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牛津小学英语说课稿 篇一



让学生愉快地、充满自信地走进我的英语课堂,是我最大的愿望,让学生在我的英语课堂上享受快乐和成功是我孜孜以求的。我为实现自己的梦想和追求不懈地努力着。今天,借此平台,愿与大家一起分享我的说课,让我们一起探讨,共同成长。我说课的内容是牛津小学英语4A Unit6 Whose gloves?第二课时。

一。 说教材


本单元的话题是寻找物主,要求学生围绕服饰类的英语单词,在一定的情景下,能正确使用Whoes is this/are they?进行交谈。在学习完第一课时的基础上,我确定了本课时的教学内容为:A(4-6),B (a pair of shorts,a scarf,a aweater,ajacket),C(Whose…is it/are they?It’s/They’re xxx’s)。





1、能够听、说、读a pair of shorts,a scarf,四会a sweater,a jacket

2、能够听懂、会说、会读、会写本课时的主要句型:Whose…is this/are they?It’s/They’re…并能在适合的情景中自由运用。



1、要求学生能围绕服饰类单词,在一定情景下,正确使用Whose…is it/are they?及回答It’s /They’re xxx’s.进行交谈。


1、 培养学生良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略。

2、 培养学生对美的鉴赏和认识。

在仔细研究教材和分析学生的心理和生理特点的基础上,我认为本课重点是掌握有关寻找失主的句型:Whose…is this/are they? It’s /They are xxx’s.等有关服饰的表达法。难点是A pair of …of… 中of的读音;能正确运用Whose…is this/are they? It’s /They are xxx’s单复数的提问。

二。 说教法

我将采用情景法、全身反应法、直观法等教学方法,以学生为主体,以Whose…is this/are they?这个话题为核心,以语言功能为主线,以任务型活动为媒介,从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,使学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的方式实现任务目标,使课堂活起来,让学生动起来,从而达成上述的知识与技能目标。

三。 说学法

我采用歌曲和chant 贯穿整堂课中,利用简笔画、实物投影、课件等多种手段,创设在化妆舞会中伙伴们对各人的打扮进行评论的情境,采用多种形式的操练方式,让学生在交流中理解,在交流中掌握,在交流中记忆,让学生在不同的活动中感知语言和习得语言,从而来突出重点和突破难点。

四。 说教学过程

本课我通过导入设计、新课呈现、巩固操练、拓展延伸以及课后作业五个步骤进行设计。教育家托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所必须的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣,兴趣是推动学生学习的强大动力,是学生参与教学活动的基础,激发学生的兴趣是新课导入的关键。”“Well begun, half done”良好的开端是成功的一半。导入设计分三块:

①唱一唱第四单元的歌曲“We are happy bees”(Which is for you,which is for me.This one or that one. )这一首优美的英文歌,全班同学在教师的带领下,边拍手边唱,营造良好的英语氛围,使学生能自然地进入到一个良好的学习状态中。

②通过实物投影和简笔画,复习一下上节课的单词:What’s this in English?It’s a…What are they?They are…答对的学生们可让他们穿上自带的衣物进行一次走秀,让全班学生能够说起来,动起来。在复习旧知的基础上为新课的学习起到一个呈上起下的作用。

③Free talking:Look at xxx’s… 评论一下学生们的打扮,为后面创设校园coseplay,伙伴们都穿着漂亮的`衣服参加服装秀的情境埋下伏笔。同时也营造一种民主、和谐、宽松的英语氛围,为学生架设一座由中文思维向英文思维过渡的桥梁。


①利用课件,出示一个学生熟悉的人物Liu Tao,他也来参加coseplay.点击他身上的衣服,询问学生并引出a pair of shorts。操练chant: shorts, shorts, a pair of shorts , a pair of shorts for my friend.同法操练其余的三个:a scarf,a sweater,a jacket。通过师生、生生之间的大量语言交流,鼓励学生大胆开口,勇敢表达,逐渐让学生体会到学习英语的快乐

②创设校园coseplay的情境,教师扮演一位评委,引出句型Look at xxx.She’s funny.Look at her gloves.They’re so big.等等。师生练说此类句型。然后通过采访,引出句子Whose …is it?It’s xxx’s.Whose…are they?They’re xxx’s.师生围绕coseplay,操练Whose …is it?It’s xxx’s.Whose…are they?They’re xxx’s。这两个句型,并且区分be动词单复数的使用。苏霍姆林斯基说过:没有也不可能有抽象的学生。因此,我们要鼓励孩子们大胆地用英语表达,让他们知道“English, I can”。



2021初二英语说课稿 篇二



本单元以How do you get to school?为中心话题,围绕交通方式而展开,主要运用How long/How far 询问“去某地的交通方式、时间、距离。”简单描述路线。这一话题贴近学生们的日常生活,它继第三单元谈论“假日计划”后安排这样一个话题,符合学生的认知结构和年龄特征,它将为后几个单元的学习打下坚定的语言基础。而SeetionA第一课时重点则采访同学们上学的交通方式,及花费的时间、距离等等。

(二)、教学目标(语言知识 能力目标 情感目标)


1、语言目标,掌握语汇subway 、train、 bus、 car、bus stop等。



How do you get to school?

