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考研议论文范文 第1篇

Directions: In this part, you are to write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes. Your essay must meet the requirements your understanding of the meaning of the picture belowState the harmful effects of fake and inferior productsSuggest ways to fight against fake and inferior products



考研议论文范文 第2篇



A. Title: Air Travel

B. Time limit: 40 minutes

C. Word limit: about 200 words

D. Your essay should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

E. Your essay should be based on the information given below.


(Composition for reference only )

Many people prefer to travel by air. This is because air travel has some advantages. In the first place, airplane, the miracle created by man, is the fastest means of transport. It takes the least time for one to travel by air from one place to another. Secondly, traveling by air is convenient and comfortable. Friendly air hostesses are affectionate and considerate. They look after passengers all the way to their destinations. Moreover, on long distance flights there are films and music for people to entertain themselves.

As a popular saying goes, “Everything has two sides.” The same is true of air travel. It has some disadvantages, too. For one thing, air travel costs a great deal. The average Chinese are not rich enough to afford expensive air fares. So they prefer to take trains, which save a lot of money. For another, although passengers are assured of their safety, they are still worried about it during the journey because flying always involves more or less risk.

As far I am concerned, the advantage mentioned above exceed the disadvantages. If I were given choice between traveling by train, I would certainly prefer the former. For me, time is money and it is the most important thing I have to take into consideration whatever I do. (216 words)

考研议论文范文 第3篇

Directions: Some people believe that private cars should be encouraged in China. Others argue that private cars should be discouraged in China. There has been a controversy recently on the issue in a newspaper in China. Write a letter to the newspaper’s editor to

1. state the present situation of private cars in China

2. offer reasons for or against owning private cars

3. give your own opinion on the issue

Write a letter of about 200 words within 40 minutes. Your letter must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.







Dear Sir or Madam,

考研议论文范文 第4篇


If you could change one important thing aboutyour hometown, what would you change? Usereasons and specific examples to support youranswer.

Model Essay(范文):

If I could change one thing about my hometown,I think it would be the fact that there's no sense ofcommunity here. People don't feel connected, theydon't look out for each other, and they don't get toknow their neighbors.

People come and go a lot here. They change jobs frequently and move on. This means thatthey don't put down roots in the community. They don't join community organizations andthey're not willing to get involved in trying to improve the quality of life. If someone has apetition to put in a new street light, she has a very hard time getting a lot of people to don't feel it has anything to do with them. They don't get involved in improving theschools because they don't think the quality of education is important to their lives. They don'tsee the connection between themselves and the rest of their community.

People don't try to support others around them. They don't keep a friendly eyes on theirchildren, or check in on older folks if they don't see them for a few days. They're not awarewhen people around them may be going through a hard time. For example, they may not knowif a neighbor loses a loved one. There's not a lot of community support for individuals.

Neighbors don't get to know each other. Again, this is because people come and go within afew years. So when neighbors go on vacation, no one is keeping an eye on their house. No oneis making sure nothing suspicious is going on there, like lights in the middle of the night. Whenneighbors' children are cutting across someone's lawn on their bikes, there's no friendly way ofcasually mentioning the problem. People immediately act as if it's a major .

My hometown is a nice place to live in many ways, but it would be much nice if we had thatsense of community.

考研议论文范文 第5篇


The 21st century has begun. What changes doyou think this new century will bring? Useexamples and details in your answer.

Model Essay(范文):

Now that we are in a new millennium, we can assume there will be changes in the world. Ipredict that the changes will be in the areas of information dissemination, global alliances, andfamily structure.

In the past decades, the computer was responsible for changing the way information wasorganized. Now, the computer plus the Internet is changing the way information is will now be universally available to anyone with a computer. You will not have to goto libraries to do research; you will not have to travel to visit scholars; you will not have to goto a bookstore to buy a book. You can do all of this from your home on the computer.

In the past decades, the nations of the world aligned themselves with the United States, theformer Soviet Union, or with one another in a loose alliance. In the future these alliances will bemore fluid. Some countries will align politically with one country, but economically with countries will share technology and other information, but will not trade together. Somecountries, which have long been enemies, will align militarily for regional security.

The family structure will not be based on a mother/father/child pattern. Single parent familieswill be more common and often the child will not be a biological child of the single parent, but willbe adopted. Other family structures like domestic partnerships will become more accepted.

Whatever the changes may be, whether in the way we receive information, the way nationsalign with one another, or the way family units are defined, you can be sure that there will bemore change. Change is a constant.

考研议论文范文 第6篇



Directions : In this part, you are to write an essay on Opportunity and Success . You should write about 200 words within 40 minutes on ANSWER SHEET2. Your essay should be based on the following outline:

1. Contingency of opportunity

2. Relationship Between opportunity and success

3. My view on opportunity

机不可失,时不再来。 机遇常常悄然而去。因此,奉劝诸君珍惜机遇,谨慎处之。

每当机遇降临,伴之而来的是成功的希望, 但是机遇不能自行实现成功。假如你要取得成就或要实现你的雄心壮志,你必须努力工作、艰苦奋斗、准备好条件。否则,机遇来临时你却无法利用。显然,为了能够完全适应我们未来的工作,我们必须做好一切可能的准备。



Opportunities dont come often. They come every once in a while. Very often, they come quietly and go by without being noticed. Therefore, it is advisable that you should value and treat them with care.











考研议论文范文 第7篇

Directions: Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes. Your essay must meet the requirements below.

1.      Write out the message conveyed by the graph.

2.      Make an analysis of the strange phenomenon

3.      Give your comments



我的看法是, 由于家禽养殖业的不断发展,蛋类价格很可能下降,因为对蛋类的需求有限,消费量的下降也是必然的。

As is shown by the two graphs above, the average price of eggs was on the rise from 1990 to 1995 and the demand for them increased correspondingly. The graphs also indicate that during the period fro