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校规英语作文 篇一

There are many rules in our school.

At our school we have to wear uniforms every day. The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly. I think young people should look smart, so Id like to wear my own clothes. If we have to wear uniforms, we should be allowed to design our own uniforms. That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy.

Although we have different views on the rules, I think everyone should obey the school rules.

校规英语作文 篇二

Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules.

We cant have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom.

以校规为话题的中考英语作文 篇三

There are many rules in our school.

From Monday to Friday,we have to get to school before 7:00 in the morning. We must wear school uniforms,and I think it is good for us because uniforms can make us look smart. We must listen to our teachers carefully in class and finish our homework after school. We are not allowed to use mobile phones in class. I think the rules are very strict but useful,and we should follow them. However,we have so much homework that we have little free time to do what we love to do.

In my opinion,we should have more free time to take part in all kinds of activities and improve our abilities.

以校规为话题的中考英语作文 篇四

We have a lot of school rules at our school .And we aren’t allowed to break the rules.I think some of the rules are necessary.For examplestudents must listen carefully in class and finish homework carefully.And we aren’t allowed to make noise in library.Library should be always very quiet .We have to be friendly to classmates .It’s helpful to get along with classmates.

As for uniformstudent have different suggestions .Some students agree that we have to wear school uniform on week days.They say:Iy can make us more concentrate on our studies than our clothes.But the rest disagree.In their opinionsclothes can’t get in the way of schoolwork.

So they should be all owed to wear their own clothes.But I think these opinions are both correct.Howeverwe should concentrate on studies instead of clothes.So don't be too serious about clothes.It is less of problem to wear beautiful clothes than to study well.

以校规为话题的中考英语作文 篇五

Rules of My School

There are lots of rules in my school.

For example we must clean our classroom every morning. I think it’s very necessary for us to keep it clean. And it’s good for our health. We have to wear school uniform every day. I think the uniforms are ugly. In my opinion we should be allowed to choose our own clothes. We can’t talk in the classroom.

As far as I am concerned keeping quiet is good for studying.





校规英语作文 篇六

Are you allowed to get the ears pierced at your school ? Are you allowed to bring mobile phones to school ?

There are many strict rules in my school.For example,we are not allowed to run in the hallway.And we are not allowed to come late to school.We are allowed to get the ears pierced and bring mobile phones to school,too. But we can play basketball and bring drinks to school.We can be allowed to run and do other exercises at school.And we can be allowed to bring dictionaries to school,too.

Though my school rules are strict,we must obey the school rules all the time!

校规英语作文 篇七

Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or well be educat!

The Law is:1.student cant say anyhing during the class,expect the teacher askyou some question!

2.student cant eat anything in the classroom,in order to keep the classroom clean!

3.we cant run and fight witheach other in the teaching bulding!

4.we cant speak to lould in the reading room!

In my opinion,i think school should do this,if we dont do like this,its bad for school and us,and if we do like this,may be our school will better and better!So i agree it,athough someone think that its so seorious!

以校规为话题的中考英语作文 篇八

I've been studying in this new school for about a month. There are many school rules. Such as, we should wear school uniforms on weekdays. We shouldn't be late for school. If we have anything wrong, we should ask for a leave. We shouldn't cheat in our examination.

Of course, we can't copy homework and we should finish doing our homework on time. We shouldn't take cell phone to school. I mostly agree to the school rules. But I think students should be allowed to bring cell phone to school because if they have any problems, they can contact their parents at once.

Today, the new rules is the school leader modification completion. Rules by students also recognized by our school rules constraint, good for the order. Rules were we keep in mind, we were carried out seriously. The teacher be also our obedient and feel happy. The campus was rules constraint, appear more harmonious.

校规英语作文 篇九

Although some people believe that students should stay in their own classrooms during break times,I would like to argue that we should be allowed to spend break times in another class.

The most important reason for believing that is that many students have friends in other classes.We spend all day in our own classroom,and break times are the only time we have to spend with other friends.It can become very tedious(令人厌倦的)to have to spend even more time with the same people.

A further reason for allowing student to choose where they spend their break times is that it would stop arguements.If students are forced to spend time with classmates who are not good friends,they can annoy each other.This leads to problems that have to be sorted out by teachers.

Teachers argue that we all should stay in our own classes,because it is then easier to know what is going on.They say that it is difficult to keep track of students when they are walking round the corridors.However,students could be given the chance to choose a different classroom to spend the whole break time in.That would mean that there would not be any students in the corridors.

As I have explained,although it might be a little easier to manage when everyone stays in their own classroom,it would make break times happier for all students if they were allowed to choose where they spent their time.