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商务英语情景对话范文 第1篇

Paula: Seems colder today, or is it just me?


Maria: Er …I'm not sure.


Paula: Peter should be here soon… There was a very good French film on TV last night. Did you see it?


Maria: No, no I didn't.


Paula: So, are you settling in?


Maria: Yes, fine, thank you.


Paula: That's good. You've got a company flat, haven't you?


Maria: Yes, I'm very lucky.


Paula: Yes, you know they're like gold dust. I tried to get one when I first started working here, but they wouldn't give me one. It's a very odd system because some people have had a company flat for years and they pay peanuts in rent for them.


Maria: Oh, look, there's Mr O'Donnell.


Peter: Sorry I'm late.


Paula: Good. We can order now.


Peter: Still, it's given you girls a chance to get to know each other. What shall we have?


商务英语情景对话范文 第2篇

Paula: Hello, I got a call to say Mr Foss has arrived.


Receptionist: Yes, hes just gone to park his car.


Paula: Thanks… Hello, Maria. How are you?


Maria: Fine, thanks. How are you?


Paula: Fine. Im just waiting to meet Jens Foss. Hes over for a few days to help us on the project.

很好,我正在等着和Jens Foss见面。他来这里几天给我们的项目提供帮助。

Maria: Oh yes, from Copenhagen.


Paula: Thats right. Actually, if youd like to wait a moment, Ill introduce you to him. So,hows the job going?


Maria: Not too bad. Its hard working in English all day.


Paula: I can imagine. Actually, I wanted to ask you something.


Maria: Sure, Whats that?


Paula: I think this may be him. Dont worry about it, we can talk about it later. Mr Foss?


Jens: Yes.


Paula: Hello, my name is Paula Field. I work with Peter to Tectron UK.

你好,我的名字是Paula Field,我与Peter O’Donnell共事。欢迎来到英国Tectron公司。

Jens: Thank you. Nice to meet you.


Paula: Let me introduce you to Maria de Miguel. Shes from our Spanish subsidiary. Maria, this is Jens Foss from Denmark.

让我介绍下Maria de Miguel,她来自西班牙的分公司。Maria,这是Jens Foss,来自丹麦。

Jens:Pleased to meet you.


Maria: And you.


Paula: Jens, would you mind signing in before we go upstairs?


Maria: Well, Id better be going. I hope to see you later.


Jens: OK. Goodbye.


Receptionist: If youd just like to sign here and put your car registration number next to your name, OK?


Paula: So, did you have any trouble finding us?


Jens: No. I was sent a good map.


Paula: Good. So, shall we go up?


商务英语情景对话范文 第3篇

A:Good afternoon!


B:Hi,how are you doing?


A:Fine, thanks. I am Wang Lin.


B:Glad to meet you, Wang Lin. I am Mary.


A:Is this your first time in Beijing?


B:Yes. My company has an office here, and I have just been transferred.


A:Here is my phone number. If you need anyone to show you around ,call me.


B:Great. I would like that.


商务英语情景对话范文 第4篇


航班信息 Flight Information


商务旅行之前,询问航班是第一步。询问航班需要明确:日期、航空公司、航线、里程、票价、折扣等,此外,最好明确是中转航班还是直达,能否转签或退票。Do you have any direct flight to New Zealand?(你们有没有直飞新西兰的航班?)是常用的问法。


A:Hello. This is the ticket reservation department of United World Airlines.


B:Do you have any direct flights to New Zealand?


A:Yes. We do have one on you want a one-way or a round-trip ticket?


one-way ticket单程票 round-trip ticket往返票

B:A round-trip much is the fare for a round trip?


A:USD 850 for the business class and USD 600 for the economy class. Do you want to fly business or economy class?


business class商务舱 economy class经济舱

B:A business ticket, please. How much luggage can I take with me?


A:20 kg.


B:I wonder whether you grant discounts?

我想知道你们有没有折扣?grant discount打折

A:Sure, we grant a 20% discount for the members of United Airlines.


B:How long does the flight take?


