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考研英语二范文 第1篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I am writing this letter in purpose of expressing my sincere apology for that I will not be able to make the advance interview at 10:00am on Monday, December 25, 2021.

The primary reason why I will be absent is that I will take a dental surgery on the same day, the dentist required me to take the surgery as soon as possible to present further deterioration. If possible, I would like to postpone the interview to another day latter in the week. I promise that such a situation does not usually happen and I will be attend punctually next time.

Once again, I feel really sorry for any inconvenience caused by me. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

考研英语二范文 第2篇

Memorandum (考试的时候需要居中!!!)

TO: All students of Peking University / All the staff / All club members

FROM: li Ming / Students' Union

DATE: December 21, 2021

SUBJECT: Volunteer activities in Xihua Community / Annual Summing-up Report

We are going to launch a series of activities to promote low-carbon lifestyle, as well as to advocate energy efficiency, waste minimization and recycling. This green lifestyle is a potential recipe for a healthier and more habitable environment and highly recommendable to every person.

To attract more schoolmates to accept this low-carbon lifestyle, we will hold lectures to introduce the new life concept. What's more, we will hand put leaflets to every dormitory, recommending students to switch off unused lights and other electrical equipment.

All members are required to take part in those above activities. Other creative thoughts and brilliant ideas about activity plan will be encouraged.(or:Finally, scholars and specialists both from abroad and at home have been invited to give academic lectures so as to get the latest information.)

考研英语二范文 第3篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I am a senior from the Department of English in Peking University. I am writing this letter in purpose of applying for position as an English teacher that you recently advertised in Google website.(or:I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the job of an English teacher you have advertised in Google website.)

I believe I am the position who fits into this job for several reasons as follows. Firstly, enclosed with this letter is my resume which details my previous academic qualifications and work experiences. I have worked for part-time teaching work in summer for three consecutive years. Secondly, I have the strengths and qualities needed for this position, such as good interpersonal communication ability, sense of obligation, proper social manners and so on. For the reasons give above, I venture to apply for the position in your company.

I would greatly appreciate if you could grant me an interview so that I would explain, in person and in more details, the relevance of my educational background and working experiences. Thank you for your time and consideration. Looking forward to your reply.(or:If you want to know more about me, please contact me at 132 ×××.)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

考研英语二范文 第4篇



考研英语二范文 第5篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I have been reading your newspaper for many years with great enthusiasm and interest. Regarding the issue of disposable plastic bags, it is my view that limiting the use of such bags is of the utmost significance.

To crack this hand out, I would like to propose several practical recommendations as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for us to ×××. In addition, we should ×××. Last but not least, ×××.(or:The habit of thrift can help us form right values and is favorable to our future development.)

Thanks for your time and attention to this letter and I would be more than happy if you can take my suggestions into serious account.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

考研英语二范文 第6篇



考研英语二范文 第7篇

其实很多考生在小作文写作方面经常会出现这样的问题。第一,格式上的错误。书信的称呼,正确的格式应该是“Dear …,”,而很多考生不用Dear,而且一般都是写成“Dear…:”。另外,在考研英语写作中不需要写日期,最后书信的落款是“Li Ming”,而不是自己的.姓名。考生不注意书信的格式,后果就是扣分严重。




考研英语二范文 第8篇


*The change in enhanced and promoted by the government's better policies as well as the more convenient channels in the × field.

*The availability of computers is the foremost cause and the rapid development of information technology enables everybody to have access to computers and the Internet.

*Electronic commerce is the fastest way so far to make transactions across far distance.


*In our highly competitive society, whether one is in China or the US, it can be said that it is impossible for a individual to find a job with a promising future without at least a college degree.

*Education is becoming a lifetime practice, just as the old saying going, _Live and Learn._ After all, there is no denying the fact that education is beneficial not merely to personal growth but to the economic prosperity.

* × is invented to connect us, and to bring conveniences to our life rather than setting barriers to keep people beyond reach.

* A nation's unique culture can become international through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges. Since the process of globalization has become irresistible, increasing culture exchanges can effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship.


*With the rapid development of economy and society, competition becomes increasing by fierce. To satisfy the space demands of a booming population, the only available solution for mankind is to inhabit forests and grasslands that used to be the habitats of wild animals and plants.

*The process of industrialization and urbanization has generated severe pollution that essentially destorys environments and ecosystems.

