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双城记英文读后感 篇一

The tale of two cities is a historical story, one of Dickens’ long fictions.The background to the novel is the revolution of France 。It portrayed a brutal and bloody story , but it also contained love and friendship.

In the novel, Dickens sarcastically described a typical cruel nobleman-marquis of Evermonde 。 When he was young he and his brother stole a countrywoman by force and killed her family 。What’s worse , he used his power to imprison Dr Manette , a kind and honest man who knew all the things they had done and wanted to disclose their crimes 。 In order to hide their crimes. Marquis of Evermonde and his brother threw Doctor Manette into prison for 18 years 。 During these 18 years,Doctor Manette lost his freedom and suffer a great in spirit 。

I felt unthinkable that Marquis of Evermonde and his brother killed people just as easily as they killed chickens. They deprived other people’s freedom as they liked and they thought it was normal and unremarkable. They had never realized that they had done something wrong or something improper. Because their nature was cruel and evil, like demons. There is an old saying which means: People who mit too many crimes will kill themselves. After all, there is justice in the world. The demons can’t be rampant forever. Because the world will not forgive them. They will pay their lives for their crimes. Let’s see the consequence of the Marquis,He lay there like a stone with a knife pushed into his heart.” I think it was just what he ought to gain and it is a real exciting scene.

The Marquis’ death was just the beginning of people’s resistance to the nobleman. Gradually more and more people joined in the revolution. One after another nobleman were sentenced to death and their heads were cut down 。 However, some innocent people were implicated in the revolution. Charles Darney was one of them He was the nephew of Marquis of Evermonde. To the opposite of his uncle, Darney was a kind and independent young man.

Dickens spoke highly of kindness mercy and love in the novel too. This is the other thone of the novel when Doctor Manette was released from prison. It was his daughter Lucie who took care of him and helped him return to normal. During this time, Dr manette and Lucie knew Charles Darney and Sydeny Carton, the two young man fell in love with Lucie at the same time 。 At last, Lucie married Chares Darney 。Dr Manette accepted Darney as his son-in-law although he knew that Darney was the nephew of the man who threw him into prison for18 years. This is the love between father and daughter. And Sydeny Carton , the very great man ,loved Lucie deeply. He promised Lucie that he would do everything for her happiness. He did it truely ,he sacrificed himself instead of Darney who looked the same as him. This is love for lovers 。 This is the most wonderful thing in the world. It also reminds us that no matter how no matter when there is true love existing. At the end , Lucie, Dr Manette and Darney arrived in England safely.

The tale of two cities is different from other historical fictions. Its characters and main plots are fictional under the real background of the revolution of France. The author made the experience of the fictional charactor Dr Manette as the main clue.The plots are plicated, and they are flexuous and dramatic. The structure is plete and rigorous.

Dickens had dear love and hate. He praised those who ought to be praised and attacked those who ought to be attacked. The motivation of the novel maybe just warn the English dominators. But I think we can learn something meaningful from the tale of two cities.

英文版双城记的读后感 篇二

I wrote this after reading this literature, it was so wonderful that I could not restrain my excitement. In particular, when reading the last two or three chapters, the hazy, misty plots slowly seem to have been cleared by the light of the first sunlight and the fog of the fog. No wonder the author, Charles Dickens, said that he was "deeply moved and excited" by the novel and longed to play Sidney carton on the stage himself. Sidney, in my opinion, caton is indeed a can let a person "deeply moved, very excited, though, I began to he didn't play very interested, just a wild gentleman; The scene of the last brother and sister heading off to the guillotine really made me cry. In particular, the final message, which includes the ending of the novel, reveals the character of Sidney carton and the goodness of human nature. "What I've done is the best and the best thing I've ever done. What I am about to receive will be the most peaceful and peaceful rest of my life. It's really a tear-jerker.

First, a little personal opinion about the characters.

