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My Mother英语作文优秀3篇

妈妈是一阵和煦的风,为我吹去朔雪纷飞,带来春光无限。下面是帅气的高考家长帮网小编为您带来的My Mother英语作文优秀3篇,希望能够对小伙伴们的写作有一点启发。

My mother英语作文带翻译 篇一


My mother cares about the basic necessities of life, now she is in my every thing, although as a child told repeatedly, but don't forget to help me prepare, whenever I meet what the emergency situation, she always take care of me.


I remember one afternoon when I suddenly had a fever and it was burning very hard. Mother heard of this, and quickly put down the work, rushed over and sent me to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, my mother kept asking me, "how do you feel?" Is your body better?" There was an anxious look in her eyes, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. There was a warm surge in my mind, and I said, "I feel much better now."。"


The hospital arrived soon, and my mother placed me on the chair next to me and hurried to register. There were so many people waiting in front that the mother kept asking the person in front to let her know, and eventually she would get through the procedure. Then rushed to take me to the doctor's office. The doctor told me she. I hit Diaozhen, my mother standing beside me, from time to time to ask me how I feel, do not ache, not to drink water.。.。.。 So, until the night, and hit a bottle, my body was restored.


In this matter, mother's great and selfless love has been fully reflected, it makes me feel in the world the most warm family and love, and realized a warm affection. It makes me feel that the person I trust and trust most in the world is my mother.

My mother英语作文带翻译 篇二

在我记忆的心扉中,妈妈很少笑,但是我印象最深的有很多,妈妈笑的那么温柔。 我这次期中考试语文90,数学95,总之比以前好多了。

In the heart of my memory, my mother seldom smiles, but I am most impressed by many, my mother smiles so gently. My mid-term examination of Chinese 90, mathematics 95, in a word, much better than before.

我把成绩单拿回家的时候妈妈笑了我知道妈妈的笑容是高兴的,还说:“我们的女儿这么聪明,长大了一定有出息。”吃饭的时候妈妈还忙着帮盛饭。 妈妈的笑了,真的笑了。

When I took my report card home, my mother smiled. I knew that my mother's smile was happy, and said, "our daughter is so smart, and she will be promising when she grows up." Mom is still busy helping with the dinner. Mom smiled. She did.

My mother英语作文带翻译 篇三

Our mother is the one who gives birth to us, she is patient and kind。 When we are making mistakes, our father will be angry and beat us, but mother does the other way, she talks to our father, letting him pace and forgives for what we do。 Mother’s love is so tender, we grow up with it。 When Mothers’ Day comes, we should show our love to her。