考研英语二范文 第9篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I am writing this letter in purpose of expressing my heartfelt gratitude for your timely help.(or:your consideration and compliments. / your generous hospitality.)

If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, I fear that the consequences might have been very serious. Everyone agrees that it is your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.(or:It is your valuable assistance that has enabled me from severely injury. Without your help, I would have ×××.)

In the end, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for your assistance again. If there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place.(or:I will definitely spare no effort to give my hand to you if you encounter any difficulties in the future.)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

考研英语二范文 第10篇

48. Directions:

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

考研英语二范文 第11篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

As a regular customer of your company, I am severely underwhelmed/disappointed to find that the serivce you have recently provided is far from satisfactory. Consequently, I am writing this letter to complain about an unhappy experience in hope that the present situation can be improved. (or:I feel sorry to bother you but I am afraid I have to make a complaint about ×××.)

First and foremost, as we all know, punctuality is essential to the railway service. However, the train has been delayed from time to time, which has brought me much trouble and inconvenience. What's more, the service of your staffs has not benefited from the saying, _The customer is king._

I believe that you will take this matter into serious consideration and give a satisfactory reply as soon as possible. At the same time, I sincerely hope that you will review your management system. Looking forward to your reply.(or:I would appreciate it very much if you can give me a discount on my bill as compensation. /or:I hope you will give due attention to this matter and get this matter settled by the end of this month.)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

考研英语二范文 第12篇





考研英语二范文 第13篇


1) Improving your study habits will improve your grades.

2) Teaching gives me pace, and variety, and challenge, and the opportunity to keep on learning.

3) Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied.

4) Having little in common is a frequent cause of divorce.

5) Owing sets of books is useless unless you read them.

6) Drinking, eating, and smoking excessively can do severe harm to even a young person‘s health.

7) The art of communication requires learning the language and culture of the audience.


考研英语二范文 第14篇


Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.(15 points)


What can be seen from the chart is the proportion change of students having part-time jobs during the four years’ college study. The proportion increases slightly from the first year to the third year, however, the fourth year has witnessed a dramatic increase, surging to .

There is no denying the fact that this trend is very pervasive in current colleges and, to some extent, quite proper. It is not difficult to come up with some possible factors accounting for this trend. To begin with, the major jobs of freshman and sophomore are to study, and to lay a solid foundation for their future work. What’s more, when students are going to step out of school and enter into society, they have to master lots of practical skills, for example, how to deal with challenges outside, so they have to take part in some part-time jobs. Apparently, doing part time job has many advantages. On the one hand, students can learn how to get along well with others and know the society more profoundly. On the other hand, to take a part-time job provides students with a valuable opportunity to put what they have learned from books into practice and make some money, which helps to reduce their families’ financial burden.

Due to the analysis above, this trend will continue for quite a while in the future. And it should be pointed out that study is the major task for college students though work experience is valuable. Students have to strike a balance between study and part-time job.


Suppose your class is to hold a charity sale for kids in need of help. Write your classmates an email to

1) inform them about the details and

2) encourage them to participate.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Don?t write your address.(10 points)


Dear classmates,

I am writing this letter to inform that our class is going to hold a charity sale for the needy children in rural area of our province who have dropped out of school because their parents cannot afford their education. This activity will be held on our school’s playground on next Monday, January 22.

It is universally acknowledged that children are regarded as flowers and future of our nation; however, because of poverty, a growing number of kids in remote villages lost their learning opportunities which are not only crucial for their personal growth, but also essential for the sound development of the whole society. Consequently, there is no doubt that it is a noble cause to donate money to needy children through charity sale.

I really appeal to all the students to take part in this event and I will be grateful if you could come and give your donation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

考研英语二范文 第15篇














A recent survey analyzed the change in number of film-goers and TV watchers in X city. As is shown by the graph, there has been a sharp decline in the number of film-goers during the period from 1992 to 2002, adding up to 20,000 in 2002. On the other hand, the number of TV watchers has steadily increase in the last decade, reaching 150,000 in 2002. Finally, it is interesting to note that there were as many film-goers as TV watchers in year 1998.

There might be two reason, I think, for the change. Firstly, TV is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but a comparatively cheap one. There is no point in arranging transport. And one needn’t pay for expensive seats at the cinema. Secondly, TV makes it possible for one to keep track of current events and the latest developments in science and technology. As a consequence, most people prefer to stay at home, watching TV, rather than go out to the cinema, which wastes both time and money.

