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英语作文报道格式范文模板 篇一

Dear XXX



① I am more than thrilled on hearing that .....(这里说对方遇到的困难),for whom you are asking me for some conductive ways to tackle this trouble.

②You have asked me some advice with regard to ......, and I will try me best to offer you some help.

③I am exceedingly overjoyed on receiving your letter, in which you express......

④Some functional suggestions will be illustrated as follows.



⑤From my perspective, it is wise of you to take the following actions

⑥If I were you, I would.......(假设法,如果我是你,我会怎么做)

⑦First and foremost, I suggest that you should............(建议内容一),which can make you........(说建议一的好处)

⑧In addition,you'd better ............(建议内容二),through which you can..........(说建议二的好处)


⑨I do hope you will find the proposals mentioned above will be beneficial for you.

⑩I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any other troubles.

英语作文报道格式范文模板 篇二

According to a survey data, there are millions of Internet users in China, of whom the average time on the Internet is at least three hours. They share their daily life with others through the Internet, update their personal blogs and publish the least photos of them. However, a report says that more than% of agers are exposed to cyber violence on the Internet.

This report has aroused public concern What is cyber violence? It includes harassment, slander, abuse and exposure of personal affairs. As far as it is known, microblog and circle of friends are quite popular in China. People publish all their information on their own personal platforms, and their personal information is unlocked so that everyone can see it.

The problem is: some people may deliberately leave malicious words on other people's personal pages On the Internet, some people spread false information or slander others. The result of this behavior will lead to the victim's bad reputation. Why do people do this? Some people say it's interesting, or they just want to do something to prove that they are popular, or they want to become famous.

I think it's necessary to create a harmonious environment for Internet users, just like a Chinese saying As the old saying goes: you can't hear evil, you can't see evil, you can't say good things, you can't make bad words.


英语作文报道格式范文模板 篇三

South China Agricultural University^v^ Lotus Cup^v^ graduate student basketball league, my courtyard by institutes of life science Sixteen thirty on October 27th, our institute and the school of life sciences at Yanshan District ba..。

嘿嘿。我正在写呢。上课时间偷偷回答你的阿,记得给分撒。。这还是我第一次回答问题恩。 首先标题肯定要写,而且怎么吸引人怎么写!雷死人又不偿命是吧!总之要吸引别人的眼球! 然后第一段呢,先把你要写的事情概括,越简单越好。