How long does he get to school?

How long does it take?要求学生掌握好助动语do在不同人称,特别是第三人称单数后的变化。











重点:帮助学生学会使用How do you get to school?

I take the train to school.

How does he get to school?

He takes the bus to school.进行交际

难点:区别take 的用法。





















(一)、在复习环节中,通过问学生 What are you doing this Sunday? What is he doing tomorrow? What are you doing for vocation?来了解学生对上一单元知识的掌握情况。

(二)、在导入新课中:先通过让同学们看图片,回答下面的问题,What is the boy doing?Does he often ride a bike to school? How do you get to school?引入目标语言,并帮助他们回答:I take the subway to school. I take the train to school等。

在列举许多交通方式后,让同学们完成 1a。然后检测学生们的答案。






A:How do you get to school?

B: I take the subway to school.

C:: How does B get to school?

D: He takes the subway to school?

A: How long does it take?

B: It takes about 25 minutes





Unit 4 How do you get to school? forty

take the train How do you get to school fifty

take the subway I ride my bike. sixty

walk How does he get to school? seventy

ride the bike he walks to school eighty

Take the bas How long does it take? ninety

It takes a bout farty minutes.

初中英语说课稿 篇三

Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?

Good morning, everyone. I am from the . I have taught English for over ten years and I like my students. Today, I will talk about Unit 10 where did you go on vacation? Go for it Junior English Book .There are 6 periods to finish this unit. I will talk about the first period with the following parts..

I. Analysis of the Teaching Materials.

The topic of this unit is the continuation of unit 9 as well as about the past events.

By using the Simple PasT Tense,which is essential in junior English,students will

talk about their past.This topic is about their experiences and places they have

visited on their vacations.So it helps bring back their memories and learning


II. Students’ characteristic

Although the Junior 1 has been learning English for almost a year and are having

some basic knowledge. Because of living in China and surrounding environment, students are learning English impassively and irregularly. But The junior 1 has showned themselves very creative,capable and of plasticity as they’re doing so well in what they’re interested in such as games and CAI.

Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge objectives

a. To enable the students to read, to spell , to understand the vocabulary correctly.

b. To help the students ask and answer the new sentence pattern: Where did you go on vacation?

2.Ability objectives.

a. To improve the students’ skills of listening ,speaking,reading and writing..

b. To encourage the students to communicate with others uning the new sentence pattern .

3.Emotion objectives

a. To train the Ss to cooperate well in groups and in pairs.

b. To be interested in communicating in English.

IV. Teaching Key Points

1. Key vocabulary

New York City camp summer camp museum

2. Key structures

Where did you go on vacation?

I went to…

V. Teaching Difficulty

Learn the key structures

VI. Teaching Methods

1. Task-based method

That’s to say I’ll let the students finish 1 listening task and make short dialogues along with the actions to help the students get a better understanding of the key


2. Communication method

I’ll set up a dream and ask students to pretent themselves as reporters. This way, the students can say freely and needn’t to worry about making mistakes.

VII. Learning Methods

1. Listening—speaking method

2. Communicative strategy

We all know that the best ways to learn English well are to imitate,to practice,to listen,to speak and to communicate more constantly.

VIII. Teaching Aids

In this lesson, the CAI, cassette, a tape recorder will be used.

X. Teaching Procedure

I’ll mainly talk about this part. It consists of 5 steps.

Step 1 Warm – up and review

1. Make a free talk between T-S. What did you do yesterday? And what did your best friend do yesterday?

2. Write down the past tenses of the verbs that I show in CAI.

Purpose: this step is in order to review what the students have learnt in Unit 9.That way, I can lead them into the new lesson smoothly. I think It’s usual but pratical.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Learn the new words and expressions

a. lead—in: ask students some questions: Did you dream last night? What did you dream? Where did I go on vacation in my dream?

b. CAI shows many pictures of my dream,which are also the activities in 1a .

c. Ask students to read and spell the new phrases.

d. Do 1a. Match the activities with the pictures (a—g).

e. Play a guessing game: I will show some jigsaws of each picture and have the students to guess. I will praise the student who answers more quickly.

