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初中英语作文 篇一

my name's gina教学反思范文一:

1.新课程的主旨主要是“以学生为主体,把课堂还给学生,教师的角色定位于示范者、引导者、合作者,而不是教师一言堂” 本人根据以学生为中心的教学思路,设计了大量问答、叙述、表演、讨论等形式多样的语言实践活动。但是在课堂中,并没有完全的做到很客观的去判断学生的实际操练过程。带着教师的主观想法:what’s your name? my name is …是一个非常简单的句型,可以一笔带过的想法。所以忽略了尊重学生的思想情感和个体差异,使他们真正成为学习的主人是这节课设计的最根本宗旨。

2.机智教学,灵活过渡是每个优秀的英语教师所应该具备的个人素质。在本堂课上,我在引入本课的step1 部分,受到课堂用语的牵制,使得开头的介绍引入部分与前部分的铺垫脱节,过渡过于牵强,不够流畅自然。同时,我也根据青少年学生的心理特点,设计形式多样的活动,采用灵活多样的教学方法,实施趣味教学,激发、保持、巩固学生的兴趣,轻松愉快的开始、轻松愉快的过程、轻松愉快的结尾,使得整节课课堂气氛活跃、充满情趣。但是在处理听力部分的过渡中,过于牵强,似乎又把主角从学生那里抢了回来,把他们当成了完成我这个听力任务的工具。

3.教学内容“大众化”。不同的学生,对每一课的内容都会体现出不同的兴趣。所以,针对学习者构建知识结构,每一堂课都要求教师问题的设计也要根据难易,再由不同的学生基础来选择适合他们的合理问题。在本堂课中,教师的主旨就是围绕“what’s your name? what’s her name? what’s her name?”。教学任务设计虽然多元化,具体化。但是缺乏梯度化。忽略了最大限度地引导学生进行有效的自主学习,让学生能多方思考练习、多方提高。



my name's gina教学反思范文二:



其次是传授新知识。通过一个自我介绍,引出本节课的核心句型:what’s your name? my name is …接着,点出核心句型中的重点单词,进行单词学习。然后是对话练习,让学生进行自我,介绍相互认识一下。之后进行巩固练习:填空和翻译练习。

再次是知识的扩展。由what’s your name?延伸出what’s her name ? 和what’s his name?.首先是单词回顾。复习一下人称代词和相对应的物主代词,有一个针对性的练习紧跟其后。然后引导学生说出扩展句型,进行详细的讲解。之后进行相应的对话练习。最后进行翻译练习加以巩固。



1. 课容量有点大,学生掌握起来比较费劲。本节课的内容适合分为两课时来教授。第一节课只教授重点句型一就可以了。加之以更多的口语对话练习。

2. 学生把人称代词和物主代词搞混了。表现在把两个答语混淆了。这也是课容量偏大的一个后果。

3. 课堂上没有给学生足够的思考时间,一味的讲知识。如果给学生更多的思考时间,有一些知识是可以让学生自己说出来的,不必老师讲出来。这样一方面让课堂没有那么紧张,更加活跃,另一方面提高了学生自主学习的能力。

4. 不能很好地关注学生的动态,课堂秩序比较差。我只是在关注自己的讲课,而没有与学生进行互动交流,以至于有些学生课堂纪律不好,感到无事可做。今后的讲课,应该多关注一下学生的动态,及时的把学生的注意力集中起来。

5. 集体活动比较少,学生没有得到充分的锻炼。只是有两个对话练习的机会,只有少部分的同学得到了展示的机会,课堂的参与度不够。应该抓住一切可以抓住的机会让学生站起来,张开口说英语。


初中英语作文 篇二

One of the premier medical scientists in the 21st century is Zhong Nanshan.Born in 1941 and graduated from Beijing Medical College, this ordinary but greatman has been working in the medical field for over 40 years. He is a good doctorin the patients' eyes and a kind medical professor in his students as well.