The first one is jarvis lorry. From the back, he was a dedicated banker who was extremely loyal to the bank and to his friend Alexander manette. He has been at the bank for at least a few decades, and from the author's witty description of "the various dark cabinets in tellson's bank, some elderly old men are working hard. When tellson's, hired a young man in London, they always hide he has been in the old, like a piece of cheese hid him in a dark corner, until he was with complete sets of tellson flavour, full of stains or mold." And you can see that. All that matters to him is the care and help of his old friends. I remember writing in the article that he could put aside his work for an old friend. And the morbidity of her father after lucie's marriage made Mr. Lorry very uneasy: "Mr. Lorry's life was as good as ever, and his hopes grew dim, and his mood increased." "And Mr. Lorry, exhausted by his anxious day and night, fell asleep on duty." "But then he suddenly began to suspect that he was still dreaming." It was to the extent of exhaustion that he could see how deep his friendship was with his friends. And, finally, if it were not for lowry, for they are prepared to travel relatively comfortable through the acceptance, with light behind a terrified woman, a man who fainted, a small child, a delirious elderly, again how also escape not escape from the so-called "people" clutches.

One more figure is Lucy. Her own appearance has already determined that she is a compassionate and weak and strong woman. For her father, who had been imprisoned for eighteen years, she helped him through difficult times with her love. First back to her father to help him out of the bondage of the body, for the father of the deep into his mind is not on a regular basis the suffering of the memory, only she can the fastest, the most gentle comfort living father's uncertain heart, this is a helpless old friends lowry. There is to testify in court, she fairly with affection, "in the face of such compassion, so moving youth and beauty, at this time the mood of the defendant, than face all the people watching more uncomfortable." And so on, and so forth; When she finally kissed her husband, she stuck to it, as strong as anyone who faced tragedy. She was still a bit of a backer, but she was the embodiment of love.

She said that her father had to be mentioned. Alexander manette's life is worth considering, how much injustice, how much experience, how much trauma, all make us think. After being cared for by his daughter, he was equally able to give back to his daughter. He finally showed the story of a father who cared about his daughter with love. Likewise, I think he has his great misfortune. It, life is very rough, and eventually to really bring happiness for the daughter, relapse, full house for his work, is at this time, he felt old and helpless. One tragedy leads to another.

For darnay, the man, in general, pursued his mother's philosophy and "set off a series of events" (which is not a repudiation of him)。 He was also a kind man, and because of this he went back to his family and he was in trouble. This is also the result of a complex set of causes.

One of the most legendary and tearful is Sidney carton. The appearance of "always looking at the ceiling" shows his dissolute, and later we find out that he is really an annihilated talent, who is unable to dissolve into the society at that time. Inner feelings also very noble, is ultimately fulfilled the rival in love (let's just say so, but they haven't think they really like the story of the relationship between the bucket over, well, here also see his calm, may be installed? If it is, it means he has a lot of talent. That's an admirable person. He didn't care what he did when he escaped, but he was the only one who knew what to do and what not to do. The death of darnay and his wife, in memory of his death is a matter of god! Finally he met in his sister's, on the execution ground, comfort, encouragement, his sister, is a look at all the detachment of life, the novel also wrote "that night, the city of Paris about him, say on the calendar year, Laura pavilion the most calm. Many also say that he has a holy face, like a prophet's prophet. The character of the book is very exciting, such as in going to jail for up to jailbreak before and after Mr Lowry confessed, "caton into the yard, there alone for a moment, looked up at her house lights. He blessed him softly and said, 'goodbye forever,' and vanished into the darkness. While I was reading this, I was vaguely aware that something was wrong, but I could not think of anything that would change because of the fact that he had told him to wait for him. This sentence is a little sad, want to make a person cry but not let a person cry out of taste. This is the description of carton's heart, beneath the surface of the light, the heart of a man who is devoted to the love of others.

