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福州鼓山风景名胜区导游词 篇一



自古以来,福州百姓在选择及组织居住环境方面,就有采用封闭空间的传统。为了加强封闭性,还往往采取多重封闭的办法,如四合院宅就是一个围合的封闭空间;多进庭院住宅又加强了封闭的层次,而里坊又用围墙把许多庭院住宅封闭起来(比如福州的三坊七巷的构造)。 作为城市也是一样,从城市中央的衙署院(或都城的宫城)到内城再到廓城,也是环环相套的多重封闭空间。在城市的外围,按照风水格局,基址后方是以主山为屏障,山势向左右延伸到青龙、白虎山,成左右肩臂环抱之势。山的左右为青龙白虎(比如说福州的以金鸡山为青龙,大梦山为白虎,于山、乌山把住南门成左右肩臂环抱之势),遂将后方及左右方围合。基址前方有案山遮挡,连同左右余脉,亦将前方封闭,剩下水流的缺口,又有水口山把守,这就形成了第一道封闭圈。如果在这道圈外还有主山后的少祖山及祖山,青龙、白虎山之侧的护山(比如说福州青龙之侧的护山的鼓山;白虎山之侧的旗山)。案山之外的朝山,这就形成了第二道封闭圈。可以说风水格局是在封闭的人为建筑环境外的一层天然的封闭环境。


关于福州鼓山导游词 篇二

武夷山风景区是1982年国家首批的重点风景名胜区,近年又被评为世界“自然与文化”双重遗产地,也是我国仅有的四处之一。景区境内方圆70平方公里,属典型的丹霞地貌,境内有三十六峰九十九岩和一条碧绿清透盘绕山中的九曲溪。古语有云“三三秀水清如玉,六六奇峰峰翠插天”。‘三三’指的是被称为武夷山的灵魂的九曲溪,也是我国名山中不可多得的风景游览区。“溪曲三三水,山环六六峰”。“溪流九曲泻云液,山光倒浸清涟漪”,“一溪贯群山,清浅萦九曲,溪边列岩岫,倒影浸寒绿”。古人的诗句概括地勾画出了九曲溪的秀丽轮廓。‘六六’指的是三十六峰,如有被称为福建省的标志,而且有着美丽传说的玉女峰和大王峰等等。大家听到这不禁会想问我:武夷山景区真的有三十六座山峰和九十九个岩石吗?说实话连我这个土生土长的武夷山人都不知道,其实‘三三’‘六六’‘九九’是道家(道教)的术语。武夷山不仅是道教的发源地还是朱子理学的推广地,早在汉代,武夷山就被朝廷册封为天下的名山大川,并成为历代名士和禅家的盘桓之地。在景区的悬崖绝壁上,有距今近4020___年的“架壑船棺”、“虹桥板”等,还有大家所熟知的卧薪尝胆越王勾践的都城“城村古汉城遣址”。 武夷岩茶也与武夷风光一样享誉天下,明末清初,乌龙茶首先在武夷山问世,武夷山成为乌龙茶的发祥地。有著名的‘大红袍’大家应该有听说过吧?在英语单词BOHEA就特指武夷红茶,也是用武夷山方言的‘武夷’来译音的,英国人最早喝的就是武夷红茶,他们懂得喝茶可是全靠武夷山哦。据考证,武夷山是世界红茶的发源地。


