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外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第1篇

Letters for Establishing Business Relations

Writes to Exporter

Dear Sirs,

We have obtained your address from the Commercial Counsellor of your Embassy in London and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations.

We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of light industrial products, and feel sure we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitive prices.

As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank of England, London, as a reference.

Please let us have all necessary information regarding your products for export.

Yours faithfully,


adj. 有竞争力的

competitive price 竞争价格

competitive capacity 竞争能力

competitive power 竞争能力

competitive edge 竞争优势

your price is competitive, we will place an order with you. 如果你方价格有竞争力的话,我们将向你方发出订单。

Your products has no competitive capacity in our market. 你方产品在我市场上没有竞争力.

compete v. 竞争

~with (or:against) sb. in sth. 在...方面与某人竞争

should compete with other enterprises in the quality of the products. 我们必须在产品的质量方面与其它企业竞争.

~with (or:against) sb. for sth. 为...事情与某人竞争

must compete against other countries in trade for obtaining larger international market. 为了获取更大的国际市场我们必须与其他国家在贸易方面进行竞争。

competition n. 竞争:

enable us to meet competition, you must quote the lowest possible price. 为了使我们能适应竞争, 你方必须报尽可能低的价格。

competitor n. 竞争者,竞争对手

trust that the superior quality, attractive design and reasonable price of our products will surely enable us to defeat the competitors. 我们相信我方产品的优良质量、诱人设计、合理价格定能使我方击败竞争对手.


standing cost 长期成本,固定成本

standing orders 长期订单

standing director 常务董事


credit standing 信誉情况

financial standing 财金情况

finances 财源,资金情况(常用复数)

are permitted to mention the Bank of England, London, as a reference. 我们已征得伦敦的英国银行同意,把它们作为我们的咨询银行。

prep. 关于,与 with regard to, in regard to, as regards 同义,一般可以换用。

the terms of payment, we require confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit. 关于支付条件,我们要求保兑的、不可撤消的信用证。

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第2篇


We are willing to enter into business relationship with your company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.


Our two countries have had trade relations for ten years.


We've never had any difficulties with our Chinese partners, and we'd like to make as many new contacts as we can.


We want to develop direct contact with Continental buyers for ourselves.


We see that your firm specializes in Light Industrial Goods, and we are willing to establish business relationship with you.


We are one of the largest importers of Electric Goods in this city, and we wish to establish business relationship with you.


We have made a very good start in our business with Japan.


Our company is thinking of expanding its business relationship with China.


As is known, we set great store by the trade relationship with the third world countries.


We look forward to reactivating our business relationship.


We shall welcome a chance to renew our friendly relationship.


We'll try our best to widen our business relationship with you.


It will be advantageous if steps are taken to resume our business relationship on the basis of mutual benefit.


The depressed market results in the stagnation of trade.


We have been doing quite well in our business, we are willing to open an account with you.


We're writing you in order to establish business relationship.


The arrangement will contribute to cement our pleasant relationship.


We're willing to restore our business relationship.


Words and Phrases

closer ties 更密切的关系

to establish(enter into, set up)business relationship 建立业务关系

business association 业务联系,交往

business connection 业务联系

close relationship 密切的关系

to enlarge (widen) business relationship 扩大业务关系

to restore (resume) business relationship 恢复业务关系

to interrupt business relationship 中断业务关系

to cement business relationship 巩固业务关系

to continue business relationship 继续业务关系

to present business relationship 保持业务关系

to improve business relationship 改善业务关系

to promote business relationship 促进业务关系

to speed up business relationship 加快业务关系的发展

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第3篇


A:Good morning! My name is John White. import manager of thr . Tr3dirio ConjpaPy ir rk


B: do you to ?My name is LiMing here is my card.


A: Nice to meet you have learned about that you specialize in the export business of electronic you enioy the highest reputation in the commercical circle we'd be please to enter into business relations with your firm.