Purpose: I put the vocabulary learning into a dream in order to prompt them to find it very interesting to learn English.. By CAI, students can match the vocabulary with the real things directly and master them easily.

Step 3 Listening practice

a. Tell the students to listen to the tape and number the people (1—5) in the picture.

b. Play the recorder for the first time, and then check the answers.

c. Play the recorder again, students imitate the conversations and fill in the blanks. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.

Purpose: this is a basic and necessary step, which develops the students’ skills of listening, reading and writing.

Step 4 Pairwork

a. T—S: where did Tina go on vacation?

She went to the mountains.

b. Ask the students to practice in pairs as we 1c. Then they will come to the platform and click on the number to choose a picture and act it out randomly

Purpose: “Task-based”teaching method is used here to develop the students’ability of

communication and their ability of co-operation will be well trained. This step provides guided oral practice using the target language to consolidate the key structure and It can develop students’ skill of speaking and sense of language.

Step5 Production

Have students pretent to be reporters to interview anyone they want to ask about their vacation.

Purpose: After learning 1a—1c, it’s time to extend what they learnt just now and give the students a free space to show their abilities. With the real situations, students will feel easy and successful during this part. By way of communication, the students will understand how to use the key structure better and consolidate the knowledge firmly.

Part XI Homework

Do a survey and write a report about the classmates’ vocation.

Purpose: I think homework is so important that the students can speak english as much as they can in class or after class.I set this step in order to practice students’ skills of listening, speaking and writing.

Blackboard Design


牛津高中英语说课稿 篇四


Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.

In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently. My teaching plan will include 3 sections. They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.

Section 1 Analysis of the teaching material

The selected teaching material is a magazine article taken from the Project section of Module 11, Unit 2 of Advance with English. The article is about British students who take a gap year, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, getting a job. After analyzing it carefully, I find the article has two unique characteristics. First, it’s a long passage with 688 words, much more than the usual texts. Second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap year. The topic is unfamiliar to most students.

Section 2 Identifying the teaching aims

Based on the analysis of the teaching material, I have chosen the following as the teaching aims of my lesson:

The 1st aim: Students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged text.

The 2nd aim: Students get a better understanding of what a gap year is.

The 3rd aim: Students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaning.

The 4th aim: Students are familiar with various expressions or approaches to express the same idea.

Section 3 Teaching procedures

In order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, I decide to choose guided reading and Task-Based Teaching as the main teaching approaches. With the teaching methods, I can guide students to use effective reading strategies to browse the text, solve problems and complete different tasks. The teaching procedures include four parts. They’re getting ready, focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the text.

Part 1 Getting ready

Reading begins before a book is opened. It’s important to activate students’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text. In this part, I will use the pre-reading activities to increase students ‘concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for reading.

The part consists of two tasks:

Task 1: A time machine I start my lesson by asking senior 3 students what the date is. Then, I go on to show a picture of a time machine. I tell students that the machine with a magic power will bring them to their graduation from high school, which is 1 year away. At that point, I get them to imagine where they are and what they are doing. After it, I give a summary of their presentations as follows: After leaving high school, most of Chinese students go straight to university. Yes, at this time next year, most of you will be studying in a university 。(With the task, I inspire students’ former knowledge and imagination about graduating from high school and going to college, which can draw their attention to the theme of the reading material and get them ready for the following reading)

Task 2: Brainstorming After the summary, I go on to show some more pictures of British fresh students from high schools, and tell students that more and more students in the UK are doing something different instead of going straight to university. After that, I play the tape of Paragraph1 and get students to catch the answer to the question: They will travel or work on projects for up to a year before entering university (With the task, I excite students’ desire to know more about what their British equivalents will do before going to a college. With the question in mind, students will definitely be eager to listen to the tape to find the answer )

Part 2 Focusing on main facts

During the part, I will ask the students to answer the question—what does the author say? Students are supposed to get a main idea of the text and understand the basic meaning of the text. Questions of this kind are not very difficult and they can be answered directly from the text.