福州鼓山风景名胜区导游词 篇三






福州鼓山风景名胜区导游词 篇四










关于福州鼓山导游词 篇五










关于福州鼓山导游词 篇六

这是古时登鼓山之道。从山麓廨院登上20___多级台阶,经过“七 亭七里路”就可到达涌泉寺山门。第一亭:“东际亭”。过廨院即是东际桥,桥上过亭就开始登山。上99级石阶至“仰止亭”(已废)。此后途中岩石上有诸多字刻可观。第二亭:“石门亭”,古名“听涛观瀑亭”。距第一亭367级台阶。水淙淙不绝于耳。第三亭:“乘云亭”,与前亭之间有271级,沿道有石刻“乘云”、“仰涛”、“小鼓”、“天风吹梦”、“风怒涛飞”等。第四亭:“半山亭”。由第三亭至此,共有494级台阶。亭在半岭,故名。过此亭百余阶,有石刻“路通仙苑”,转小径可达“十八洞景”。“半山亭”后近300阶有石刻“桃岩洞口”,往东可到桃岩洞,桃花精舍。第五亭:“茶亭”。过半山亭约520台阶即可达此。因亭附近有茶园而得名。道边有石刻“欲罢不能”、“宜勉力”等。据说清乾隆时福州知府李拨登山至此,气喘吁吁。往上走,力有不逮;往回走,心不甘愿。遂题 “欲罢不能”于亭旁大石上。第六亭:“松关亭”。距“荷亭”有300多级台阶,附近有石刻一笔“寿”、一笔“龙”、一笔“虎”,还有文天祥所书的“忠、孝、廉、节”等。第七亭:“更衣亭”。过“松关亭”几十步即是。传说闽王当年上山入寺,便在此更衣。有联曰:开门曾仰前王节,入寺还更此地衣。登山至此,汗流浃背,而高处生寒,正需更衣、添衣。附近石刻有“毋息半途”、“眼底浮云”、“心路须平”等。

福州鼓山导游词 篇七

Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Fuzhou. I'm your tour guide.

Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province, is located in the southeast coastand the lower reaches of the Minjiang River. As a coastal provincial capitalcity, it is also the nearest provincial capital city to Taiwan on the mainlandof China. It is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese and the ancestral home ofTaiwan compatriots in China. It is also an important platform for exchanges andcooperation with Taiwan on the West Bank of the Straits. Fuzhou is also one ofthe cities in the southeast coastal areas of China that developed earlier.

According to the archaeological findings so far, at least 7000 years ago,there were ancestors who multiplied this time. The early Fuzhou people made aliving by fishing and hunting. They were our new people, called “Min people”。With “golden hair, blue eyes, white skin.” At that time, the ancient min peopleused snakes as totems. As soon as they went door to door, they could see a snakeworshipped in the center of the hall. In the past, no matter what kind of snakewas called an insect, so an insect in the door was the source of FujianProvince.

Fuzhou belonged to Yue during the spring and Autumn period and the WarringStates period. After Qin Shihuang unified the six states, Minzhong county wasset up here to govern Fuzhou. Later, in the fifth year of emperor Gaozu of theHan Dynasty, Wu Zhu became the king of Fujian and Yue, and began to build thefirst city of Fuzhou, Yecheng. Fuzhou has a history of more than 200 years sinceYecheng. After that, Fuzhou experienced six times of city expansion, and becamethe imperial capital for five times. In the 13th year of Kaiyuan in TangDynasty, people found that there was a mountain in the northwest of Fuzhou citycalled Fushan, so the city got its name because of the mountain, called“Fuzhou”, which has been called to this day. It's really a blessed state withoutstanding people and geomantic omen!

The word “Fu” was first used in the Qing Dynasty Kangxi dictionary to add ahorizontal, a mouth and a field beside the word “Yi”。 In other words, as long asa person has a piece of clothing to wear, a bite to eat, and a share of farming,it is the greatest blessing. Up to now, “happiness” has a deeper meaning, thatis, longevity, good virtue, good death. And the “blessed state” shows itsconnotation even more. It has not only the spirit of mountain, the spirit ofwater, but also the blessing of people. In Fuzhou, we will enjoy the blessingsof heaven, earth, eyes, mouth and purity

Comfort weather: Fuzhou has a warm and humid subtropical marine monsoonclimate, with an average annual temperature of about 16-20 degrees. The climateis mild and pleasant with abundant rainfall, which is suitable for crop growth.There are lots of vegetables in the four seasons. There are melon seeds inJanuary, sugarcane in February, loquat in March, bayberry in April, peach inMay, litchi in June, guava in July, longan in August, persimmon in September,olive in October, pear in November and tangerine in December to celebrate thenew year. )In addition, the sea area of Fuzhou is also very vast, which isequivalent to the land area. Therefore, Fuzhou has many good harbors and a widevariety of aquatic fish. It is one of the three major natural mariculture basesin China. In short, there are more trees, flowers, fruits and seafood all yearround.