B:We share the same desire. Have you seen the display of our products in the exhibition hall downstairs ?


A: had a look just now,I feel we can do a lot of business in this line.


B:Sure,we can ,you know ,we are been in the line for more than twenty years ,and i think our price are competitive comparing with those in the world market.


A:Our company enjoys a history of more than twenty years ,we have wide connection with wholesalers and retailers all over the America,and we have good reputation in the commercial circle.


B:Thank you for your information,we can hold more talks later on business details.




外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第4篇

A: I had a look yesterday. I found some exhibits are fine in quality and beautiful in design. The exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your corporation handles. I have gone over the catalogue and the pamphlets enclosed in your last letter. I have got some idea of your exports. I am interested in your silk biouses.


B:Our silks are known for their quality. They are one of our traditional exports. Silk blouses are brightly colored and beautifully designed. They are greatly favored overseas and are always in great demand.


A:Some of them are of the latest style. Now I have a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in this line. We wish to establish business relationship with you.


B:Your desire coincides with ours.


A:Concerning our financial position. credit standing and trade may refer to our to our local chamber of commerce or inquiry agencies.


B:Thank you for your information. As you know , our corporation is a state-operated one. We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. I have no doubt that it will bring about benefit between us.


A:That sounds interesting ! I'II send a fax. As soon as I receive the definite 'II give you a special answer.


B:We will make an offer as soon as possible. I hope a lot of business will be put through between us.


A:So do l.


B:I hope everything will be smooth.


A:That is what I want to say.


B:I will give you the lowest price in the future.


A:Thank you !


外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第5篇

1:We want to develop direct contact with American buyers for ourselves.


A: We want to develop direct contact with American buyers for ourselves.


B: We see that your firm specializes in Light Industrial Goods, and we are willing to establish business relationship with you.


A: That's good. We are one of the largest importers of Electric Goods in this city, and we wish to establish business relationship with you.


2:We'll try our best to widen our business relationship with you.


A: We'll try our best to widen our business relationship with you.


B: Thank you for all the arrangement.


A: You are welcome. We believe the arrangement will contribute to cementing our pleasant relationship.



Our company is thinking of expanding its business relationship with China.


As is known, we set great score by the trade relationship with the Third World countries.


外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第6篇



Rogers Chemical Supply Co. Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply.

Very truly yours 自米兰职权里斯托鞋类公司取得贵公司和地址,特此修函,祈能发展关系。多年来,本公司经营鞋类进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围。盼能惠赐商品目录和报价表。 如价格公道,本公司必大额订购。 烦请早日赐复。 此致


Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us.

本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用状支付。如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。 此致 敬礼