A:About II hours.


B:Let me count... Ok, it works out for my time a lot.


A:You are welcome.



What flights do you have from Los Angeles to Shanghai tomorrow?


Do you have any direct flights to Beijing?


Do you fly to Shanghai on Sunday?


I'd like to have an economy ticket.


When can I come to collect tickets?


I'd like a moming flight.


I'd prefer a night coach.


What is the departure time of the moming flight?


What time am I supposed to check in?



date 日期

airline 航空公司

route 航线

mileage 里程

ticket price 票价

discount 折扣

transit 中转航班

turn sign转签

return a ticket 退票

air hostess,stewardess 空中小姐

flight schedule 航班时间表

luggage compartment 行李舱

baggage claim area 行李认领处

departure time 起飞时间

arrival time 到达时间

boarding check 登机牌

Airline company 航空公司



何时登机 Boarding Time


商务旅行时,乘坐交通工具时应赶早不晚。乘坐飞机时,国际惯例是提前半小时到一个小时办理登机手续,起飞前半小时停止登机,国内提前一个小时办理登机手续,起飞前半小时停止登机。但有时遇到特殊情况,可能会有所变动,所以建议提前打电话询问机场并务必准备好护照或身份证。询问登记时间可用:What time do I have to be at the gate?(我什么时候到登机口?)


A:May I help you?


B:Yes, I want to check in. Here is my ticket and passport.


A:Please put your baggage on the scale.


B: still have one shoulder bag. May I carry it with me on board?


A:Of course, you can.


B:Where is the boarding gate for this flight?


A:It's Gate 5.


B:What time do I have to be at the gate?


A:You may board now. Here is your boarding pass.


boarding pass 登机牌

B:Thank you very much.



May I havE your ticket and passport, please?


Excuse me,which boarding gate do I go to?


Which gatE should I board the plane?



excess weight 超重

scale 称:标度,刻度

baggage tag 行李标签

excess baggage charge 超额行李费



转机问题 Transferring Flights




A:Excuse me. Do you need a Disembarkation Card and Customs Declaration Form?


B:I'm not sure. What are they for?


A:Well,if you're staying in Germany, you'll need to fill out the forms to enter the country. If you are a transit passenger,you don't need them.


B:I'm getting on a connecting tlight to Berlin at Franldurt Airport.

我是要在法兰克福机场搭机去柏林。connecting flight中转飞行

A:Then you'll need to clear immigration and customs at Frankfurt.



Transit passengesare required to disembark.


I am transferring in Kuala Lumpur.


Do I have to claim and transfer my baggage?


There’re only forty minutes left for your connecting flight,


And how long do I have to stay in Tokyo for the connecting flight?


Where should I transfer for Beijing?



Disembarkation Card 入关登记卡

Refused entry 拒绝入境

International Airport 国际机场

domestic airport 国内机场

Airport Terminal机场候机楼

International Terminal 国际候机楼

International Departure 国际航班出港

Domestic Departure 国内航班出站

exit; out; way out 出口

Departure Lounge 候机室

gate;departure gate 登机口

Customs Declaration Form 海关申报表

arrivals 进站(迸港、到达)

departures 出站(出港、离开)

由于天气或机械故障(mechanical failure)等原因,难免出现航班延误的情况,这是最考验忍耐力的时刻。你可以这样


航班延误 Flight Delays


由于天气或机械故障(mechanical failure)等原因,难免出现航班延误的情况,这是最考验忍耐力的时刻。你可以这样询问:How long will the flight be delayed?(班机延误多长时间?)但因为气候引起的航班延误通常除了等待别无他法。


A:Excuse me, May I help you?


B: the Flight FB12 from Shanghai arrived?


A:No flight was delayed due to the heavy rain.

还没有,因为大雨,所以航班延误了。due to因为

B:How long will-the flight be delaryed?


A:A hour.


B:Thank you.



Will the flight be canceled?


Is the plane on time?


What's the cause of the delay?


How long will the flight be delayed?


