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英语作文 篇一

Today, I am wearing a new jacket. I feel warm when I am wearing it. It’s made in Shanghai but there is a flag of England on it.

This morning, my English teacher saw me. She said to me with a smile. “Oh, Jane, Do you know which country that flag stands for?” “England.” I answered. “Oh, if you were an adult, you might get into trouble. We’re Chinese. If we wear clothes with the flag of our own country, we’ll feel proud. Anyway, you’re too young, you can’t understand all this.”

At this, I didn’t feel ease. It seemed that I have learned a lot. We Chinese must love our country wherever and whenever we are and must remember we are Chinese. We must pay attention to what we say and what we do.

英语作文 篇二

As the picture given depicts, the socialist market-oriented economy in our country is developing rapidly, just like a truck running at a high speed. But the general public is surprised to find that there are more and more fake and inferior products seriously hampering the expansion of our market economy. Consumers have to be very careful in purchasing goods and services they need; otherwise they will fall into the traps set by the illegal manufacturers.

There is no doubt that fake and inferior products are extremely harmful. In the first place, they endanger people’s health, giving rise to a lot of injury accidents. For instance, inferior-quality medicines not only aggravate a patient’s condition, but also tend to threaten his life and, what’s worse, to result in his death. Secondly, fake and inferior products are usually sold on the cheap. In many cases they interfere with the normal economic order in our country, affecting the marketing of many high-quality goods. This, in a great degree, hinders the development of our socialist market economy and harms the interests of our state. Therefore, we can say that fake and inferior products are a dangerous “tumor” in our healthy economy, which must be cut away as soon as possible.

In my opinion, several strong measures should be adopted to fight against fake and inferior products. On the one hand, those who make them deserve to be severely punished by the law. On the other hand, consumers should learn to discern between true and false. Only in this way can they defend their own legal rights and interests. (263 words)

英语作文 篇三

Therere six people in my family my parents ,my grandparents ,my sister and me 。

My mother is a teacher. She teaches Chinese in our school. She likes music.My father is a teacher,too.He teaches art in the our school,too.He likes diving 。My grandmother is a nurse.She likes reading books 。My grandfather is a doctor.He likes playing chess. I am Betty. Im in Yu Ying pirmary school.Im in Grade6.I like singing and dancing. My sister is Mary.She likes singing and dancing,too.

Look!I have a happy big family.Isnt it

英语作文 篇四

One of the greatest things about nature is the variety of the seasons What’s more, each contributes to an annual cycle of birth, death, and re-birth

March has come after February The frozen ground begins to melt and bulbs burned beneath the ground send up shoots through the softening earth The birds return from their winter homes in the south

But where exactly is spring? Green grass comes out of the soil to find spring Children run to gardens and try to incite spring to play together weth them

Where is spring? In fact, spring is on children’ smiling faces and in their merry laughter Spring is in our streets, in our courtyards, in the fields, and in the factories Spring is the worm sunlight, the soft wind, the happy birds, the green grass, the leaves of trees, the red flowers

英语作文 篇五

Now more and more children in the countryside are out of school. One Of the reasons is that their parents haven‘t much money to afford their study. They have to stay at home to earn money to support their families. What a pity! And another reason is that many parents think it is useless for girls to study and they would not like them to go to school. On the other hand, some children are not interested in their lessons and would not like to go to school.

I think all the children, including girls, should have the right to receive education. We have the duty to lend them a hand When they are in trouble. All the people should pay attention to the education of children who will play a very important part in the future of our country.