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第7篇


1. specialize in 专营

2. on the bases of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上

3. pamphlet 小册子

4. a range of 一套

5. make offers 报价

6. on display 展出

7. woolen knitwear 毛织品

8. garment 服装

9. meet with great favor 受欢迎

10. credit standing 信用地位

11. state-operated 国营的

12. import and export corporation 进出口公司

13. silk 丝绸

14. cotton piece goods 棉布

15. blouse 女衬衫

16. be of the latest style 最新式样

17. financial position 财务状况

18. trade reputation 贸易声誉

19. currency, Chinese currency, British currency 货币,中国货币,英国货币

20. investment 投资

21. a long-term investment 长期投资

22. a profitable investment 有利可得的投资

23. joint venture enterprise 合资企业

24. cooperative enterprise 合作企业

25. exclusively foreign-owned enterprise 外商独资企业

26. state-owned enterprise 国营企业

27. collectively-owned enterprise 集体企业

28. individually owned enterprise 个体企业

29. a safe and sure investment 安全可靠的投资

30. recommendation 推荐、介绍

31. inform 通知

32. enter into business relations 建立业务关系

33. catalogue 目录

34. for your reference 供您参考

35. specific inquiry 具体询价

36. promptly 立即

37. a heavy investment 巨额投资

38. investment intent 投资意向

39. investment partner 投资伙伴

40. direct investment 直接投资

41. investment environment 投资环境

42. investor 投资者

43. enterprise 企业

44. representative 代表

45. chamber of commerce 商会

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第8篇


1. recommendation 推荐、介绍

2. inform 通知

3. enter into business relations 建立业务关系

4. catalogue 目录

5. for your reference 供您参考

6. specific inquiry 具体询价

7. promptly 立即

8. representative 代表

9. chamber of commerce 商会

10. specialize in 专营

11. on the bases of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上

12. pamphlet 小册子

13. a range of 一套

14. make offers 报价

15. import and export corporation 进出口公司

16. silk 丝绸

17. cotton piece goods 棉布

18. blouse 女衬衫

19. be of the latest style 最新式样

20. financial position 财务状况

21. trade reputation 贸易声誉

22. on display 展出

23. woolen knitwear 毛织品

24. garment 服装

25. meet with great favor 受欢迎

26. credit standing 信用地位

27. state-operated 国营的

28. currency, Chinese currency, British currency 货币,中国货币,英国货币

29. investment 投资

30. a long-term investment 长期投资

31. a profitable investment 有利可得的投资

32. a safe and sure investment 安全可靠的投资

33. a heavy investment 巨额投资

34. investment intent 投资意向

35. investment partner 投资伙伴

36. direct investment 直接投资

37. investment environment 投资环境

38. investor 投资者

39. enterprise 企业

40. joint venture enterprise 合资企业

41. cooperative enterprise 合作企业

42. exclusively foreign-owned enterprise 外商独资企业

43. state-owned enterprise 国营企业

44. collectively-owned enterprise 集体企业

45. individually owned enterprise 个体企业

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第9篇


Dear Mr. Jones:

We understand from your information posted on that you are in the market for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future.

We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.

We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.

;    Sincerely,

John Roberts

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第10篇


Foreign Economic Relations & Trade Committee of What City

Address: 地址略

Tel: 电话号码略 Fax: 传真号码略

To: Ms Jaana Pekkala, Consultant for China Swiss Organization for Facilitating Investments Fax: +41-1-249 31 33

Total pages of this fax: 2

Dear Ms Jaana Pekkala,

We understand from The Swiss Business Guide for China that your organization is helping Swiss firms in seeking opportunities of investing in China and business cooperating with Chinese partners. To establish business relations with your organization and attract Swiss companies' investment here in What, We write to introduce our city, the city of What, as one of the open cities in Liaoning Province, China and also ourselves, Foreign Economic Relations & Trade Committee of What, as a What government initiative to facilitate business relationship with foreign companies.

Our committee provides advice and assistance to What firms seeking to export their services, goods to foreign areas and import goods and services abroad. We also assist Whatfirms in establishment of joint ventures and carry the procedures for examination and approval of joint ventures and foreign sole investment firms. Our Committee can provide What companies with information on the world market and specific commercial opportunities as well as organize trade missions, seminars and business briefings.

Our committee facilitates and encourages investment from other countries into targeted sectors of What economy and maintains active promotion of What through its network of contacts in domestic and abroad areas.

Nowadays, we are seeking foreign investment in the field of capital construction, such as improving of tap water system and highway construction. Also, we are setting up a tannery zone in Tong'erpu, the largest leather clothes producing and wholesaling base in North China. We invite Swiss companies with most favorable polices to set u

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第11篇



由于我的朋友及合伙人T.去世, 我公司宣告解散。此后公司仅在清帐的短期内存在。

In consequence of the death of Mr. T., my much valued friend and partner, our late firm is dissolved, and the name will be continued so long as may be necessary for the liquidation of its affairs.

我的重要合伙人T.先生最近去世, 其股份由我接受并接办公司业务。特此奉达。

I respectfully inform you that, on account of the recent death of my much esteemed partner, Mr.× , I have acquired the business by purchasing my partner's shares in it.

