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幸福终点站英文观后感 篇一

If you are in a foreign country and suddenly hear the smoke of war in your native land, and you have no one to acknowledge your identity, you don't speak the language, you have no money, and you are held at the airport. What should you do?

The great director Steven Spielberg sketched such a background, told such a story, portrayed such a character. Viktor Navorski, a Passenger from Kakonia, arrived at Detroit airport only to be told that there was a coup in Kakonia and that his passport and other forms of identification could no longer be approved for entry. The civil war continues and all flights back home have been grounded. Viktor Navorski became an "unacknowledged man." Unable to return home or set foot in the United States, he had nowhere to go but the terminal, and Airport director Dixon told him to wait. The distraught Victor stayed in the hall. He could not find anyone who could help him because he did not understand English. The few food stamps he had were swept into the trash. Penniless and homeless, he was a desperate man.

Victor begins to look for a place in the terminal. Unused gate 69 became his home, and he washed in the bathroom every day and studied English hard. Soon Victor was copying the others and making money to buy food for the airport carts. But Dixon, the head of the airport, sees him as a problem and antagonizes him everywhere. Dixon arranged for someone to sort out the wheelbarrow, and Victor lost his job. Fortunately, he made friends with the young man who drove the food truck at the airport and the old cleaning man, Gupta, and had food and shelter. Victor encounters a beautiful stewardess, Celia, at the airport and tries to find a job in order to have dinner with her. As it happens, the wall he decorates is discovered by a contractor, and Victor is officially hired -- victor's life is actually on the right track. One day, the airport detained a looking mad Russian man, Dixon could not communicate with him; In desperation he thought of Victor. Victor held Dixon and the man steady. He used what he had learned at the airport to help the man out. Dixon was furious, but Victor became a hero at the Detroit airport. Every store has his handprint on it. He was greeted with a smile by every staff member. Cecilia met him once more. Pressed by Acelia, Victor tells the reason he insists on going to New York: to fulfill his father's last wish, he is going to New York to ask for an autograph from a jazz musician. I won't stop until I get what I want. Ecilia was deeply moved by Victor's sincerity.

On a sunny morning, the civil war in Kakonia was over, and Victor had been trapped in the airport for nine months. While everyone expected him to fulfill his vow, Dixon demanded his immediate return. And to repatriate Indian old man Gupta back to prison as a condition to threaten Victor. For friends Victor only choose to return home. As he waited for his flight, Mr Gupta chose to be arrested in exchange for his friend's dream. Everyone cried. Dixon was no longer in the way. America was open to Victor. New York was open to Victor. He finally fulfilled his promise and could go home in peace.

When America opens up to Victor, ying echoes the line that runs through the film: "Compassion is the most important thing." 。 Airports are like condensed American society, with all kinds of people, languages, nationalities, cultures.。. Victor's simple and honest smiling face and flexible brain, as well as his loyal character with friends moved enthusiastic American friends, especially after he saved the Russian man, but also won the recognition of friends of all races and nationalities. The cold law of rigor melts in the heart of compassion. Victor is actually gaining recognition in American culture. The two cultures blend and collide in a small airport, and the last flash is a sincere heart.

In just 120 minutes of clear storytelling, Spielberg uses a fictional story to illustrate his American values. What moves America, what is the most important character? The film tells us that it is perseverance and compassion.

当幸福来敲门观后感英文版 篇二

The reaction to the film<<the pursuit of happiness>>

This film is about a poor father called Christ Gardner.He met his father at 26.He wanted to change the situation of the family.He bought 50 bone scanners ,he wanted to sale these by 240 dollars to make a change.But he of the doctors think it as a useless and expensive machine 。Because of that ,Christ had to find out other ways to make it. With the help of a magic cube ,he succeeded getting a chance to practice in Dean Witter,he want to be a stockbroker,because he meet a person who own a wonderful car,he ask him how to make it ,and he got the answer that he was a stockbroker.But there are 20 person attending this practice.But at last ,only one person will be hired.And to make matters worse,during the 6 months of the practice,there are no salary.This is the ifficult time for Christ and his son ,for his wife left him and went to New York,and the money they selled the scanners was taken by overnment because they didn’t pay the tax,of course they did not go any warn before.During that time ,they cannot live in the flat where the keeper is always asking them for the money.Every day ,he had to be hurried to catch the bus to Glade,a church where they could live without paying money.In order to get there on time ,the favourite toy his son owned couldn’t be pick up from the ground when the bus came.And one day ,they failed to catch the bus ,they even lived in a toilet.When some one want to get in ,Christ locked the door.And at that time ,he cried.After the most difficult time ,the spring for him is coming.He was hired.He was so exciting that he cannot hold his notebook.He went to he street ,said:this part ,this little part ,is called with the word he said at the beginning ,he wondered, They all looked “happy,” “Why not me?。At last ,he succeeded by his hard working.