晕机在飞行途中是一种常见的状况,这时你最好闭上眼睛,做深呼吸,实在不行就只好求助于空乘人员(Airline service


晕机 Airsickness


晕机在飞行途中是一种常见的状况,这时你最好闭上眼睛,做深呼吸,实在不行就只好求助于空乘人员(Airline service)了。


A:You'd better fasten your seatbelt, it is time to take off.


B:Thank you.


A:This is your first trip abroad, right?


B:Yes,I feel a bit 's very bumpy, isn't it?


A:Yes,a you get air-sick?


B:Yes, a give me a few tablets for air-sickness.


A:Ok, here you are.


B:Thank you very much.



Will you give me some pills for motion sickness?


May I have a sick bag?


I don't feel very well.


May I have a cup of water?




在入境室 At the Immigration Office


出国公干或旅游时,一旦抵达目的地的机场,首先便是办理入境手续(immigration)o除了检查护照、签证是否有效,机场的官员通常会询问你入境的目的和停留的期限。你只需简要地回答清楚,如for business,sightseeing或to attend an intemational seminar.即可顺利通过入境检查。


A:May I see your entry card and passport,please?


entry card入境卡 passport护照

B:Certainly. Here you are.


A:What's the purpose of your visit?




A:I long are you going to stay?


B:For about three weeks.


A:Can I see your Health Declaration Form and Quarantine Certificate?Everything is ok. You may go through customs now.



Passport,flight ticket and Disembarkation Card,please.


I'm going to stay here for a week as a tourist.


Do you have a return ticket?


May I have a look at your passport and visa,please?



waiting room 候机室

departure lobby 走廊

air ticket 飞机票

nationality 国籍

registered domicile 籍贯

ticket counter 售票处

customs officer 海关人员

passenger inspection 旅客检查

Health Declaration Form 健康卡

Quarantine Cerdtjficate 检疫证



应对海关检查 Please Declare Customs


依照国际惯例,各国海关为防止、武器的入境,在过关时皆会要求乘客将携带的物品申报(declare)。如果所携带的物品需要报税时,在飞机上要先填好申报卡。如果是比较贵重的礼物,只需要填上personal belongings即可。一般而言,海关官员的问题较为固定,若能提前准备,即可轻松应对。


A:Your customs declaration card, please.


B:Here it is.


A:Do you have anying to declare?


B:I don't think so,I have only personal belongings.


A:Please open your bags.


B:All right. There you are.


A:You have two digital they Jaqpanese cameras?


B:Yes, they are.


A:Since they are both of the same mark, only one camera is exempted from 'll have to pay the customs duty on the second take your card and pay the cashier.

因为它们是同一牌子,所以只能一部相机可以申报免税。你必须付第二部相机的关税。请拿你的申报卡向出纳员付款。be exempted from tax 免税 customs duty 关税


There are my personal belongings.


Have you got any cigarettes and liquor with you?


I have nothing but personal belongings.


The camera is exempted from tax.



Yen 日币

HK dollar 港元

Pound 英镑


Euro 欧元

Ruble 卢布

商务英语情景对话范文 第5篇

A: So that concludes the introduction. Now let's move to the first part of my talk, which is about2006 fiscal year marketing plan. So first, right off the bat, When looking at the marketingplan, tell me some of the goals that we had set this year to begin with....

B: We wanted to appeal to a younger set of consumers and also, in line with that goal, redo ourimage....

A: That's correct. If you remember, we also set a goal to double distribution in overseasmarkets. Now, when looking at the data to evaluate whether or not we made our goals, thereare three things to consider. First, the original condition of the market, second, our marketingnumbers from the previous year, and third, our final sales figures for this year. Now I want todescribe for you the second and third parts. If you look at the overhead, you'll see agraph...The blue line represents our sales from the year 2005, the red line is the sales in2006.... As you can see, our sales in 2005 were quite slow to start off with, but managed tomake decent performance in the last part of the year. On the other hand, you can see thisyear's sales took off like a rocket.

商务英语情景对话范文 第6篇

A: For our lunch meeting with the investors, do we have to make a reservation at the restaurant or do we just show up?