我们沉痛地奉告, 我公司合伙人×先生于5月5日逝世。

It is with deep regret that we have to inform you of the recent death of our parner, Mr. O., which occurred on the 5th May.



兹通知, 过去中任我公司代理的Y.先生今后将为本公司业务担任签名责任。

We inform you that Mr. Y., who has held our procuration for the last fifteen years, will in future sign for the firm.

谨此告知, 我公司授权在此服务多年的M.先生以代理签名事宜。

We have to intimate to you that we have authorized Mr. M., who has been with us for many years, to sign for our firm per procuration.

兹授予Y.先生代理我公司签名权, 其签名如下。

I have granted power of procuration to my chief clerk, Mr. Y., whose signature is appended below.

我的签名如下, 同时寄上将行使签名权的G.先生的签名, 请惠察。

I refer you to my signature at foot, also to that of Mr. G., who will sign per procuration.

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第12篇


Foreign Economic Relations & Trade Committee of What City

Address: 地址略――

Tel: 电话号码略Fax: 传真号码略_________________________________________________________________

To: Ms Jaana Pekkala, Consultant for China Swiss Organization for Facilitating Investments Fax: 41-1-249 31 33

Total pages of this fax: 2


Dear Ms Jaana Pekkala,

We understand from The Swiss Business Guide for China that your organization is helping Swiss firms in seeking opportunities of investing in China and business cooperating with Chinese partners. To establish business relations with your organization and attract Swiss companies' investment here in What, We write to introduce our city, the city of What, as one of the open cities in Liaoning Province, China and also ourselves, Foreign Economic Relations & Trade Committee of What, as a What government initiative to facilitate business relationship with foreign companies.

Our committee provides advice and assistance to What firms seeking to export their services, goods to foreign areas and import goods and services abroad. We also assist Whatfirms in establishment of joint ventures and carry the procedures for examination and approval of joint ventures and foreign sole investment firms. Our Committee can provide What companies with information on the world market and specific commercial opportunities as well as organize trade missions, seminars and business briefings.

Our committee facilitates and encourages investment from other countries into targeted sectors of What economy and maintains active promotion of What through its network of contacts in domestic and abroad areas.

Nowadays, we are seeking foreign investment in the field of capital construction, such as improving of tap water system and highway construction. Also, we are setting up a tannery zone in Tong'erpu, the largest leather clothes producing and wholesaling base in North China. We invite Swiss companies with most favorable polices to set up their firms in any form on tanning, leather processing and sewage treatment.

Any information on investment projects into What and on business cooperation with firms in What is highly appreciated and will be pass on to anyone who have approached us with interest in similar project. You are also invited to our city for investigation and business tour.

Should you have any questions, please fell free to contact us.

Thank you for your attention and looking forward to your prompt reply.

Sincerely yours,

Qiming Di

Commercial Assistant

For Foreign Economic Relations & Trade Committee of What City

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第13篇











外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第14篇



Many thanks for your letter and enclosures of 12 September. We were very interested to hear that you are looking for an UK distributor for your teaching aids. We would like to invite you to visit our booth, next month's London Toy Fair, at Earl's court , which starts on 2 October. If you would like to set up an appointment during non exhibit hall hours please call me. I can then arrange for our sensor staff to be present at the meeting. We look forward to hearing from you.

多谢9月12日的来信和附件。获悉贵公司有意物色英国销售商推广教学辅助设备, 甚感兴趣。 本公司将于10月2日于厄尔大楼举行的耸敦玩具商品交易会上展示产品,诚邀贵公司派员参观设于46号之摊位。如能安排于非展出时间面谈,烦请电复。定必委派高层人员赴会。 本公司深知贵公司产品精美质优,希望能发展互惠之业务。 特此奉告,并候复音。


At the beginning of this month , I attended the Harrogate toy fair. While there , I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Douglas Gage of Edutoys plc about selecting an agency for our teaching aids. Douglas described your dynamic sales force and innovative approach to marketing. He attributed his own company's success to your excellent distribution network which has served him for several years. We need an organization like yours to launch our products in the UK. Our teaching aids cover the whole field of primary education in all subjects .Our patented ‘Matrix’ math apparatus is particularly successful. You may have reservations about American teaching aids suiting your market. This is not a problem since we have a complete range of British English versions. I enclose an illustrated catalogue of our British English editions for your information. Please let me have your reactions to the material. I shall be in London during the first two weeks of October .Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our proposal.