The villain, especially madame Defarge, can be said to be an old man of revenge under the guise of the people. Her most common movement was knitting, without saying a word, but everything was in her heart, and she remembered it on her knitting. People like this have a feeling of fear of her, a cold, unhuman embodiment. The Jacques three around them, the vengeful woman, and so on, were all in a state of confusion, only to feel the pleasure of cutting off the heads of others. They did not, at all, have the same kind of consciousness as madame DE senor, but the desecration of life, from their messy appearance and corrupt manners. He wanted to overthrow the king, but there was a certain amount of affection for the old master he had served before. His wife said to her, her husband, "honest want to save the doctor a" visible, hair, still can hardly is neutral, but it forced him to host a begin, he is living in the contradiction, may be affected by his revenge heart strong wife.

Suspense, the novel is full, it is the more see more understand, like a stream seriatim together, finally became a great river pentium, make a person more see more exciting, more want to see. For example, the most prominent is the second chapter 6 "hundreds of people" and chapter 7, "marquis master in the city" has nothing to do, if the chapter 7, alone can also be a novel. Until later see that he is to reach in life, then saw Lucy, then saw his relationship to the old physician, and finally with the doctor's letter, complex relationships take in everything in a glance, to expound characters relations, has a good supporting role. Undoubtedly, the last two chapters are the climax, the most exciting part. The last brother and sister were more than I had imagined, and the author's arrangement clearly highlighted carton, who was a symbol of justice. Now, calm down and think about why all the siblings are locked inside. I think the most fundamental reason is that this revolution in the author's eye itself is chaotic, there is no human rights, crazy people just follow their own will, that ultimately leads to tragedy.

After all, this work is a good and evil confrontation, the victory of good, an exciting end. Let us ponder whether the revenge is worth doing, but the revenge of madame DE sendai is not made in a day, in response to the dead brother, sister, and father; It is the brand of class struggle that inevitably forms the concept of revenge and makes her cold character. At the end of the day, there is a certain responsibility for all aspects, and the social environment is an inseparable factor.

Generally speaking, this is a very good novel.

双城记英文读后感 篇三

This winter vacation I read the works of dickens, the following is my feeling.

The story goes that the marquis of evremonde raped the peasant woman, and her brother knew it, and he fought with the marquis and failed. And he was badly hurt. Perhaps the marquis did not want to make a big deal of it. Just a doctor, and this is another important character, Dr. Manette. And the poor Dr Manette was sent to the bastille by the marquis for his knowledge of the matter. Eighteen years later, its time to meet again.。.

I see a lot of different people in the story. Honest good horse knight doctor, sweet Lucy, elegant and noble, Charles loyal lowry, appearance indifference, inner passion, wild and selfless lofty Sidney, distorted humanitys hair day, Mrs Miss generous loyalty prologis, cruel and wicked fremont brothers el.。.

This Charles was a nephew of the marquis of esremonde, but he did not accept the title and left France for England. He became a French teacher by himself in London.

There was also a man named Sidney carton, who looked at the ceiling from the beginning of the court, but one of his notes debunked the plaintiffs plot. It was easy for him to give the impression of slovenliness, depression, and greed, but he changed his clothes with Charles in an emergency, through a jailer, to Charless prison. Consequences, Charles was sent out of the French, but were guillotined caton, he said a words: before death is what I do now I have done the best, the most good things in life; What I am about to receive is the quietest and most peaceful rest of my life.

After the revolution, the revolutionaries are lost reason, killing innocent people, and in order to save Charles former servant, stand and walk, came to France, but the results were revolutionaries to escape the identity to shut up, Lucy and her father horse knight doctor hurriedly rushed to France, because of his off in the bastille for eighteen years, be called a hero, his son-in-law and privileged ─ Charles provides a good condition. But she was the sister of the brother and sister, and she had always hated the marquis of evremonde. Charles was also the nephew of the marquis of evremonde, so she tried her best to make the most of Charles. But in the end he died in his own gun.

The novel ended with a "happy reunion," but my heart was filled with bitterness when I read that carton was replacing Charles on the execution grounds for Lucy.