B: Usually for lunch, we don't have to reserve a table, they should allow walk-ins. But to be on the safe side, I'll order a table for half-past twelve. Will that suit your schedule?

A: I've arranged to meet them at the restaurant at twelve. Can you make the reservation a little earlier? If we start earlier, it will give us more time for a longer lunch.

B: Are you planning on treating the investors to a full-course meal?

A: Yes, we'll start with appetizers, follow with a soup and salad course, then main dishes of prime rib or cordon bleu chicken, and finish up with a delicious rich dessert of some sort.

B: That'll be pretty heavy for a mid-day meal, don't you think?

A: As along as we stay away from anything alcoholic, we should be okay.

B: With your prime rib and chicken choices, you'd better hope nobody's vegetarian.

A: We can make some special arrangement if we need to. After all, it's the company who is footing the bill.











商务英语情景对话范文 第7篇

had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor''s office of the Embassy of the People''s Republic of China in……, we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some Practical transactions.


2. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances.


3. Your name has been recommended to us by the Chinese Consul stationed in your city as large exporters of …… goods produced in ……


4. From ……, we have obtained your name and address and understand that you are experienced importers of …… We have pleasure in offering you …… of which we would appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.


5. We learn from …… that your firm specializes in ……, and would like to establish business relationship with you.


6. Through the courtesy of…… we have learned that you are one of the representative importers of ……


7. Your name and address has been given to us by Messrs. J. Smith & Co., Inc., in New York, who have informed us that your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.


9. The…… Bank in your city has been kind enough to inform us that you are one of the leading importers (exporters) of …… and are interested in trading with China in these lines ……


10. We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese ……,which comes within the frame of our business activities.


11. Through your trade delegation that recently paid a visit to this country, we learned that you are well-established importers of …… and are writing to you in the hope of receiving your orders from time to time.


12. We are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us.


13. We have the Pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.


14. We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.


15. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in Light Industrial Goods.


16. As you may be well aware, we are a state-operated corporation handling such items as …… in both import and export business


is a quality product.


overcoats are of good quality and nice colour.


quartz technique is well known in the world, and we believe our watches are of fine quality.


price is a little bit higher, but the quality of our products is better.


goods are superior in quality compared with those of other manufacturers.


equipment are of good quality and very useful.


products are very good in quality, and the price is low.


have received the goods you send us, the quality is excellent.


've received the sample which you sent us last Sunday.


've got here our sales samples Type 1. and Type 2.


quality is based solely on our sales samples.


sell goods as per the sales sample, not the quality of any previous supplies.


know we sell our tea according to our samples.


can see the difference between these grades.


two grades are very much in demand.


are in urgent need of these two grades.


colour of the shipment is much darker than that of your previous consignment.


doubt you've received the outturn samples of the inferior quality goods.


must advise you of the specifications of the goods.


you received the specifications as shown in our catalog?


quality is all right, but the style is a bit outdated.


found the goods didn't agree with the original patterns.


“Double Fish” brand is not so bad, the design is fresh and vivid.


new varieties have very vivid designs and beautiful colors.


're here to discuss the trade marks of your products.


'm looking for insurance from your company.


. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the People' Insurance Company of China.


loading the goods on board the hip, I go to the insurance company to have them insured.


should I go and have the tea insured?


right. Let's leave insurance now.


have come to explain that unfortunate affair about the insurance.


must say that you've corrected my ideas about the insurance.


information office provides clients with information on cargo insurance.


underwriters are responsible for the claim as far as it is within the scope of cover.


商务英语情景对话范文 第8篇

Betty:Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking.


Ralph:Hello, Ms Fields. This is Ralph Peterson at World Computers.


Betty:Yes, how may I help you?


Ralph:I'm interested in a couple of items in your new catalog, and I would like to know the prices.


Betty:Great. We're offering a special promotional price on a few of the items. Which items did you have in mind?


Ralph:We're particularly interested in your new RS-five sound card shown on page five of your catalog. I would also like more details about the model RS-four card on page seven.