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第15篇

Establishing trade relation.建立贸易关系 The following conversation is between , an importer from Britain, and director of Liming Foodstuffs factory. Mr Gatty is visiting the sample room of the factory and Mr Dong is accompanying with him.   Mr Dong: Here is our sample Gatty: You certainly have got a large collection of sample foodstuffs here.   Mr Dong: Yes. We are exporting a wide range of foodstuffs to many countries. And the demand is getting greater and greater.   Mr Gatty: So it is. Though we havent done business with you, as you know, your exports of foodstuffs to our country have considerably increased during the last few years. It appears that Chinese foodstuffs are very attractive.   D:You said it .The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs .By the way ,which items are you interested in ?   G:Canned goods are of special interest to me ,particularly the canned fruit and your canned fruit is among the most popular ones in our market,I'm going to place an order in a day or two .   D:Good .How about our canned meat?G:I think it will also find a good marketing in our you show me some samples?   D: way ,please! Our canned meat is in various weighs .The largest one weighs three and a half pounds net,the smallest seven ounces net.   G: The small sizes are more saleable in our market than the large ones .I've brought with me a sample of canned meat Which is only six ounces .The smallest size of yours is even bigger than that of mine .I wonder if your canned meat tastes better.   D:Your are welcome to have a try .Here it is .Ours is of prime quality .   G:Oh, It's 'm not sure about the pesticide residues in your foodstuffs ,though I'm sure ,you must have given much thought to the you know ,our governmental restrictions have been getting more and more tight,so we are not allowed to import any polluted goods.   D:You can rest assured .Our foodstuffs are guaranteed to conform to WHO standards.   G:'d like to order meat of this kind in seven ounce tins if the price is competitive.   D:What about other canned goods ,such as canned mushrooms and vegetables?   G:They are not as saleable as canned fruit ,I suppose .   D:Mm , no .I really do not think that is so .They are also among our major exports and have found a favourable reception in many other countries.   G:Then ,may I have a look at the samples first ?D:Certainly .Here you are .   G:Ah ,very nice indeed .But I am not sure whether they are to the taste of our people .What would you say to my taking some samples home before I make a decision?   D:That's all right.   G:Well ,I have an appointment at 4: we talk about over tomorrow moning ?   D:Ok ,See you tomorrow .   D:Doodbye!!   Dialogue 1:   A:Would you like to have a see at our showroom,Ms Olive?   B:I Love to.   A:This way,please.   B:Thanks beautiful.   A:Where shall we start?  

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第16篇

J:Good morning. My name is John. I'm from Japan. Here is my business card.

约翰:早上好。我是约,来自日本。这 是我的名片。

W: Good morning. My name is Wang. Take a seat, please.


J: Thank you. I'm here because I admire your company's fame. Your leather shoes have a very high reputation. So, I'm thinking to establish trade relations with you.

约翰:谢谢。我到贵公司是慕名而来。你 们的皮鞋享有很高的声誉。所以我 想和你们建立贸易关系。

W: We are willing to cooperate with you. Our products are of high quality and each product is through strict inspection. Would you like to see our catalogue and samples first?

王:我们很愿意和你们合作。我们的产品确实有很好的质量,并且每一个产品都是经过严格检验的。你要先 看一下我们的产品目录和样本吗?

J: OK. Thank you. Your shoes all seem very beautiful.


W: Of course. Each of our products is elaborate, and they are not only beautiful in design, but also durable in use.

