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光盘行动英语作文 篇一

cene, I suddenly feel that our life is so happy: have love my dad and mom, big house, school have the car shuttle...... Because the living conditions are good, so I do not develop the bad habit of saving food. Every meal will lose many of the cooked rice, do not eat do not mind, father and mother criticized me, I also find a lot of reasons to quibble. Thought of here, I feel very ashamed, I really should not! From now on, I must get rid of the disadvantages, saving every grain of rice, don't waste!

Day, a handful of rice, the month festival a jin of grain. Everything Guizaijianchi, savings from the start bit by bit.

Friends, let us take action, make a strength of their own, to form the good habit of sa(高考家长帮★www.kaoyantv.com)ving from. Eat how much to eat much, do not throw the leftovers; in the restaurant to order to right amount, do not waste, not ostentatious and extravagant, if there is to be packaged to take home the remaining.

The United Nations October 16th each year as world food day, is that we should save becomes self-conscious, become a habit.

Saving is a virtue, is a responsibility. Students, let us join hands together, festival

About every drop of oil, every grain of grain, so that our life will be richer, our motherland will become more thriving and prosperous!

光盘行动英语作文 篇二

New Year's Eve, our family reunion dinner, really rich ah! There are delicious dumplings, soft bread, and delicious prawns, is really mouth-watering ah, I just smell know it is delicious.

Began to eat, I can't wait to catch a shrimp to the mouth, the meat is a kind of unspeakable taste. After the whole family finished eating, there were still some dumplings, because there were too many dumplings, my mother was ready to throw them away, I said: "Mom, we want to put an end to the waste on the tip of the tongue, if the restaurant waste like this, can let 200 million people eat for a year, this is an amazing waste." Mother listened, embarrassed blush.

光盘行动英语作文 篇三

Our government is aiming to build an “economized society”。 I think it is every citizen’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal.

Firstly, we know that many restaurants have joined the “clear your plate” campaign against wasting food. We students should do the same in our daily life especially when having dinner with our friends and relatives. It is a good virtue for us to do so. Secondly, make sure that the lights and all the other electric facilities are turned off when we finish our work and leave the room. Also it is important to form the habit of turning off the tap after it is used. Saving energy isalso saving ourselves.

In a word,if we pay much attention to our everyday behavior and take actions to reduce waste, we can make contributions to an economized society.Let’s work together from now on!

光盘行动英语作文 篇四

Our government has called on the people to save food and eat healthily so that we can enjoy our happy life. We middle school students should do something for it.

To save food, we shouldn’t waste any of our food. We should eat up all the food. We shouldn’t order the food more than we can eat while dining out, because many people in the world don’t have enough to eat. To eat healthily, we shouldn’t eat junk food but healthy food. It’s good for our health to eat a balanced diet. We’d better not eat in small restaurants. The food and the oil they use are not clean or healthy enough. We’d better eat at school or at home if we have time.



光盘行动的英语作文 篇五

At present there are more than one hundred million people suffering from starvation, As a member of this big family in China, do we have the reason to waste? No !So what should we do to reduce the unnecessary waste of food in the dining table? Recently, more and more people begin to realize the importance of saving, apopular action called "Clear your plate”encourages the public to eat up the food intheir plates 。 I strongly agree with this campaign 。 Besides, many rest aurants startto provide the guests with half—portioned dishes、smaller dishes and assorted dishesin order to reduce the waste, and inspire the customers to take left overs home 。 I think these good phenomena indicate that we will get great progress in food saving 。