The part includes six tasks:

Task 1:Three examples. I move on to tell students as follows: Last year, Carol Smith, Daniel and Martin Johnson, 3 students from the UK, went to some remote places and did something special. After the instructions, I play the tape of Paragraphs 4-6 and get students to complete the following table (With the task, I get students to listen to the three paragraphs instead of reading them, thus reducing the amount of reading time and reliving their psychological burden, otherwise students would be discouraged by such a long article)

Task 2: Matching After listening, I get students to open books and scan the three paragraphs to check the answers to the previous table. Then they’re required to complete another table with a second reading: Whom do the results belong to? Carol________ Daniel________ Martin_______

牛津高中英语说课稿 篇五

Teaching Objects:

1、 To enable the Ss to understand the reading strategy and use it;2. To help the Ss get a better understanding of advertisements;3. To enable the Ss express their ideas about advertisements and help them to build a proper idea about being smart about advertisementsTeaching key Points:

1、 To help the Ss understand the reading strategy and guide them to practice using the strategy.

2、 To help the Ss discuss the topic about advertisements.

Teaching Procedure

Step 1? Lead-in

1、?????? Ask the Ss: What do you think of your school life?

----Try to connect the Ss’ answers with school clubs.

2、? Group work

Suppose you are the organizer of the English Club in the school, try to say something to attract more students to join you. You can only use three sentences at most.

Ask some students to give their sentences and tell the Ss “What you did just now is in fact a kind of advertising.”Ask the Ss: Have you realized what you did just now is actually a kind of advertisement? ----introduce the topic of the class---AdvertisementsStep 2? What is an advertisement?

1、?????? Ask the Ss “What is an advertisement?” Let them use their own words.

The Ss may have difficulty expressing it clearly and properly.----We are so used to advertisements that we often ignore them. So today we are going to read a passage about advertisements and try to learn more.

2、?????? Ask the Ss to read the passage (the part of “What is an advertisement?”)to get the author’s definition of advertisements.

An advertisement provides information and uses persuasive languages and exciting images to encourage people to buy a product or service or believer in an idea.

3、?????? More questions to help the Ss understand this part:

Where can we see advertisements? ---Media--- Billboard, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio, television…What types of advertisement do we have?---(1) Commercial ads (2)PSAs4.?????? Show the Ss some pictures of the two kinds of ads and ask the Ss to tell which type they belong to.

It is very easy for the Ss to tell the types. Then ask:

What’s the difference between commercial ads and PSAs?

Commercial ads--- To sell things; to get profits and money.

PSAs--- To educate people

Step 3 Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?

Up till now, we have learned something about advertisements and it is true that we can get a lot of information from advertisements. But do you think all the ads are trying to tell us the complete truth?

1、?????? Ask the Ss to skim the text to get the author’s answer to this question “Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?”-----Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the complete truth.

2、?????? Ask the Ss to have a more careful reading and ask the Ss the discuss how the writer support his idea---The writer uses two examples to support his idea.

3、?????? Then ask the Ss: Does the writer make any conclusion about this part?

---Yes. “We must not fall for this kind of tricks.”4.?????? According to the above three parts, explain to the Ss the structure of expository writing:

(1)??? Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the complete truth--- Subject/topic(2)??? Two examples --- Supporting details(3)??? We must not fall for this kind of trick! ---ConclusionStep 4 Public service advertisements

Ask the Ss to use the idea of expository writing to read part 3. Ask them to find the topic, supporting details and conclusion of this part.

Subject/ topic―PSAs are meant to be helpful to educate people.

Supporting details―examples ---(1) Deal with large social issues(2) About public service projects

(3) Teach us how to live healthy lives

Conclusion --- All of these ads are meant to be helpful, and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give.

Step 5 Structure of the whole passage

Now we’ve learned more about advertisements and the structure of the expository writing. Let’s come back to the whole passage to see whether the whole passage follows the structure or not.

Topic --- Advertisements

Supporting details---- (1) What is an advertisement?

(2) Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?

(3) Public service advertisements

Conclusion ---- Be smart about advertisements!

You see, the whole passage also follows the structure and it will be easier for you to read or write an expository writing if you follow the structure. Now let’s have a practice.

2021初二英语说课稿 篇六



在单元第10课是一篇题为“ MAKF OUR WORLD MORE BEAUTIFUL "的阅读教材,通过对环境保护这一话题的叙述增强学生环境保护的意识,懂得如何在日常生活中保护环境,文中主要运用现在完成时态的句子,其中也穿插了一般现在时和过去时,学生在特定的语境中感觉和发现英语时态的变化,从而达到正确运用英语的时态能力。







本课首先利用课前问题(pre-reading questions ),启发学生利用已有的知识经验,对课文内容进行预测,就有关话题开展讨论,通过阅读验证自己的推测,吸取信息,掌握新的知识,丰富经验,从而达到独立阅读的能力。


