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历年专升本英语作文 篇一


Directions :For this part,you are supposed to write an essay in English in 100 -120words based on the following information. Remember to write it clearly.

你(Li Yuan)在英语学习中遇到了一些困难,希望得到协助。请给你的英国笔友 (Jason)写封信,内容包括:




参考答案:Dear Mr. Jason,I am a high school student and now I am going to take the College Entrance Examination. I am writing to you about my difficulties in learning English. In fact, I do well in other subjects, but English is my headache. I can't remember the new words and expressions I learned in class. So I often make a lot of mistakes in multiple choices and can't understand the articles fully because of my poor vocabulary. What's worse, I have trouble in listening to English. I totally can't understand what those people are talking in English. What should I do? You are an expert in teaching students English. I hope you can give me some suggestions to help me solve my problem. Looking forward to your reply.


你(Li Yuan)的班级即将组织一次郊游(picnic),请你给你的外籍教师(Steve)写封信,内容包括:


·介绍活动的具体安排和内容(如时间、地点等);·告知需要做的准备(如着装、自备午餐等); ·希望他参加并尽快给予答复。


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Li Hua. I have the honor of being your guide. I'd like to give you a brief introduction to our field trip , we'll start at 8:30 from school and get to the foot of the mountain at about 9: we'll the climb the mountain. It'll take about one hour to reach the top where stand some temples. We are free to look around the temples from 10:00 to 12:00. Besides, we'll have lunch there. After a short break, we'll go down the other side of the mountain at 2:00 pm. We plan to reach the riverside at about 3:00 pm. We'll go on to our trip down the river by boat and enjoy the scenery. Finally we'll be back at school at about 5:00 's all for today's arrangement. I wish you all a wonderful day. picnic will be held in this Sunday at 7:00 . in the BeiHai will go to the park by bus at 6:00 . , so dont be will enjoysome shows provided by our students in the morning. And in the afternoon, we will do some games to enjoy us.

Thank you for cooperation!



Dear Ms Smith, I’m Li Yuan, Monitor of Class One, Gra303676080de Three. Our class will go for an outing to Jingyuetan National Forest Park next Tuesday . I’m writing to invite you to join us. We’ll meet at the gate of our school at 8:00 . to take a bus. After we reach the park, we are going to climb the mountain, go hiking and have a picnic in the forest. Also , we will take boats to enjoy its natural scenery. We will be back at school at about 5:00 . I am sure that it will be a very wonderful trip and we all hope that you will accept our Q303676080invitation . Looking forward to your reply.

Dear Ms Steve, I’m Li Yuan, Monitor of Class One, Grade Three. Our class will go for an outing to Jingyuetan National Forest Park next Tuesday . I’m writing to invite you to join us. We’ll meet at the gate of our school at 8:00 . to take a bus. After we reach the park, we are going to climb the mountain, go hiking and have a picnic in the forest. Also , we will take boats to enjoy its natural scenery. We will be back at school at about 5:00 . I am sure that it will be a very wonderfu303676080l trip and we all hope that you will accept our invitation . Looking forward to your reply


Attention please! Our class is going to have a pinic in ZhongShan Park. With the hot weather taken into consideration, 9 o'clock this Sunday morning is a perfect time to start off. Although the scenery will be fantastic, yet everyone should remember that we have to deal with the lunch problem. Therefore, everyone is requested to make one dish to share. Another thing I should remind you is to carry some necessary things such as camera、raincoat、sunbonnet and flashlight just in case of emergency . Lastly, thank you for your cooperation


你(Li Yuan)收到朋友Xiao Ming的Email,他在邮件中谈及买车计划。请在回信中说明你对买车的看法,内容包括:





Dear Xiao Ming,

First of all ,I am happy that you will buy recently years, improvement of life condition,more and more family have private ’s convenient to go everywhere in your own don’t need to spend too much time for wiating owning a car makes others think the person is very rich.

As the sayig goes,”A coin has two sides.”On the other hand,cars provide convenience for our can drive the cars getting around the other hand,with the sharp increase of private cars,the air pollution becomes worse,the traffic jam is more serious,the road accidents more frequently is hard to find a place to park the car and it is costly if possible,take a walk instead of a drive.

In my opinion,there is no doubt that it is very convenient drive to periphery city travel ,but consider the traffic jam and the parking problem,I sugguest you go to you office by bus,fast and safe.

专升本考试英语文章 篇二

Dear Jane,

My parents are going to hold a birthday party for meat 13:00 on May 29th(Sunday) at home. Will you be freeand come to my party? I'll be very happy if you are. Be-sides, Tom, Mary and some other classmates are comingtoo.

You may take bus to Qing Street and walkstraight about 20 meters. There you'll see a drag store. Atthe comer of it, turn right and get into a very narrow pathand look for Beiqing . That's my home. We'll waitfor you there.

Please call me before the date if you can not can't wait for the get-together.

Yours sincerely

Li Ping

历年专升本英语作文 篇三

Everyone in our life should face something we hate,or some one we never want to face.

So,how can we face the difficulties.

Difficulties happen all the time,but do not be afraid of go ahead withe what we are doing with a cry and have a smile ,which is the best way we can use to beat give up and do your best for tomorrow's yourself ,believe in that tomorrow will be better.

You see,no matter what difficulties we face,we always smile,don't we?So,earthquake we are not afraid because of our smile;H1N1, we are not afraid because of our smile.

Together forever no matter what happens,and, with a smile,trust that everything can be soved!

专升本英语作文 篇四




The Bicycle in China

The bicycle is the most popular means of transportation in China. China is a country “on bicycle wheels”。 People ride them for various purposes such as going to and from school and work. Bicycles are very cheap and easy to buy in China.

There are many advantages to riding a bicycle. First, using a bicycle can greatly help reduce the air pollution in many big cities. Second, people can improve their health by riding a bicycle.

The future of bicycle will be bright. In some European countries, city governments have arranged pedestrians to use “public bicycles” to travel round the city center free of charge.

历年专升本英语作文 篇五

Everyone expects tO succeed in Whatever he/she no one is always successful in all his/her life,not even such great people as Marx, Mao, Madam Currle and people hold different attitudes towards failure. Some people become discouraged and are even defeated by failure, while some other people learn lessonsfromfailure and continue their efforts.

There is no denying that failure is a bad thing, but ^v^Bad things can turn to good things.^v^It all depends on how we deal with it. If we are pessimistic, we will lose heart. If we are optimistic, we will see hope. I really have sympathy for those who, being badly hurt by failure, lose self-confidence and confidence in life. However, I have even greater admiration for those who, being stimulated by failure, go on straight forward to achieve success.

I believe in the saying ^v^Failure is the mother of success.^v^If I fail, I will try again, If I fail again, i will try and try again.

专升本考试英语文章 篇六

Let's Build a Green City Together!

As a middle school student of Ezhou,it's our duty tohelp build a green city. So how can we help protect our city's environment and make it a greener place to live in ?Here are some small things we all can do and should do.

First of all,we can ride bicycles or walk to school as much as possible to reduce air pollution and avoid traffic jams.Secondly,wherever we go, we should throw rubbish into dustbins to keep our city clean and tidy, and we shouldn't spit everywhere.Last but not least,we should plant as many trees as possible to protect our city's natural environment and make our city more beautiful.

In my opinion, a green city is the key to a healthy life. If everyonemakes a contribution tobuilding a green city, Ezhou will become a better place to live in. Let's take actions now!