Land with mountains and water: from the perspective of terrain, the uncannyworkmanship of nature has long been the unique terrain of Fuzhou

Appearance - there are mountains on three sides and the sea on one side.There are Gushan in the East, Qishan in the West and Shoushan in the north. Themother river, Minjiang River, runs through the urban area, forming a momentum of“pillow mountain, face sea and bend river”。 Another nursery rhyme says, “threemountains are hidden, three mountains are visible, three mountains areinvisible.” There are nine mountains in the center of Fuzhou City. Three of themare hidden. Three of them are invisible. Of course, three of them are visible.They are Wushan, Yushan and Pingshan. There is a tower called Wuta on Wushanmountain, while there is a tower called Baita on Wushan mountain. The two towersface each other from afar, forming the urban pattern of “three mountains, twotowers and one river”。 The “tiaojiang” here is of course the Minjiang River. Itoriginates from the Wuyishan mountains in the north of Fujian Province. Its mainstream is 577 km long, and its drainage area accounts for about half of thewhole province. 70% of Fujian people grew up drinking water from the MinjiangRiver, so we affectionately call it the mother river of Fujian. Bing Xin, aliterary master from Fujian, praised her like this: “I only know there is a bluesea, but I don't know there is a green river. This is the hometown of myparents. Fuchun River is not as quiet as her, Pearl River is not as quiet asher. ” Yu Dafu, a famous writer, also compares the Min River to the Rhine Riverin China. He thinks that the Min River is more beautiful than the Rhine River inEurope. In addition, there are more than 42 rivers in Fuzhou, large and small,with a total length of more than 99 kilometers. You may see many cities likeFuzhou with mountains and water, bu www.baihuawen.cn t I don't think many cities like Fuzhou havemountains outside the city and mountains inside the city, not only rivers andrivers, but also sea water!

Fuzhou has been known as “banyan city” since ancient times. When we enteredthe city, 80% of the trees planted on both sides were banyan trees. Fuzhoubanyan planting can be traced back to the Northern Song Dynasty, which has ahistory of more than 800 years. At that time, there was a prefect named ZhangBoyu. One summer, the weather was hot. He went to the countryside to inspect thepeople's situation. As he walked, he felt a little heat stroke and fever. Atthis time, I happened to meet a kind old farmer. He helped the prefect to restunder a tree and brought him a bowl of water. After drinking water, the prefectwoke up. Looking up, I came across a big tree. He asked the old farmercuriously, “what kind of tree is this, why can it grow so well here?”。 The oldfarmer told him that it was called banyan, and it was the most suitable place togrow in such a hot place as Fuzhou. The next day he planted two big banyan treesin front of his Yamen. And also called on the local people to plant banyantogether. For a time, Fuzhou was full of green, and the heat was not enough. Thereputation of Rongcheng has been handed down since then. Fuzhou is one of theexcellent tourist cities in China. There are more than 150 famous historicalsites in the city, and 17 of them have been listed in the national key culturalrelics protection units. There are so many scenic spots that you can have a goodlook!

It's delicious. You should control your saliva. I believe you have heardthat Fujian cuisine in Fuzhou is one of the eight major cuisines in China. Thechief representative dish of Fujian cuisine is called “fo Tiao Qiang”, formerlyknown as “Fu Shou Quan”。 It is said that it was first made by the wife of anofficial. Is a collection of delicacies in one of the hodgepodge. Later, ZhengChunfa, the founder of Fujian cuisine, ran a restaurant called juchunyuan, wherea group of Juren and scholars came to sing poems. “Fu Shou”

As soon as the table was lifted and the lid of the altar was opened, thefragrance suddenly overflowed, and everyone clapped their hands and exclaimed,“the altar opened, the meat and fragrance floated around, and the Buddha heardthat he had abandoned Zen and jumped over the wall.”。 From then on, “Fu ShouQuan” changed its name to “fo Tiao Qiang” and became famous. In addition, Fuzhoualso has chicken soup boiled clam, lychee meat and other specialties. There arefish balls, meat swallow, light cake, taro and so on, when famous, absolutelylet you feast!

Finally, I would like to introduce the Qingfu of bathing in hot springs.Fuzhou is one of the three rare hot spring cities in China

One. “The five phoenixes and the rising sun give birth to Lishui, and theJiulong meridians give birth to golden soup.” Fuzhou hot spring was developedand used as early as Jin Dynasty. It has a long history and is well-known.Fuzhou hot spring has three characteristics. First, the water temperature ishigh; second, the water volume is large and the burial depth is shallow. Third,the water quality is good, colorless and tasteless. Some hot springs alsocontain potassium, sodium and other trace elements, which have a good effect onthe treatment of skin diseases and painful arthritis. Now, please look along myleft hand. We have arrived at the first stop, Jintang hot spring resort inFuzhou. Next, please take your valuables and follow Xiao Wu to get off the carto take a bath. Let's wash away the dust and tiredness along the way. Let's havea good time bathing in the hot spring!