From this story ,we know that in order to succeed ,we have to spend something that others cannot spent,stand something that others cannot stand ,then you can receive something that others cannot receive 。No pains ,no gains 。If only we can work hard like him ,we will also succeed.So we shouldn’t have the thought that someone can succeed without any paying.Everyone of us has to try our by to pursuit the happiness of ours.

当幸福来敲门英文观后感 篇三

The torture of life, behind the hardships, hiding a "steel" like heart. It is the persistence of the dream, is the constant struggle with the fate, is a positive attitude towards life. Recently watched a movie, the name is "the pursuit of happyness", from the title is a comedy, but on the contrary, miserable plot to the point of unbearable, watching the movie, feeling the plot, my heart was shocked, time and again against the protagonist, both in work and life difficulties seem so insignificant. Speaking of which, I can't help but come back to the film again. Cut to the whole scene: Chris Gardner, the hero, sells medical equipment to support his family, while taking care of his son. He worked in hospitals to pay the rent and send his son to kindergarten. Sell his unpractical and very expensive scanner. In the face of great financial pressure, his wife gave up in helplessness, pain and fear, and he lived alone with his son. With no rent, he began to lead a vagrant life with his son. On the one hand, he struggled through a six-month internship without a salary; On the one hand, he sells medical equipment to make a living; On the one hand, he must protect his son's young heart. On Christmas Day, when he and his son were stranded homeless at a bus stop, he used his own humor to make sure his son had the best day of the year, and then spent the longest night in the bathroom hugging each other. When he told his son on the court, "If you have a dream, protect it." At that moment, he may not be able to hold on to his dream, but he encourages his son to believe in it. When he gritted his teeth and held on, he finally became an official economist, which was closer to his dream. At that moment, standing in the crowd, he was so excited that he didn't know how to express his inner feelings. He rushed to his son and hugged him. The tears in his eyes were tears of happiness at that moment. The ending of the story is very happy, the process of the story with bitterness, torture, helplessness and persistence. More than once I have asked myself, what is happiness? It can't be defined, it can't be interpreted. Through this film, I think happiness is the persistence in suffering, happiness is the moment of breaking through clouds and seeing the light again, happiness is the joy of turning cocoon into butterfly. Happiness grows out of a continual struggle against fate. When I look into Chris Gardner's eyes, What I see is not the source of happiness, but the greatness of dreams. We all have our own dreams, and those who persist turn dreams into reality. In this process, although there will be a lot of resistance, but whether we should believe in their own ability, whether we should believe in their own goals. Do we persist for our dreams? Although there are a lot of unfairness in the society, but since many people can find their own coordinates of life under this rule, then why can't we find our own happiness. When happiness knocks at our door, we shut it out because of depression, complaint, and hardship. With persistence to realize the dream, heart to experience happiness. At the moment of looking back, you will find that happiness is just behind the persistence. Are you ready for the pursuit of happiness?

幸福终点站英文观后感 篇四

I still like the Terminal. The only thing I can't understand is the ending. Towards the end I thought Viddock would go back to the airport after he got his autograph. I'll meet Amelia at the airport. Vidoc eventually returned to his native Kagogi with Emelia, and the two lived happily ever after. I didn't expect the movie to end after Viddock got his autograph. It's hard to understand. Why make such a sad ending.

Since the end is doomed they can not be together. When Viddock was telling his story in that can. Viddock moved Emelia. And Amelia: "I've been waiting my whole life, I just don't know who." How tantalizing that is. Finally the two moved in for a hug and a kiss. At the time, I thought the two would end up together, but when Amelia was helping Viddock get a one-day visa, she said she was with the married man. It's hard to understand. The married man cried when Amelia called. Which means he clearly failed Amelia. After saying that a woman and a failed her married husband together have results? It's not in keeping with Vidocq's true feelings. Besides, Amelia likes Vidoc, too. How the audience expected the two lovers to be married to prove the theme of the film. Why?? What does Spielberg and the screenwriter do? Why create an ending that the audience can't understand or understand?

Tom Hanks' Cast Away has a similar ending. But the woman's expectations are dashed (they don't exist) and she marries someone else. Finally Hanks comes back. The woman has a baby. And the wife's family life is harmonious and happy. Any further involvement by Hanks would mean the destruction of the family's happiness. It's understandable that Hanks chose to let this go. And cast Away isn't about their relationship. Therefore, emotion is not the first expectation of the audience when watching this film.