In the spring of 2003, the SARS epidemic broke out in China and across theglobe. Zhong Nanshan not only led but also took an active part in the battleagainst SARS. At that time no one really knew much about SARS and most peoplehad no natural defenses against the disease. Dangerous as it was, Zhong Nanshanworked hard day and night treating SARS patients. Meanwhile he underlined thefact that teamwork among nations could save lives. Through their hard work forseveral months, Zhong Nanshan and his workmates achieved remarkable result. Soonthe SARS epidemic was stopped in its track.

初中英语作文 篇三

I went for a pleasant outing on Saturday with some friends from school.

Wewent to a lovely lake about a hundred kilometres north of here. We left by busat seven o'clock in the morning and arrived at the lake at eight thirty. Wespent the morning swimming and rowing small boats. Then we had lunch in a smallrestaurant by the lake.

After lunch we climbed a large hill behind the lake andenjoyed the beautiful view from the top. We got back to the bus at around fouro'clock and then we came back to town. We had a wonderful time.

初中英语作文 篇四


词汇匮乏是妨碍英语写作的最大障碍之一,有话想说,无词可写。因此 扩充词汇量,培养造句能力




一、 扩充词汇量,培养造句能力



联系延伸法是以某一词为中心,写出该词的不同形式,不同搭配,各种句型及易混淆的词,易混淆的句型,从而不断的丰富词汇和句型。如拼写单词feel时,开始时不但要写出其过去式felt,并写出其形近意义不相同的fall以及它的过去式fell;又如写make时,要求学生写出一些相关的短语:make a telephone call , make a plan , make friends with sb 、,make a face ,make dumplings , 等等。这样一来通过大量的词汇练习不仅仅是能有效地积累词汇,还为造句打下了基础,同时还能训练学生的发散性思维能力和总结、归纳、比较的能力,为学生学会写作奠定了良好的基础。


联系延伸法是以某一词为中心,写出该词的不同形式,不同搭配,各种句型及易混淆的词,易混淆的句型,从而不断的丰富词汇和句型。如拼写单词feel时,开始时不但要写出其过去式felt,并写出其形近意义不相同的fall以及它的过去式fell;又如写make时,要求学生写出一些相关的短语:make a telephone call , make a plan , make friends with sb 、,make a face ,make dumplings , 等等。这样一来通过大量的词汇练习不仅仅是能有效地积累词汇,还为造句打下了基础,同时还能训练学生的发散性思维能力和总结、归纳、比较的能力,为学生学会写作奠定了良好的基础。

初中英语作文 篇五

Many children like to go to the zoo with their parents,they want to see animals,and they like them very much.

Many parents do not have the time to go to the zoo with their children,because they are always so busy.

Children are sad when their parents don’t have the time to play with them,they often cry.

Children don’t understand that their parents have to work very hard sometimes.

They just want their parents to play with them and go to the zoo with them.

Many parents don’t mean to hurt their children,but they can’t do anything about it.

初中英语作文 篇六

Last Sunday, Zhou Hua went to the movie. At the gate of the cinema, he saw a girl crying. So, he went up and asked what was wrong with her. The girl said she couldn ’t find her mother. After that, Zhou Hua took her to the nearest police station. When they entered, the girl saw her mother speaking to a policeman. How excited the girl was! At last her mother and the policeman thanked Zhou Hua very much. Although Zhou Hua was late for the movie, he felt very happy.

初中英语作文 篇七

With the clap and laughter flying around,London is the winner in the 30th Internatinal Olym

In consideration of Londons success,there are three points cannot be ignored.

As is known to all, London is a gardon city. When you step into the city, you will find yourself deeply attractted by the beautiful suroundings around.

Moreover,there are lots of standard stadiums and gymnasiums for Olympic Games,such as the swimming pools,football playground and basketball gyms. In addition, several years ago, London used to successfully hold an Olympic Game. Owning this cherish experience,London will surely hold a more wonderful one.

Generally speaking,Olympic is not only a simple sport, but another name for sportsspirit as well. In London, exercising has become a hobby in every childs heart.

So in the end, London become the holder for 2012 Olympic Game.