拉夫:我们特别中意你们目录第五页里的新型RS-5 的声卡。我还想知道更多关于第七页里RS-4 型声卡的细节。

Betty:OK. The price on the RS-five is forty-five . dollars for quantities up to five hundred units. Then we offer quantity discounts for larger orders.

贝蒂:好的。数量有达到五百片的话,RS-5 的价格是四十五美元。大量定购的话我们还有折扣。

Ralph:And the price on the RS-four?

拉夫:那RS-4 的价格呢?

Betty:The RS-four is one of our promotional items this month. For orders received by the end of the month, the price is thirty-three dollars each. That price is good on any size order.

贝蒂:RS-4 是我们本月的促销产品之一,本月底前接到订单的话,单价是三十三美元。不管定单数量多少都是这个价格。

Ralph:That price sounds good. Could you send me more details about the RS-four, including the specifications?

拉夫:这个价格听起来不错。你可以寄给我更详细的RS-4 型的资料和说明书吗?

Betty:Certainly. I can fax or E-mail that information to you this afternoon.


Ralph:Terrific. I'll get back to you after I've reviewed the details. Thank you. Good-bye.


商务英语情景对话范文 第9篇

A: How long will it take for our order to be delivered?

B: Let's see. You are importing fifty containers of textiles from China. They should be able to place your order before the end of next week. It will take 2 days for shipping to the port city of Ningbo. The freight will take 3 weeks on the open ocean and will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today. Domestic shipping will be your responsibility, you can make arrangements with the pier in Los Angeles.

A: Fine, we will handle domestic shipping,but what about customs? Will we have to pay tariff on our imports? I hope we don't run into any problems with the border control.

B: No, the Chinese company has that all worked out. With the paperwork you receive with the shipment,you should be good to go.





freight:goods that are transported by ships, planes, trains or lorries/trucks; the system of transporting goods in this way (海运、空运或陆运的)货物;货运

to send goods by air freight 空运货物

a freight business 货运公司

passenger and freight transportation services 客货运业务

tariff:a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country 关税

work sth out:to find the answer to something; to solve something 找到…的答案;处理;解决

to work out a problem/puzzle/code 解决问题;弄清疑团;破译密码

Can you work out what these squiggles mean? 你能辨认出这些潦草的字迹是什么意思吗?

I couldn't work out where the music was coming from. 我弄不清这音乐是从哪里传来的。


商务英语情景对话范文 第10篇

M: Please let me see the draft of what you have put together for Monday's meeting.

F: I'm still working on the agenda, there will be a lot to go over on Monday. Here's what I'vegot so far.

M: Do you think we will spend more than twenty minutes in the opening? I think it should bepretty simple.

F: It shouldn't take too long, but there will be a lot of dignitaries at the meeting. In theopening exercises, it is protocol to spend a little time to recoginise them. I reckon it shouldtake about half an hour before we can even get to the minutes.

M: Really? Well, at least the minutes shouldn't take too long to review. There shouldn't be a lotof active business left over from last meeting.

F: True. After review and acceptance of the minutes, we have several committee reports. Oldbusiness won't take up too much time, but sometimes the committee delegates can be a littleverbose… Is there where we can limit their time?

M: We can set a five minute report time with a three minute question and answer afterwards.

F: That's not good. Q&A always stretch out the time, because people usually get stuck onsome irrelevent point, we'll lose control of the meeting if we open it up to questions too early.

M: True. Well, imposing an eight minute limit on the committee reports then, we'll saveQ&A until right before closed session.

F: Sounds good. Overall, we can probably keep the meeting under two hours.

M: Let's hope!

商务英语情景对话范文 第11篇

Business Negotiation

A: The seller Miss su representingKai ya Chocolate Manufacturing

B: The buyer representing zhong shang : Good morning, to meet : Good morning, Miss ’s very nice to see you in : How are things going?

B: Everything is : So, what’s the topic of today’s meeting?