The Terminal is a different story. Most of the material in the film describes vidoc's "silent encounter" with Amelia after his unfortunate encounter. And their story is like the Yellow River flooding out of control. The audience gets to see real, legitimate love. Saw nearly 40 years old two lonely lonely hearts waiting. Talking to each other, looking forward to happiness. It seems that all the people in the movie are there for this touching feeling. The audience is also moved by the sentiment. The first theme of the movie should be their relationship. The second is what Vidocq's father wants. Their relationship is the main theme of the movie. Vidocq's father's wish is the episode of the movie. And his father's wish pops up later in the movie. The audience has no feelings or expectations for him. Their relationship is what the audience expects. But it backfired. Amelia was in love with Viddock and suddenly she was with a married man. Is it necessary to do this for a one-day visa? Is that the reason? Is this really necessary? Does it work out with two people? Me crazy! I don't understand!

当幸福来敲门观后感英文 篇五

“You got a dream, you gotta protect it”, a saying in this movie, is really a shock to me. It goes without saying that this movie is a special encouraging movie, in which Christopher Gardner, played by Will Smith, spared no efforts to realize his dream and never gave up. In fact, the encouraging movies are playing an important role in the market of movie in China as well as American.

Firstly, I?m willing to say some words about Will Smith, the leading role of this movie. Through the movie “I Am Legend”, I start to pay attention to this actor. In the past, in my mind, he usually was the symbol of hero. However, in this movie, he became a pitiful poor man but showed us his love for his son and ambition to future. Here are some abstracts from this movie: Never had Christopher Gardner seen his father until the year when he is 28 years old, As a result, he determined to be a good father incompetently. However, just as an old saying goes, “not every thing goes well in our life”, this single father lived an unfavorable life in which he experienced the unemployment and was abandoned by his wife at the same time. At last, what he owned was his son. To make his son happy, Gardner had no choice but worked hard and took every opportunity to make money. In the process of pursuing the success, he used to sell the medical equipment, stay in the prison for owing money, competed for a job without salary for six months and even lived in the WC. Under this tough circumstance where we, ordinary people, may give up just at the very beginning, he insisted on encouraging himself and get over the setbacks and barriers. Finally, all difficulties had to give in, he succeeded in accessing to a securities company and started his new life as a bottom staff. At last, he eventually became a renowned financial investor. He believed that if one person makes a good effort, happiness will come tomorrow.

After watching it, many thoughts struck to me. At the beginning of the movie, Chris saw a wrong word on the wall, and said the famous sentence: There is no ?Y? in happiness, the only thing we can do is striving for our own happiness voluntarily. Indeed, whoever you are, you have to experience some pain or failure in your life, which is not associated with your appearance, nationality or gender. Just take us, some congratulated students of UESTC, there?s no denying the fact that we are faced with much pressure coming from our parents, subjects and future prospect. However, in comparison with Chris, we have dormitories to live, have friends to share sorrow and happiness, have freedom to enjoy, do we really have qualification to complain about our life?

I ask myself when the last occasion might have been that any of these critics genuinely had to spoiler: run,

under painful, embarrassing duress, from a cab , because they didnt have the money; or when the forces of life seemed to conspire against them so unfairly that they broke down in tears. Spoiler: when your wealthy boss, who you can not disappoint, asks you to borrow the last five dollars in your wallet, and you know that that money is all you have in the world to feed your family, to pay your gas. You go through times in life when you feel that things couldnt possibly get worse and then they do and then they do again. Sometimes, (like Chris and son at the beach towards the end of the film) you just want to get away from it all, other times you cry. Sometimes, and this is rare, you laugh ,because if you dont youll cry. You know that if you let it all become too much, you will sink to the bottom of the sea.

Personally, from now on, to be an optimistic man. Whatever happens, just like Chris said, “If you want something, go to get it, happiness will come tomorrow.”

当幸福来敲门观后感英文版 篇六

If youve ever been poor, this movie may be hard to watch. It depicts poverty in America in gut wrenchingly accurate ways. Ive been as poor as Chris Gardner, and, like him, Ive been poor among very rich people in the Bay Area while trying to work my way up.

Chris Gardner is a loving father and failing businessman. He is chosen for a competitive internship at Dean Witter, a stock brokerage. The internship, which offers Chris a very long shot at a better life, doesnt pay any salary. Chris has to live without a salary for six months while risking just about everything for that long shot gamble.