As a famous historical and cultural city, Fuzhou has four cultural tourismbrands: Tanshishan, Sanfangqixiang, chuanzheng and shoushanshi. Although it isfar away from the Central Plains, it has been built as the capital of emperorsfor five times in history. ① the first time was when Emperor Gaozu of HanDynasty established Minyue kingdom here. ② In the Five Dynasties and ten states,the capital of Fujian was established. ③ At the end of the Southern SongDynasty, song duanzong fled to Fuzhou, registered in Fuzhou, and promoted Fuzhouto “Fu'an Fu” as the capital. ④ At the end of Ming Dynasty, Emperor Longwuestablished the second Nanming regime in Fuzhou, which was called “Tianxingmansion”。 ⑤ The last time, in 1933, the 19th Route Army of the Kuomintanglaunched the “Fujian incident” in Fuzhou and established the “people'srevolutionary government of the Republic of China”, with the capital inFuzhou.

As an excellent tourist city in China, Fuzhou has rich natural and culturaltourism resources. If you like mountaineering, you can go to Gushan, Qishan andQingyun mountains. Almost every mountain around you is a good touristattraction. If you like to play with water, you can not only visit the West Lakeand Zuohai, enjoy the scenery on both sides of Minjiang River, but also catch upwith the tide in Pingtan and Changle; If you like to see historic sites, Fuzhouhas a history of more than 20__ years. There are many ancient buildings, templesand former residences of celebrities. As long as you have time, you will have afeast for your eyes.

Members, Fuzhou was built in the Han Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, it wasrenamed Fuzhou because of the Fushan mountain in the north of Fuzhou. Later, inthe Song Dynasty, banyan trees were planted all over the city, resulting in aunique landscape of “green shade all over the city, but not covered in summer”。Therefore, Fuzhou became known as “banyan city”, and the louder it became, thebanyan trees became the city trees of Fuzhou.

Do you know what the city flower of Fuzhou is? As a reminder, in our car,it is filled with the fragrance of flowers. Yes, it's Jasmine. Summer is theseason of jasmine Blossom. Drivers like to buy strings to hang in the car, whichnot only purifies the air, but also decorates the carriage. This is calledkilling two birds with one stone. Perhaps ah, many people don't know that thisjasmine is not Chinese nationality. It comes from Persia, which is now India andArabia. It was settled in Fuzhou when it was introduced into China from theWestern Han Dynasty, so it has been cultivated for 20__ years. Fuzhou is notonly the first place to introduce Jasmine in China, but also the birthplace ofjasmine tea. Jasmine is an imported product and a witness of Fuzhou marineculture. It can be seen that as early as the Han Dynasty, Fuzhou began to havetrade with overseas countries, and it has been an important international tradeport city in China since ancient times.

Members of the group, Fuzhou is a blessed state. I believe that all thepeople who come to Fuzhou are blessed. Fuzhou is blessed. Where is the blessing?Xiao Luo thinks that it lies in the immortal spirit of mountains, the spirit ofwater and the talent of people. It's said that it's boring to have mountainswithout water, monotonous to have mountains without water, and wonderful to havemountains with water. Fuzhou is not only surrounded by mountains, but also hasWushan, Yushan and Pingshan mountains in the city. The two towers of Baita andWuta face each other, and the mother river Minjiang River passes through thecity, forming a unique urban pattern of “three mountains, two towers and oneriver”。

The city is not big, there is water is spirit. Fuzhou, the city with thehighest density of inland rivers in China, still has 42 inland rivers. Accordingto the preliminary planning, Fuzhou will be divided into scenic river, navigableriver and Drainage River. I believe that in the near future, you can enjoy thecity appearance of Fuzhou by boat.