王:那是当然。我们的每一个产品都是 我们精心设计的,他们不仅漂亮而 且还经久耐用。

J: That's great. If the price is reasonable, I'd like to buy some for trial in our market. But I have to consult my manager. Can we discuss the details of purchase tomorrow?

约翰:太好了。如果价钱也合理,我想买 一些在我们的市场上试卖。但是我 必须咨询一下经理。我们能明天详 细讨论一下购买的细节吗?

W: Sure. See you.


J:See you.


外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第17篇



Dialogue 1

Tom: I have a feeling that there are bright prospects for us to cooperate with in this field. I wish to do business with you.

Tom: 我认为你我双方在这方面合作会有良好前景,希望能和你们建立贸易关系。

Lin: It appears we want the same things.

林: 您的愿望和我们完全一致。

Tom: Regarding our financial position, credit standing and trade reputations, please refer to our bank or to our local chamber of commerce.

Tom: 关于我们的财政状况、信用地位和贸易信誉,请向我们的开户银行或我地商会了解。

Lin: Thank you for the information.

林: 谢谢您提供的'信息。

Dialogue 2

Liu: I understand this is your first visit to our company.


Bob: Yes, and my first visit to your country. I've wanted to visit China for a long time and now I'm lucky to have the chance to do so.


Liu: I'm glad to hear that.


Bob: I think you must have some idea of our company. We've been importing arts and crafts for many years. The purpose of my coming here is to do business with you.


Liu: I can assure you of our best intentions and closest cooperation. We're always willing to develop trade with friends from all over the world.


外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第18篇


TO :




Dear 对方联系人名称,

Thank for your inquiry by fax of ________. We are pleased to quote you our best price with our terms as follows:








MEAS: ___cm (L) X ___cm(W) X ___cm(H) FOB PORT PRICE:REMARK:



MEAS: ___cm (L) X ___cm(W) X ___cm(H) FOB PORT PRICE:REMARK:


公司名称 CO., LTD.

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第19篇


Lin: Your desire happens to coincide with ours.

Tom: Regarding our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, please refer to our bank or to our local chamber of commerce.

Lin: Thank you for your information.


Tom: 我感到你我双方这方面合作会有良好前景,希望能和你们建立贸易关系。

林: 您的愿望和我们完全一致。

Tom: 关于我们的财政状况、信用地位和贸易信誉,请向我们的'开户银行或我地商会了解。

林: 谢谢您提供的信息。

外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第20篇


seeing your ad in“family life” we become interested in your silver wares of court styles. please quote us for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed query form and give your prices . shanghai. it would be appreciated if you include your earliest delivery date, terms of payment, and discounts for regular purchases.




we learn from the our embassy that you are producing for export hand-made shoes and gloves in natural leather. there is a steady demand here for high-class goods of this type, especially in unique designs. will you please send us your catalog, export prices and terms of payment, together with any samples you would like to let us examine.




we have a large demand for the supply of 50,000 meters brown serge, whose sample is enclosed to show you the shade and quality we require. please send your samples corresponding to our samples with the most reasonable price . singapore if you can supply within three months from now.




外贸信函建立业务关系范文 第21篇

回复询盘 告知无货

referring to your letter of 5 june, we very much regret that we are unable to make you an offer for the goods you demand. the reason is that the product you need has been out of stock. what’s more our manufacturers have declined orders because of shortage of raw materials.

we shall, however, file your inquiry and cable you our offers as soon as we have got supplies.



回复询盘 ,量大折价

we are pleased to receive your letter of 5 july and enclose our catalogue and price list. also by separate post we are sending you the samples of our products. our catalogue contains items and their specifications of our supplies. through comparing our prices with those of other suppliers, you will appreciate the moderate prices of ours. for a total purchase of not less than 100,000 and not more than 200,000 american dollars, we would allow a discount of 10% and for a purchase larger than 200,000 american dollars, we would allow a 20% special discount.