Personally, there are still a lot of people who enjoy watching films. They argue that the film is a fascinating form of art. Sitting comfortably in the cinema, one can appreciate the latest movies, which will usually be shown on TV far later on. Therefore, I trust the number of film-goers will be on the rise in the future.



大纲首先要明确,这是应试作文,所以我们的中心目的就是拿到高分!只要能够达到这个目的,其它的我们可以暂时不要去管。应试作文的特点非常明显,他给你的作文会有很多的限制,具体来说会有时间限制文体限制内容限制,所以说呢,很多时候是我们思想里的东西是不能随心发挥的,若是你可以在较短的时间内能够作出切合题意的文章就就是很不错的好文章了。 我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 加拿大留学 高考生申请留学的两种方式英国高考 A-Level考试是一边学习一边参加考试英国留学 高考生申请留学前应做的准备出国留学 盘点高考后申请留学的最佳方案美国留学 高考后申请留学双录取是最好的选择出国留学 高考后如何申请留学加拿大留学 高考后申请留学的热点问题美国留学 20xx高考生如何规划留学美国留学法国 国内高考分数须在专科线以上如何看待留学这个后高考时代的新问题 20xx年英语:提高考研英语作文的复习技巧




最后呢?我就说说在作文中应该注意到的问题,也许大家都是知道的。不过我还是在提醒一下喽! 我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 加拿大留学 高考生申请留学的两种方式英国高考 A-Level考试是一边学习一边参加考试英国留学 高考生申请留学前应做的准备出国留学 盘点高考后申请留学的最佳方案美国留学 高考后申请留学双录取是最好的选择出国留学 高考后如何申请留学加拿大留学 高考后申请留学的热点问题美国留学 20xx高考生如何规划留学美国留学法国 国内高考分数须在专科线以上如何看待留学这个后高考时代的新问题 20xx年英语:提高考研英语作文的复习技巧







一背诵:选择历年真题的范文和一些与真题作文相近的文章狂背!背不能只是懵懂的瞎背,要有重点, 背文章框架、精彩句构和点睛的文笔,考研英语作文突击战。时而可以拿一些外语原著(散文)名篇来读背,加强自己的语感,使自己的表达地道化。





3、开门见山!!! 题目要求你写什么的,开篇就点题!






From the picture above,we can see a spical _hotpot_,which contains many unique ingredients,stand for _LAO SHE_,_KONG FU_,_Decompostion_ and some things to that the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there extremely prominent,which can be brielf interpreted by this way:culture _hotpot_ is not only good tasting but also strongly good for one`s health. A bit exggerating picture is,however,through careful observation,we may discover that behind this strange senario,what the cartoonist intends to show us is extremely obvious:the significance of integration between Chinese culture and other countries` culture.

With the implementation of the China`s reform and opening up,an emerging tendency is that more and more foriegners are getting fascinated with our Chinese come to China to learn Chinese language,taste delicious Chinese foods,make friends with Chinese people,and these make them pretty comfortable and the same time,however,this phenomenon also stirred a heated dated in our society,so,how to render the other countries` culture be more compatible with our Chinese culture has caused wide public concern.

As far as I am concerned,before giving my opinion I think we should take closely look at the culture`s function should be more aware of that culture integration not only benefits to our making a further development but exerts a great contribution to the world peace.

What are some important qualities of a good supervisor(boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

Even though job situations can be very different, there are several qualities that all good supervisor have in common, A good boss treats all her employees fairly. She doesnt single out one employee for better(or worse)treatment than the others. A poor supervisor has favorites. Sometimes shell even use her favorites to spy on other employees. She expects them to tell her what the others are saying about her. This can cause a lot of bad feeling among employees.

A good supervisor gives clear and understandable directions. She doesnt constantly change her mind about what she wants employees to do. She also doesnt get angry with an employee who is confused and needs her to explain the directions again or more fully. Delegating authority well is another quality of a good supervisor. She knows how to use the skills of her employees to best advantage. A poor supervisor insists on doing everything herself. She is unwilling to give any authority to others.

A good boss evaluates her employees on a reasonable ser of criteria, not on how she feels about them personally. And she lets the employees know what those criteria are, so they have a fair chance of meeting them.