双城记英文读后感 篇四

A Love and Hate in A Tale of Two Cities Many have grown fond of the tale involving the noble, former Fr ench aristocrat, who had virtually unmatched (except maybe in boo ks) good fortune. First, his life was saved by the pitiful testimony of a beautiful young woman. Anyone would gladly have married th is beautiful too-good-to-be-true-woman he wedded. It is later seen, however, that this man should have married her even if she were u gly as sin. This was not the case though, and he married a beautif ul woman, who had an admirer who was a dead ringer for her hus band, was a loser, and would give his life to keep her from pain, all of which really es in handy when her hubby is on his way to the guillotine. This is not the story of a man with multiple gua rdian angels, but rather that of a character in Charles Dickens' nove l A Tale of Two Cities. A skeptic could easily see this as an unbe lievable, idealistic and overrated novel that is too far-fetched. An u nbiased reader, however, can seethat this is a story of love and ha te, each making up the bare-bones of the novel so that one must l ook closely to see Dickens' biases, attempts at persuasion, and unbe lievable plot-lines, some of which are spawned from Dickens' love and hate, and some of which love and hate are used to develop.

The more lifeless of the characters we are supposed to like--the Ma nettes, Darnay, Lorry-- play their parts in the idyllic fashion Dicken s and like-minded readers want, a fashion made inflexible by circu mstances and purposes. "Circumstances and purposes" refers in larg e part to Dickens' state of mind and objective. Dickens' intrusive, u nusually editorial point of view, with references to "I" and deviatio ns from narration for monologue, reveals the novel's slavery to the teachings of his morals--or perhaps his own slavery to the morals o f his time and Protestantism. Therefore, can Lucie be any different from the supportive, wholly feminine wife and mother she is? Not if Dickens' is to stick to his obligation, or perhaps obstinate purpos e, of moral teachings. With that aside, what is to be said of Dickens' teaching, his presen tation of love and hate? They both have one thing in mon: the characters representing each are unmistakable at a mile away. The moment Lucie Manette is put before the reader's eyes, her tumblin g blond locks, her bright blue eyes, her seventeen-year-old,slight,p retty (but not sexy!) figure and all, he knows that, not only will sh e not be a villainous, unlikable character, but she will be the epito me of the good, beautiful woman (and later housewife), the one Di ckens thought every women should be. At this young woman's intr oduction with Mr. Lorry, she curtseys to him, and Dickens wastes no time in pointing out that "young ladies made curtseys in those days"。 The introductory scene climaxes at fair Lucie's fainting, one that, to some, puts her unflawed position into question, although to Dickens, it reinforces it. At the other side of this moral lecture are the Defarges. Call Dicke ns a master for embodying qualities, but here are another flawless pair--flawlessly evil, and sentenced to evil from the moment we see Madame Defarge's "watchful eye that seldom seemed to look at a nything, a large hand heavily ringed, a steady face, strong features, and great posure of manner", a stark contrast to the slight, fai nting figure of Mada-- or rather, Miss Manette. To further turn us against good old Madame Defarge, Dickens has her using a toothpi ck publicly in her opening scene, an activity dainty Miss Manette wouldn't dream of. Finally, we mustn't forget the setting. Lucie ma y have been born in France, but she defected to England, and trave led from London to meet Mr. Lorry. Madame Defarge was a Frenc hwoman, born and living amongst peasants who drank wine scoope d off of mud. She probably was not taught Dickens' (and his prima ry English audience's) Protestant morals in her Catholic nation, and certainly did not manifest them.