Chris is really smart. He can solve a Rubriks cube in minutes. But, hes poor. Poverty, like an octopus, keeps trying to suck him down to the bottom, and make him stay there.

His car is towed. His wife walks out on him, leaving him with a five year old son. He is arrested for unpaid traffic tickets. He becomes homeless. He has to rely on a homeless shelter.

All this while, he must appear for work in the morning in a suit and tie, and be ready to charm some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the Bay Area. These people take wealth so much for granted that two of them stiff him for cab fare.

Having lived through similar experiences, I cringed throughout this movie. My stomach hurt. I winced.I cried. I hugged my knees to my chest.

The movie is very accurate, but painful to watch. I hope a lot of rich people, who think that they understand poverty, see it.

This movie will be politically controversial. First of all, it doesnt touch the race issue with a ten foot pole. For example, when Chris appears to stiff a taxi driver for fare (it was really the rich white guy who failed to pay), the taxi driver never uses the “n” word. In real life, I think he probably would have.

Is the movie afraid to talk about race, or does it not want to? I dont know, but I know that some will protest the movies not shoving race in the movie goers face. Im not one of those people. The movies approach to race -- treating it as almost incidental -- worked for me. As a poor white person, I can tell you that poor white people face the same obstacles Chris did.

Second, does the movie sell the message that if you work hard, you will succeed, no matter what, and does that message tell the truth about success in America? I think that the movie is open to interpretation. Some will see it as an indictment of poverty in America. The scene of carefree rich people driving past the line to get into a homeless shelter is pretty devastating. Other people will become angry because they believe that the movies depiction of hard work leading to rewards, in some cases, is too facile. I disagree, but thats what youll hear.

Third, is this movie meant to chastise black men who abandon their children? Chris is a role model exactly because he moves heaven and earth to be a good father to his son. This will be debated back and forth.

The movie has a big philosophical statement to make, that has been lost on many reviewers, for example, Richard Schickel in TIME.

Chris is shown running throughout the movie. Remember the title of the movie: “The PURSUIT of Happiness.” Chris places emphasis on “pursuit.” Jefferson, when he penned the Declaration of Independence, did not promise Americans happiness, but only the right to pursue it. Chris says, at one point in the movie, paraphrase, “I am happy right now. It is a fleeting moment.” We experience happiness in eyeblinks. The rest of the time we, like Chris, are chasing after it.

幸福终点站英文观后感 篇七

The Terminal, finished. Turns out it's another jazz fairy tale. Hanks' Victor Nowalski keeps holding a peanut butter jar and everyone wants to know what's inside. Later he told his friends at the airport that it was Jazz. He later told Zeta Jones that it was a promise. It contained the autographs of 56 jazz masters, for which his father had sent many letters in English to America. His dad had a picture of 57 jazz masters, and his dad got 56 autographs, one short, and died. Nowalski promised his dad he'd get to New York for one last autograph.

It turns out that the movie celebrates two things americans are most proud of: New York City and jazz.

New York stands for freedom.

The Terminal, too good to be true, tells a story that could only happen in a fairy tale. Zeta Jones, who looks 25, says she's 39. The old man who stabbed a cop in India was working as a cleaner at the airport in New York. After living in the airport for nine months because of passport issues, nowalski landed a job as a decorator, earning more than a customs officer, and bought a HUGOBOSS suit from an airport clothing store in order to date zeta-jones. They even made a giant fountain out of the airport's drinking pool and broken dishes.

So the Terminal is about America, about jazz, about freedom, about love, about destiny. The fairy tale. However, a fairy tale is a fairy tale, no matter how false it is, it will make people like it. It's like watching Grimm's fairy tales as a kid, wishing they were true even though they weren't.

There is never anything so simple and beautiful in reality, so let them all happen in fairy tales.

Always wanted to revisit the Smurfs again. Recently suddenly found that can download, so download a set to see, but look but disappointed. It was all for children's amusement, and now it feels silly. Still, I can't erase the Smurfs from my childhood.

Speaking of The Terminal, I couldn't help but think of the Smurfs. Later in the film, the customs officers in "The Terminal" seem intent on working against Nowalski by not letting him set foot in New York. I can't help but think of Gargamel, in the beginning of the Smurfs, Gargamel runs after the Smurfs yelling, "I hate you, I'm going to take you all." Gargamel, who felt so terrible when he was a child, turned out that the reason he wanted to catch the Smurfs was just because he hated them, and catching all the Smurfs became his career.

There needs to be a villain in every story, or there won't be dramatic conflict. And all the bad guys don't have a bad enough motive. That's the fairy tale.