She gives both praise and criticism in a straightforward manner. She also offers guidance when needed. A poor supervisor will criticize without giving any suggestions on how to improve.

Most importantly, a good supervisor set the standards for her employee by her own behavior. She works hard and treats employees like valuable assets to the company. This promotes good morale among her workers, and this is of great benefit to her business.










考研英语二范文 第16篇

新东方在线&北京新东方 李智勇



图中的关键词,博物馆(museum)是中学词汇,有基础能力的同学可以相对轻松把握;博物馆参观者用简单的visitors即可;至于图表中的数字是十万,6378个十万即 billion.


The statistics about museums and their visitors are precisely illustrated by the line chart. During the 3 years from 2013 to 2015, the figure of museums experienced a gradual rise, and soaring from thousand to thousand. Besides, following the same tendency, the number of museum visitors, as is shown, ascended gradually from billion to billion, increasing by about billion.

The following factors, from my perspective, are responsible for the statistics. To begin with, aside from disseminating knowledge in schools, department concerned adopts other ways to promote the comprehensive quality of Chinese citizens, for instance providing more access to museums is a simple yet effective way to broaden visitors’ horizon. In addition, having been experiencing the unparalleled material prosperity, most of Chinese citizens intend to pursue knowledge by visiting museums, tourist attractions and other places. Moreover, museums, which are supported by public funding, provide visitors with knowledge and professional service. Individuals, therefore, are inclined to enjoy their leisure time by visiting museums.

To summarize, the data shown by the chart objectively reflect what’s happening in our society. Museums undoubtedly exert indispensible effects on our society and Chinese citizens, and it is predictable that, in the next decade, both large cities and small towns will witness the popularization of museums.






考研英语二范文 第17篇



考研英语二范文 第18篇


考研英语二范文 第19篇


it is often said that smartphones have made our lives easier. thanks to these handy devices, we can take our work with us anywhere. however, this isn’t necessarily a good thing.

a recent survey found that two-thirds of office workers continued to work on their smartphones outside office hours. these so-called “screen slaves” are glued to their smartphones on the way home and at home. this can lead to health problems. for example, using a smartphone on the train or sofa can cause back and neck pain. what’s more, looking at a small screen for a long time can cause vision problems.

in taiwan, there was even a man who lost the use of his index finger because he played games on his smartphone for up to six hours a day. people who use their smartphones too often also complain of headaches, increased stress, and losing sleep at night. so perhaps we need to learn to be less dependent on our smartphones, and put them down once in a while.


handy adj.便利的

the repairman takes his handy tools with him everywhere he goes.


survey n.调查研究

a survey found that there were about 900 homeless people in the city.


so-called adj.所谓的

so-called “card slaves” work just to pay off their credit card bills.


vision n.视力

bill’s vision isn’t so good, which is why he wears contact lenses.


headache n.头痛

after a long day of studying, jack had a headache.


dependent adj.依赖的

most teens are dependent on their parents for money.



necessarily adv.必定;必然地

index finger n.食指

考研英语二范文 第20篇



考研英语二范文 第21篇




考研英语二范文 第22篇




考研英语二范文 第23篇






考研英语二范文 第24篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

On behalf of the Student's Union, I am writing to extend the warmest heartfelt welcome to all overseas students. (or:I'm writing ,after careful consideration, to present some suggestions about ×××.)-(每段前面需要空两格!!!)

To help you fit into the upcoming collegiate life. I'd like to offer some practical suggestions. (or:The following are some measures, I reckon, that can be taken.)First and foremost, it is highly proposed that you engage in a range of activities organized by the Students' Union and associations, so as to get acquainted with those from diverse backgrounds with varied hobbies. What's more, you are advised to attend a series of lectures and optioned courses delivered by leading professors and academics, which will definitely broaden your horizons and cultivate your interest.

Thanks for your time and attention to this letter and it is hoped that the proposals above could be of help.(or:I hope you will find the proposals above useful and wish you a fulfilling college life.)

Yours sincerely,(考试时需要右对齐!!)

Li Ming(考试时需要右对齐!!)

考研英语二范文 第25篇


词根:tract = pull 拉

1. attract

助记:at(加强)+ tract(拉)→把注意力拉过来→吸引

释义:v. 吸引,引起注意


The flower show attracted large crowds this year.