In arguably the book's first touching scene (some say it's the one where Carton is on his way to the guillotine), Lucie goes through much trouble to coax her father from his insanity, laying her head on his shoulder, and trusting a man she had never met. When Mad ame Defarge sought vengeance for the cruel injustice mitted ag ainst her kin, she looked to destroy not only the innocent descende nt of the culprit, but his family-- an old man, a young woman, an d a little girl. These two characters' love and hate are unconditional and total. Did this have to be so? Could not Madame Defarge ha ve showed one bit of femininity, of human kindness? Could Lucie not have stolen a contemptuous glance at her persecutors? Not with Dickens at the helm. Lucie and Defarge are created with a convic tion, and once Dickens' plot was laid, the blinders he put on his c haracters allowed only one route. Perhaps it was a primitive style, but modern characters are painted more realistically, with human w eaknesses andmore variability. Did it have to be so? Could Dicken s have captured more readers, especially in the long run, if he had pursued more varying actions in his characters, as well as more h umanness and believability? Does this point to Dickens as a flawed writer, with little imagination and ability? Another factor that must be considered is our inability to criticize a n English--or English-living--character, or to find a modicum of res pectability in a French one, with two exceptions. One is the young woman who is beheaded just before Sydney Carton. She is the en emy of an enemy, she is going to be killed, and she allows Dicke ns to teach another moral using Sydney Carton. Why not have her happy to die for the benefit of her countrymen, while not trembling as she ascends to her death, thereby depriving the mon enemy of a small victory? With the modern trend of political correctness and anti-racism, a Tale of Two Cities written today would never le ave the word processor. Jerry Cruncher is about the most sinful of the English (aside from a spy but, remember, he defected to Franc e), and he repents by the end, which counts for another moral fro m Dickens. In Dickens' time, racism was not regarded as it is toda y, and so if he wanted to use the French Revolution to send a me ssage to the population, it was his right, but he may have taken thi s too far for some. Today, Lucie Manette would by no means be taken seriously as a believable, even likable character. She persists in fainting at particul arly stressful moments, but when her husband is before a heartless, bloodthirsty jury, she looks brave and strong just for him. In cont ext, this was a screaming contradiction, but one that Dickens requir ed to portray his Eve. It is much easier to believe Madame Defarg e's hate than her opposition's love. Defarge's sister was raped andmurdered mercilessly and her brother was killed by a pair heartless "noblemen"。 It is much easier to understand Defarge's taste for blo od than the condition of Manette, who, after practicing as a pet ent doctor and acting normally for years, experiences a recurrence of his mental condition simply because his wonderful daughter has left for two weeks, although he has two dear friends nearby. Charles Dickens has built an enduring story enjoyed by millions, w hich is loved by experts and critics today although it would be im mediately butchered if written by a modern author. It is a love stor y loved by its creator, but wholly unbelievable. It is actually doom ed by its own idealism and unrealistic characters. As a hate story, i t is much more petent, although also using this for its own pur poses. One can draw one's own conclusions and ideas from such a book, but facts are facts.

双城记英文读后感 篇五

The book of Shuangcheng is one of the most important works of Dickens. Long before the creation of the book of Shuangcheng, Dickens paid close attention to the French Revolution and studied the history of French Revolution by Carlile, a British historian, and other scholars. His keen interest in the French Revolution began with concerns about the serious social crisis lurking in Britain at the time. By the end of 1854, he said: "I believe that discontent smoke than fire like this up to much worse, particularly as the first revolution in France before the outbreak of the public psychology, which is dangerous, because the imperious and incompetence of hundreds of reasons - such as bad harvest, the nobility of the already tense situation the last step up, the loss of war overseas and domestic incidents -- that have never seen turned into a terrible fire." Therefore, "Shuangcheng" this historical novel creation motive is Jiegufengjin, to experience the history of the French Revolution for reference, and sounded the alarm to the British ruling class; at the same time, through the revolution about the extreme terror, also harbor resentment, hope to violence against the tyranny of the masses warned, find a way to fantasy social contradictions growing status of the uk.

