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英语作文 篇一

When I was small, my mother told me that apple was good for my health, because it contained so many vitamins. Since then, I almost eat an apple a day, I fall in love with apple. The apple not only tastes sweet, but also makes my skin look good, there is a saying that once an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.

It really happens to me.

英语作文 篇二

My friend My good friend is Tommy. He is shorter and thinner than me. He s good at basketball and he likes to eat meat. He likes to play games, too! He is very generous. And sometimes he shares some food with me and lends me some books. He is very strong. He lives in Xiangshan so he is good at swimming.He sometimes doesn t do his homework after class so he has to do his homework in the evening. We are friends so I accompany him to do it. We get along well though we sometimes fight each other. We are a good pair of friends.。

优秀英语作文 篇三

Nowadays, more and more parents like to send their children study abroad. It is believed that the companies are trend to hire the employees with foreign education. It seems that studying abroad can help you a winner. While the fact is not. As more young people study abroad, the standard of the foreign degree has been adjusted. Many students just find some fun to play and don’t focus on their study, so when they graduate, they learn nothing. But the universities that have been in the first class are always accepted by the companies, for it means the students must be excellent, or they can’t get the degree. There is no doubt that the one with foreign education is trend to be given more chances. But they still need to come

the to final round in the job interview. The employers will ask them the questions and test their ability. It is nothing to do with the education.

英语作文 篇四

People will be the envy of the sky eagle,but never thought it a thousandtimes to practice hard; people were envious of butterfly flowers,but do nothave to pay attention to it once as a caterpillar suffering; people are jealousof those celebrities,those scientists,those successful people,but neverthought they have too much to pay behind the hardships and sweat,experiencedmany setbacks.

So,in the face of the unexpected blow,who seem insurmountabledifficulties,the vast expanse of the thorns,I will not retreat.

Because Iknow,success is built on the basis of failure and sharpening.

公共道德英语作文 篇五

Nowadays, when we are in the public place, we can see the rubbish everywhere, people throw away the rubbish, what’s more, some(高考家长网☆www.kaoyantv.com) people still jump the lines, all these behaviors are against the public morals. The public morals are advocated all the time, since we are small, we are educated to behave well in the public, but we still can see some people’s bad behavior in the public. The lack of public morals reflects a person’s bad personality, they will be condemned by others. No matter where we are, we need to behavior ourselves, we should not litter, jump the line or disturb others in the silent place. We need to self-controlled.