2. abstract

助记:abs+ tract(拉)→被拉开→使心不在焉

释义:a. 抽象的,理论的,深奥的;n. 摘要,概要;v. 使心不在焉;摘要,提炼


(1) Abstract paintings did not appeal to him.


(2) She tried to abstract my attention from my work.


3. subtract

助记:sub(在下面)+ tract(拉)→拉下来→减去

释义:v. 减去


If you subtract 2 from 8, you get 6.


4. distract

助记:dis(分开)+ tract(拉)→(注意力)被拉开→分散

释义:v. 分散,转移


The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while.


5. contract

助记:con(共同)+ tract(拉,拽)→将双方利益拉到一起→合同

释义:n. 合同,契约,婚约;v. 定约


You have to contract with us for this business.


考研英语二范文 第26篇










考研英语二范文 第27篇




考研英语二范文 第28篇


1. concluded

2. protective

3. Likewise

4. indicator

5. concern

6. in terms of

7. equals

8. in turn

9. straightforward

10. while

11. shape

12. qualify

13. normal

14. tendency

15. pictured

16. associated

17. Even

18. grounded

19. policies

20. against


Text 1

21. B A special tour

22. A critical

23. D rarity generally increases pleasure

24. B may prove to be a worthwhile purchase

25. A balance feeling good and spending money

Text 2

26. A our self-ratings are unrealistically high

27. C intuitive response

28. B believe in their attractiveness

29. A instinctively

30. D withhold their unflattering sides

Text 3

31. A shedding tears gives unpleasant feelings to American

32. C The tear shedder's apology and the observer's effort to stop the crying.

33. C producing disastrous impact

34. B It must have a role to play in man's survival.

35. A Emotional tears have the function of reduction of reducing stress.

Text 4

36. B involves certain political factors

37. C suffered government biases

38. A allow greater government debt for housing

39. C contribute to funding new developments

40. D stop generous funding to the housing sector


41. D represents the elegance of the British land art.

42. E depicts the ordinary side of the British land art.

43. G contains images from different parts of the same photograph.

44. C reminds people of the English landscape painting tradition

45. F embodies a romantic escape into the Scottish outdoor.



考研英语二范文 第29篇


考研阅读需要买的书:真题为王,考研英语只需要练习历年真题!《考研真相2001—2007年真题》(基础加强版)《张剑黄皮书》(分别是2009—2016年英语一、2017—2021年英语一(2023考研同学到时做到2022真题);2010—2016年英语二、2017—2021年英语二(2023考研同学到时做到2022年真题)。 考英语一的同学不用买英语二的题,2010年才分英语一和英语二,所以英二真题较少,考英二的同学前期可以先做英语一的真题。

考研英语二范文 第30篇

(1)升华主题:(正面):Considering all these contributors, we should bear in mind that the great importance should be attached to + 主题词.

(反面):Judging from the analysis above, we may safely come to the conclusion that the severe problem demands effective counter-measures.

(中立):Based on the above discussion(or:As discussed), we have no difficulty in finding that everything is a double-bladed sword and thus we should be sensible enough to absorb its virtues and to visit its dark side.

(2)建议措施:(政府):In order to crack this hard out, implementation of the relevant measures and regulations of doing + 主题 should be under way.

(媒体):Newspaper and news media should be planned to launch propagandas of it.

(个人):Everyone should cultivate a better awareness of it and channel actions.

(3)展望未来:A版本:Only in this way would our lives become more real/colorful/vigorous and meaningful.

B版本:As far as I am concerned, it is a positive/negative trend and should be stimulated/controlled, since it is conducive not merely to individuals but to the whole society.

考研英语二范文 第31篇




考研英语二范文 第32篇








Good afternoon, Professors !

My name is Liyan Hua ,my classmates all call me XiaoHua . it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today. now i will introduce myself briefly,

I am 24 years old,born in Jiangsu province .I am curruently a senior student at wuxi fishery college of nanjing agricultural university,.my major is aqucultuer,and I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in july .

In the past 4 years,I spend most of my time on study,I have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and I have acquired basic knowledge of Aquaculture both in theory and in practicing in culture farm of yixing city, changshu city and yancheng city. Besides,On the base of my Three years’ work in students union, my character? I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident. I also do many things as parttime it was very hard ,I think I have learned what I can not acquire in my study .it is worth doing them i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is playing badminton, playing cards or surf online.

I like my majior. i will study hard in it in the postgraduate period, I think the postgraduate study can enrich my knowledge and make me petent in my future career.