B: Ok, after the last talk, we appreciate you price very let’s talk about the terms of you accept D/P? I hope it will be acceptable to : The terms of payment we usually adopt are sight L/: But I think it would be beneficial to both of us to adopt more flexible payment terms such as D/P : Payment by L/C is our usual practice of doing business with all customers for such ’m sorry we can’t accept D/P : As for regular orders in future, couldn’t you agree to D/P?

A: several smooth transactions, we can try D/P : Well, as for shipment, the soon the : Yes, shipment is to be made in April, not allowing partial : can you make it earlier? May be in March, our customer is eager for : All me have a check, oh!There are some steam vessels available to your port, so we can make it in : Good!By the way, when can I expect to sign the S/C?

A: , would it be convenient for you to come again tomorrow ’ll get the S/C ready tomorrow for your : That’s you : See you and thanks for coming, .

商务英语情景对话范文 第12篇

In the restaurant

Useful sentences

you for preparing such a wonderful dinner especially for us.

help yourself,and make yourself at home.

about some plain chicken are local special.

'd like to try some fire potato with noodles.

want a seat by the window.

is the special food of the restaurant?

make it two.

not try our chopsticks? It will be fine.

me the bill ,please.

our all drink a toast for the sucess of negotiation and our furhter corporation

you all business.

Fashion conversation

Conversation 1

A:I'd like to invite you to dinner tonight,do you think have time?

B:Thank you for your 'm free tonight.

A:Which kind of food do you like,chinese food,western foodo or sea food?

B:I prefer sea food.

A:'ll pick up your hotel at 6:30pm.

B:That's 'll be waiting for you.

A:See you later.


Conversation 2

A:what would you have for dessert?

B:well,what do you have?

A:cakes,fruits and ice cream

B:Give me ice cream and cake.

C:I will have cake and fruits

A: which would you liket to drink,coffee or tea?

B:I prefer tea.

C:I want coffee.

B:thank you.

A:thank you,please wait a minute.

B:Waiter,give me the bill,please.

A:32 dollars,sir.

B:Here's 35,keep the change.

A:Thank you very much see,please come agian.

C:It's a nice restaurant,thank you for the dinner.

B:You are welcome.

Conversation 3

A:Good evening, can I do for you?

B:Godd evening,would you please offer table far from the entrance for us?

A:Yes,of way you ready to order,sir?

B:What's the special here?

A:We have @ chicken,@ @, @ @ and so 's the would yo like to


B:'s try some @ @,sweet salmon fish and some fried beans.

B:Would you like anything to drink?

A:Just some soft drink,only a bottle of beer,please

B:Ok,wait a moment,please.

A: taste 's set the bill.

C:'s go dutch .

A:No,it's on me this time.

C:You are alwasy so hospitable.

Conversation 4

A:Here are the menu and wine list.

B:What would you like to drink ,Mr Fu?

C:I'd like to try German beer.

B:Brings two bottles of German beer.

A:Ok, about something to eat?

B:What's the special food in the restaurant?

A:We have special beef steak, pork, chicken and fish.

B:I like beef steak,make it two.

A:How would yo like to have it? rare,medium or overdone

B:I want medium.

C:Me too.

Conversation 5

A:Good afternoon, I help you?

B:I booked a table yesterday.

A:What's your name,please?


A:A minute,please.

A:Yes,this way I take your order?

B:What would you like,Ms Tom?

C:'ll take this and this.

B:I'd like steak and some @ @ ,may I see the wine list,please?

A:Here you are.

B:A bottle of red wine one,please.

A:Anything else?

B:No,thank 's all.

C:Delicious,this restaunrant is fantastic,thank you very much.

B:My .


B:Do you accept credit cards?

A:sorry,we only accept is 135$ you want at all.

B:Here you are.

Conversation 6

A:Welcome to China,Mr Green.

B:Thank you so have been expecting to come to China.

A:I'm very glad you say have prepared typical chinese dinner this evening.

B:Oh,you needn't do that.

A:My pleasure.