For this purpose, the novel profoundly exposed before the French Revolution intensified the deep social contradictions, strongly criticized the nobility Huangyan brutal, and deeply sympathize with the suffering of the people of lower. The work pointed out sharply that there was a limit to the tolerance of the masses. Under the cruel rule of the aristocracy, the masses were forced to revolt against the necessity of subsistence. This resistance is just. The novel also depicts the spectacular scenes of the uprising, the people attacking the Bastille and the great strength of the people. However, the author stands on the humanitarian side of the bourgeoisie, that is, against the tyranny of cruel oppression of the people, and against the violence of the revolutionary people against tyranny. In Dickenss writing, the whole revolution was described as a great catastrophe that destroyed all things. It mercilessly punished the evil aristocracy, and killed innocent people blindly.

This novel shapes three kinds of characters. One is the Marquis efulimeng brothers as the representative of the feudal aristocracy, they "only unshakable philosophy is oppression", is the author of pain and lashing the object. The other is getting the cutting stone couple and so on revolutionary masses. It must be pointed out that their image is distorted. For example, Defarges wife Diana, she was born in the humiliation, persecuted farmer, with a hatred of the feudal aristocracy, the author deeply sympathize with her plight, the revolution broke out after the admiration of her strong personality, outstanding talent and extraordinary leadership skills; but when the revolution further, Bi a turn her denigration as a cold, cruel, narrow avenger. Especially when she went to the doctors house to search for Lucie and little Lucie, she was shown to be a bloodthirsty maniac. Finally, the author made her die at gunpoint and clearly expressed a negative attitude. The third category is the ideal figure in the eyes of the author humanitarian resolve social contradictions, to the example of love to overcome hatred, including Mernit and his daughter Dyer, and laurel and Kardon. Meinite doctor Marquis brothers depriving the breakup of the Marquis brothers have hatred, but to his daughters love, Dyer feuding can abandon old hatreds; that the Marquis brothers and nephews, he condemned his family greatly discerning and apprehending, evil, abandon the title and property, determined by his actions to "sin"。 The people who reflect each other are the victims of aristocratic tyranny, tolerant and tolerant; one is the heir of the noble Marquis, and the other is benevolent. Among them was Lucie, who was the daughter and wife. In the bond of love they form a happy family of mutual understanding and affection. This is obviously the author envisaged a violent revolution contrary to the solution of social contradictions, is unrealistic.

The book of Shuangcheng is different from the general historical novel, and its characters and main plot are imaginary. In the broad real background of the French Revolution, the author of the fictional characters meinite experienced doctors mainly leads to miscarriage of justice, love and revenge three mutually independent and interrelated stories intertwined, intricate plot, complex clue. The author adopts flashback, narration interspersed with flashbacks, foreshadowing, techniques such as pave the way to novel structural integrity of tight, tense plot twists and turns and dramatic, showing excellent artistic skills. "Shuangcheng" style of solemn, gloomy, full of anger, but the lack of early works of humor.

英文版双城记的读后感 篇六

"It was the best of years, it was the worst of years, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.。. We go straight to heaven, and we go straight to hell, "and dickens begins the tale of two cities with this sentence.

The beautiful miss manette, after she was an adult, knew that her father was still alive. She has been dealing with her father's family affairs and property, jarvis. Mr. Lory accompanied her to meet his father. On the way back, the father was taken care of by his daughter, and on the mail ship from France to England, Charles. Mr. Danay gave his parents, who had rested on the deck, the help, the first acquaintance, and the two left a good impression. In Charles. At the first trial, miss manette, as a witness, was assisted by Mr Carton, Charles. Darnay is out of danger. The fate of the three is tied together.