That is all. Thank you very much!



我开始投身于考研的时间应该是11年的8月,我的英语复习安排是从9月份开始,我每天就是进行单词的记忆,花了20天的时间将考研词汇背了下来。接下 来,我就直接做的历年的考研真题,从05年到11年的,并不是单纯考试找范文就那样的做题,而是先对每一部分通读,做了答案之后,反过来再对短文逐字逐句的进行理 解,标记出单词句子,并对他们进行仔细地注解,对文章整体翻译,重新理解答题项,审视自己的思路与出题者的异同所在,在不断的思考与磨合中,努力使自己的 理解思路向出题者的靠拢。这个复习阶段持续的时间很长,一直到十一月中旬了,在这之间可以根据自己的情况安排进度。在后面一个阶段,我开始在复习的过程中 加入了写作的部分,之前的那一阶段,我每做一套真题会对后面的作文例文进行学习,对佳句等进行摘抄,在这个阶段,我就对之前研究真题是做的笔记以及一些写 作的佳句进行了回顾,每天温习一下,培养自己的感觉。同时,我开始做模拟题了,在规定的时间内,做模拟题,隔两到三天做一套吧。再后来,我就将作文再次整 理了一下,确定了我想在考试中用的作文模板,最后就是准备研究生考试的到来了。当然,在这段时间的心态比较重要,没有必要过多的演练模拟题了,这会给自己 带来过多的压力,反而影响发挥。我比较习惯的是,在考试之前将自己之前复习时做的那些笔记拿出来翻一下,并不是说这些东西考试的时候一定能用上,只是觉得 考试前做这些轻松的事儿感觉比较好吧,看看觉得考试找前自己还是做了挺多吧,心理上给自己打一下气。







考研英语二范文 第33篇


Write a short essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart and

2) give your comments.

You should write at least 150 words.

Write your essay on ANWER SHEET 2.(15 points)




Direction: Suppose your cousin, Liming, has just been admitted to a university, write him/her a letter to

1) congratulate him/her, and

2) give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life.

Your should write about 100 words on ANSER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Zhang Wei” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)


Dear Li Ming,

Congratulations on your admittance to the University you have dreamed about! I’m absolutely delighted to learn that you have just been admitted to Stanford University. I know there was fierce competition this year but your diligence and perseverance definitely paid off.

I’d like to offer you several proposals on how to prepare for your university life. Above all, I do recommend you to take advantage of the library in your university by reading books beside the normal curriculum. In addition, I believe that you may spare your free-time for three main activities: building your body, expanding your knowledge, and communicating with friends and family.

I wish you further success in future and hope you will invite me to your graduation ceremony four years later.

Yours faithfully,

Zhang Wei


本文首先书信格式完整、正确。段落安排合理,层次清楚,内容连贯,使用了Above all, In addition 等引导文章开展,符合英文书信写作套路。第一段开门见山,向朋友提出祝贺,以及祝贺的理由。第二段从课外学习和生活两个角度对大学生活提出建议。最后,祝贺对方在未来阶段获得更大的成就。另外,本文语言自然流畅,句式和用词都相对丰富多样。因为是给同辈亲戚写信,因此文中适当使用了祈使句和缩写。符合私人信函的语域。很好的完成了写作任务。

考研英语二范文 第34篇

(1)重申主题:The contributing factors responsible for this phenomenon may be summarized as follows two points.(or:There are many factors contributing to this phenomenon, but overall, they may put down to the following two aspects.)

(2)第一条原因:A版本:Initially(or:First and foremost), there is no doubt that with the rapid economic development in recent years, the turning of people's attitude towards and outlook on life has changed a lot, an increasing number of people are paying more attention to ××× than the past few years.

B版本:Initially, there is no doubt that with the rapid economic development in recent years, people's living standards have been improved remarkably, as a result of which, an increasing number of people are likely to ×××.

(3)第二条原因:At the same time(or:More importantly), along with the prosperity of technology and the advancement of the Internet, a growing quantity of college student's reading habits have been changed in that mobile phones would provide more convenience for their study, which should be taken into account(or:that's a fact that cannot be ignored).

考研英语二范文 第35篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I have returned safety to my home in Shanghai, and wish to thank you for everything you did for me. I really enjoyed my stay in the US.