商务英语情景对话范文 第13篇

Dialogue 1

A:I have been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already, what time is the meeting start? where is anyone anyway?

B:Didn't you hear about that, our meeting was postponed until Friday.

A: What? the meeting was postponed? No one told me anything about it.

B: Did you get the memo?

A: What memo? They havn't any memo this whole week, I check my inbox every I havn't seen anything.

B: The memo went out 3 days ago. It should have made to your inbox, but maybe lost in all collectors on your desk.

A: You know how things get pilot about my desk when I'm busy. I know sometimes I do many please things,but I always read all the memos go arround, they go directly to my inbox. Are you sure were send to whole office?

B: It should have got arround to every body, they also post a copy of the memo in the break room. Don't you ever look at meassages post on the bulletin board?

A: I'm usually too busy to take a bunch of cofee break by the watercooler, Anyway, I'm sure the memo never get to my inbox, I'll have to talk our secretary about it.

B. That's right, You will never know what your missing out of it if you don't read the memos.

Dialogue 2

A: Ms. Dorsen, I need to take a dictation for me,

B: Yes, sir;

A: They should go out intra office memorandum to all employee by this afternoon, are you ready?

B: Yes, sir, Go ahead.

A: Attention all staff:effective immediately, all office communication are restricted to email correspondance as official memos, the use of instance message porgram by employee during work hour are strictly prohibited.

B: Sir, Does this apply to intra office communication only or relate also restrict external communications?

A: It should apply to all communications. Not only in this office between employees, but also any outside communciations.

B: But sir, many employees use instance messaging to communcate with clients.

A: This were just have to change the communication methods, I don't want any one use instance messaging in this office, it waste too much time. Now, please, continue the memos. Where were we?

B: This apply to internal and external communications.

A: Yes, any employee who persist using instance messaging, will first recieve a warning, and placed on prohibition, and the second sense, the employment will be termination. Any question regarding this new policy maybe dirctly to the department of his.

B: Is that all?

A: Yes, please give this memo type out and distribute to all employees before 4:00 PM.


商务英语情景对话范文 第14篇

Dialogue one

M: Can you have the briefs from the Anderson firm's lawyer on my desk by tomorrow morning. There are quite a few very time sensitive matters with this case. I'm afraid I can't wait any longer.

F: Getting those Anderson briefs has been harder than you can imagine. I have tried to contact their lawyer many times. But every time I call, his secretary says he’s in a meeting or out of the office or away on business. I am beginning to think he is trying to avoid me.

M: That's highly possible. He knows if we miss our filing deadline, we don’t stand a chance to compete against them for the bid. Try to get a hold of him again. Give him a call and see if he can fax them first thing.

F: What if I can't speak to him directly?

M: Ask his secretary to fax them. Its the same thing. Have them faxed over with a copy also faxed to Martin’s office.

F: How do I find Martin’s fax number? Is he in your rollerdesk?

M: No, but you can also call their office and ask the secretary to give you their fax number. I’ll email you their office number later today.

F: Ok, I'll get on it first thing.

M: Be sure you do, I need those briefs ASAP

Dialogue two

M:Did you put this morning's faxes on my desk?I'm waiting for some urgent faxes from headquaters,I'm pretty sure they came in last night.

F:Evething that came in the office fax machine last night is all on your desk,but I noticed that some of faxes came through pretty blurred,maybe you take a look at them,if the copy is unreadble,I'll call then and ask them to refax.

M:Yeah,you're going to have to call them and get them to be refax. These copies are so dark. I can't make out any of the words.

F:What about that one?

M:This one?This one is so light and I can barely read it. How can that be?

F:You know, I think the fax machine is out of toner. I can change the toner cartridge. That should solve the problem.

M:Yes,but this one will have to be refaxed as well. And look, there's about 3 pages missing. It looks like the fax machine ate half of my important faxes,and ones that made it through are so blurred or too light. They are unreadable.

F:I guess the fax machine is out of paper too. Don't worry,I'll have someone look at it this afternoon,and in the meantime,I'll have your documents refaxed to our other fax machine.