(1)重点:本课重点 在其运用完成时态的句子谈论环保这一话题。



牛津初中英语说课稿 篇七

今天我说课的内容是《牛津初中英语》8A Unit 2 School Life的Reading第一课时。对于这节课我将以教什么、怎么教、为什么这么教为思路,从教材分析、教法分析、学法分析和教学过程四个方面加以说明。

一 说教材

本课以school lives为话题,以学习life in a British school and in an American school为载体,以find out the differences between a British school and an American school为任务。为了使学生对这一话题更感兴趣,在教学过程中,我准备采用多媒体辅助教学这一教学模式设置情境,有效地将单词、句子和情景相结合,达到语言点的灵活运用和学生学以致用的目的。

教学目标:能听懂,会说,会读,会拼写单词mixed,subject,sew,tasty,hero,close,taste and article.能根据关键词和上下语境猜测课文大意。

重难点:本课是Reading的第一课时,主要为了完成这样一个任务,即通过阅读理解文章主题,通过设计一些如true or false questions, answer questions, fill in the blanks, line the words等练习题检查学生对课文的理解程度。由于新课程标准要求大力培养学生的阅读能力,所以通过阅读理解文章大意就成了本课的重点。通过对文章的理解要求学生能用自己的语言描述出相关内容,这就是本课的难点。

二 说教法

1、 直观情境教学法:本课将利用多媒体创设情境,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲;设置语境,使学生体验语言的真实、自然,从而培养学生组织和表达语言的能力。

2、 任务型教学法:根据任务型教学的原则设计语言实践活动,通过学生体验、参与、合作、交流、探究等方式学习和使用英语,从而完成教学任务。

3、 活动式教学法:在本课的教学中,主要采用跟读、分组朗读、分角色朗读等多种阅读方式,将书本知识融入活动中,让学生在活动中不断的。吸收、内化所学知识。

4、 循序渐进,达到目标教学法:英语毕竟是一门外语,学生缺乏语言环境。要掌握本课内容不能一蹴而就,可以将重点难点分解到各个教学环节中�

5、 注重过程评价,促进学生发展教学法:为了实现新课程改革的发展目标,必须建立体现新课程教育理念的评价理念和评价体系。因此,教师应引进一些能激发学生学习兴趣并使其形成自主学习的评价体系,多角度及时准确地评价学生,使他们感受成功,从而激发和培养学生学习的积极性和自信心。

三 说学法

1、"发现---探究---创新"学习法:为了充分发挥学生的主体性,我引导学生自己去设计活动,得出结论。在探究中培养学生的观察能力和语言组织表达能力。 2.合作学习法:将学生分成若干小组,给学生以足够的空间,参与的机会,充分展现个性和创造性。



四 说教学过程

Step 1 Warming-up

First let’s enjoy an English song! 同时屏幕上出现我们平时上课、课间活动及用餐时的照片,这些照片都与同学们平时的生活息息相关,很能吸引他们的注意力,同时也使学生对本课的内容产生了随意注意。

Step 2 Lead in

利用多媒体呈现本课涉及的一些学校生活:Reading Week,driving lesson,Home Economics class,lunchtime,Buddy Club and softball game,要求学生6人一组,互相讨论合作描述图片内容。


Step 3 Presentation and Practice

(1) 将课文中出现的第一幅图片投影在屏幕上,同时提出两个问题:Who wrote the first passage? What activity does the school have every year? 让学生带着问题听课文第一段录音。

(2) 布置学生自己朗读课文,根据上下语境理解文章主题,完成教师设置在屏幕上的"true or false" questions.学生回答问题时可以采取抢答式,小组间进行竞争。




(5)把学生分成4人小组,要求学生分段细读课文,互相合作探讨找出课文中出现的新单词和一些比较难理解的句子,并尝试根据上下语境理解其意思,完成教师设置在屏幕上的fill in the blanks and line the words练习题。



Q1 Which subject is John’s favourite?

Q2 What can John cook now?

Q3 What can John do during the Reading Week?

Q4 What did Jim do in school last year?

Q5 How does Nancy go to school every day? What does she think of it?

Q6 What do the students do in the Buddy Club?

Q7 Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero?


Step 4 Activity

将学生分成6人小组,以小组为单位,要求他们充分发挥个性和创造性,在life in a British school和life in an American school两个主题中任选一个,()用自己的语言去改编课文,然后每组推选一位同学上台展现成果。


Step 5 Homework

(1) 要求学生用第三人称改写课文内容,向好朋友介绍一下美国和英国的学校生活。

(2) 要求学生多渠道地调查一下世界各地的学校生活,可以上网查询,可以向亲朋好友打听,也可以翻看报纸杂志等。

