.

The little girl's face suddenly filled with joy, Jiao Zhe shouted: "Come and save me!" Officers and men of a Di Xiatou, the little girl said: "girl, we are to save you. Do not speech, a good Daizhuo, patience And so on us! "

The little girl did not listen to the speech, Yan Baba to see the officers and men. As the little girl in the rubble layer, if the use of some rescue equipment, could collapse again ruins of the crisis little girl's life. Can not be used machinery, the officers and men on the tube into a circle, hand-to Paozhao Paxia to rubble. At this time is 1:00, the rescue of these officers and men have a number of locations collapsed, can not long ago tired of.

However, as long as their lax one second, then trapped under the ruins of the people may face the risk of death!

In order to the affected people, their plight, tired, simply nothing. Officers and men is Bingzhuo "as early as possible into more than one second to save a" belief, uninterrupted rescue the affected people. At that time, little girls around the rubble was finally finished cleaning up the officers and men, girls were successfully rescued by.

Sichuan 7.8 earthquake alerted the world, the fate of the people of disaster areas also affect the 1.3 billion Chinese people's heart. 4 Chuan Wenchuan earthquake, the China Seismological Bureau has launched a plan. 12 by the China Seismological Bureau, a unit of the Beijing Military Region, 150 and the Armed Police Corps General Hospital 22-member national earthquake disaster emergency rescue teams have rushed to the disaster areas Wenchuan, is responsible for search, rescue and medical tasks.

China's Air Force today dispatched 22 military transport planes to the earthquake-stricken area in Sichuan air more than 6,000 paratroopers and four command vehicles, the implementation of Mianzhu, County, in north-earthquake relief mission.

Ministry of Civil Affairs has allocated 25,000 emergency relief tents support Sichuan disaster areas and other relief supplies are being mobilized in transport. And the community, many enterprises in China Red Cross Society of China, Sichuan is also assistance.

The face of disaster, unity is strength. When the 1.3 billion Chinese people side by side, Shou Wanshou, Xin Lianxin time, any difficulties are temporary, and that any disaster can be overcome!