Spoony Charles. Da nai complained to his horse to horse nate doctor Burnett love stories, just read, I think he's smart, know the key to the book after reading it, I see Mr Ma nate to her daughter's blessing is need how much courage. The proposers are the offspring of the men who broke up their families. When he felt his daughter to Charles. After danai's love, he gave the couple the most holy blessing. The husband and wife are in love, the father and the daughter are strong, the child is healthy, the friend is loyal, the heaven is only so. "Needless to say, because she is thrifty, carefully, and arrange very elegant, have a rich a rich yulin, no waste, their home in this and even the slightest echo, are like music to her beauty. Needless to say, her father told her many times, he thought the marriage than unmarried more filial piety he (if any) may be more filial piety, her husband told her many times, in spite of all worry about the matter, she has to do all the obligations, does not seem to be distracted, and her love for him, for his help, and asked her, "we all think you look over everything, we would like one person, but you never seem to hurry-scurry, also not too tired, what's your secret to this trick ah, my dear?" "

Carton, from the love of miss manette, was so solemn, so noble, that she spoke of her life and her feelings for her. Miss manette had also given him his best friendship. 'I can't save you, Mr. Carton? I can't cheer you up -- forgive me again! -- on the right track? Can't I repay your trust? I know it's trust. Her sincerity, won the affection of friends, saved her lover and family.

A letter changed the family, leaving the husband dead. Charles. Darnay automatically threw himself into the heat of France and was imprisoned. The father, who had been taken care of by his daughter, became the protector of the whole family. Without law courts and trials, blood flows into rivers, murders, vengeance. Any small storm could ruin a life and ruin a family. When her husband was in custody, miss manette went to the place where the husband might see her. Charles. Darnay's second trial, a narrow escape. The third trial, the doctor's influence no longer, faces Charles. At the end of darnell's death, caton saved her husband, Charles, for miss manette, with her own life. Darnay rose from the dead. She deserves a man to love at the cost of his life.

Madame Defarge received the admiration of her husband, and her faithful love. For revenge, she would kill the count's blood. "O freedom, how many SINS are thy name! 。 Miss pross, "with a passionate love that is often stronger than hate," clung to madame Defarge, and in the struggle, madame Defarge injured her own life. Miss pross's love for miss manette came from miss manette's affection for her. Once again, her love saved her family.

Jarvis. In lory, the typical English gentleman, with his meticulous and emotional restraint, the bachelor was warm and consoled at miss manette's house, and kept his old friend in his life.

Miss manette, like a pearly woman, guarded her family and warmed her friends. Better a virtuous woman than a pearl!

双城记英文读后感 篇七

The report of the A Tale of Two Cities.

Recently, I read a tale of two cities. I think that it’s a good novel.

First, I want to introduce the author of this book 。His name is Charles Dickens, he is an outstanding writer. He is one of the greatest writers in the 19 century. However, he had a painful childhood. He was arrested when he was 10 years old due to household debt. He had only a few years of learning. So, in his early years, his works are more about the painful children. He criticized the black of capitalism and had the sympathy for the poor. Now, let me introduce this novel. The background of this book is the French revolution. Before the revolution, the young doctor 。Manette witnessed the guilty of the French marquis. So he was arrested in the Bastille by the marquis. After two years, his wife died. His daughter Lucie was send to London by his friends Lorry and adopted by the Miss Pross who is a maidservant. After 18 years, he was released from the Bastille and was taken care by his old servant Defarge. His daughter wanted to take his father to London. In the travel, she met the son of the marquis Charles Darnay who hated the guilty of his father and uncle. Then they loved each other. And now, Charles Dannay’s father had died, so manette wanted to forget the painful memory and hoped his daughter happy. So he agreed with them. In 1789, France break the revolution. All of the marquises was send to the guillotine. Because the Darnay was a marquis. So the Defarge read the report which was written by the doctor. Then Dannay was sentenced to death. Now Carton who always hidden loved Lucie went to the prison and he pretended Dannay. So Dannay escaped the prison. And carton was killed. However Madame Defarge still not gave up. She wanted to killed Dannay’s wife Lucie and their young child; finally she was burned by the pross.

After read this novel, let me know about the French revolution. I think the people who lived in that period were not lucky. The poor were very sad. They were too blindness. And I was moved the carton, he died for his love, and I like him very much.

双城记英文读后感 篇八

I read a tale of two cities, the reason is that there are a lot of net friend recommendation online, they all said it was a very touching book, Ill download on the net with curiosity, finished part feels good, just write this entry.