公共道德英语作文 篇六

People often say teachers are gardeners, teachers are parents, but I think we class-teacher like a book, the more people a love of reading the book, a rich content. Colourful book. Class, Wang is a teacher 。 She let us read. Browser. In the knowledge of the sea robots. Activities, Wang became a teacher she and the students have to say a joke, Happy to students上气不接下气。 In life, like a teacher , to help students Chu Dianzai. Think of ways. Anti-Semitism problem solving. We tell the students should live in harmony in our play And the Board Index or other matters, the teacher always taught us. To help us. Encourages us to enable us to do one thing every confidence. In fact, more like a teacher Wang , she Regular education we have to study well. To be hard. Helpful. Wang teachers, you more like a magician! At different times. Different places. Different things, you can change to change to become many kinds of books, Gives us the knowledge and happiness, you knowledgeable, humorous wisdom, through you this, and we have learned in the growth of nutrients

On the top of that, nothing could be as fascinating as the exhibition of the museum, which combines the visual entertainment, the educational experience and cultural sense altogether so well. The items on display are often organized by professional elaborately, designed not to confuse the spectators but to provide them with well-arranged knowledge. One who only read about the lives conditions of the creatures in Mesozoic can never imagine the breath-taking sight which could only be seen when he walks through the gallery of the fossils of dinosaur. Similarly, a thematic attire exhibit could impart the visitor about the convention of religion, custom and even ideology of a specified period, which are merely abstract impressions in reading material.

In the thought-provoking picture, a young man is sitting on the chair in an autobus that is allocated specially for the old, the weak, the pregnant, the disabled, children and the like. Regrettably, he simply neglects the pregnant lady standing just beside him with great efforts. The scene will set ordinary citizens to think seriously about the nation’s painfully declining moral climate.

Some of this can be attributed to the lack of morality, a problem shown particularly in the younger generation. Their sense of moral standards seems to be withering although their material comforts have been considerably enhanced. What makes matters even worse is the fact that such misdeeds as spitting, picking flowers in public gardens or ma-ki-ng noises in public places are becoming so pervasive that they are likely to be taken for granted by the public. With today’s worsening morality, social bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self. That is why new ideas must come forward to improve the nation’s moral climate though the challenge cannot be underestimated.

Moral decline will not be reversed until we find new ways to improve our moral standards. For adults, we can make use of every chance to remind young people of the importance of good manners, both as a competent citizen in modern society and as a model for them to follow. Only in this way can the moral climate of our nation be improved, and we sincerely wish that the young man in the picture could realize that he has sit on a “wrong” seat.

英语作文 篇七

Anything can happen in this rapidly changing society. People who can't believe in miracles are impossible to achieve miracles and to create miracles. In fact, sometimes it is easy to get a miracle. If you don't hesitate, you can do it. Good luck, you think, is the result of action. The only way to catch the seemingly impossible is to go after it. It is impossible to create a miracle if you are satisfied with the status quo, doubt everything, and fear the failure.

英语作文 篇八

Ants are very interesting. They can put a big big leaf to themhome. And they can survive in the water for a long long time,But they afriad for fire. They can eat any thing, like leaf,meat, or wood. They do things together.There are many kind of ants on the Earth. Like black ants,red ants, and the big big ants.We can see ants in the garden, in the school, in our homeperhaps. But ants live on the earth for a thousond millionsof years.I like ants, do you like ants?

John Yu

英语作文 篇九

The bell rang. It was time to get ready for another class. The classmates took their seats quickly and kept silent. As usual stood up and looked around. Everyone was busy with their lessons except Wu Qiang. He was still eating something. So I said loudly,“Please stop eating, Wu Qiang. Havent you heard the bell?”But he was deaf to what I had said. I raised my voice and repeated impatiently①,“Stop eating. Is it that delicious? ”He looked up and murmured,“I like to eat it. Its none of your business②。”Some students began to laugh and my face turned red.

Im the only girl monitor in the grade. Some boys in my class are so naughty that they have made me cry several times.

That evening, I told my mother about the matter. Mother smiled and said,“It is not so easy to be a good monitor.”“How I wish I were a strong boy! I would take away what he was eating and throw it away!”I said angrily.“But it is no use doing that. You can do even better than a boy. You should look on your classmates as your friends, and be patient and friendly to them.”Mother said seriously.

Mothers words made a deep impression on me. Since that day Ive tried to change my way of treating my classmates. Ive begun to get on well with them. They respect me and help me with my work. Even Wu Qiang often says to the students of other classes,“We have a good monitor and we like her.”