However, I regret to tell you that upon my arrival in Shanghai I suddenly discovered that I had left mu bluetooth in your home. I am really sorry to have to further trouble you because of my carelessness, but I would really appreciated if you could send it to me at your earliest convenience.

Thanks again for your hospitality and are for me during my stay in your home. And if you ever have a chance to visit Shanghai, do not hesitate let me know——I'll tend to make a good tour guide for you. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

考研英语二范文 第36篇



考研英语二范文 第37篇

the cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of confidence. definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. confidence enables us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. by being confident. we are more likely to win others’ trust and support, discover our potentials and overcome those seemingly-invincible and formidable setbacks. to further illustrate the importance of being confident, i would like to take jeremy lin as a case in point: how could he, once and ordinary and obscure basketball player at harvard university, achieve unprecedented success in nba?

accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of confidence. furthermore, when coming with setbacks and bottlenecks, instead of giving up easily, what we must do is to face it with confidence and fight against it without courage. “confident people never get hurt.” abraham lincoln also once said.

考研英语二范文 第38篇



考研英语二范文 第39篇


In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

1) Interpret the chart and

2) Give your comments

Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points)


The column chart on mobile-phone subscriptions above shows a striking contrast between those developing countries and developed countries in the past decade. Since , people in growing numbers in developing countries use mobile phone, while those in developed countries far lag behind. By , there are 4 billion mobile-phone users in developing countries, which is 3 times more than that in developed countries.

Two reasons may contribute to the contrast above. On the one hand, with the rapid increase in economy of developing countries, the telecommunication industry there surges to meet the demand of globalization. Therefore, mobile phone users grows at an incredible speed. On the other hand, developed countries had reached a state of prosperity in economy, and created less rooms for further developments in mobile subscriptions. Maybe that is the reason why the number mobile phone users in the developed countries keep even over the last decade.

To sum up, mobile phone is convenient for interpersonal communications, and gradually become the indispensable tools in people's life. When enjoying the convenience of cell phones, we should also keep an eye on the negative effects itmight bring to our environment. Only in this way can people in developing countries see a sustainable grow in telecommunications.


You have just come back from the . as a member of a Sino-American cultural exchange program. Write a letter to your American colleague to

1) Express your thanks for his/her warm reception;

2) Welcome him/her to visit China in due course。

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Zhang Wei” instead。

Do not write your address. (10 points)


Dear Jack:

I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your warm reception when I participated in the exchange program in your country.

Your generous help made it possible for me to have a very pleasant stay and a chance to know American culture better. Besides, I think it is a great honor for me to make friends with you and I will cherish the goodwill you showed to me wherever I go. I do hope that you can visit China someday, so that I could have the opportunity to repay your kindness and refresh our friendship.

I feel obliged to thank you again.

Sincerely Yours,

Zhang Wei

考研英语二范文 第40篇


近些年写作考题的内容和主题,基本都与当年的热点话题有一定的关系,所以平时多阅读英语报纸、杂志,能够帮助你掌握更多的话题资源。对于比较热点、重要的主题,可以有目的地进行搜集整理。阅读的过程也应该讲究方法,以泛读与精读结合的方式进行学习。一些好的文章建议你读过以后做英文阅读笔记。相信在读与写的过程中,你的写作水平自然会得到快速提高 。

考研英语二范文 第41篇

Notice/Announcement (考试的时候需要居中!!!)

In order to broaden students' horizons and enrich their extracurricular activities, the Students' Union of our university is going to hold a school-wide English speaking contest on next Sunday at the Students' Auditorium.

You can be involved in a variety of activities, including staging musical dramas, attending group discussions, watching Oscar-winning movies, and taking part in speeches and debates. These extracurricular activities are highly beneficial in multiple regards. Firstly, your active participation will help in strengthening your sense of responsibility and developing interpersonal relations. Secondly, various activities organized by us can improve your level of proficiency in English. A good command of English will enable you to get an edge over your peers.

These who are interested in taking part in may sign up with your class monitor before Tuesday next week. The first six winners will be given awards.(or:You can submit a written application for membership to our office or email us via englishclub@. The deadline for applications is January 22. Come and join us now! )

Everyone is welcomed to be present at the contest. If you have any problem, please contact us.

The Students' Union (考试的时候需要右对齐!!!)

考研英语二范文 第42篇


Suppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bought from an online store the other day. Write and email to the customer service center to

1) make a complaint, and

2) demand a prompt solution.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Zhang Wei” instead.