The tale of a tale of two cities is a profound depiction of the turbulent times of the day, and the love of women who have sacrificed their lives for historical realities.

It is said on the Internet that the tale of a tale of two cities is a story of two men and a woman, but I feel that the man does not know what the author really means. s DE, in my opinion, a hatred and French aristocrat, Lucy, Charles and Sydneys feelings, is just to show who caused the war, why things. In fact, people have to be tolerant to others, even if the big things can be small and small. I remember one thing that happened to me: once, I accidentally lost my classmates book, and I thought she would pay me for it. I didnt think that when I spoke to her, she not only did not scold me, but also told me that I could not forget the whole thing in the future, so I should form good habits. Well, maybe this is the attitude between people.

In this work, I see a lot of different people. Honest good yet suffered persecution horse knight doctor, loyal lowry, appearance indifference, inner passion, dissolute and selfless Sidney, inhuman DEs wife, cruel and wicked fremont brothers el.。. There is a complex hatred in it, but it creates more hatred, and this complicated act is vividly presented in front of us, and we seem to be back to the era of the irrational. Some people complain that being born in this century is a bad thing, to be born in the past, at least to be a martyr. In fact, this idea is wrong. We should make contribution to modern life in modern times. And have all kinds of people in the world, they all have different personalities, we who dont cry because it is the character of the weird and dont make friends with him, also dont believe that the people around, maybe he is one of them want to harm you.

What I like most about a tale of two cities is Sidney, the lawyers assistant. Carlton. His first appearance was different, and when the people in the courtroom looked casually at the ceiling, one of his notes revealed the plot behind the case. Him with a melancholy, in an appearance as a lawyer, he is talented, but is reluctant to hiding behind the somebody else, do others stepping stone of success, he built his own hands and a wall, cut off from fame and wealth. He once said, "I am a desperate coolie. I dont care about anyone in the world, and nobody CARES about me."

Yes, we should not aspire to be famous, so we can not learn more knowledge. Maybe you can be a stepping stone to others, and you can learn more knowledge from others. We can see his strengths and weaknesses, learn his strengths, and throw away his weaknesses.

英文版双城记的读后感 篇九

The report of the A Tale of Two Cities

Recently, I read a tale of two cities. I think that it’s a good novel.

First, I want to introduce the author of this book 。His name is Charles Dickens, he is an outstanding writer. He is one of the greatest writers in the 19 century. However, he had a painful childhood. He was arrested when he was 10 years old due to household debt. He had only a few years of learning. So, in his early years, his works are more about the painful children. He criticized the black of capitalism and had the sympathy for the poor. Now, let me introduce this novel. The background of this book is the French revolution. Before the revolution, the young doctor 。Manette witnessed the guilty of the French marquis. So he was arrested in the Bastille by the marquis. After two years, his wife died. His daughter Lucie was send to London by his friends Lorry and adopted by the Miss Pross who is a maidservant. After 18 years, he was released from the Bastille and was taken care by his old servant Defarge. His daughter wanted to take his father to London. In the travel, she met the son of the marquis Charles Darnay who hated the guilty of his father and uncle. Then they loved each other. And now, Charles Dannay’s father had died, so manette wanted to forget the painful memory and hoped his daughter happy. So he agreed with them. In 1789, France break the revolution. All of the marquises was send to the guillotine. Because the Darnay was a marquis. So the Defarge read the report which was written by the doctor. Then Dannay was sentenced to death. Now Carton who always hidden loved Lucie went to the prison and he pretended Dannay. So Dannay escaped the prison. And carton was killed. However Madame Defarge still not gave up. She wanted to killed Dannay’s wife Lucie and their young child; finally she was burned by the pross.

After read this novel, let me know about the French revolution. I think the people who lived in that period were not lucky. The poor were very sad. They were too blindness. And I was moved the carton, he died for his love, and I like him very much.

姓名: 张喜华