Members, when it comes to water, we have to say that Fuzhou is one of thethree hot spring areas in China. It is widely distributed, shallow buried, hightemperature, large water quantity and good water quality. The most rare thing isthat our hot springs are concentrated in the city center, which is extremelyrare in major cities in the world. Since ancient times, it has been known as“bathing in Fuzhou”。 Fuzhou people began to enjoy hot springs more than 1000years ago. Old Fuzhou people call hot spring hot soup. Every time after busy,after work, to the bath to “hot”, that happiness is absolutely not today's saunacan compare. So far, when the old overseas Chinese came back to visit theirrelatives, they still sighed: “it's good to go sightseeing, but it's not as goodas taking a hot spring bath in their hometown.”

So, some people say that if you come to Fuzhou and haven't been to hotsprings, it means you haven't been to Fuzhou. But don't worry. There are hotsprings in the hotel arranged by our travel agency. You can enjoy it in theevening.

From Tang and Song Dynasties to Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were 23 topscholars from Fuzhou, and more than 4000 Jinshi. In modern Chinese history,there were many celebrities, including Lin Zexu, a national hero, Yan Fu, awestern scholar, Bing Xin, a literary grandmother, and Chen Jingrun, amathematician. Therefore, Fuzhou is a “coastal Zou Lu” to the letter.

This shows that Fuzhou people not only enjoy life, but also study of the group, as the saying goes, one side of the soil and waternourishes one side of the people. Fuzhou people have always been content withtheir work. They can not only endure hardships, but also adapt in time. Beingrich makes the city very tolerant and not exclusive at all. Fuzhou dialectsounds like a foreign language, but on many occasions, people still speakMandarin, even the older generation of Fuzhou people are no exception. They alllearn to say a few words, but sometimes the pronunciation is not very standard.As a matter of fact, Fuzhou dialect is the “living fossil” of ancient Chinese.At the bottom of it is the language of the ancient Minyue people. After severalgreat migrations to the north in history, these immigrants brought the ancientWu language, the ancient Chu language, and some spoken Chinese from the CentralPlains, which are integrated into today's Fuzhou dialect. It sounds like amixture of the north and the south. This is the characteristic of Fuzhou. Interms of language, work and life, all ethnic groups and multi cultures cantolerate each other and live in harmony here. As Lin Zexu said, “the seaembraces all rivers, and tolerance is great.” it embodies the urban spirit ofFuzhou.

Members of the group, wherever we go, we can't help but pay attention toits catering culture. In Fuzhou, its food culture has a long history. Fujiancuisine, represented by Fuzhou Cuisine, is one of the eight major cuisines inChina. Among them, fo Tiao Qiang is the chief dish of Fujian cuisine, which hasa history of more than 100 years. As for the flavor snacks, they are all overthe streets, such as meat swallow, Dingbian paste, fish balls and so on. Ourtravel agency also has arrangements for you, and then you can have a goodtaste.

Members of the group, looking forward to the future, Fuzhou City isexpanding eastward and southward at a modern pace. It may no longer be anancient city with “three mountains, two towers and one water flowing for a longtime”, but a group of modern cities with reasonable structure, suitable forhuman habitation and economic growth. It is the people's goal of Fuzhou to buildan economic zone on the west side of the Taiwan Strait and to become a biggerand stronger central city. Fuzhou is an open city. It is opening its hands towelcome everyone.

Therefore, we warmly welcome more friends to visit Fuzhou and feel thecharm of the ancient city of Fuzhou. I believe that a blessed state will let youreturn with good fortune. All right, members of the group, we have arrived atthe hotel unconsciously. Now, please take care of your luggage and belongings.Please walk slowly. thank you!

Remarks: there is no surname of Yu, a descendant of King Gou Jian of Yue.He was born in the late Warring States period and died in the early Han Dynasty.He was the 13th grandson of Gou Jian, the king of Yue. After the disintegrationof the state of Yue, Wu Zhu moved to Fujian and occupied Fujian and itssurrounding areas, claiming to be the king of Fujian and Yue. After theunification of the Qin Dynasty, he was reduced to the chief. In Qin Dynasty,Minzhong county was under its jurisdiction. Without any anger, the king who wasremoved led the Minzhong soldiers to destroy Qin. When the Qin Dynasty died, thenarrow Xiang Yu was in charge of the government order, and Wu Zhu, who had abumpy official career, had no chance to be the king of Min again. The restlessfactors in his blood once again prompted him to lead his troops to fight againstChu, and made great contributions to the establishment of the Han Dynasty andthe reunification of China.