Dear Mr./Miss:

This letter is a complaint concerning the electronic dictionary I bought from your online store the other day.

Two weeks ago I mailed the money that ordered and soon received the electronic dictionary. I followed the instructions attached with it. Instead I cannot get it started anyway. After changed the battery inside several times in vain, I totally gave it up.

I wrote to your company expecting a prompt solution to this problem. I would hope that you could do something to give me a satisfactory feedback. And I will appreciate it very much if you put a strict test on these electronic dictionaries , thus stop the continuing complaints and suffers of other comtomers.

Sincerely Yours,

Zhang Wei

考研英语二范文 第43篇





考研英语二范文 第44篇














考研英语二范文 第45篇





考研英语二范文 第46篇

write an essay based on the following table .In your writing you should

1) Describe the table, and

2) Give your comments

You should write at least 150 words (15points)


The table above revealed an overall picture of job satisfaction among employment of different age groups. Based upon the data of the table, most people under 40 are unclear or dissatisfied with their job, and 64% of those between 40 and 50 are not satisfied. For people over 50, the degree of satisfaction largely exceeds the younger groups under 40, amounting to 40%.

The phenomenon that elder people find more pleasure in job compared with the young may be rooted in the following reasons. First, people between 30 and 50 face more pressure to support the family, both the children and the senior, so that they neglect to enjoy in work. Second, the senior citizens have developed a lot in personality, so they are more prone to see the optimistic aspects of the work. Last, the current family pattern of “one family one Child” cause the aging of the society, which has posed more social responsibility to people under 50.

To sum up, the senior citizens enjoys more content than the young people. In order to improve this situation, and make life of those who are between 40s and 50s easier, the authorities, relevant departments and certain enterprises, should adopt some measures to increase salaries and perfect welfare system. What’s more, adults under 40 themselves should also treat their work with a positive and proper attitude and spare more time on physical practice after long-hour work. Only in this way can we assure that as many people as possible will live a contented life.


Suppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bought from an online store the other day, Write an email to the customer service center to

1) Make a complaint and

2) Demand a prompt solution

You should write about 100words on ANSERE SHEET 2

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, Use “zhang wei ”instead.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express my disappointment regarding the electronic dictionary that I bought from your on-line store last week, with the invoice number of ED53407.

I have to complain about the poor quality of the dictionary. For one thing, the dictionary often automatically turns off at the very moment I am eager to see the word explanations. For another, it seems loose in the conjunction part. The screen part can not be properly settled.

Since the problems are unaccepted to me, I would like to get a refund or a new dictionary that can work well. Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei

考研英语二范文 第47篇

之所以能做到这一点,是因为这张表格的基础是:所有考研漫画作文的主题永远只有一个——养成 XX 习惯/能力/品质。


比如上面这幅 2011 年的漫画,很多参考书把它归类到了环境保护这一类,但你准备环境保护的内容往往是自然资源、生物多样性或者环境污染相关,这些对于这幅图而言都太大了。所以强行套你准备的东西就容易跑题。但如果我把它的主题定义成「漫画呼吁我们养成保护环境,不要随手扔垃圾的习惯」,有没有问题?肯定没有,甚至更合适,因为漫画主题切忌发散,主题与漫画中的行为越直接,你跑题的可能性越小。

你想象一下,如果一幅考研漫画最后的落脚点不是「养成 XX 习惯/能力/品质」,那么这幅漫画还有任何撰写文章的意义吗?它如何弘扬社会主义核心价值观?有时候即使漫画中没有出现人,但它一定是反映某一现实场景,而这一场景肯定是能够与人相结合的。

再如 2010 年雷倒一大帮考生的「神题」——文化火锅。


考研英语二范文 第48篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

We will organize a charity sale in the Students' Auditorium on December 21, 2022. On behalf of the Students' Union, I am writing to appeal to all the students on campus to make a contribution.

We hope you will donate as much as you can to offer your second-hand goods that are available at bargain prices and all the proceeds will go to support the impoverished children's tuition fee. In addition, this found-raising activity will last three days so that everyone can catch this opportunity to give a hand. The reason why we should do this is that these young people in the disadvantaged communities really need financial assistance to continue their studies.

As the college student, we need to show our love to them by donating goods and money to assist them and make the world a more just place. Please contribute generously.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming