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英语作文初二10篇【精选 篇一

My grandfather is quiet, when people ask him questions, he always answer them with few words. Though my grandfather is wordless, he loves me so much. When I ask him to buy me the toys, he never hesitates, he will buy them for me. Every time when I think about it, I feel so moved, now winter holiday comes, I will go back to hometown and visit him.

英语作文 篇二

for a long time dr. jackson had wanted to get a permanent① job in a certain big hospital and at last he was successful. he was appointed② to the particular position which he wanted. then he and his wife moved to the house which they were now to live in. the next day some beautiful flowers were delivered to them, with a note which said:“deepest sympathy③”。

naturally, dr. jackson was annoyed④ to receive such an extraordinary note, and telephoned the shop which had sent the flowers to find out what the note meant.when the owner of the shop heard what had happened, he apologized to dr. jackson for having made the mistake.

“but what really worries me much more,” he added, “is that the flowers which ought to have gone to you were sent to a funeral ⑤, with a card which said: ‘congratulations on your new position’”。

英语作文 篇三

Lovely Dog My grandparents have a dog, they have raised him for two years. It has yellow fur, so I call him little Yellow. Little Yellow recognizes me, because when I come to visit my grandparents, he won’t shout at me, he will lie down and swing his tail, letting me to touch him. I like him so much, I will give him a lot of bones to eat.


可爱的小狗Lovely Dog我在家里有一个可爱的和皇家的朋友。它的名字叫豆豆。它是一只好看的狗。它的整个身体都是白色的。它的声音如此动人,听起来就像音乐。斗豆是我最好的朋友。它从不讨厌我,也不喜欢我。不管我有什么情绪,它总是陪伴着我


英语作文 篇四

The EConomic Zone

Hainan is in the south of China. It is China's largest special economic zone and youngest province. Since it was established ten years ago, the economic zone has experienced rapid development in many aspects.

The comfortable residential quarters have been built up, highways have been constructed, and modem ports and airports have been built. Hainan, as a famous "natural greenhouse", also enjoys a lot of advantages in tropical agriculture.

Litchi, for example, is ripe one month earlier there than in Guangdong Province. Hainan is also a scenic spot and it has quickly become a resort for holiday makers. The Hainan Special Economic Zone has a bright future.


